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对于脖子,大部分人只是觉得它让人看上去美观、优雅,很少与健康挂钩。事实上,脖子的“疆域”包括从后脑勺到肩膀上方的锁骨。 1 脖子是脑袋的支架


一是支架作用。其中,第1颈椎与头颅的枕骨相连接,与下面几节一起支撑着头部和后背。二是保护脊髓神经、血管。颈椎椎体相互连接,之间构成的神经、椎动脉血管和脊髓的通道。三是运动杠杆作用。颈椎最上面两节,是颈部活动的枢纽,帮助颈部屈伸和旋转,完成点头、仰头、左右转头的动作。 2 大脑供血离不开脖子

它两侧分布着颈动脉,又与椎动脉一起负责大脑血供。其中,颈动脉为大脑提供80%以上的供血,我们可以在喉咙突出部分两侧大约5厘米的地方,触摸到它的跳动。 3 脖子上的淋巴是人体的免疫防线

脖子里分布着密集的淋巴结与神经干。病毒、细菌最易侵犯呼吸道和口腔,受到感染的淋巴液回流时,第一站就是脖子,因此,脖子上的淋巴结也是人体第一道防线。 4 脖子里的神经调节全身

大脑发出的神经都要经过颈部下行,其包含的神经可以说是各司其职:8对脊神经支配人体的运动和感觉;4对脑神经调节血压、呼吸和胃肠蠕动;交感神经能使人心跳加快、肢体血管收缩、让人出汗等;副交感神经兴奋能使人心跳减慢、变弱。 5 从中医的角度来说,脖子还是全身经络的贯穿之处

包含督脉、膀胱经、小肠经、胆经及三焦经等5条重要经络。脖子后面的风池、风府、大椎穴等穴位,是养生保健“要点”。 警报


从某种意义上说,脖子跟呼吸一样重要。可生活中,大家经常是出了问题才后悔,下面几种情况最易损伤脆弱的脖子。 1 慢性感染

一些看似和颈椎完全不相关部位的炎症,特别是慢性感染,可能增加颈椎病发病的几率。常见的有咽喉炎,其次为龋齿、牙周炎、中耳炎等,这些部位的炎症可直接刺激颈部软组织,或通过淋巴系统引起颈枕部软组织病变。因此,一旦发现要积极治疗,不能“手软”。 2 错误锻炼

不少伏案工作的人,经常“摇头晃脑”,或学些颈部操来锻炼颈椎。可锻炼要因人而异,头上顶书练平衡、频繁扭头、鸡啄米等动作并不适合颈椎已有慢性劳损的人,甚至可能加重病情。最好拍个颈椎X片,弄清自己的情况。 3 头颈部外伤

50%髓型颈椎病的病因与颈部外伤有关。一些颈椎病患者,由于颈椎骨质增生、颈椎间盘膨出、椎管内软组织病变等,使颈椎管处于狭窄临界状态中,一旦受到外伤,很可能成“压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草”,诱发症状的产生。 4 经常受凉


慢、软组织血循环障碍,继而产生无菌性炎症,诱发颈椎病。 5 衰老退化


因此,从小注意平衡饮食,适当进行户外运动促进骨骼发育;成年后注意正确坐姿,不要睡高枕头,多跑步、游泳等,都可以让颈椎“老”得慢一些。 要判断自己到底有没有患颈椎病,不妨做一个简单的自测题: 颈椎病自测


2.手指麻木,特别是双侧都麻木,可能是得了颈椎病,导致脊髓重要结构受到压迫。 3.手指屈伸实验:手握拳,然后完全伸开,10秒钟做20次以上才算正常。 4.试图两只脚在一条线上走,颈椎病患者是走不了直线的。 后果


脖子如此重要,却很“娇气”,是各类疾病偷袭的“重灾区”,首当其冲的就是颈椎。 颈椎由七块骨头组成,与肩膀构成一个沉重的十字架,支撑着分量不轻的脑袋。颈椎受伤,会引发一系列“连锁反应”,影响全身健康。 1 70%的头痛跟脖子有关

松井孝嘉指出,70%的头痛跟脖子有关,被称为颈源性头痛,表现为单侧或双侧枕部、耳后闷胀或酸痛,可伴有恶心呕吐、耳鸣、眼胀以及嗅觉和味觉改变,很容易被忽略或误诊。 2 脖子供血不足易眩晕

颈椎病引起椎动脉供血不足,会导致颈性眩晕,特别是在颈部活动后。 3 颈椎错位导致颈胸综合征


4 颈椎病可引起吞咽不畅

这是因为食管上端和第六颈椎相邻,后者增生就会压迫食管。如果颈椎增生压迫到颈交感神经,还会导致胃肠道蠕动减慢,诱发便秘、腹胀。 5 脖子还是其他疾病的“信号灯” 美国睡眠协会的研究发现,脖子粗的人容易出现睡眠呼吸暂停等。此外,还有学者指出,脖子越粗,患心脑血管病和糖尿病的风险越高。 养护

抬头挺胸,忌猛回头 要确保脖子这条“生命线”畅通无阻,就要从生活细节做起。 1 坐立行走保持正确姿势

站立或行走时抬头挺胸,两眼平视前方,切忌低头弓背;久坐时戴好护颈枕。 2 适当抬头后仰,按压穴位


3 防止外伤

回头转颈不要过急、过猛;开车或坐车系好安全带,防止急刹车或颠簸时因惯性发生颈部脱位性损伤;不要用脖子夹着电话。 颈部操

1.支撑头部:身体前倾,将肘部放在桌子上,用手掌托住额头,保持3~5分钟。 2.抬升运动:双手放到椅子边缘,支撑身子,腿部向上抬高,保持5秒钟。




Neck function:

For the brain blood supply, to resist germs

The neck is connected to the brain and body and inside, \esophagus and dense nerves and blood vessels.

For the neck, most people just think it makes people look beautiful, elegant, rarely linked to health. In fact, the neck of the \from the back of the head to the shoulder above the clavicle. www.jich.net

1 neck is the head of the stent

To support the head, the neck is connected to the back waist. There are 3 main functions:

One is the support function. Among them, first cervical and occipital head is connected, and the following sections together to support the head and back. Two is to protect the spinal cord nerve, blood vessels. The cervical vertebrae are connected to each other, and the nerve, vertebral artery and spinal cord are formed. Three is the movement leverage. The above two sections of the cervical spine is the hub of activity in the neck, help the neck flexion and rotation, and complete a nod, please look up and have a look, left and right turns to the action. www.516j.net

2 brain blood can not be separated from the neck

It is distributed along the carotid artery, and the vertebral artery is responsible for the brain blood supply. Among them, the carotid artery to provide more than 80% of the blood supply, we can highlight some of the two sides of the throat, about 5 cm in place, to touch it.

3 the lymphatic is the body's immune defense

The distribution of dense lymph nodes and nerve trunk in the neck. Bacteria and viruses, the most likely to infringe the respiratory tract and mouth, by the infection of the lymph circulation, the first stop is the neck. Therefore, neck lymph node is the human body is first line of defense.

4 nerves in the neck to regulate the whole body.

The nerves from the brain to through the neck downward, it contains nerve can be said is

carry out their duties: 8 of spinal nerve domination of human motor and sensory; 4 on the brain to regulate blood pressure, respiratory and gastrointestinal peristalsis; sympathetic nerve to make the heartbeat accelerate, limbs vasoconstriction, let people such as sweating; parasympathetic nerve stimulation can make people slow down the heart, become weak. www.qdvacuum.com

5 from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the neck is the penetration of the meridians and collaterals.

Contains the Du meridian, bladder, small intestine meridian, gallbladder and meridian of 5 important main and collateral channels. Fengchi, Fengfu, Dazhui acupoints on the back of your neck, is \


Walk straight fist, boring

In a sense, the neck is as important as breathing. Can live in, we often have a problem to regret, the following several cases of the most vulnerable to damage the fragile neck. www.ybty.com.cn

1 chronic infection

Some seemingly and cervical completely unrelated parts of the inflammation, especially chronic infection, may increase the incidence of cervical spondylosis. Common in the throat, followed by dental caries, periodontitis, otitis media, and so on, these parts of the inflammation can directly stimulate the soft tissue of the neck, or through the lymphatic system caused by cervical occipital soft tissue lesions. Therefore, once found to be treated actively, not hesitate \

2 wrong exercise

Many people often work hard, learn something, or \pleased with oneself\to exercise cervical neck exercises. The exercise to vary from person to person, head to the top of a Book Practice balance, turned, chicken pecked the rice and other movements frequently is not suitable for chronic strain of cervical vertebra has, even may aggravate the condition. It is best to take a cervical X film, to clarify their own situation.

3 head and neck trauma

50% the cause of cervical spondylosis and cervical trauma related. Some patients with cervical spondylosis, due to cervical bone hyperplasia, cervical intervertebral disc herniations, intraspinal soft tissue lesions, so that the cervical vertebra tube in narrow critical state, once by the trauma, is likely to become \

4 often cold

Many young people wearing more \cervical particularly afraid of the cold, wet cold environment factors can reduce the body's tolerance to pain, muscle spasm, small vascular contraction, lymph backflow slow, soft tissue blood circulation obstacles, and then produce the aseptic inflammation, induced by cervical spondylosis. www.meiguoqianggen3.com

5 aging degradation

With the increase of age, the injury of human body parts is also increasing, and the cervical vertebra can also produce various kinds of degenerative changes, which can stimulate the nerve root and vertebral artery, resulting in the occurrence of cervical spondylosis.

Therefore, attention to a balanced diet, appropriate for outdoor sports to promote bone development; adult attention to correct posture, do not sleep high pillow, running, swimming and so on, can let the cervical spine \

To decide in the end there is no suffering from cervical spondylosis, may wish to do a simple self testing problem:

Self testing of cervical spondylosis

1 a certain part of the body has a radial electric shock, which is a typical manifestation of nerve root type cervical spondylosis. If accompanied by dizziness, nausea, visual symptoms of the rotation, then often associated with vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis.

2 fingers numbness, especially bilateral numbness, may be a cervical disease, resulting in spinal cord compression. www.xueyuanpai.net

3 finger flexion experiment: fist, then completely open, 10 seconds to do 20 times above is normal.

4 trying to walk two feet in a line, cervical spondylosis patients can not walk straight. Consequence

Cervical injuries, implicated in the whole body

The neck is so important, but very \first to bear the brunt of cervical vertebra.

The cervical spine is made up of seven bones, with a heavy cross on the shoulders, and a head that is not light. Cervical spine injury, will trigger a series of \whole bodyThe cervical spine is made up of seven bones, with a heavy cross on the shoulders, and a head that is not light. Cervical spine injury, will trigger a series of \health.

170% have a headache and neck.

Matsui Taka pointed out that 70% of the headache with the neck, known as neck source headache, manifested as unilateral or bilateral occipital, ear after the stuffy or sore, can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, eye swelling and smell and taste changes, it is easy to be overlooked or misdiagnosed.

2 neck blood supply insufficiency easy vertigowww.road5.net

Cervical spondylosis caused by vertebral artery insufficiency, will lead to cervical vertigo, especially after the neck activity.

3 cervical vertebra dislocation cause cervical syndrome

Cervical vertebra bone hyperplasia, dislocation instability, lumbar disc herniation, will lead to neck chest syndrome, so that people with paroxysmal chest tightness, heart pain, suffocation.

4 cervical vertebra disease can cause swallowing is not smooth

This is because the esophagus is adjacent to the top of the sixth cervical vertebra and the latter is the oppression of the esophagus. If cervical hyperplasia oppression to the cervical sympathetic nerve, but also lead to gastrointestinal peristalsis slow down, induced constipation, abdominal distension.

5 neck or other diseases of the \

The American Sleep association studies found that people who have a thick neck are prone to sleep apnea. In addition, some scholars pointed out that the more the neck, the risk of heart disease and diabetes, the higher the risk of diabetes.


Upright, avoid fierce look back to ensure the neck of this \we must start from the details of life.

1 sitting and walking to maintain the correct posture

When walking or standing upright, his eyes look straight ahead, avoid sedentary wear bow arched; neck pillow.

2 appropriate head back, pressing the acupuncture points

Need a long time to bow their heads, to develop every 15 minutes after the rise of the back of a habit, the appropriate expansion of the chest, shoulders, etc.. Can also press the appropriate Fengchi (the outer side of the neck after two relatively coarse muscle) and Tianzhu (Fengchi left about a finger around the position).

3 preventing injury

Turn neck not too fast, excessive; drive or ride in a car fasten the safety belt, to prevent the brakes or bumps neck dislocation damage due to inertia; don't neck sandwiched telephone.

Neck operation

1 support: head leaned forward, your elbows on the table, hand hold the forehead, stay 3~5 minutes.

2 lifting movement: hands on the edge of the chair, supporting the body, legs up to raise, to maintain 5 seconds.

3 contraction of the shoulder: sit straight, straight spine, hands on the legs, while the shoulders back, to maintain 15 seconds. www.sh-bj58.com

4 \

5 turn the neck: every 1 hours, bow to let the chin as close to the chest, and then slowly rotate the neck.

When walking or standing upright, his eyes look straight ahead, avoid sedentary wear bow arched; neck pillow.

2 appropriate head back, pressing the acupuncture points

Need a long time to bow their heads, to develop every 15 minutes after the rise of the back of a habit, the appropriate expansion of the chest, shoulders, etc.. Can also press the appropriate Fengchi (the outer side of the neck after two relatively coarse muscle) and Tianzhu (Fengchi left about a finger around the position).

3 preventing injury

Turn neck not too fast, excessive; drive or ride in a car fasten the safety belt, to prevent the brakes or bumps neck dislocation damage due to inertia; don't neck sandwiched telephone.

Neck operation

1 support: head leaned forward, your elbows on the table, hand hold the forehead, stay 3~5 minutes.

2 lifting movement: hands on the edge of the chair, supporting the body, legs up to raise, to maintain 5 seconds.

3 contraction of the shoulder: sit straight, straight spine, hands on the legs, while the shoulders back, to maintain 15 seconds. www.sh-bj58.com

4 \

5 turn the neck: every 1 hours, bow to let the chin as close to the chest, and then slowly rotate the neck.

