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Unit 1

A: So what did you do today? B: I went out with Susie. A: Susie?! B: Yeah.

A: How long has it been since you've seen Susie?

B: Oh, It's been, not that long. Maybe two weeks is all, or so. A: My gosh.

B: She's my best friend after all.

A: That's true. Yeah. So, what did you do with her today? B: We went to see two movies, and out to eat. A: Two movies? B: Yeah. A: Two? B: Yeah. A: Why?

B: We sneaked into the second.

A: You don't pay for the second movie? B: Shh...

A: Alright, alright, that's OK.

B: We were in the theater. We paid for the first one. We just, we can do the second one. A: Sounds like a fun. Yeah. What movies did you see?

B: Ah, I knew you were going to ask and I don't remember the names of them. A: They mustn't be very good, huh?

B: They weren't very good, either one of them. But it's so much fun to see with her, that I don't really care, if there weren't good. We see, you know we went to lunch afterward, and talked and talked and talked, like we always do. A: Yeah.

B: You know, mostly about you.

A: How interesting, is that? Yeah, That could be a very boring conversation. B: Not the way I tell it.

A: So what other things do you like to do with Susie?

B: Well, you know. We exercise together. So that's fun. And we always go for walks. And I like that. We hardly ever talk on the phone. We do e-mail a lot, so. A: That's good.

B: Yeah. She is just such a good friend. I just love her so much that... I don't know. I enjoy every thing about her. A: That's nice. B: Yeah. A: Good. OK.

Unit 2

A: I had a terrible day today in school. B: Another one? Why?

A: The lousy kids are very lazy.

B: Seems like you have this problem every year about this time.

A: I know. You know we're singing. I mean, my choir is a pretty good choir. And they can be really good if they just apply themselves. But they sit there and they talk, and they do homework, and they just don't care sometimes, and it's really frustrating. And I'm not sure what to do about it. B: Have you sent any of them to the principal's office?

A: Yes. It works a little bit. Then they come back. And they're lazy again. So I had the principal come down to the room. B: Good, good.

A: And, she talked to them, and, kind of lectured them, kind of yelled at them. You know, it was pretty effective. But I think that the thing that turned it around most was that I finally made them realize that we've got a concert in two weeks. A concert. And when they realize that they might be a little embarrassed if they don't do well, well then they kind of shaped up. B: Does the music have to be memorized? A: Yes it does. B: Oh.

A: So I'm testing them on the music tomorrow, and that's going to . . . B: Good.

A: You know. Then they'll see if they really know it. If they don't, then they're in big trouble. So that's motivation for them.

B: I think they think that choir's an easy A. A: Ah. Yeah. B: Not so easy.

A: Not so easy. Yeah. So, I am hoping tomorrow will be better. B: Good.

Unit 3

W: So, can you believe that ...brought you a hot air balloon ride?

M: It was the best thing in the whole world. I know Abby is very nice to do that. And she took me up and it was amazing. W: Was it scaring?

M: First of all yes. I don't like heights, you know, got a little fear of that. And the basket we sat there is pretty small, only three inches between me, and balloon guy. When we went up, we have to get the basket very fast and it kept turning over and it was very scaring. And when we started to go up . I was free, cos ... W: Oh, boy.

M: Cos you just can sit there, go up and weigh up and you look down and ... W: Is it loud the ways of ...

M: When the fire is up, I don't know what they do. They have to heat it up so that it rises. And it is noisy when that happens. But, then you get used to that it is fast, you relax, and you look out and the way is all trees. And it was really much fun, and it was really cool. W: I heard you saw like deer everywhere.

M: Well, over the country flying over the country there are ... all you can see from miles around you can see bunches of farmlands and fields and there have to be three or four dozens deer. W: That is something.

M: Yes, and you can see from the ground ... W: Could you see your house?

M: Well, we were not in that area but we could see other people's house. No kidding. W: That sounds like fun. How was the landing?

M: Well, landing is OK. It is a little scary. They blew up the radar said be prepared for a little bumpy landing and it was. But it was not too bad and kind of fun. W: That was nice to hear that. M: Yes, it was, it was great.

Unit 4

W: You will not believe who I ran into today? M: Tell me please, who did you run into? W: Vis, from high school.

M: Vis? How long has it been since you saw him? W: I think it was the ten-year class reunion. M: Oh, my god.

W: And he's in town now for the thirty-year class reunion. M: Wow!

W: It was so wonderful to see him. He was he looks exactly the same. It just brought back high school back into my mind completely - all the times we were dancing together, all the times we were doing plays together, and singing in choir together.

M: You used to tell me all about Vis. I mean, you told a thousand times all the things you did together. Wow!

W: ... is just the nicest, nicest, nicest person. M: Has he changed at all?

W: He looks exactly the same, exactly the same. He is a little bit heavier. M: Wow.

W: I wouldn't say fat. He is just the same sweet-faced man that I remembered in high school. M: How about his personality? I mean, has it changed at all? Or is he still funny, or is he you know?

W: Just the same. And it was like we had never even been apart. You know, I mean, here you have twenty years goes by and it's as if no time has gone by at all. And so he gave me his e-mail address.

M: Oh, that's great!

W: And he's going to e-mail. He lives in Chicago now. M: Chicago?

W: Yup. So he's gonna e-mail me and I'm gonna e-mail him and we're gonna try to keep in touch that way.

M: That is great. Did you get a phone number from him?

W: I didn't get his phone number. But I'll ask him that when we e-mail. M: That's a great idea!

W: And he is going to come and see our play. M: How exciting. That'll be great! W: Yeah, isn't that great?

M: You know, it has been a long time since I've seen him. I would enjoy that. It would be fun to go out with him after the play, or something like that. W: Exactly. M: OK.

W: So we'll do it. M: Great.

Unit 5

Eh. All right.Ladies and gentleman. Thank you very much for this honor. I feel eh ...That's no good either. OK, here we go. Friends, faculty. Thank you very much for the honor of Teacher of the Year. I'm extremely honored and pleased to accept this award. But you have to know that it has really been a team effort. I would not be where I was if it weren't for the wonderful help and support of my fellow faculty members and the administration, of course, all the students and the parents in the community. And once again, I'm highly honored and I thank you very much for this award. That's pretty good. OK. Yeah, That'll do.

