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\ am checking it now. \\ was written by Dickens in 18 (be) \needn’t . \ will . \ it is. \

\ will . (Leaf) Leaves fall in autumn.

A number of students were absent from the class. A teacher is one who teaches in school.

A committee of five men and three women is to consider the matter. . (be) A leader should be a man who can be depended on . (can depend on) A student at Jinling Girls' College has to do her own work.

After she finished her work, she hurried to the nursery to pick up her child. After school we went to the sports ground to play _ zero _football. All of a_sudden she didn't feel sleepy any more. All the women doctors in the hospital will get a rise next month. (woman doctor) All these wories were ungrounded. (worry) Almost every boy likes sports (sport) Although there is air all round us, we can't see it.

Anyone can attend the meeting if _he is interested. Apples are sold by the /a_pound. As was usual with him, he went out for a walk after dinner.

As he had to earn a _living by himself, the boy left school at a very early age.

As teachers we should concem ourselves with what is said, not what we think ought to be said .

At noontime we stopped for a picnic by the _way. Be careful if you are walking home in the dark. Because it was raining heavily, he didn't go out.

Before their exploring, they armed themselves against _possible danger. Being a shy girl, she never dares to speak in public. (be)

Bill was offered a job in a factory, but he refused to take it. (offer) Bill paid no attention to other people’s criticism of him (people) Bob was pleased to hear he had been promoted. (please)

Both the sedretary and manager have agreed to be present.. (have) Brazil won the _World Cup in 200 But that he came to help, I – couldn’t have succeeded there earlier. (not succeed) By good fortune, she was able to find an excellent job. By the time we got home the program had finished.

By the time this letter reaches you, I will have left the city. (leave) Can you imagine a world with no wars, no hunger, no pain? Cathy was particular _ about the dress she wore. Children should be taught to behave themselves at zero _table. Chinese toys are sold at Smith’s (Smith )

Come what may , we are not going to make any concessions to his unreaksonable demands.

compared with your achievemenl:s, mine is nothing. (compare) Don't ask me to do the _impossible.

Don't bother to do it . yourself : Someone else will do it for you. Don-t forget to phone me, will_you? Don't have anything before you go to bed,_ will you?

Don't place your life in danger. Driving a car when you are tired can be dangerous ( danger) Don't stand _ under a tree during a thunderstorm.

During the bolidays, every train and bus is crowded. (be) Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages.

Even if I had known her address, I _ might not have had time to write to her. (not have)

every day. (get up)

Every means _ has been tried. (have)

Every student in the class got a present except John and Tom. Every Year we hold a big party to celebrate _ zero New Year's Day. Everybody except he agreed to our proposal. Everybody talked at the top of his voice. Everyone was in high spirits that day. (spirit) Few people know him, do _they?

Fifteen miles _ seems like a long walk to me. (seem)

Foreign ships are not allowed to fish in our territorial waters (.water) .;

Foung in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia. ( find)

Frank can throw the ball farther than Hart. (far) From whom _ did you receive a letter? (who)

From 1983 to 19Professor Smith was teaching at Harvard University. (teach) Full advantage must _ be taken of the excellent situation both at home and abroad. (take of)

Galileo planned to have solved _the problem* But he failed to do so. (solve) Half _ the church was destroyed by the Fascist's bombing.

Hard _ as diamond is, it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with laser. Hardly had I sat down when I heard someone knocking at the door. Have you received my letter? _ It _was posted a month ago.

Having been given such a good chance, he planned to learn more. (give) He has given up smoking, but a year ago he smoked 100 cigarettes a week. (give up) He was elected chairman of the geography club last moth. (elect) He acts as if he knew _English perfectly. (know) He always _sleeps with his windows open (sleep) He always conducts _ himself like a scholar. (he)

He appeared on the stage and _was warmly applauded by the audience. (warmly applaud)

He arrived late yesterday, but today he arrived a little earlier . (early) He behaves as if he _owned _this place. (own)

He came at a time when we were deadly in need of help. He can't run a hundred metres, even less a mile. (little) He didn't know any English before he went to England. He does well in all his subjects but _ above all, in mathematics. He felt sympathy _ for _her misfortune.

He felt sympathy for her sufferings . csuffering)

He had no sooner closed the door than someone started knocking at it. He hardly ever makes a mistake when he writes. (make) He hurried to the hall, followed_by two guards. (follow) He is easily the school's best student. (easy)

He is an expert in Chinese history, and he is also interested in the history of Japan. He is a intelligent _boy; everyone likes him (intelligence)

He is a man who _ people belive may be the president of the university some day. (who) He is an experienced newsreader for the BBC. He is cleverer than _ us all. (we) He is unhappy _though he has a lot of money. He isn't nearly as smart as he . (he) He must have gone to bed for it was too late.

He ought to stop reading; he has a headache because he has been reading (read)

He rescued a child from drowning and was given a medal as a reward. He said that the boy had made_ much progress since he came here. (make) He thinks he is going to become a doctor,_ doesn’t _he?

He took the little boy by the hand and patted him on _ the _head. He was asleep the moment after his head touched the pillow. (sleep) He was fairly beside himself with joy. (fair) He was not driving Charles'car but someone else’s ' (else) He was sitting on the beach and watching the seagulls flying. cfly) He would rather listen to others than talk himself. (listen) Health is of _more value than money. Her memory is like an elephant’s (elephant)

Her political views are directly _opposed to mine. (direct) His health is getting _and _ better sand better _' (well) His sister bought him a pair of shoes . (shoe)

Honor can’t be measured in inches or counted like money, how we can improve our production remains a problem Hurry up. The train is just coming in _' (just come in) I rightly assumed that Harry wasn't coming. (right) I should have written to him, but I was too busy,

I was having my breakfast when the morning post came. (have) I wondered if you were free this evening. (wonder) I can bear with such a life for the sake of my work. I can't read this. It's deadly dull. (dead)

I certainly tried to explain his ideas but I am still at a loss to see his points.

too long, I consider it my duty to help you.

I consider going -to take a tour when the Spring Festival comes. (go) I didn't expect that you should have finished the work so soon.

I don't think it advisable that Tim be assigned _to the job since he ahs no experience.(assign)

I don't want any _sugar in my coffee. I feel as if my head _ were on fire. (be) I found it useless arguing with her. (argue)

I got to the airport, only _to find the plane had left ten minutes before. (find) I have heard both sides of the story and I don't believe either . I have lost my keys; I can't remember where I lost _them I intended to have come _yesterday, but I had to attend a meeting. (come) I interviewed everybody but _ him . (he) I met with her quite by zero chance in Oxford Street. I needn't tell you the news, _ need _I? I recognized one of the girls, but I didn't speak to her . I regard him _ less _as my teacher than as my friend. (little) I saw many a girl at the cinema.

I should very much like to go the party, but I haven’t been invited . (invite) I think much attention must _ be paid to _your pronunciation. (pay) I trust you as much as her . (she) I 've _ hardly _got any clean clothes left. (hard)

I wanted some more coffee but there was none left.

I was pleased to have met your sister the week before last. (meet) I will not trust whoever _ they will elect. (whoever)

I wish I had studied hard while I was young. (study)

I wish I had not tried to repair it. I only made it worse. (not try) I wish that we kenw French , for we'II visit France. (know) I wonder where the sound came from.

I would rather she painted the wall white next time. (paint)

I'11 have to put the car to the side of the road because we will be fined leave it here. ( fine)

I'd like to go to the university where I once studied law. I'd rather you posted the letter right away. (post)

if we I'd rather you _ lived closer to us.. (live)

If he _ were here, 1 would explain to him myself. (be)

If he thought a thing was right, he should do it without _regard to consequences. If I were you, I should wait till next week. (be) If I had the money now, I_ would buy a car. (buy)

If it were to rain tomorrow, the football match would be postponed _' (postpone) If my husband won't agree to sign this paper, neither will I. If only he didn’t driven_so fast!

If only we had _a phone, I'm tired of lining up'outside the public phone box (have)

If that job means traveling for six months of the year, I'm not interested in it.( travel) If we stand firm , we shall succeed. (firm)

If you had tied the boat up, it wouldn't have drifted away. (tie) If you don't like this, I'Il show another .

If you don't like to swim, you may as well stay at home.

If you promise not to get _angry with me, 1'11 tell you what I broke. (not get) If you want the job _ done , you have to get the fund somewhere. (do) If you want to be trusted, you should never go back on your word, I'll phone you as soon as I get the news. (get) I'll think about it while you _ are writing the report. (write) I'm getting tired it's time we went home. (go) I'm late, aren’t I?

I'm not sure _ the train will arrive on time. I'm older than you, -I aren’t?

In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wZlt. In _general, far too many people get married in haste.

In order that he shouldn't wake up his wife, he came in quietly. In primitive societies, human beings ate _whatever they could find. In spite of_the problem, the engineers are going to carry on with the proj In the garden she took a lot of photos (photo)

In those days, George used to get up at nine, but that week he was getting up at five It had been raining for a week and the streets were flooded. (rain) It is clean impossible to complete the subject within a week. (clean) It is evident from his words that he is an honest man. It is no use asking him to come now; He is busy. (ask)

