
更新时间:2023-09-18 03:01:02 阅读量: 幼儿教育 文档下载






请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将该项填涂到答题卡上。 1.语法部分

1. Smiths usually have supper at about 6:00. A. The, their B. / , his C. /, the D. A , / 2. I think about _of them are . A. two thirds, woman teachers B. two thirds, women teachers C. two third , woman teachers D. two third, women teachers

3. Another big swimming pool with modern facilities in the community next year. A. build B. built' C. builds. D. will be built

4. We can get much about the H7N9 bird flu on the Internet. 5.--- Chengdu is more and more beautiful now .

---I think so. There are so many flowers and trees on side of the roads. A.both B.all C.either D.each 6. --- Must I do the rest of the work today? - ---No. You _finish it tomorrow. A.must B. can C. needn't D.can't 7. ---He is the police saved your son yesterday. ---Thank you sir.

A. where B. who C. which D. whom

8. A strong earthquake hit Ya'an, Sichuan _ Apri1 20th, and many people . A. on , were killed B. in, killed C. on, are killed D .in , kill 9. --- great progress you've made! Congratulations! ---Thank you! A. What B. What a C. How -D. How a 10. Could you please tell me ? A. when shall we set off B. there are any good restaurants near here C. where he live D. what's happened? II.情景对话

11. --- Linda, the music is too loud. Could you turn it down, please? --- . A. Sure, what time B. Sorry, I didn't notice it. C. Well, me too. D. OK, go ahead.

12. --- Mind your steps, guy! Don't you see the words “ _ the grass”? --- Oh, I am sorry.

A. Keep off B. Keep out C. Take off D. Take out 13. (At an airport)---What brought you here? --- . A. Walking B. My mother C. Sightseeing D. Airplane 14. --- Jim, how many of the students in your class have been to the aquarium ? --- .But we will go there next Sunday. A. All B. Neither. C. No one D. None 15. --- Would you like to go for a picnic to enjoy the fresh air outside this weekend? A.I'd love to B. Don't mention it C.No, I won’t D. It doesn't matter III.词汇部分 A.语境运用

16. Do you have any_ that you weren't there at 9 o'clock last night? . A. proof B. responsibility C. reason D. peak . 17. When he learned that he had _ the test, he felt relaxed. A sit B. failed C. passed D. entered 18. My parents will be if I failed the examination again. A. despaired B disappeared C. vanished D. released 19. He won a(an) _sum of money in the game. A. generous B. enormous C. grand D.splendid 20. If you want to learn how to drive well, you must find a _ person to help you. A. Lazy B. capable C. friendly D. rigid B.同义词

答题说明:找出与所给单词词义相同的选项。 例:ROUTINE

A. legal B. directed C. unnecessary D. usual 答案:D 21. CHILLY

A. lazy B. nice C. dry D.cold 22.TRADE

A advice B. tax C. linen D.exchange

23. SLIM

A. thin B. faint C. tiny D. small 24. EARNEST

A. rich B. strong C. usual D. sincere 25. INJURE

A. harm B. control C. reveal D. flatter C.类比

答题说明:找出与题干中单词间逻辑关系一致的选项。 例:Tunnel(隧道)is to mine(矿藏)as

A. pipe is to fluid B. corner is to crossing C. sign is to detour D. Corridor(走廊)is to building 答案: D

26. Frame is to building as

A. hair is to head B. skull is to jaw C. skeleton is to body D. finger is to hand 27. Wallet is to money as

A. safe is to lock B. suitcase is to clothing C. camera is to film D. setting is to jewel 28. Manager is to store as

A. technician is to laboratory B. student is to school C. principal is to school D. spectator is to arena 29. Canal is to waterway as

A. skyline is to city B. bank is to stream C. dam is to river D. reservoir is to lake 30. Custom is to society as

A. testimony is to trial B. ballot is to election C. rule is to game D. contest is to debate 二、完型填空(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)



Dear class,

Hello from Egypt!Thank you for the letters and e-mails you 31 me ever the last month. I miss 32 but I am also happy to be having such a special learning experience myself. As you know, I am 33in a teachers' exchange program here for three months. I am very lucky to be spending this time in Egypt. Since I am a history teacher, it is wonderful to visit a country that is famous for its ancient civilization! I have already seen the Great Pyramid of Giza and many other sights. When I visit these 34 places, I have a fantastic guide. His name is Professor Hassan and he teaches at a large university in Cairo, _ 35 _the capital city of Egypt. He has taught me so much about the history of the ancient Egyptian kings and queens. I can't wait to show all of you the photographs that I have taken in this amazing place! Mr. Tyler

31. A. send B. are sent C. sending D. have sent 32. A. to see all of my students B. seeing all of my students

C. all of my students are seen D. all of my students saw them 33. A. requiring B. involving C. interesting D. participating 34. A. every B. general C. historic D. possible 35. A. that is B. is being C. which is D. and which


When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words carry a message, People communicate with words, but it is also possible for them to communicate 36 words. A smile on your face shows you are happy and 37 .Tears in your eyes tell other that you are sad. When you 38 your hand in class,the teacher knows you want to say something. You shake your head ,and people know you are saying 39 .You nod and people know you are saying yes.

Other things can also give some information. For example,a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which 40 to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you how to go in 41 out.Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from 42 all the time?People can communicate in many other ways. A/An 43 can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV and radio and films all help us to 45 with other people. They all help us to know what is going on in the world. 36. A. by B. with C. in D. without 37. A. friendly B. angry C. lonely D. worried 38. A. put on B. put out C. put up D. put down 39. A. no B. something C. yes D. nothing 40. A. train B. taxi C.bus D. flight 41. A. but B. and C. or D. then 42. A. them B. it C. you D. us 43. A. actor B. artist C. director D. detective 44.A. write B. wrote C. are writing D. are written 45.A. agree B. communicate C. chat D. provide 三、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)



The Fortune Global Forum(财富全球论坛) was successfully held in Chengdu from June 6th to June 8th with a focus on \China. Since 1995, the Global Forum has convened the heads of global business-the chairs, presidents,and CEOs of the world's largest companies-on the dynamic frontiers of international commerce.

The host city, Chengdu, is the hometown of pandas and has long been known as\天府之国 ) . Today it is the most important financial center in southwest China. The city has a higher export volume and boasts more Fortune Global 500 companies, foreign-funded banks, insurance companies, and foreign consulates(领事馆)than any other city in central or western China. Chengdu's talent pool is unrivaled, with more than 30 institutions of higher learning in the region. In 2011, Fortune selected Chengdu as one of the\Cities for Global Business.\

Participation in the Fortune Global Forum was by invitation only, and was attended by the CEOs of the Fortune Global 500 companies, along with the most important leaders from China and other nations. This great event will of course lead Chengdu to a new future. 46.What is Fortune?

A. a school B. an organization C. money D. a magazine

47.Which of the following words can replace the underlined word \A. gathered B. welcomed C. arrived D.closed 48.How can a person participate in the forum?

A. by registration B. by walking in C. by invitation D. by paying some money 49.How long is the history of the Fortune Global Forum? A.4 years B. 19 years C.21 years D. less than 1 year


Last month I got the chance to take part in an underwater research project in an area of the Gulf of Mexico called the Flower Gardens. A team of professional researchers, led by the scientist Dr Matt Phillips, was trying to learn more about the fish and different creatures that live in this part of the sea The Flower Gardens are a long way from the shore(海岸) and we spent three days on a boat.

The team used a piece of underwater equipment(装备) called ROV to collect information. The ROV was great fun. It was controlled by a computer on the boat, and I was allowed to operate it a few times. However, the thing I enjoyed most was diving into the water. At first, I was quite scared---mainly because I couldn’t see land in any direction. But as soon as I jumped into the water, I wasn’t afraid any more. It was amazing to see the colorful fish swimming around and I could see all the ways to the Flower Gardens, which are almost 30meters down.

I will never forget the Flower Gardens. The trip was like a holiday but I also learnt new things about science and research projects. It was a great chance and it has made me think about my goals in life. The experience will help me work harder become a scientist.

50. What does the writer want to tell us in the article? A. To describe the experience he had in a science project. B. To explain how to protect the wildlife under water. C. To give advice on understanding difficult areas of science. D. To encourage others to organize their own science projects. 51. What does the writer say about ROV?

A. It was very boring. B. It was used to collect information C. It was so difficult to control D. It was controlled only by man

52.Which of the following words best describes the writer’s feeling towards diving? A. Bored B. Frightened C. Amazed D. Sad 53.What influence has the trip had on the writer?

A. It has changed his opinion of science. B It has improved the way he works in a team.

C. It has made him more interested in the sea. D. It has encouraged him to work harder towards his goals.


The longer the food is kept, the more likely it is to attract insects. Even foods stored in containers often attract bugs. To solve this problem, scientists have been working with different odors in an attempt to find one strong enough to keep insects from going near food. One possibility would be to use plants with strong smells, like garlic or pine, to keep insects away. Unfortunately, however, using these smells might keep some people away too !

A more promising repellent is citronella oil, which comes from a type of lemongrass. An experiment was done using this oil with a certain insect, the red flour beetle. Scientists sprayed cardboard boxes with citronella oil and noticed that the beetles did not enter those boxes. They were much more interested in boxes that were not sprayed. One problem with using citronella oil as a repellent, however, is that it is quite ephemeral ---it simply does not last very long. After a few months it loses its smell, and bugs no longer find it unpleasant. Scientists hope to improve citronella oil so that its scent remains strong for a longer time. It will also be necessary to make sure that the oil is not harmful to people. as scientists are not sure whether it is safe to use around food. 54. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Oil used in cooking B. Ways of protecting food from insects C. The behavior of a kind of beetle D. Smells produced by different grasses 55.What dose the author imply about the odors of garlic and pine? A. They last for a long time B. They are not very strong

C. They can be unpleasant to people D. They attract certain species of beetles 56.What are repellents?

A.A food source for beetles B. Machines used to get oil from plants C. Substances used to keep insects away D. Chemicals used to speed up plant growth 57. The underlined word \A. weightless B. short-lived C. overpriced D. not distinguishable


Qi Haoran, a Junior Grade One student at a High School Attached to Harbin Institute of Technology, was quite busy over the past winter holiday-and not just with homework. Qi, together with 10 other classmates, made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动).

These student went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food. “Excuse me,do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat? Please don't waste food.” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.

The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January. It calls on people to reduce food waste. China in recent years has experienced serious problems with wasted food. CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year. .

Chinese people are well-known for being hospitable (好客的) and generous.Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.

Luckily, the campaign has got the support of many. In a restaurant in Xinjiang,the owner gives the guests who have eaten up all that they ordered a sticker (贴花) .People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers(剩饭剩菜) home.

To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It's important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi. Did you finish your meals today?

58. These students went to the restaurants in the winter holidays in order to . A. enjoy eating with friends B. tell people not to waste food. C. talk with people about their study . D. collect and clean the plates

59. According to the CCTV report in January, the food we waste every year can . A. get rid of very serious problems B. stop people from going to the restaurants C. feed 200, 000, 000 people D. make us become hospitable and generous 60. What is the author's attitude toward the campaign?

A. partially against B. supportive C. nonchalant D conservative 61. You can probably read this passage . A in a science book B. in a newspaper C. in a tourist guide D. in an advertisement


Radiation (辐射) from the Sun continuously breaks two-atom oxygen molecules(分子) into single atoms (原子 ) . Some of these link up with ordinary oxygen (氧) molecules and form ozone. Some rejoin other free singles and revert to stable molecules. This Sun-energy process, if left undisturbed(不受干扰), maintains a fairly constant supply of ozone (臭氧) above the Earth's surface. The ozone layer begins about eight miles up and is disturbed thinly to about thirty miles up. This lofty umbrella of ozone shields the Earth from much of the Sun's deadly ultraviolet rays(紫外线). Without the ozone cover, life of Earth would be literally sunburned to death.

Some scientists believe that relatively small amount of synthetic chemicals, such as spray-can fluorocarbon or jet exhaust, reach the upper limits of the atmosphere and break down the three-atom ozone molecules. It is also believed that just one atom of the spray-can or jet pollutant can affect vast numbers of ozone molecules. Weather research satellites have observed the ozone shield in great detail, but their data have neither put to rest the “doomsday theories” nor incited a global campaign to stop destroying the Earth's protective covering. 62. According to the passage, ozone is a . A. kind of radiation B. deadly ultraviolet ray C. combination of oxygen atoms D. synthetic chemical 63. The destruction of the ozone layer would most likely result in a decrease in . A.1ife on Earth B. air pollution C. spray-can gases D. severe cases of sunburn 64. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. The level of ozone in the atmosphere is relatively constant if nothing disturbs. B. It is possible that even a small amount of a certain chemical can break down ozone. C. Weather research satellites are quite useful to stop the destruction of the ozone layer. D. An ozone molecule contains three atoms. 65. What is the author's purpose to write this article?

A. to persuade people B. to introduce a situation C. to sell goods D. to entertain people



此题要求改正短文中的错误。请在答题卡相应题目横线上写出错误并改正。 例:原文:

Once when a short- sighted man is walking 61.___________

on a farm



A BRT bus catches fire in the southeastern city of Xiamen 66. ___________ on June 7th, killed at least 47 people and injuring 34 others, 67. ___________ the news agency Xinhua reported.

The vehicle was on a elevated bus lane and more than a 68. ___________ quarter-mile a bus stop when the flames started about 6:30 p. m. 69. ___________ It wasn't clear how started the fire. 70. ___________ Witness said they heard explosions 10 minutes afier the fire started. 71. ___________ An injured passenger told Xinhua that she smelled gasoline 72. ___________ while on the bus but then saw a fellow passenger 73. ___________ break a window in an attempt to get out 74. ___________ The incident is on investigation, Xinhua reported. 75. ___________

