180403 英语学习高级阅读材料

更新时间:2023-03-08 05:01:24 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



We're bombarded by fitness messaging that tells us that to be healthy, we must go to extremes (no pain, no gain). But really, it doesn't have to be that hard.


Simply going for a walk (especially if you do it regularly and outdoors) is an underestimated but low-stress, low-impact, accessible way to reap lots of health benefits. It can be a rejuvenating time, spent in solitude or in the company of friends, in sunshine and fresh air. Here are four benefits of going for walks-no gym membership required.

走路(尤其是在户外走)是一种被低估的,但却是低压力、低影响的简单方法,能为我们带来很多健康益处。走路会让你充满活力,可以一个人走,也可以和朋友一起走,在阳光中,在新鲜的空气中散散步吧。 It Boosts Your Mood 让你心情变好

Just the act of walking-the way you've probably been doing without

thought ever since you were a toddler-can improve your mood, even in an environment where you may be dreading tasks you have at hand, according to a 2016 study.

2016年的一项研究表示,只要走路--也许这是一种自蹒跚学步之后你就不曾思考的行为--就能让你心情变好,即使你所处的环境令人恼火、手上有一堆事需要处理。 Plus, it gives you a reason to take breaks from your chair throughout the day. If you're able to walk outside in a natural setting and not on a

treadmill or at your workplace, the benefits are even more direct. Studies show that walking outdoors can help relieve stress: In one study, participants who took a 90-minute walk outdoors reported less

\showed less activity in regions of the brain linked to mental illness. 此外,走路也让你有了理由,可以不用一整天都坐在椅子上。如果你能出去走走、走到大自然的怀抱中,而不是在办公室的跑步机上走,那么效果就更加明显。研究表明,户外散步有利于缓解压力:在一项研究中,户外走路90分钟的受试者称自己\胡思乱想\的次数少了(总是想一些消极的事情),与精神疾病相关的大脑区域的活

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It Bolsters Heart Health 促进心脏健康

Activities that have you gasping for breath aren't the only ones that count as aerobic exercise; moderate walking can help you reap some of the same heart-healthy benefits.

让你喘不上气的活动并不是有氧运动的唯一形式;适度步行也有益于心脏健康。 Just 30 minutes of walking a day has been shown to improve blood pressure and reduce your risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, according to the American Heart Association. This can be accomplished easily by simple decisions like parking farther away from buildings, taking stairs, and pacing while talking on the phone.


It Can Ease Sugar Cravings 减轻对糖的渴望

The next time you have a hankering for a sweet snack, go for a brief walk. One study showed that taking a 15-minute walk helped people cut their chocolate consumption in half at their workplace.

下一次想吃甜食的时候,去散个步吧。一项研究表明,步行15分钟可以帮助人们在工作场所减少一半的巧克力摄入量。 It Improves Brain Health 促进大脑健康

Going for regular walks has been associated with increased brain

plasticity, the ability to create and grow new neural connections in your brain.

定期步行或能提高大脑可塑性、提高在大脑中创造和增长新神经连结的能力 ==


Texting has become the most prominent form of instant communication. Because intimate partners are likely to save these messages, they form a

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valuable, archived, written history of a relationship’s “story.” Most of my couples haven’t realized the opportunities that their text archives offer to teach them about how well they are actually communicating with each other.

如今即时通讯的主要方式就是发消息,而亲密情侣更可能将这些消息保存下来,这些聊天消息是两人爱情故事的宝贵记录。然而大多数情侣并未意识到,这些聊天记录提供了一个独特的机会,让他们了解互相之间是如何交流的。 Using the following criteria, they could not only evaluate their

relationship vis a vis the things they have texted in the past, but also better understand how they use that data to improve their relationship connections in the future. If you have a partner, read the seven criteria in each other’s presence. If you are currently single, you can still get a better idea of how your text messaging style has helped or hindered your past relationships and how you can use that data in the future.


1. Do Men and Women Read Texts Differently? 1.内容长度

Most of my patients believe that females are “wordier” than males. The actual data shows that whichever gender is the most talkative actually depends on the subject being shared.

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Most often, women do use more words when talking about relationships, and men when talking about business, battle, or sports. 不过总体而言,女性在谈论人际关系时话更多,男性则更喜欢谈论商业、战争及运动等话题。

They also unanimously tell me that men like to hear the bottom line first and work up to the backstory details only if they need them, and that women like to “set the stage” before coming to the conclusion.


If that is indeed true, then women are likely to experience many men as too laconic and direct, and men are more likely to hear or read only the first part of a long message.

如果确实如此,那么情侣在沟通时,女性可能会认为对方说话过于简单直接,而男性可能常常只会去读到一段长消息的开头部分。 So, do your text messages bear that out as well? 你和情侣的聊天状态是否也是这样呢?

Go back over as many text messages as you need to evaluate this. Count the amount of lines you or your partner use on average to send a text and how those figures change depending on the subject discussed. Ignore those that are simply logistics, like where you’re going to meet, or what you might need picked up for dinner. Just pay attention to those that are important emotional interchanges.

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If you are a more typical male in a traditional male/female relationship, ask yourself how much of a long, emotional text message you actually read from your female partner before you respond, and if your responses are typically shorter than the message you receive. If you are a more typical female in a traditional male/female duo, do you take time at the beginning of your emotionally expressive text to create a backstory before you get to the point?

如果你也属于上述典型沟通模式中的男性或女性,为了让两人更好地沟通,男性可以反思自己读了多少对方发来的长消息,回复是否总比收到的信息短;女性发消息时则可以注意,自己在铺垫要点时,是否可以优化消息文本的开头? The point here is not to judge, but to compare and contrast, just for information and understanding.


2. Response Time 2.回复速度

When either partner in an intimate relationship sends out an emotional message, he or she may have a different expectation of how soon the other partner should respond. I’ve witnessed many painful altercations between partners when their expectation of response time is different.

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