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http://bailiedu.com 雅思写作知识点系列之支持反对类 备考雅思写作需要考生投入一定的时间与精力,对于每个知识点都要牢记。今天,前程百利小编为大家带来的是雅思写作知识点系列之支持反对类,希望对考生有所帮助。 雅思写作Task 2的第二种题型是支持反对类题目。与观点比较类提供2种观点不同的是,支持反对类题目只提供1种观点,要求考生在比较该观点本身优缺点的基础上,明确提出对这种观点的态度,即它是否可行/有用/正确/利大于弊??如果说观点比较类题目比较像英语中的Which引导的特殊疑问句,必须二选一才能作答的话,那么支持反对类题目更像是Do或Be动词引导的一般疑问句,只需要用yes或no就可以决定回答的问题。 例题:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:

Drivers should pay a certain amount of fee to drive on the city streets during the busiest hours of a day. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

本题要求考生对“城市里交通高峰时段开车收费”这一观点表明态度。我们下面就结合 本题的范文进行一下分析。 范文与解析:

As the traffic in big cities is continuously worsening, many suggestions have been proposed to put a stop to the problem. Among the suggestions is one that argues drivers should pay a certain amount of fee to drive on the city streets during the busiest hours of a day. I find this idea reasonable and probably effective if put into practice.

作者先用一句话概括话题背景,即“大城市交通恶化,提议纷至沓来”,继而把话题聚焦到其中的一条建议,即本题的核心观点“交通高峰时开车收费“ 。第三句话言简意赅,明确表示自己支持这个想法。同观点比较类问题一样,切记此处仍然要毫不犹豫地表达支持或反对。

If the idea is adopted in cities, with little doubt, the amount of driving vehicles will plummet, as the ex-drivers will back off at the financial burden of the fee and eventually give up driving. The effectiveness of this policy on


the reduction of vehicle numbers has been repeatedly testified by similar cases in which drivers were required to pay more parking fees or car-purchasing taxes, and I am positive that its influence will hold as long as ex-drivers consider the fee a significant part of their income.

Besides a reducing number of vehicles,the fee can also contribute to the development of better transportation systems. Since the fee collected will go to the budget of the city government, the administrations will be entitled to use the money wherever it sees fit, and it is strongly advisable to put the money back into solving traffic problems. With the extra money, new plans will transformed into reality, such as the improvement of the public transportation system, the repair and reorganization of the existing roads, etc., all of which will produce results beneficial to the transportation of the city.

Another aspect, which may be easily overlooked, is the fee’s influence on the environment. Traffic problem may be troublesome,but what really bothers people is the pollution that so many vehicles bring. However, as many drivers will become bus takers as a result of the fee, the pollution produced by vehicles will also reduce, which is by all means good news for the people in cities. 作者在中间部分使用了三个分论点从正面来支持自己的选择,每个分论点用一段阐述,这与比较对比类题目的写法基本一致。作者首先提到收费的确对减少车流量有很大的作用, 这已经被诸多事例证实(注意,作者用“诸多事例” 一词,并不意味着他/她本人真的知道很多事例;但这样模糊处理,既在最低程度上支持了“收费对减少交通流量的作用' 又避免了提供例子的细节)。接下来,作者转而思考收上来的“行车费”的作用。很显然,这笔钱可以用于改善交通,从根本上解决交通问题。在第三段,作者提到了环保的问题。虽然环保问题和解决交通问题没有必然关系,但作为减少交通流量的一个“好的”副产 品,作者在这里提一下,也无碍主题。



If the idea is adopted in cities, with little doubt,the amount of driving vehicles will plummet, as the ex-drivers will back off at the financial burden


of the fee and eventually give up driving. The effectiveness of this policy on the reduction of vehicle numbers has been repeatedly testified by similar cases in which drivers were required to pay more parking fees or car-purchasing taxes, and I am positive that its influence will hold as long as ex-drivers consider the fee a significant part of their income. In addition, since the fee collected will go to the budget of the city government, the administrations will certainly use the money to improve and build new roads and to re-organize and optimize traffic flows.

On the other hand, there could be some problems with this suggestion. For instance, some may argue that the procedure of collecting fees will do nothing but further complicate the issue and add to the already serious traffic jam. Nonetheless,I believe this would not trouble us too much as technology will surely equip us with the appropriate method of collecting fees without jeopardizing the traffic.


Charging fees from drivers is not the only solution to our problems in cities, but it can reduce the number of vehicles,amass money for the development of public transportation and roads, and what’s more, it can keep the traffic pollution to the minimum. With so many benefits, I do not see any reason in delaying the adoption of this valuable idea.

本结尾段第一句话从三个方面分别概括了交通高峰时开车收费的优点,然后得出结论“有这么多优点,没有理由不马上推行”,为全文收尾。 2.模板

开 头:...is a much debated issue. Some claim 观点,but I find myself unable to agree with it.

或?is an issue on which people’s opinions differ sharply. As far as I am concerned, I must support 观点. 中间部分:三段式

中间段一:An obvious reason for my support / rejection of 观点 is 理由一 中间段二: Another point I would like to drive home is 理由二

中间段三 a: An often overlooked merit / problem of 观点 is 理由三 或


中间段三 b:观点 does have its own advantage / disadvantage, that is,?but it is dwindled / compensated by that fact that... 中间部分:两段式

中间段—a: It is evident that ? because 理由一

中间段二 b: Another point I would like to drive home is 理由二 或

中间段二 c: On die other hand, some people may defy / defend 观点,claiming... However, this will not be a problem if...或 problems arise if...

结尾: From what has been discussed, I strongly agree / disagree with Opinion A. (and I have no doubt that more people will support my standpoint after hearing those arguments.)


