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Unit 1
Mary is bent on a musician, practising piano hard from morning to night.
That piece of porcelain proves to be a real piece of antique and worths hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In the more expensive kind of antique shop, rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them from dust.
You must cherish the hope that one day you will be amply rewarded.
Listening to this song always reminds me of my pleasant days in the past.
Unit 2
The principles of fashion movement will help us to identify and predict fashion trends.
2、时装表演时一种有效的促销方式。 Fashion shows serve as an effective way of sales promotion.
3、正是时尚影响着我们生活的方方面面。 It's fashion that affects every aspect of our lives.
4、人本质上时爱美的。 Mankind loves beauty in nature.
What consumers are concerned with are style, colour, fabric and price.
Unit 3
Having had no formal training, Armani has raw talent for fashion design.
In the 1980,the Armani suits appealed to the wealthy young professionals.
His collection of women's clothing made the professional urban women take on a new look.
The coat blends casual and formal looks, which is a very popular fashion.
Fashion has kept changing and developing. Therefore, fashion designers have to keep bringing out new styles. Unit 4
1、 人们常常把颜色和不同的物体、感觉、假日联系在一起。
People often associate colors with different objects, feelings and holidays.
2、 她没有对老师的忠告做出任何反应。She didn't react to the teacher's advice at all.
3、 他宁愿在家看电视也不愿去参加那个晚会。He would rather watch TV at home than go to that party.
4、 总的来说,她在英语方面取得了很大的进步。On the whole, she has made much progress in English.
5、 医学研究人员决心找出禽流感的发病原因。
The medical researchers are determined to find out the cause of bird flu.
Unit 5
1、 她得到了这份工作是因为她比你有优势。She has get the job because she has an advantage over you.
2、 学习民间舞蹈对他们而言是非常重要的。It is very important for them to learn folk dance.
3、 这种生活方式的确使他们延年益寿。This way of life does add longevity to them.
4、 不管父母怎么想,他都打算从事专业舞蹈。
Regardless of what their parents think, he is going to dance professionally.
5、 有趣的是,他们在处理这类问题时没有差别。
Interestingly, there are no differences in how they handle these problems.
Unit 6
1、 他擅长处理形形色色的问题。He is good at dealing with different kinds of problems.
2、 轮船驶向大海,最终消失在地平线处。The ship made for the sea and vanished on the horizon in the end.
3、 这些理论已经被运用于实践。These theories have applied to practice.
4、 你想的事和我想的事完全不同。
What you think about is completely distinct from what I think about.
5、 与大多数同学相比,她是班里最勤奋的学生。
In contrast with most students, she is the most diligent student in her class.
Unit 7
1、 文艺复兴是意大利科学和艺术的繁荣时期。
Renaissance is a period when the arts and sciences flourished in Italy.
2、 那个村子里的人连电灯都没见过,更不用说电视了。
The people in that village have not seen electric lights, let alone TV sets.
3、 12岁时他就成为一个有名的画师的徒弟。
At the age of 12, he became an apprentice to a famous painter.
4、 无论是绘画,雕塑还是建筑,米开朗基罗对于西方艺术的影响都是深远的。Whether in painting, sculpture or architecture, Michelangelo’s influence on the western art has been immense.
5、 毕业典礼之后,我们摆好姿势照了相。After the graduation ceremony, we were posed for pictures. Unit 8
1.刘海粟是中国最著名的现代画家和教育家之一。Liu Haisu is one of china’s most famous artists and educators.
2、 齐白石不仅作画还专心致志于学作诗、书法、刻章。
Qi Baishi devoted himself to poetry, calligraphy, seal carving as well as painting.
3、 他将自己创造性的画法和一些著名画家的画技融为一体。
He integrated his own creativity with the painting techniques of some famous artirts.
4、 他接受了朋友的建议决定改革自己的绘画方法。
He took his friend’s advice and decided to reform his approaches to the painting.
5、 让人惊叹的是他在绘画中同时运用了工笔和写意两种风格。
What is fascinating about his works is that both the gongbi and the xieyi styles are used in his paintings. Unit 9
Pop music is developing and changing,and merging with modern folk music day and day.
Audience participation is an essential characteristic of pop concerts.
3、他们打算用新材料做实验。They are going to make an experiment with new material.
4、多亏了你的支持,我们取得了如此巨大的成功。Thank to you support,we achieved such a great success.
John looks alike his brother,but unlike his brother,he has a good sense of humour.
Unit 10
Success is just a matter of chance and it’s important not to get too attached to it.
2、 很小的时候,他就表现出对绘画的热爱。His love of painting was apparent from an early age.
3他的影片曾获得奥斯卡最佳外语片的提名。His film was once nominated for Oscars’best foreign language films.
4、 我希望这次成功能激励你更加努力。I hope this success will inspire you to pursue to work harder.
5、 尽管是个盲人,波切利在当代歌剧舞台上拥有最令人激动地嗓音。
Despite his being blind, Andrea Bocelli has an exciting voice in the contemporary opera.
1.The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place.高档的古玩店为了防尘把文物漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜里,那里往往令人望而生畏。
2.There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms a real rarity will be found among the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors.他们一直有这样的希望,那就是在像迷宫一样阴暗潮湿杂乱的房间中一个真正的宝贝会在堆满各种各样的垃圾中找到。
3.A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it.一个一心想要找便宜货买的人,一定要有耐心,最重要的是一定要有识货的能力。
4.Men, women and children all feel the effect of fashion in the clothes they wear as well as in other aspects of their appearance.不管是男
5.Seldom is a major change in skirt length accepted in one season.在同一季节中人们不希望裙子的长度有较大的变动
6.It is the consumer , not the designer or manufacturer , who determines what will be in fashion by accepting one style and rejecting another. 是消费者通过接受一种款式而抛弃另一种款式来决定流行的时尚而不是设计师或者制造商。
7.Its design blended casual and formal looks , as well as Eastern and Western cultural influences.
8.Many of his garments featured the color that now bears his name –the combination of beige and grey that came to be known as “Armani greige ”他的许多衣服都是以带有他名字的颜色为特点也就是融合了米色和灰色的阿玛尼灰棕色。
9.Young children react to the color of an object they react to the shape小孩子先是对物体的颜色有反应然后对形状有反应。
10.Body type was the number one factor that kept the men from excelling when their training was delayed
11.Other than pregnancy , opportunities , and time ,female dancer who cited these reasons also had significantly more dance injuries.除了怀孕,机遇和时间外,罗列这些原因的女性舞蹈演员显然还有较多由跳舞造成的伤
12Dancers with poor training that interfered with their goals had significant problems with performance anxiety
13.Still ,professional status does add longevity to both men and women 不过舞蹈职业对男性和女性的确都延寿
29.Perspective is a visual and illusive phenomenon ,which can be classified as two divisions :the linear perspective and the aerial perspective 透视是一种视觉和虚幻的现象,被分为线性透视和空气透视
14.Linear perspective is the visual phenomenon of diminishing in size as an object recedes.
15.Aerial perspective is the illusion of objects that seem to advance and recede on a plain surface空气透视是物体在平面上前进或后退的现象
16.A picture world is distinct from the real world as what is represented in a picture is only a visual and illusive phenomenon rather than the physical reality 画中的世界和真实的世界是不同的,画中展现的是现实的虚幻现象而不是客观的现实
17.To represent the three-dimensional objects in spatial recession on a two-dimensional surface ,perspective is in fact a system that is perfectly satisfactory as an aesthetic system.想要在二维平面内展现三维空间后退,透视法作为美学体系确实能够做到令人满意的效果
18.There was not a major Italian sculptor of the 16th century whose style was not formed under the influence of Michelangelo
19.He was one of the most important artist of the Italian Renaissance ,a period when the arts and sciences flourished.
20.At the age of 23 ,M completed his magnificent “Pieta”,a marble statue that shows the Virgin Mary grieving over the dead Jesus二十三岁的时候他完成了伟大的大理石雕像“哀悼基督”它展示了圣母玛利亚哀悼死去的基督耶稣状况
21.His life shows he achieved success by combining talent with hard work他的一生表明他的成功是勤奋加天分的结果
22.He integrated his own creativity with the painting techniques of famous artists of the Ming and Qing Dynasties such as Xuwei Zhuda and Shitao,and the skills used in folk art 他将自己创造性的画法与一些著名画家的画技融为一体
23The subjects of his painting were wide and various ,and the flowers ,birds ,fish, shrimp,and insects he painted are most admire by his public 他的画,题材多样,其中他画的花鸟鱼虫最受人民的喜爱
24.When he painted a dragonfly in a detailed manner ,he even drew the veins in its wings,当他用工笔法画蜻蜓时,他能将翅膀上的静脉描绘得清晰可见
25.What is fascinating about his works is that in some pictures both methods are used.更让人着迷的是他的作品会同时采用工笔和写意两种画法
26.The blind, Italy-born ,singer has emerged as one of the most exciting voices in contemporary opera这位意大利出生的盲人音乐家拥有最令人激动地嗓音,在当代歌剧界已名声鹊起
27.His album “the player”,old more than ten million copies, recevived a Golden Globe Award and led ti Bocelli being nominated for a Grammy as “best new artist” 他的唱片《祈祷》的销量超过千万张,获得了“金球奖”这也使他荣获格莱美最佳新人艺术家的提名
28.Andrea’s love of opera was also apparent from an early age , and he feels he was also destined to sing.很小的时候他就明显地表现出对歌剧的热爱,并且认为自己天生就是唱歌的料子.
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