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一 选择题(把所选的题号写在每题前的括号内)(20分) ( )1 There are twenty-four _______ in a day. A hours B houres C hour

( ) 2 Beijing is a nice city , and it is ______ old city ,too. A an B the C an

( ) 3 Zhang Hong often _____ English in the morning . A studies B study C studys ( )4 What?s that ?________ a bag. A It?s B It C Its

( )5 There are some flowers, water _____ fish in river. A and B or C either

( )6. _____ are you from?

A Where B What C Who ( )7._____ is your favorite sport? A Where B What C Who ( )8 Every day he _____ at six. A get B get up C gets up

( )9. It?s time _____ us to have breakfast. A / B to C for

( )10. What?s the date today? It?s _______. A Monday B 12:00 C May 10th ( )11. Mary is _____ at PE. A better B good C best

( )12. I?m looking forward ____ seeing you soon. A at B in C to

( )13. She is _______ in music.

A interest B interesting C interested ( )14. What is he doing? He is _____ TV. A watch B watching C watched ( )15. What ______ is it? ------It?s 6:30.

A time B day. C date

( ) 16 Please take the third turning _________. A in the right B on the right C with the right ( ) 17 I _____ born in Tai?an. A were B was C am

( )18. It is _______ for you to look for a job. A first time B the first time C on time ( )19. What?s the weather like? It is _____ . A sunny B more C watched ( ) 20Thank you very much. -------- ______________.

A Oh, yes, thank you. B That?s all. C The same to you.. 二、根据回答写出问句。(2?×5)

1. —— ________________________________? —— My name is Tom.

2—— ________________________________?

—— I?m from Jinan.

3—— ________________________________?

—— It?s a quarter to nine.

4—— ________________________________?

—— It?s July 10th.

5—— _______________________________?

—— Monday.


(there,can/could, go/walk, take, on) A: Excuse me. Is _______ a bookshop nearby?

B: Yes.

A: ________ you tell me how I can get to the bookshop, please? B: ________ to Main Street. ________ the third turn _____ the right. A: Is it _____ the left or ____ the right? B: It?s _______ the left. A: Thank you very much. B: You are welcome. 四、汉译英(10分) 1.我能说两种语言。

I ________ _________ two languages. 2.向前走,向右拐。

Go _______. Turn _____ it?s on your right.. 3. 他想今天下午去购物。

He wants ___________ this afternoon. 4. 天正在下雨。

It _____ _______ now. 5. 你是哪里人啊?

______ are you _________ ?


0ne ________ two __________ three _________four_________ five_________ Six_________ seven_________ eight_________ nine_________ ten__________ 六、阅读理解(30分)。 A

Here are two pictures. A man and a boy are in one picture. Who are they? Let me tell you. The man is Mr White, and the boy?s name is Bill. He?s the man?s son. Now they are in Bill?s bedroom. We can see some Chinese

books in the desk. And on the bed a shirt. It?s Bill?s. His trousers are on it, under his shirt. too.

Now let?s look at the other picture. You can see a woman and a girl in it. The

woman is Bill?s mother and she?s in her daughter, Ann?s room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the white wall. Between the windows is a

desk. A Clock is on the desk. It?s eleven. What?s that on the floor? Oh, it?s Ann?s hat. but it looks like a brown hat.

( )1.In the two pictures we can see ____.

a.two people b.three people c.four people d.five people ( )2.Mr White is ____.

a.Ann?s brother b.Ann?s father c.Bill?s friend d..Bill?s teacher ( )3.Bill?s trousers are ____.

a.on the bed b.in the desk c.on the floor d.under the desk ( )4.What colour is Ann?s hat?

a.White. b.Red. c.Black. d.Brown. ( )5.In Ann?s bedroom we can see a ____.

a.cat b,ball c.shirt d.clock B Dear Mum,

Yesterday I was in Beijing with you, but today I?m in Sydney(悉尼). I got here by air at seven. Everything is going on well. Don?t worry about me. I hope you are well. Yesterday I wore warm clothes, but today I need to wear cool clothes, because it?s summer here. School begins on Feb.26. I must get everything ready for it. I have a lot of things to do. I must stop here.

Yours, Xiao Mei

1. Xiao Mei got to Sydney on _______. A Jan.25 B Jan.26 C Feb.26

2. How did Xiao Mei go to Sydney? By _______. A train B bus C plane

3. Yesterday Xiao Mei wore warm clothes because ________. A it was rainy B it?s cool C she was ill 4. When she got to Sydney, it was _______ there. A summer B winter C spring

5. Xiao Mei went to Australia to ________ there. A study B live C see her mother


One day a policeman walks on a street in Britain.A car runs on the side of the street.He stops the car .In the car there is a visitor from another country. “What?s the matter?”the visitor asks.

“Why are you driving on the right side of the street?”the policemen says.

“Do you want me to drive on the wrong side ?”the visitor looks at the policemen surprisingly.

“You are driving on the wrong side?”The policemen answers.

The visitor opens his eyes wide and says,”But you said I was driving on the right side.” “That?s right,”the policemen ansers,”you are on the right side,that?s wrong.”

1. The policeman is American. A,True B.False

2. The policeman and the visitor are from the same country. A,True B.False

3. The car runs on the wrong side. A,True B.False

4. The policeman doesn?t stop it when he sees the car . A,True B.False

5.The visitor doesn?t understand the policeman. A,True B.False

七 英译汉,把下面的短文译成英文 The Old Cat

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite(咬), because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse(老鼠); she jumped and caught(抓) the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed(杀) the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, \(佣人). I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I

am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young.\


