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篇一:学案5 故地重游作文

2015届高三英语作文 学案 5

----徐汇区 二模作文

假设今年暑假,你准备去某地做一次故地重游的旅行,并准备带上你的朋友们一起去。请写一篇文章介绍你的旅行计划,主要包括以下内容: ? 准备去什么地方

? 故地重游的原因

? 本次计划如何开展

? 希望做些什么准备

? ……

审题: During summer vacation, I will revisit…

To broaden our horizons (e.g. to learn the culture/ history/ custom, to appreciate the scenery…)

To make up for the previous experience (e.g. I missed… during last visit) To cherish the memory of…

… The schedule/ itineraryClothing, food, accommodation, transportation

1) With the summer holidays approaching, I am looking forward to travellingto X

with my friends (to relieve the heavy burden of my study/ to embrace Chinese ancient culture/…)

用来表示渴望去旅游的词语: long to travel to...; look forward to traveling; be desperate to travel...

2) As one of the …, it has a long/ rich history… as well as…, which makes it the

best choice.

3) I’m going to spend my summer vacation in X with… to… 1) I can still remember that…

Since time was limited, we didn’t… As a result, I think it necessary and appealing to visit X again for the purpose of…

2) Due to the tight schedule of travel, we failed to visit the most beautiful… but

the views elsewhere really impressed me deeply so that an idea occurred to me that I might as well visit X again!

3) It’s a great pity for me that I had a guided tour to X last time, and consequently

I wasted much time on… and didn’t have enough time to approach the local culture. As a result, this time, I’ll make a detailed plan and enjoy more free and relaxing time. 1) To have a better understanding of X, we’ll choose to live with a host family

where we will be introduced to …

2) To ensure that our trip goes well, we have to make some necessary

preparations in advance. We should … so that we can contact each other at any time. Some medicines will… in case we…

3) The first site will be… The next stop will be… Going shopping will never be

replaced during the trip. 1) To embrace the wonderful trip, we should apply for visas at least one month in

advance. Summer sun can burn skin in minutes, and therefore we should prepare sunscreen to protect our skin from the sun’s rays. … I just can’t wait to go there.

2) … and… are necessities. … will be needed as well. More importantly, we

must hold our visas when entering…

I suggest that we start preparing soon after Gaokao.

Get fully prepared and we will have a wonderful trip to….

PS: style:非议论文(不要写成工作报告,第一第二…)




attractive, colorful, splendid(壮观的), impressive, magnificent, fascinating, lively, wonderful, breathtaking scenery (壮观的), legendary (传奇的), haunting (令人难忘的,萦绕心头的), delightful,

e.g. I was fascinated by the magnificence of the mountains.

The town is hauntingly beautiful 美得令人难以忘怀

… the haunting calls of wild birds in the tree 令人难忘的鸟鸣声

描述经历的形容词: enjoyable, pleasant, memorable, unmissable (不容错过的), unforgettable…


范文精选 (一)

With the summer holidays approaching, I am looking forward to travelling with

my friends to relieve the great burden of study now. Actually I’ve already worked out a plan for a trip to Nanjing, which we visited two years ago.

I can still remember that our last visit to Nanjing didn’t end up with joy and happiness. Since time was limited, we were more like being pushed all the time than traveling. As a result, I think it necessary and appealing to visit Nanjing again, for the purpose of filling our memories.

Nanjing is a place with a great number of tourist attractions, so it may take 3 days to get a thorough view of it. Places among our list to visit are Fuzi Temple. Nanjing University, Zongtong Fu and so on. I believe we can relax ourselves and enjoy the beautiful view of Nanjing.

To ensure that our trip goes well, we have to make some necessary preparations in advance. We should remember every member’s telephone numbers so that we can contact each other at any time. Before departure, we must prepare some medicines if someone needs them.

All in all, I hope that this trip will be a piece of memory for us to keep forever.

范文精选 (二)

On account of the unforgettable visit to the Western Lake three years ago, I intend to pay a visit to it again with my friends this summer holiday.

,Hangzhou primarily its magnificent Western stories. We can appreciate the fantastic scenery while wandering along the bank,with breeze blowing gently through our hair.The sunshine there will also wrap us warmly,which really makes it difficult for you to resist the temptation,doesn’t it?

Then,it’s time to discuss the plan in detail.In terms of my intention,the whole journey will last 2 weeks. I will pide my friends into two groups to better take care of each other. We will have a clear timetable to ensure everyday project. Certainly,what we should do first is to reserve a hotel in advance and surf the Internet to figure out our routes. What’s more,a local map is also essential. Wish us a pleasant trip!


今天,我和好朋友一同去游泳。 说起来,我以前还是怕水的呢!这次后,我渐渐熟悉了水性,克服了害怕的困难。水池分浅水区,中水区,深水区。我心想:先去浅水区吧!正想着,婷婷说话了:哎,我们去中水区吧!这&&我大惊失色,禁不住打了个寒战,哆哆嗦嗦的央求婷婷:那,那里的,的水&&婷婷一眼就识破:我怕水!于是她安慰我:那里的水还不到你的头呢!我点了点头。 来到中水区,我套着婷婷没教我真正游泳之前借我的游泳圈,在水里优哉游哉的慢慢游。婷婷一把将我抬起,我呛了一口水,忙呼一口气。婷婷把我的游泳圈又拔下,说:先练习潜水。说着,她老练的吸了一口气,小鱼似的快速钻进水里。四十五秒后,她又出来了。我目瞪口呆,婷婷大声疾呼:别傻站在那儿!你来试试呀!我不好意思地笑了笑,然后学着她,一吸,一钻。在水里把气呼出的时候,我好奇的左顾右盼(我戴了游泳镜),三秒钟后,我上来了。她嘲笑我:才三秒呀,哈哈哈哈,不过,对于你来说,不,错,哈哈哈哈&&我的脸立刻羞得通通红。心里也气哼哼的。 再来一次!我坚定的下了这个决定,心里有一种微妙的感觉:我不怕水啦! 这一次钻下水,我不急着呼出气,而是慢慢地憋着,实在不好受,才呼下气。当我钻出水的时候,婷婷的眼神变了,脸色变了,嘴巴张大了。我问:怎么了?她几乎喊出来了:周熙明,这,你这次三十七秒啊!我满脸惊喜,脸又是红通通的。 时间不早了,而天色却没变,













#from 记一次有意义的活动作文600字3篇来自 end#












