美国法典(United States Code)简介

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美国法典(United States Code)简介

美国法典(United States Code)简介


  1926年美国人将建国二百多年以来国会制定的所有立法(除独立宣言、联邦条例和联邦宪法外)加以整理编纂,按50个项目系统地分类编排,命名为《美国法典》(United States Code,简称USC),首次以15卷的篇幅发表,这是第一版《美国法典》。1964年又出版了修订版,以后每年还出增刊。





美国法典(United States Code)简介





The Code is divided into 50 titles (listed below), which deal with broad, logically organized areas of legislation. Titles may optionally be divided into subtitles, parts, subparts, chapters, and subchapters. All titles have sections as their smallest basic coherent unit, though sections are often divided into subsections, paragraphs, and clauses. Not all titles use the same series of subdivisions above the section level, and they may arrange them in different order. For example, in Title 26 (the tax code), the order of subdivision runs Title - Subtitle - Chapter - Subchapter - Part - Subpart - Section - Subsection - Paragraph - Subparagraph - Clause - Subclause. In Title 38 (Veteran's Benefits) the order runs Title - Part - Chapter - Subchapter - Section. Put another way, the Title is always the largest division of the Code, and the section the smallest (except for subsections, paragraphs, clauses, etc.), but intermediate levels vary in both number and sequence from Title to Title.

The word "title" in this context is roughly akin to a printed "volume," although many of the larger titles span multiple volumes. Similarly, no particular size or length is associated with other subdivisions; a section might run several pages in print, or just a sentence or two. Some subdivisions within particular titles acquire meaning of their own; for example, it's common for lawyers to refer to a "Chapter 11" bankruptcy or a "Subchapter K" partnership.

A sample citation would be 5 U.S.C. § 552a, the Privacy Act of 1974. A lawyer would read that out loud as "Title five, United States Code, section five hundred fifty-two A."

When sections are repealed, their text is deleted and replaced by a note summarizing what used to be there. This is necessary so that lawyers reading old cases can understand what the cases are talking about. As a result, some portions of the Code consist entirely of empty chapters full of historical notes. For example, Title 8, Chapter 7 is labeled "Exclusion of Chinese." This contains historical notes relating to the Chinese Exclusion Act, which is no longer in effect.



第1篇 总则
第2篇 国会
第3篇 总统
第4篇 国旗和国玺,政府所在地,以及各州
第5篇 政府组织与雇员
第6篇 国内安全
第7篇 农业

美国法典(United States Code)简介

第9篇 仲裁
第10篇 武装力量
第11篇 破产
第12篇 银行和银行业
第13篇 人口普查
第14篇 海岸警卫队
第15篇 商业和贸易
第16篇 资源保护
第17篇 版权
第18篇 罪行和刑事诉讼
第19篇 关税
第20篇 教育
第21篇 食品和药品
第22篇 对外关系与交往
第23篇 公路
第24篇 医院和救济院
第25篇 印第安人
第26篇 国内税收法典
第27篇 酒
第28篇 司法制度和司法程序
第29篇 劳工
第30篇 矿藏土地和采矿
第31篇 货币和财政
第32篇 国民警卫队
第33篇 航行和通航水域
第34篇 海军(废止)
第35篇 专利
第36篇 爱国团体与章程
第37篇 军职部门的薪金与津贴
第38篇 退伍军人的福利
第39篇 邮政
第40篇 公共建筑、财产和工程
第41篇 公共合同
第42篇 公众健康与福利
第43篇 公共土地
第44篇 公共印刷业与文件
第45篇 铁路
第46篇 航运
第47篇 电报、电话和无线电讯
第48篇 领地和岛屿属地
第49篇 运输
第50篇 战争和国防

Title 1 General Provisions
Title 2 The Congress
Title 3 The President
Title 4 Flag and Seal, Seat Of Government, and the States
Title 5 Government Organization and Employees
Title 6 Domestic Security
Title 7 Agriculture
Title 8 Aliens and Nationality
Title 9 Arbitration
Title 10 Armed Forces
Title 11 Bankruptcy
Title 12 Banks and Banking
Title 13 Census
Title 14 Coast Guard
Title 15 Commerce and Trade
Title 16 Conservation
Title 17 Copyrights
Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Title 19 Customs Duties
Title 20 Education
Title 21 Food and Drugs
Title 22 Foreign Relations and Intercourse
Title 23 Highways
Title 24 Hospitals and Asylums
Title 25 Indians
Title 26 Internal Revenue Code
Title 27 Intoxicating Liquors
Title 28 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
Title 29 Labor
Title 30 Mineral Lands and Mining
Title 31 Money and Finance
Title 32 National Guard
Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters
Title 34 Navy (repealed)
Title 35 Patents
Title 36 Patriotic Societies and Observances
Title 37 Pay and Allowances Of the Uniformed Services
Title 38 Veterans' Benefits
Title 39 Postal Service
Title 40 Public Buildings, Property, and Works
Title 41 Public Contracts
Title 42 The Public Health and Welfare
Title 43 Public Lands
Title 44 Public Printing and Documents
Title 45 Railroads
Title 46 Shipping
Title 47 Telegraphs
, Telephones, and Radiotelegraphs
Title 48 Territories and Insular Possessions
Title 49 Transportation
Title 50 War and National Defense

