The - outline - of - research - paper

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The outline of research paper

Chapter one Introduction


Establishing a context -- General statement(s ) about a field of research or study to





provide the readers with a setting for the problem to be

Reviewing previous research -- More specific statements about aspects of the problem already studied by other researchers.

Stating problems or weakness-- Statement(s) that indicate the need for more investigation

Stating the purpose of your study--Very specific statement(s) giving the purpose of the writer’s study

Justifying the significance of your study --Optional statements that give a justification for carrying out the study

Chapter two literature review

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The relevant studies done by other researchers home and abroad The relevant theories

Chapter three Research methodology

General as well as specific research questions or hypotheses, Information about subjects, Instruments,

? The procedures for data-collection and data-analysis. ? Description of a teaching approach or model *

Notes: The information presented in this chapter should be so explicit and transparent that any other researcher can easily replicate your study if she/he wants to.

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Chapter four results and discussion

? The results are the answers to your research questions

? The discussion explains the possible reasons for a specific finding, and the

significance of the findings, the link between the present findings and the previous ones, etc.

? The discussion may go along with each finding presented or may be presented

separately from the Results.

? Three different types of findings:

The first has to do with comparison. This is usually involves a comparison among groups. Comparisons and superlatives are often used to report this type of results. The second type of finding involves variation. This shows the tendency of a variable to fluctuate over time. Expressions such as ‘increase’, ‘grow’, ‘drop’, ‘decrease’,

‘remain constant’ are commonly used.

The third type of finding deals with correlation. This shows the relationship of one variable with another, or relationships among variables. Expressions such as ‘be correlated with’, ‘be associated with’, ‘be related to’ are often used.

Chapter five Conclusion

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Summary of the content Value or significance Limitation or problems

Recommendation for further study or research ? Implication of the study

