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Unit 1 Nine to Five

Secti on 1 Lead-i n

1. Video and Questions

Watch the video and an swer the questi ons.

Clip One.

1) . Why is the girl, Ryde n Malby, scream ing in the end

Clip Two.

1) . What does Ryden respond to the question “What are you up to ” at the p arty

2) . What does she say about her situati on

Clip Three .

1) . Watch the clip to see if there is

any differenee between the three fathers ' attitudes and behaviors Which one do you prefer

2. Discussion

1) What is the first problem facing the stude nts leav ing uni versity

2) How do you think they will react if they can ' t find a job

3) What do you think their parents will do if they can ' t find a job

3. Liste ning in

1). Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

This is an article by an Educati on Corresp ondent, Alexa ndra Blair, published in

September 2008 in The Times, a Ion g-established British quality n ewspaper. For many graduates fin di ng a job became harder in 2008 and 2009 because of the econo mic dow ntur n -then a recession ( 萎缩).After their final exams, some student ' s rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then found that it was difficult to find employment

in their field or at the level they wan ted. The article addresses the problem of such

new graduates who might be stuck at home. The style is partly of a report, but also

of a humorous comme nt for light en tertai nment.

2) . Liste n to the passage and an swer the questi ons.

①Why are there more graduates look ing for jobs

Because uni versities in Europe, particularly in Brita in, have expa nded greatly

in the last fiftee n years.

②Why did the competitive situati on of job market become even worse in 2008

Because of the credit crunch and econo mic depressi on that year.

③What is the advice the author gives to the stude nt s

Active to seek a job, they need to fill in many application forms and try to get job in terviews: they won ' t find employme nt by lying on the sofa at home.

Liste ning Script:

Universities in Europe, especially in Britain, have expanded greatly in the last

fiftee n years, so there are more graduates look ing for jobs. This competitive

situatio n became a lot worse in 2008 on wards with the credit crunch and econo mic depressi on, which means that there were fewer jobs available and a rise in un employme nt. Thus new graduates have to be active to seek a job, they n eed to fill in many applicati on forms and try to get job in terviews: they won' t find employme nt by lying on the sofa at home.

Secti on 2 Passage Lear ning

1. Background information

Cultural Note: Honors Degree

1) Most people get a sec ond.

2) Traditionally, in the British university system, BA ( 文学学士)and BS ( 理学

学士) are awarded in different categories: a first class degree (I), a second

(IIi or IIii called “a two one” and “a two two” ), a third (written III) and

a pass degree.

3) There are also ordinary degrees with more general courses of study without these categories.

Key: 2,1,3

Gen erati on Y and Grunt

1). Work in pairs and answer the question. Howto name the generations and characterize them

2). Why is Gen eratio n Y is also called Gen erati on Grunt Complete the passage with the words in the


express childre n available experie nee

It is an ironic name referring to repetitive, low status, routine or mindless work

-this may be the only work available to some graduates, who may have to take very ordinary jobs to get experience . ____________________

“Grunt ” also refers to coarse behavior or bad manners and to the deep sound that

is made by a pig. When people “ grunt ” they express disgust but do not com muni cate with words - this may be how the parents of new graduates think their children _

com mun icate with them!

2. Text organization

Gen eral structure:

Problems after graduati on


Advice for deali ng with the problems

Detailed structure:

Look ing at the problems _____ from various


viewpoi nts

/ / \ \

pare nts(Paras 1-2) author(Para 3) graduates (Paras 4-6) mother(Paras 7-9)

Psychotherapist Advice_ J author(Para 16)

(Paras 10-15)


Parents ' balanee:

positive T n ot mak ing More examples

life too comfortable


Better for fathers

to help boys after a job setback.


It ' s a good idea to

get some jobs like bar work, shelf-stack ing.

3. Information analysis

Work in pairs. Look at the senten ces and discuss the implied meanings un said.

1) “Will he ever get a job ” Who is asking this question What mood does it express

The pare nts are ask ing the questio n.

The mood seems to express patienee or resignation because the word “ ever

suggests that getting a job will take a long time.

2) Who describes Generation Y as "rebels without a cause ” Is it a fair description This is the writer ' s

description to indicate that this generation is rebelling aga inst pare nts or society, but they have nothing particular to rebel aga in st. —it

This does not seem very fair because the stude nts are trying to find work

is just that they don ' t like their parents nagging them.

3) [Jack] “ walked into the university careers service and straight back out again ” . What does this

suggest about Jack ' s character

It suggests that Jack is not very determined. As soon as he saw the queue he left without waiting and without trying to ask about jobs or careers.

4) Jack spent the summer “hiding ” .

Hiding from what Why are quotation marks used

Hiding from the world of work, staying at home and not looking for a job.

The quotation marks tell us that he wasn ' t literally hiding, he just spent a lot

of time at home.

5) How is Mrs. Goodwin ' s point of view affected by her own personal experience

In one way her experience hasn ' t affected her attitude. She left school and went

immediately to a job (without going to university) and has been working full-time since then and yet she is sympathetic and takes a soft line.

6) How is Lindenfield ' s point of view affected by her own personal experiences

Her personal experience was that she worked in a bar before finding her first proper job as an aerial photographic assistant. So she says such work is a great networking opportunity. If new graduates are good at such work and bright, cheerful and polite, they will soon be promoted. Her pers onal experie nee thus reflects - or perhaps has created - her point of view.

7) What would the first two paragraphs have focused on if they had been presented from the point of

view of the students rather than the parents

The first two paragraphs would have focused on the need for the new graduates to

rest for a bit after their hard studies. It is OK for students to relax with the

TV or to socialize with friends for a while, then they can start a serious search for employment after that.

4. Theme Discussion

1) Do you think the Goodwins are good parents

Yes. If they take a hard line with Jack, it will just make him angry: He has already tried to find work and he needs rest and sympathy now. His parents are letting him go to South America. But after that he will have to make a more serious effort and he'll need to contribute to the household budget, which means he must find work then. So the soft line is the best approach.

No, their soft line is not good enough. They should insist that he make more effort and they should actively help him to find work, even a temporary job. Their soft approach just encourages him to delay and by the time he comes back from his holiday all the likely jobs will have been taken. So they are not really helping at all.

How can they let him take a three week holiday abroad when he hasn 't got a job

to come back.

2) Which advice Lindenfield gives to parents do you agree with (if any), and why

