
更新时间:2023-05-05 01:34:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




( )1.W hat’s happening Saturday?

A in

B at

C to

D on

( )2.He is going to radio Beijing.he’s going to give interview on starsearch

A a

B an

C the D./

( )3.The movie is very .So the children are in it.

A interest; interested

B interested; interesting

C interesting ;interested

D interested ;interest

( )4.She asked the secretary she could come or not.

A if

B that

C what

D whether

( )5.Could you please tell me ?Turn left.

A what is the teacher’s office

B what the teac her’s office is

C where is the teacher’s office D. where the teacher’s office is

( )6.Smiling can make people happy, lively and warm

A to feel

B feels

C feel

D felt

( )7.Do you know will teach us English? Miss Wang

A what

B who

C where

D which

( )8.In our school, everyone needs English

A speaking ;good

B speak ;well

C speaking ;well

D to speak; well

( )9.Our teacher will us the factory next week.

A take; around

B take ;for C. to take ;to D take ;from

( )10.If it rain tomorrow, I visit my uncle ( )11.Yesterday I lent a book him.

A doesn’t; will

B does ;/ C./;will D does; will A to B in

C from

D for

( )12.It’s important her to learn a foreign language.

A for

B to

C from

D with

( )43bb4592360cba1aa911da17dies and .Welcome to our party. ( )15.I spend 5 minutes to school on foot.

A gentleman

B man

C gentlemen

D boys A go B going C to go D goes

( )14.The teacher often warns the children football in the street.

A to play

B not to play

C not play

D don’t play


A: can I ask you some questions, Betty? B: Ok, please A: B:I came to China five years ago.

And I have lived in Beijing for about three years. A: B: It’s a good place. There are lots of places of interest to visit A: We know that your parents are in London. B: Yes. But I don’t feel lonely ,because I have lots of friends here. A: B: I’m learning it now. Chinese is really difficult, but my friends often help me. A:

Do you know what an electronic dictionary is? Have you got one?

Now more and more students (1) electronic dictionaries to learn English. They think they can help (2) a lot to learn English well. An electronic is small and easy (3) and very convenient(方便的) to use. When students don’t know

(4) the word means, it can tell them not only its Chinese meaning (5) the pronunciation. However, come students

think the electronic dictionary can solve all their problems in the (6) study .When they meet a new word. They don’t use their minds(头脑)to think (7) will turn on the electronic dictionary for help immediately. It’s no (8) for their study.

I think the electronic dictionary can help students (9) their English study, but students shouldn’t (10) too much on

it. If they want to learn English well ,they should work hard and keep practicing English all the time.

1 A keep B. suggest C. use D send

2 A. their B .them C. him D. they

3 A. to carry B. take C. to

bring D. carry 4 A. how B. what C .why D. what does 5 A .also B .as well C. too D .but also

6 A. English B maths C. history D. Chinese

7 A .and B. so C .that D .but

8 A .better B .well C .bad

D .good 9 A .for B .in C. with D. of 10 A .depend B .offer C .spend D .different


Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make it in Chinese .But the call in English is quite different from the one in Chinese

Lf you want to ask somebody to answer the telephone , you cannot say, “Please to Mr./ Mrs./ Miss…… please?” lf you want to ask who is answer the telephone. lnstead, you must say” who is that……(somebody) speaking” instead of “who are you”. Lf you want to tell the one who you are, you should say” This is……(somebody)speaking”

( )1 The call in English is from the one in Chinese. A hard B difficult C same D different

( )2 lf you want to ask MR. Li to answer the telephone, you should say,““ A Who are you? B. Ask Mr. Li to answer the telephone, place C. May l speak to Mr. Li, please? D. Where is Mr. Li, please?

( )3 lf you want to ask who is answering the telephone, you can’t say,”“ A Who is that B ls that Mr……? C ls that Mr……speaking D Who are you? ( )4 lf you want to tell the other one you are Jim Green, you can’t say””

A l’ m Jim Green

B This is Jim Green

C This is Jim Green speaking D. both B and C ( )5 The title for this passage should be .A.A story about Mr. LI and Jim Green B. How to make a call in English C A story about telephone D.A call in Chinese


This is a street crossing. There are red and green lights at each corner Drivers must watch the lights carefully.

When there is a green light, the car may go on. When there is a red light, the cars must stop. They must wait until the red light changes to green. Then they can go on. Sometime the cars want to make a right turn or a left turn. They can make a right turn when the light is green or red . But they must wait until the green light is shining if they want to turn left.

Some people are color-blind(色盲).they cannot see the difference between red and green. These people must not drive, or else will be accidents().We must keep our streets safe. (Choose the best answer)

1 Drives must watch carefully at each corner A green lights B red lights C both green and red lights D orange lights

2 When there is a red light A the car must stop B the car may go on C the cars may make a left turn D the cars may make a right or left turn

3 Cars can make a right turn when A there is a red light B there is a green light C there is a red or green light D there is no light

4 The color-blind people may have accidents because A they are blind B they can’t see the lights C they can’t see the difference between the red and green lights D they can’t hear cars

5 must not drive. A people that are deaf B people that are blind

C people that are color-blind

D both B and C


1.Many teenagers e sport such as, football and basketball.

2.As I grew older, my i in radio grew.

3.If you want to t on the recorder, press the blue butter

4.The doctors gave Mr. Jackson the right m when London Zoo told them what kind of snake it was.

5.If Kylie beats you, she’ll play the s and become the star on Starsearch.


1.I’m lucky to have lots of (relate)in Liu Zhou.

2.I remember (put)my keys in my bag ,but now I can’t find them.

3.This is the (surprise)advice of a famous teacher.

4.lt’s going to be expensive (mend)the computer


1.The teacher told the students that they shouldn’t spend all their time on their favourite hobby.(改为简单句).

The teacher told the students all their time on their favourite hobby.

2.Will Sally sing a song at the end of the concert? He ask.(改为宾语从句) He asks Sally sing a song at the end of the concert.

3.On Radio Beijing everyone needs to speak English well(对画线部分提问)

everyone need to do on Radio Beijing? 4.If she doesn’t become a star, her parents will send her away.(同义句) lf she a star, her parents won’t sent her away. 5.Chen Huan was able to answer all their questions.(改为否定句). Chen Huan to answer all their questions.


1 Shanghai is a A modern city. l can B make C friend with people D from other countries( )

2 A When B will your C new book D go out?( )

3 A Give some B informations C about D the pictures.( )

4 l often A send B messages by C the email. D lt’ s easy, cheap and fast.( )

5 lf there A will be B something wrong with the computer, just C press this button to turn D it off( )



提示词Turn on blue button record red button play back green button turn off black button 开头:Look! This is my new recorder.

