新编实用英语电子教案Unit 3

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Unit 3

Road Signs and Commute Unit Goals ??What You Should Learn to Do place is: in a city within a building Linguistic Realization 1. Ask where a particular ??Useful Sentences Talking Face to Face and Being All Ears A. In a city 1. Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the city center? 2. Excuse me, how can I get to the Kodak Company? 3. Miss Wang, are you sure how to get to Xidan from here? 4. Excuse me, which/what is the shortest way to the City Library? 5. Excuse me, where is the post office? 6. Pardon me, sir, I wonder if you could tell me how to get to Xinghua University. 7. Do you happen to know this address? 8. Excuse me, is there a bus stop near/around here? 9. Would you please tell me where the restaurant is? B. Within a building 1. Excuse me, where is the manager’s office? 2. Would you please tell me how I can find Human Resources Department? 3. Excuse me, I’m looking for the Sales Department. 4. Would you tell me where the lift is? 5. Excuse me, how can I go to the fifth floor? 6. Will you tell me where I can see the personnel manager, please? 2. Show directions Talking Face to Face and Being All Ears A. In a city 1. Go straight ahead for about 10 minutes and you can see it on the left side. 2. Go straight ahead and then turn left/right at the first corner. 3. Walk that way for two blocks. It’s only about a ten minutes' walk. 4. Maybe the best way is to take the underground. 5. Go straight on. The underground is just round the corner, and you can’t miss it. 6. After you turn left, you will see the sign of the restaurant. 7. The post office is just opposite the Park. 8. Keep going until you see a big white building on your left. 9. I’m sorry, sir. I’m also a stranger here. 10. Sorry, I don’t think I can tell you the direction. 11. Sorry, I’m new around here. Ask the policeman over there, please. 12. It’s opposite to the Grand Theater. 13. Go down the street and you’ll find it. 14. The bus stop is over there. B. Within a building 1. The manager’s office is on the fourth floor. 2. Go down the stairs to the fourth floor and turn left. 3. It’s the second door on the right next to the meeting room. 4. Take the elevator to the ninth floor. 5. Just go along the corridor in the middle of the hall and turn left at the corner. 6. It’s in Room 608 on the sixth floor. 7. It’s just beside the stairs. 8. Go up to the second floor and it’s at the far end of the hall, on your right. 9. It’s on the fourth floor, next to the meeting room. 10. It’s next to the manager’s office. 11. It’s on the left/right of the lobby. 12. The washroom is upstairs. 3. Talk about means of transport to take Talking Face to Face and Being All Ears A. Taking bus, underground or taxi 1. I take the underground from Wynn Street to Low Street. 2. You can take Bus No. 16. 3. Take Bus No. 16 or Bus No. 19, and you’ll get downtown. 4. Take Bus No. 202 first. And then change to Bus No. 138 at the Gymnasium stop. 5. Take the underground marked “Downtown”. 6. It’s very far from here. You’d better take a taxi. B. Following traffic signs and lights 1. Can you see the sign there? Just follow it and you can get there. 2. Go along this street and turn right at the traffic lights. 3. We have to take another road because the sign here says “Closed to all traffic”. 4. Follow the sign that says “To City Library”. You can’t miss it.4. Understand and write road and office signs Trying Your Hand Language features of signs ??What You Should Know About traveling ??Unit Sections Involved Trying Your Hand Maintaining a Sharp Eye 1. Different feelings about Sentence Writing and Grammar Reviewing 2. Forming of plural nouns Passages I & II

Imitating Mini-Talks

1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and practice the following mini-talks for giving directions. Acting out the Tasks

2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.

Key for reference: 1) Task: Look at the street map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are at the bus stop at the corner of Hall Street and Wynn Street. Ask how to get to Low Street Underground Station. A: Could you please show me the way to Low Street Underground Station? B: Yes. Go up Hall Street. Turn right at North Street. It is at the corner of North Street and Low Street. A: Thank you for the information. B: You are welcome. 2) Task: Look at the street map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are at the bus stop at the corner of Hall Street and Wynn Street. Ask how to get to the church. A: Excuse me, do you happen to know the way to the church? B: Sure. Go up Hall Street and take the first turning on the right. That’s Church Street. A: First turning on the right. B: The church is on the left. You can’t miss it. 3) Task: Look at the street map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are at the bus stop at the corner of Hall Street and Wynn Street. Ask how to get to the car park. A: Excuse me, how can I get to the car park? B: The car park is on North Street. You can go along Hall Street until you come to North Street. Turn right at North Street. A: OK, right at North Street. B: You will find it on your right. 4) Task: Look at the building map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are just out of the stairs. Ask how to get to the Marketing Department. A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the Marketing Department is? B: Yes. Go this way and turn right over there. The Marketing Department is on your left, opposite the Sales Department. A: Thank you very much. B: You are welcome. 5) Task: Look at the building map in Exercise 3. Suppose you are just out of the stairs. Ask how to get to Mr. Green’s office. A: Excuse me, where is Mr. Green’s office? B: Walk down the corridor. At the end of it, turn left. A: Left at the end of the corridor. B: It’s the second room on the left, next to Mary’s office. Studying Maps

3 Maps are helpful in giving and understanding directions. Now let’s get familiar with the

following sample maps.

Following Sample Dialogues

4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.

Putting Language to Use



SECTION II Being All Ears

Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication

1 Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese

translations. Script: 1) The Sales Department is next to the Human Resources department. 2) The reception desk is in the middle of the hall on the first floor. 3) Cross the bridge, and make a right turn. 4) You need to transfer at Fu Xing Men. 5) Just pass the tall building and turn right. 6) Drive back to the traffic lights and turn left. 7) Can you show me the way to the railway station? 8) Walk west for two blocks and you’ll be there. 9) Sorry, I’m new around here. 10) Take the No.19 bus and get off at the fifth stop. 2 Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each

one with its Chinese version in Column B.

Script: 1) I think the best way is to take the subway. 2) You will take less than 5 minutes to get there. 3) Keep going until you see a white building on your left. 4) Take the elevator to the sixth floor. 5) Take the subway first, and then change to Bus No. 9. 6) Sorry, I’m a stranger here myself. 7) The subway station is just two blocks away. 8) Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the computer center? 9) The chemistry building is opposite the library. 10) You can take Subway Line 2 and get off at Xi Zhi Men. Key: 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-e, 5-d, 6-f, 7-j, 8-i, 9-h, 10-g 3 Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.

Script: 1. When you come out of the lift, turn left. Smith’s office is the second one on the right. 2. How far is it from here to the library? 3. Is there a bus going there? 4. Am I going in the wrong direction? 5. Is the shopping mall far from here? 6. Excuse me, where is the nearest supermarket? Key: 1. A 2. B 3.A 4. C 5.C 6. D Handling a Dialogue


Understanding a Short Speech/Talk

5 Now listen to a short talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard. The words

in brackets will give you some hints. Script: Good morning, everyone. Let me tell you how to get to Tsinghua University from Beijing International Airport. The easiest way is to take a taxi. And the second way is to take the airport shuttle bus. You can go all the way to Zhong Guan Cun terminal. From the terminal, a taxi ride costs about 10 yuan. The third choice is to take an airport subway to Dong Zhi Men Station. Then change to Line 2 to Xi Zhi Men Station. Change again at Xi Zhi Men Station to Line 13 to Wu Dao Kou Station. Then, you may walk to Tsinghua University. key: 1. Beijing International Airport 2. take a taxi 3. take 4. 10 yuan 5. an airport subway 6. change 7. Line 13 8. walk 6 Listen to the talk again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in Column B. Key: 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d SECTION III Trying Your Hand

Practicing Applied Writing

2 Find from the box the English equivalents to the signs given in Chinese.

key: a-5, b-6, c-9, d-7, e-4, f-10, g-3, h-8, i-2, j-1

Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar


1. butter 2. much doubt 3. movies 4. passengers 5. much education 6. room numbers 7. a large population 8. fear 9. information

6 Correct the errors in the following sentences.

1. All the news is interesting to us.

2. We all like your idea of using the money to build a primary school. 3. If he refuses to pay, I shall take measures against him. 4. What lovely hair you have!

5. The Johnsons have just moved into a large house and are planning to buy much new furniture.

6. Mary likes potatoes better than tomatoes.

7. It was such a long journey that we felt very tired when we arrived. 8. My father never gave me much advice.

9. Our school bought two pieces of equipment for the lab. 10. In modern age, electronics has been developing very fast. 11. He did too little preparation for his examination.

12. There is/are a book, two pencils and three notebooks on the desk. 13. Every means has been tried but without much success. 14. Ten dollars is all that I can afford to pay for the recorder.

SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Passage I Funny Road Signs from around the World!

Information related to the reading passage

America is a nation on wheels. Americans use their cars even for very short distances such as going to the neighborhood store to buy some groceries. The average household owns two cars, trucks or sport vehicles and one in four owns three or more.

Ninety percent of Americans drive to get where they need to go, reporting an average of 87 minutes a day behind the wheel. For car commuters, it’s an average of 100 minutes. Cities like Atlanta, San Bernardino and Riverside, Calif., have difficult commutes as the result of city sprawl. In Atlanta, 12.7% of commuters spend more than an hour getting to work, and in the “Inland Empire”, which includes San Bernardino and Riverside, 15% of commuters take more than an hour to get to the office.

About a third can be classified as aggressive drivers. Six in ten concede they sometimes go well over the speed limit. Sixty-two percent occasionally get frustrated behind the wheel, more than four in ten get angry and two in ten sometimes boil into road rage. And nothing fuels driver anger like getting stuck in a traffic jam.

Anyway, the road still offers more freedom than frustration. Three quarters of Americans say

driving often gives them a sense of independence, and nearly half say it’s often relaxing. Four in ten love their cars — not just like them, but love them.

Language Points

1 Explanation of difficult sentences

1. (Para. 2) Taking pictures of funny road signs while traveling is a favorite pastime for many


Analysis: The gerund phrase beginning with taking is the subject of the sentence, in which while travelling (= while they are travelling) is the time adverbial of the verb taking.

Translation: 旅行过程中拍一些有趣滑稽路牌的照片对很多旅行者来说都是一大消遣乐事。 Example: Looking elsewhere while talking to customers is not considered good manners. 2. (Para. 2) All are perfect for adding to your travel photo album and sharing with friends.

Analysis: For is a preposition, which takes two gerund phrases (adding, sharing) as its object. Translation: 这些都非常适合添加进你的旅行相册中与朋友分享。 Example: The song is perfect for singing in the New Year celebration.

3. (Para. 4) After all, the authorities put up a warning sign, picturing a car flying headfirst into the


Analysis: The noun sign has a present particle phrase as its post-modifier (picturing=which pictured) and the noun car also has a present particle phrase as its post-modifier (flying= that was flying).

Translation: 毕竟,有关部门竖立了一块警示牌,上面画的是一辆轿车头朝下飞入大海。Example: The artist showed us his new oil painting, depicting a pretty girl dancing in the garden. 4. (Para. 4) And that sign, pictured against an actual cliff in the background, makes a great travel


Analysis: The noun sign has a past particle phrase as its post-modifier (pictured= that is pictured). The verb make here acts as a linking verb, which means have the qualities for a purpose. Translation: 对着后面背景中的真实山崖拍摄的这个路牌,构成了一张绝佳的旅行照片。 Example: The church, situated in the beautiful mountainous area, makes an ideal place for a

wedding reception.

2 Important words

1. straightforward v. simple to understand; honest and open 直白易懂的;坦率的 eg:

People who are too straightforward in speaking may easily offend others. He was enthusiastic, intelligent and straightforward.

2. occasionally ad. now and then 有时,偶尔 eg:

Occasionally the machine goes wrong without any apparent cause. Everyone wanted a place where they could be left alone occasionally.

3. official a. connected with those in power 官方的;当局的;正式的 eg:

The news is almost certainly true although it is not official.

The President of the United States will make an official visit to this country.

4. evidence n. one or more reasons for believing something is true or untrue 证据;证词 eg:

There is evidence that college exam cheating is on the rise. A video tape was presented as evidence in court.

5. caption n. a brief description accompanying a picture or title of an article 图片说明;标题;字幕 eg:

The caption of a newspaper article is usually set in large type. He is interested in the captions under the pictures.

6. beware v. be careful about something 注意,当心,谨防 eg:

Beware! If you have too much sweet food, you’ll get fat. Beware of trains!

Passage Translation


你见到的大多数路牌都直白易懂。它们告诉你该做什么,往哪个方向走,你在什么位置等,但有时, 通




这里就是几张在世界各地找到的滑稽路牌 — 都是实实在在的东西。希望你喜欢这些照片,请你随意加





哎呀。不,你得再转我说的是个弯 第一个路 口 我说走第2个注意,过对不起 出口 你必定会迷路。 当心过往麋鹿!-- 这当然是最搞笑的路牌之一。









墓地 老年人


Read and Think

1 Answer the following questions according to the passage.

1. Open.

2. A picture of funny road signs.

3. You can show them the pictures you have taken.

4. He suggests that they add their own captions to the pictures.

5. A car is flying headfirst into the sea and will probably cause death to the driver.

6. It means that too much information given on the road sign only confuses the travelers.

Read and Complete

2 Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage.

1. pastime 2. (photo) album, share 3. drive off 4. authorities 5. beware 6. caption

3 Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the form if


1. come across 2. beware 3. add to 4. serve as 5. official 6. evidence 7. occasional 8. pastime 9. put up 10. authorities

Read and Translate

4 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. He volunteered to serve as the driver of our team.

2. We should beware of cultural differences in doing international trade. 3. We’ve just come across an old friend we haven’ t seen for ages. 4. David studied each photo twice and read the captions carefully. 5. We were impressed by his straightforward answers.

6. Can you provide any evidence to show that he was not in the crime scene?

Read and Simulate

5 Pay attention to the italicized (斜体的) parts in the English sentences and translate the

Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1

Most women I came across in Japan were stay-at-home housewives. Most problems we came across were solved by team work. 2

Doing homework while listening to music is a habit for many young students. Reciting English words while waiting for a bus is a good suggestion for me. 3

These picture books are perfect for showing to pre-school children. The kind of paper is perfect for painting water color pictures. 4

Here are seven qualities found in successful businessmen. Here are the top news headlines found in local newspapers. 5

I hope you enjoy our food here and please feel free to tell us what is your favorite dish. I hope you like my book and please feel free to make any comments and suggestions. 6

The gymnasium put up an interesting picture, showing pandas doing all kinds of sports. The park put up a big new sign, picturing a cartoon rabbit giving the directions.

Passage II How Do You Commute to Work? Information related to the reading passage

As cities grow, more and more Americans are leaving for work between 5 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. and are commuting for longer periods of time. Here are what some of the worst cities for commuters are like.

In Atlanta, the fastest-growing city in America, more people flood the roadways than the infrastructure can handle. Commuters spend 60 hours a year stuck in traffic, second only to those in Los Angeles. If that is not bad enough, Atlanta is so spread out that only 29% of drivers get to and from work in less than 20 minutes, and 13% spend more than an hour getting to work. The local train system doesn’t cover the entire city, and thus fails to relieve the pressure.

Because most of the workers in Washington D.C. are commuting from the Virginia or Maryland suburbs, it can take an exceedingly long time to make it downtown. Here, 15% of commuters take over an hour to get to work, the second highest rate in the country. Drivers spend 60 hours a year stuck in traffic, and only 26% of commuters get to work in under 20 minutes. In Houston, Texas, 13% of people carpool, the highest such percentage in cities with over 2 million workers, and third among cities with more than 1 million workers. Still, unlike Dallas and Austin, Houston has largely resisted mass transit system development in favor of expanding roadways, highways and interstates to accommodate more cars.

Language Points

1 Explanation of difficult sentences

1. (Para. 2) Who more?

Analysis: This is an elliptical sentence. The complete sentence could be: Who did more travelling than I did?


Example: He was playing net games online for 20 hours. Who more?

2. (Para. 3) Why do so many people spend lots of time and money getting to work instead of

moving near to it?

Analysis: Spend time or money V-ing is a common English sentence pattern. Instead of doing is a phrase meaning not doing. Another phrase which has the similar meaning is rather than. Translation:为什么那么多的人上班要花那么多的时间和金钱,而不搬到工作单位附近


Example: Martin spent lots of time complaining about his boss instead of doing anything. 3. (Para. 3) It would be so nerve- and traffic-saving if everyone lived near their work.

Analysis: Notice this is a typical sentence pattern in subjunctive mood. Nerve- and traffic-saving are two compound words: nerve-saving and traffic-saving. Other similar words: time-saving, labor-saving, etc.

Translation:如果大家都住在工作地点附近,能少伤多少脑筋,能少乘多少车啊。 Example: It would be time- and labor-saving if we adopted the latest technology.

4. (Para. 6) If I had lived next to where I worked, I would have had to move seven times in the last

30 years.

Analysis: Note that the subjunctive mood is used to express an unreal condition. Pay attention to the tenses that are used in the conditional clause and the main clause.

Translation:如果我是住在我工作的单位附近,在过去的三十年里我就得搬七次家了。 Example: If we had talked about it, we would have solved the problem between us.

2 Important words

3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk

1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item. 2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.

3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.

4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to take notes of the key words.

SECTION III Trying Your Hand

Practicing Applied Writing 1 Sample analysis:

The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in signs. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.

Signs are often used in public places to show the requirements for people, to give information or to attract people’s attention. Signs can be used for different purposes, for example, traffic signs give you important information about traffic rules, warn you about dangerous road conditions and help you find your way.

The language on signs features the use of short words and phrases, supported by different symbols in various colors and shapes for easy identification. Some signs are written or printed in capital letters.

Some traffic signs: Dead End Road No Entry Enter Here No Way Out Keep In Lane No U-Turn Keep Right

Some warning signs: Dangerous! Pavement Narrows Ahead. Wet Road! Traffic Lights Ahead. Slow Down. Bicycle Crossing Ahead. Watch Your Feet!

Some other signs: Put Litter Here. Wet Paint Beware of Dog No Business Today For Rent Admittance Free Please Pay in Cash Big Discount

2 Simulated writing:

1. The students read and translate the two sample signs into Chinese with the help of the teacher.

2. Do Exercises 2, 3 and 4 in groups.

Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar

1 The teacher gives a brief summary of the basic rules of forming plural nouns.

A noun names a person, a place, or an idea. A noun can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be “counted”. They have a singular and plural form. You can add a number to the front or an “s” to the end of these words. However, uncountable nouns cannot be counted. This means they only have a singular form. It also means that they do not take “a/an” before them. If the students are weak at forming the plural forms of nouns, refer them to the Workbook.

The teacher shows the following table with PPT and explains it to the students in Chinese. Types Countable Nouns are things that we can count. For example: \count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns: ?dog, cat, animal, man, person ?bottle, box, litre ?coin, note, dollar ?cup, plate, fork ?table, chair, suitcase, bag Usages Countable nouns can be singular or plural. Examples My dog is playing. My dogs are hungry. We can use the indefinite article A dog is an a/an with countable nouns. animal. When a countable noun is singular, I want an orange. we must use a word like (not I want a/the/my/this with it. orange.) Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?) When a countable noun is plural, I like oranges. we can use it alone. Bottles can break. We can use some/any and a few I've got a few and many with countable nouns. dollars. I haven't got many pens. Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot \them. For example, we cannot count \or \\itself. Here are some more uncountable nouns: ?music, art, love, happiness ?advice, information, news ?furniture, luggage We usually treat uncountable nouns This news is very as singular. We use a singular verb. important. Your luggage looks heavy. We do not usually use the indefinite a piece of news article a/an with uncountable a bottle of water nouns. We cannot say \ a grain of rice information\or \music\But we can say a something of it. We can use some and any with I've got some uncountable nouns. money. ?rice, sugar, butter, water ?electricity, gas, power ?money, currency Have you got any rice? We can use a little and much with I've got a little uncountable nouns. money. I haven't got much rice.

2 Do Exercises 5, 6 and 7 in groups.

3 Assignment for this section:

Group work: Search online and find more English road signs, then translate them into proper Chinese. There will be a class presentation in the next class period.

SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Passage 1 Funny Road Signs from around the World! 1 Warm-up questions:

1. What can we learn from road signs?

2. Have you ever seen any road signs that impress you very much? Describe them.

2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:

The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.

3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:

The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.

1. come across: meet by chance

e.g. He came across an old friend on the train when traveling in London. 2. serve as: perform a particular function

e.g. She ushered me into the front room, which served as her office. 3. feel free to do: do sth. in a very willing way

e.g. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me. 4. after all: a phrase helps explain something you have just said

e.g. I thought you might know somebody. After all, you are the man with a lot of connections.

4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail: 1. Paragraph 1:

1) The students read this paragraph together for two times.

2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Then

there will be a group presentation in class.

2. Paragraph 2:

1) Two or three students read this paragraph individually.

2) Group work: Each group prepares 3 to 5 questions according to the passage. Then the group

representatives put up their questions in class and ask other group members to give the answers.

(Sample questions:

(1) What is a favorite pastime for many travelers?

(2) What funny road signs have you ever come across? (3) What are the funny road signs about?

(4) Have you ever added your own captions to the funny road signs you’ve collected? (5) What do people often do with the photos of the funny road signs they’ve collected? )

3. The rest of the passage:

1) The students read this part loudly by themselves.

2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows it with

PPT. The students are required to have a discussion to interpret the implied meaning of the road signs in short sentences. Notices under the road signs Don’t drive your car off a cliff! Beware - Moose Crossing You are sure to get lost. Information overload! Meanings (1) There is a cliff ahead. (2) ________________________ (3) ________________________ (4) ________________________ Down at the end of the road is a resort town (5) ________________________ called Joseph Hope it never happens. Do you want your grandma to go to the cemetery? (6) _______________________ (7) _______________________ (Key: (2) Take care of the crossing moose.

(3) There are too many forks here.

(4) Too many road signs shown together are confusing. (5) Please mind your driving while crossing the resort. (6) Don’t put your elbow out of your car window too far. (7) Take care of the old people crossing the road. )

5 Summary of the passage:

1. Group work: The students have a discussion to find the main idea of the passage. There will be a group presentation in class.

(Reference: The main idea of the passage is that you may find many interesting, often

funny, road signs while traveling around the world.)

2. Ask the students to categorize the topic-related words used in the passage into the following three groups: 1) Nouns:

(road, sign, direction, pastime, traveler, gem, translation, illustration, highway, shop,

window, travel, photo, album, friend, evidence, souvenir, proof, folk, part, world, caption) 2.) Adjectives:

( straightforward, funny, favorite, miswritten, unusual, right, official, photographic, great, doubtful, , various, real, free, own, such) 3) Adverbs:

(occasionally, usually, unintentionally, oftentimes)

6 Suggestions for doing exercises:

1. Group work for Exercises 2 and 3: Underline the useful expressions in each sentence.

2. Pair work for Exercises 4 and 5: Each student writes out the sentence patterns they are going to use and then write out their translation. Afterwards they check up each other’s work, correcting the mistakes. At last, the whole class repeat the English translation of the sentences together.

7 Assignments for this section:

1. Group work: Search online or go around the city after class to look for road signs that are interesting or funny or wrongly translated. There will be a group presentation in the next class period.

2. Preview Passage II.

PASSAGE II How Do You Commute to Work? 1 Warm-up questions:

1. Which means of transport do you like to take? And why? 2. What’s your idea about commuting to work or to school?

2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:

The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’ pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation.

3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:

The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the passage which they don’t understand and then report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what may have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.

1. the point of the question: the key to or the purpose of the question

e.g. The point of the question is that they know little about the company, so they don’t intend

to have a deal with it.

2. spend time or money doing sth.: it takes some time or money for sb. to do sth. e.g. Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions. 3. cannot afford: not have enough money to buy

e.g. At that time my parents couldn’t even afford a new refrigerator. 4. go out of business: stop trading because of not making enough money

e.g. Thousands of small companies would go out of business because of this earthquake. 5. a round trip: travel to a place and then back again

e.g. The train operates the 2400-mile round trip once a week.

4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail: 1. Part I (Hanna’s writing):

1) The students read this part loudly by themselves.

2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate this part into Chinese. Then there will be a group presentation in class.

2. Part II (Cristina and Chris’ responses): 1) Ask two students to read this part.

2) Group work: The students have a discussion to find the answers to the following questions. (1)Where does Cristina live?

(She lives in Lisbon, Portugal.) (2) Where does Cristina work?

(She works outside Lisbon.)

(3) When does Cristina go home every week? (She goes home every Friday afternoon.) (4) How does Chris go to work? (He goes to work in his car.)

3. Part III (James and Nigel’s responses):

1) The students read this part after the teacher.

2) Dictation practice. The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph twice, and the students

write them down. Afterwards, the students check up them with their partners.

4. Part IV (Lisa and Natalie’s responses):

1) The students read this part loudly by themselves.

2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following passage on the blackboard or shows it

with PPT. The students are required to fill in the blanks without looking at the book.

Lisa’s response:

I drove about 10 miles one way to get there for my _____. But now I don’t have _______. If I go to work again, I might use a __________because I may be commuting from _________. I might also use the _________ if it is available.

(Key: last job, a job, park and ride system, the suburbs to the city, light rail)

Natalie’s response:

I have to drive around ________to the office. I wouldn’t like to move to the area ________, because I enjoy living ________of Copenhagen. (Key: 25 km, close to the office, in the centre)

5. Part V (Michael’s response):

1) The students read the paragraph together.

2) Group work: The students have a discussion to rewrite the sentences in this part into a short

passage. Then a group presentation is required in class.

(Reference: My way to work is like this: Every day I spend 5 minutes driving form

home to the airport, and another 5 minutes to get on my plane. After 1 hour and 10 minutes’ flight, I need another 10 minutes to drive to my customers’ place.)

5 Summary of the passage:

1) Group work: The students have a discussion to answer the following question: What can we know from the passage? Then there will be a group presentation in class.

(From the passage we know that all those people spend a lot of time commuting from

home to work. That means they are living far away from their work places.)

2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows it with PPT. The students are required to complete the table. Names of persons Hanna P. Cristina F. Chris B. James B. Nigel T. Lisa N. Natalie K. Michael R. Time or distance of commuting 25 km unknown unknown 4 40 miles 10 miles (previous) 25 km Commuting by 1 2 3 car car 5 car 7 6 (Key: 1. bus and underground train 2. unknown 3.car 4. 40 miles (one-way) 5. car or light rail 6. 1 hour and 30 minutes 7. car and plane)

6 Suggestions for doing Exercise 7:

Group work: Ask the students to prepare the Chinese translation of the sentences in Exercise 7 in groups, and there will be a group presentation in class afterwards.

7 Assignments for this section:

1) Group work: Have a discussion to write a study report on the reasons why people would like to live far away from their work places. Your own ideas are welcome. There will be a group presentation in the next class period.

2) Preview Sections I, II and III in Unit Four.

SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips

1 Understanding of logos, business mottos and famous sayings:

Ask the students to read, discuss and appreciate the logos and business mottos.

2 Group discussion:

1. Which logos and business mottos impress you most? Give your comments. 2. Please list some other logos and business mottos you are familiar with.

3. Search online for more logos and business mottos and exchange them in the next class period.

