英汉翻译和汉英翻译 异同点
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英汉翻译和汉英翻译 异同点
On similarities and differences between
English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation The awareness of major difference between Chinese and English are the basis for successful translation between them. As a result of it, we need first make comparisons and contrasts between the two languages.
The most important difference between the two languages lies in parataxis and hypo taxis. Chinese language tends to be a parataxis language, that is, connectives between different parts of the sentence or between clauses are not compulsory. Chinese has no relative words and uses fewer conjunctions than English, while English tends to be a hypo taxis language, which uses a lot of complex sentence structures and relations between clauses that must be expressed by conjunctions or other relieve words. For example, let us see a Chinese passage and its English translation.1)今天晚上,很好的月光。(《狂人日记》)The moon is extremely bright tonight.2)午后便步行至鹊华桥,雇了一只小船,荡起双桨。朝北不远,便到了历下亭前。上岸进去,入了大门,便是一个亭子,油漆已大半剥蚀完了。亭上还悬着一幅对联,写的是:“历下此古亭,济南名士多。”(《老残游记》)After lunch he walked to the sparrow Flower Bridge, where he hires a small boat and paddled along towards the north. Soon he reached the LiXia pavilion. Then he stepped ashore and went in, and when he entered the gate he saw another pavilion, the paint off which was practically all worn off, and on its front columns were two scrolls with the following words:“The pavilion is ancient as history; Jinan is full of scholars.’’
English sentences have comparatively “complete ’’structure .In contrast, many Chinese sentences seem to be loose in structure; many seem to be “incomplete”.Chinese is a typical analytical language, of which grammatical meanings are expressed mostly through lexical means and word order , and that is why Chinese is also called an isolating language. The
英汉翻译和汉英翻译 异同点
relation between different parts of a clause or between clauses is also very loose in Chinese, which is often compared as “flowing water”. Wang Li(王力)once remarked that English is a language of “rule of law”(meaning it has strict grammar rules)while Chinese is a language of “rule of man”(people can express their ideas more freely as long as they can understand each other in an agreed way).For example, no matter how complicated they may look, English sentences can be summed up to be of three basic sentence pattern.1)“S+P
(intransitive verb)”2)”S+P(transitive verb)+O”3)”S+ P(linking verb)+Predictive” But so far there is no agreement on how many basic sentences patterns there are in Chinese. Comparatively Chinese syntactic structures seem to be of a much greater number and very loose.
What’s more, Chinese language tends to be of verbal while English tend to be of
steadiness. Let us see an English passage and its Chinese translation. “Spring has so mush more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its restless seeking.”Its Chinese translation is ;春花含苞待放,绿叶缓缓舒展,溪水潺潺流淌,欢乐的春天涌动着无限的追求和希望,这一切难以用语言表达。
Both of the translations to Chinese and to English are not only a kind of a conversion from one form to another among words, sentence patterns but the different cultures. Here I would like to illuminate my point based on examples of advertisement translation. A piece of
Chinese ad will probably goes as follow , “xx产品采用国内最先进设备与技术,由具有多年操作经验的一线员工精心打造而成,是目前国内最具竞争力的新型产品…”While you are trying to translate it into English, “xx product is among the best in China; it is the
most promising high-end product manufactured by skilled workers …”What it will be like? Foreign customers may feel confused as they hardly believe how the company makes their
英汉翻译和汉英翻译 异同点
products different from others since they can’t find any specialty and advantage in that product.
They will pay more attention to the details and facts, and that’s what they are thinking. Another English example is, as we are all familiar with, “Intel inside” in Intel business, which some Chinese people may cannot understand either. However, as we are stepping into the global business, we’d understand this culture gap so that we can be well recognized by international business.
The similarities and differences between translations of the two languages actually reflect cognition conversion between Chinese people and western people. Translation is a tough job but full of honor. A successful translator should be a learned, careful, serious and responsible person who not only does the job professionally but put all his energies into his country. He is a professional, , a culture transmitter, ambassador and a patriot!
英汉翻译和汉英翻译 异同点05-29
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