
更新时间:2023-05-30 22:39:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1. ---I moved here with my parents ten years ago, and have moved nowhere else. ---That is to say, you ______ here,right?

A. will live B. had lived C. would be living D. have been living

2. ______ himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence.

A. Equipped B. Equipping C. Having equipped D. Being equipped

3. ______ you are alone on an island, what can you do?

A. Supposed B. To suppose C. Supposing D. Having Supposed

4. If you study ______ the atmosphere of learning is very strong, it’s easy for yon to make progress in your own studies.

A. that B. when C. in which D. where

5. ---What was the weather like at noon yesterday?

---Very hot. The sun ______ down on our heads as we walked home.

A. struck B. beat C. hit D. knocked

6. In order to buy a new house for my marriage, I ______ a little money every month.

A. put off B. put on C. put away D. put out

7. Tom, ______ his bedroom, found in the corner of it his missing diary, which he had looked for several days.

A. to clean B. having been cleaned C. cleaned D. cleaning

8. Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ______ of their parents.

A. those B. one C. both D. that

9. We need your advice on how to learn English well ______ it can help us to improve it and keep up with others.

A. in case B. for fear C. even though D. in that

10. ---Is the computer working well now?

---Yes. My mother ______ it repaired.

A. need have had B. can have had C. must have had D. should have had


A little river flowed down from a high mountain far, far away through many villages and forests until it reached a desert. It then thought, “I’ve overcome countless difficulties. I should have no _11_ crossing this desert!” But when _12_ her journey, she found herself gradually disappearing into the sands. “Maybe I cannot reach the ocean.” she said _13_ to herself. At this time, a deep _14_ came, saying, “If a breeze can cross the desert, so can a river. ” It was the voice of the desert. The river replied, “That’s because a breeze can fly.”

“That’s because you _15_ what you are. If you give it up, and let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the breeze, it can take you across,” said the desert.

“Give up what I am now and disappear into the breeze? No!” She could not accept this _16_. Wouldn’t it be self-destruction to give up what she was now?

“How do I know if this is true?” asked the little river.

“The breeze can carry the steam across the desert and the steam can _17_ into rain at an/a _18_ site. The rain will form a river again to continue its _19_,” answered the desert very _20_, “whether you’re a river or _21_ steam, your inner nature never changes. You stick to the fact that you’re a river because you don’t know your nature _22_. ”

Now the little river _23_ before she became a river, _24_ was the breeze that had carried her up a high mountain, _25_ she turned into rain and fell onto the ground and became what she was now. Finally the river _26_ her courage and rushed into the open arms of the _27_, which carried her to the next stage of her life.

The course of our lives is like the _28_ of the little river. If you want to_29_ difficulties in your life, you should also have the wisdom and courage to change yourself.

Perhaps you can try asking yourself these questions: What is my inner _30_? What is it that I stick to? And what is it that I really want?

11. A. problem B. way C. power D. time

12. A. ending B. starting C. planning D. considering

13. A. immediately B. directly C. slowly D. sadly

14. A. breeze B. desert C. voice D. rain

15. A. think of B. stick to C. take up D. refer to

16. A. order B. requirement C. idea D. trick

17. A. disappear B. change C. get D. flow

18. A. beautiful B. appropriate C. historic D. familiar

19. A. cause B. road C. route D. course

20. A. patiently B. proudly C. angrily D. aimlessly

21. A. uncountable B. ordinary C. invisible D. unbelievable

22. A. outside B. upside C. downside D. inside

23. A. understood B. realized C. found D. remembered

24. A. it B. she C. he D. which

25. A. when B. where C. how D. why

26. A. decided B. saw C. gathered D. exposed

27. A. desert B. mountain C. breeze D. God

28. A. experience B. appearance C. performance D. style

29. A. meet B. overcome C. avoid D. refuse

30. A. thought B. course C. nature D. courage



Each Indian tribe had a different language. Many Indians never learned any language except their own. Do you know how Indians from different tribes talked to each other? They had two ways to talk without sound. One way was by sign language;the other way by signals.

Sign language is a way of talking by using signs. Indians used sign language when they met strangers. In this way, they could find out whether the stranger was a friend or an enemy. In the Indian sign language, signs were made with the hands. One sign meant “man”. Another meant “horse”. To tell the time of day when something happened, an Indian pointed to the sky. He showed where the sun had been at the time.

Indians usually used signals when they wanted to send messages to someone far away. To make signals, an Indian might use a pony. He might use a blanket. Or he might use smoke, a mirror or fire arrows.

To signal that he had seen many animals. an Indian rode his pony in a large circle. Sometimes the Indian gave a signal like this and then went away to hide. This meant that there was danger. The blanket signal was visible from far away. An Indian held the corners of a blanket in his hands. Then he began to swing the blanket from side to side in front of him. An Indian could send many different signals with his blanket,

He could also send many signals with a mirror. He usually used the mirror to warn someone of danger. Or he attempted to get the attention of a person far away. But he also used it to send messages in code. Of course, mirrors could be used only when the sun was shining. At night, Indians used fire arrows for signaling.

An Indian also sent signals with smoke. He made a small fire. Then he put grass or green branches on it. He held a blanket over the fire for a minute. When he removed the blanket from the fire, there was a cloud of smoke. The number of clouds of smoke told his message in code.

Now you can see that Indians didn’t need to learn each other's language. They could talk to one another by using signals or sign language.

31. From the passage we can infer that _________.

A. Indian language was difficult to learn, so many Indians never learned it

B. among the Indian tribes there was no common spoken language

C. many Indians couldn’t communicate with each other

D. Indians talked with each other only in two ways---sign and signal language

32. Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?

A. One or two clouds of smoke sent different message.

B. In Indian sign language, “man’’ meant friend and “horse” meant enemy.

C. If an Indian rode his pony in a large circle, it meant there was danger.

D. Signals with smoke could be used to send messages at night.

33. What is the best title of this passage?

A. Indians’ way of life B. Each Indian tribe had its own language

C. How to use signals and sign language D. Talking without sound


People who are too happy die younger than those who are relatively unhappy, claims new research. A study which followed children from the 1920s to old age showed that people who were thought “highly cheerful” by teachers at school died younger than their classmates.

This was because people who were too happy were more likely to suffer from mental disorders, making them less fearful and more likely to take risks that increase the chance of having a deadly accident. Being too cheerful---especially at improper times---can also make others angry, increasing the risk of a person coming to harm.

Researchers from a variety of universities worldwide also discovered that trying too hard to be happy often ended up leaving people feeling more depressed than before, as putting an effort into improving their mood often left people feeling cheated.

And magazine articles offering tips on how to be happy were also blamed for worsening depression.

One study saw participants asked to read an article offering ways to improve your mood, and follow one of the tips to see how effective it was.

Participants then took the advice offered---such as watching a cheerful film---often concentrated too hard on trying to improve their mood rather than letting it lift naturally.

This meant that by the time the film had ended, they often felt angry and cheated by the advice given, putting them in a far worse mood than when they had started watching.

However, results of the study, published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, proved that the key to true happiness was much simpler: meaningful relationships with friends and family members.

Study co-author Professor June Gruber, from the department of psychology at Yale University, said of people who actively tried to be happy: “When you’re doing it with the motivation or expectation that these things ought to make you happy, that can lead to disappointment and decreased happiness.”

“The true happiness is not money, or external recognition through success or fame. It’s having meaningful social relationships. ’’She added: “That means the best way to increase your happiness is to stop worrying about being happy and instead turn your energy to building the good

social bonds you have with other people.”

34. From the second paragraph we know that people who are too happy _________.

A. are easier to get ill B. fear nothing

C. more probably do something risky D. can’t avoid deadly accidents

35. People who are too happy are easier to get hurt by others because_________.

A. others envy them their cheerfulness. B. they don’t know how to protect themselves.

C. they are happy at improper times. D. they are easier to annoy others.

36. From the passage it can be inferred that _________.

A. the advice to make people happy actually doesn’t work well

B. watching a cheerful film can’t make people cheerful

C. we needn’t go after success at al1 because it is not true happiness

D. it’s important to try to be happy actively


Most of us will go to travel several times in a year. Usually we will meet some unexpected occasions, such as forget to take daily medicine, let your pet dogs alone at home, forget to take your cell phone charger, etc. So a detailed travel plan is needed and helpful for us to have a good travel. You can list all the things you should notice, and make full preparations for your travel according to the plan. How to make this travel plan? Then I will write some tips to help you to do the travel plan easier.

First of all, you should know the place you would go. You may travel with the travel agency. Then you should not prepare to know the place before you go. You just need to go with the guiders and follow their directions. However if you go to trave1 by yourself, you’d better do the lesson before you set out, including the vehicles, the hotels, the tour route, etc. You can do online shopping and book hotels online if you can’t contact the hotel directly. In addition you can see some online travel plans to get as much as information.

Secondly, list the stuff(物品) you should take. such as umbrellas, clothing according to the weather your destinations, daily medicine, enough money, credit cards, etc. However don’t take too much stuff for you just go traveling, not making a move. Just take some necessities.

Thirdly, list the things you should notice, such as when you will get out, how to take care your home and family if you leave, make sure that your work has been done before you leave, etc. Fourthly, if you travel with the travel agency, you’d better make sure that they have bought the insurance for you. It is important for nobody knows what will happen when you go to travel. In the end, before you get start to travel, please take the plan list, and check every item to make sure that you have finish items which should be done before you go.


1-5 DCCDB 6-10 CDDDC

11-15 ABDCB 16-20 CBBDA 21-25 CDDAB 26-30 CCABC

31-33 BAD 34-36 CDA

1. make 2. avoid 3. Tips 4. destination 5. alone 6. list 7. necessities 8. arrange 9. bought 10. Lastly

