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时间: 90分钟 总分: 100分

温馨提示: 1、请在答卷上相应题目的答题区域内作答,否则不得分: 2、请书写清晰、工整; I.听力技能(共15小题,计15分)

对话理解。根据你听到的对话,从A、B、C 中选择正确答案回答问题。 听下面五段对话,每听完一段对话后,回答一个小题。 ( )1.How old is Mary? ( (




)2.What will they do? A. Go for a picnic.

B.Fly kites.

C.Go shopping.

)3.Why does Ben look happy? A. He won the tennis game. B. He got some presents.

C.He passed the English exam.

( )4.How will Lily deal with the money?

A. She w ill help a girl with it. B.She will buy herself some bread. C. She will lend it to a girl. ( )5.W ho can play the piano well?




听第六段对话,回答(-7 小题。 (

)6.W hat's wrong with Bill?

A.He caught the flu. B.He has a stomachache. C.He didn't sleep well last night,

(B )7.What do we know about Tianxing Restaurant?

A. It's near Alice's home. B .It has the worst service. B. It provides unhealthy food. 听第七段对话,回答8--9小题。



( (

)8.What exam will Linda have? A.An English exam.

B.A math exam.

C.A history exam.

)9.Where may the two speakers be? A.At home.

B.In the classroom.

C.In a movie theater.

听第八段对话,回答10-12 小题。 (

)10.How much may Jenny know about Beijing Opera? A. A lot,

B.A little.


(B )11.who will NOT go to see Beijing Opera this Saturday?

A. Tom.



(B )12.W hen will they meet this Saturday?

A. At six o'clock.

B.At seven o'clock,

C.At eight o'clock.

听第九段对话,回答13--15 小题。 (

)13.What's Li Lei doing now? A. (

He is preparing for a party. B.He is preparing for a test.

C.He is preparing for a speech.

)14.Who is ill? A.

Li Lei's uncle.

B.Li Lei's aunt.

C.Li Lei's cousin.

( )15.W here w ill Li Lei go later today? A.

To his uncle's house.

B.To the hospital.

C.To the school.

I. 阅读技能(共五个部分,30 小题,计50 分)

A) 完形填空。阅读短文,掌握大意,从所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共10 小题,计10 分)

It was a cold snowy morning after the winter vacation. And it was my first day at my new school. I was walking alone slowly and_16___about lots of things. It was early and there weren't many people on the road.Suddenly a girl__17__ was riding a bike on ice fell down. She was trying hard to__18__ but fell again.Without thinking, I went over and helped her. She said \you”with a smile and then rode__19__ . Her words warmed me a lot.

Finally, I got to school. The teacher led me to the_20_ and introduced me to the class, then he asked me to sit down beside a girl. I felt so__21__that 1didn't dare to look at her. Soon the first class, English, started. Their text book was different__22___ that in my old school. As I wondering_23__ to do it, an English book appeared in front of me. \



Carrie.\good friends.

From that I learned: to help others is actually to help ourselves. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

B) 阅读短文,并根据其内容判断文后句子的正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,计10分)

Do you know when restaurants were invented? The first restaurants were invented thousands of years ago.However,they were very different from restaurants today.

The first restaurants were in ancient Greece and ancient Rome.These restaurants served food in large stone bowls people didn't order food from a menu. Everyone used to share the food from big bowls.People believe that these places were very popular because most homes in ancient Greece and Rome did not have kitchens. Also, people didn't have to store food at home if they ate their meals at these restaurants.

Later,restaurant began to open in China.In the early 1100s,more than one million people lived in the city of Hangzhou,China.It was a very busy city, and people had money. All of these people had to eat. Smart cooks started cooking and selling food along the Imperial Way, a very big street in the city. Unlike in ancient Greece and Rome, people in China could choose food from a menu.They didn't have to eat the same food as everyone else.

For the next several centuries,there were restaurants all over the world. People could buy food on the street or at inns- small hotels. Then in the middle of the 1700s, restaurants started

opening in Paris.These restaurants were more similar to restaurant we know today. There was a

)16.A.worrying )17.A.where

B.talking B.which B.get up B.away B.office B.sad

C.Learning C.who C.look around C.inside C.classroom C.bored C.from C.why C.consider C.teacher

)18.A.lie down )19.A.back )20.A.gym )21.A.nervous )22.A.about )23.A.how )24.A.share )25.A.boy

B.with B.when B.stop B.girl



bigger variety of food, and eating in these restaurants was a more enjoyable experience. In the 19th century, trains made travel much faster and simpler. In the end, this kind of restaurant began to appear all over Europe and in other parts of the world.

Now, restaurants are everywhere. You can buy a variety of different kinds of food. You can have food sent to your door.But remember it wasn't always like that.

( )26.The first restaurants were invented hundreds of years ago. (

)27.In ancient Greece and ancient Rome,people could get different kinds of foods in the

restaurants. (

)28.In the early 1100s, the restaurants in Hangzhou, China were more similar to restaurants we

know today.

( )29.In the 19 century,the restaurants in Paris began to appear all over Europeand in other parts of the world. (

C) 阅读短文,并根据短文内容回答所提问题。(共5 小题,计10 分 \Operation Red Sea”Tops Chinese Box Office

Chinese anti-terrorism action film \ending March 4,earning 868 million yuan (about 137 million U.S.dollars), according to China Film News.

\撤退)of hundreds of Chinese citizens and foreign nationals from Yemen's southern port of Aden during the Yemeni civil war in late March in 2015.

The film tells the story of the Chinese Navy's elite special forces, Jiaolong Assault Team,w ho saved Chinese and foreign nationals in the war and foiled terrorist plot to obtain nuclear materials to make dirty bombs.It has gotten nearly 3bllion yuan since its release on Feb.16.

\tive Chinatown 2”\ box office last week. It has sold 3.1bllion yuan in tickets since hitting Chinese screens on Feb 16.

The third place went to domestic adventure film” monster Hunt 2,\162 millions yuan lest week

)30.We can only order food in the restaurants now.



Documentary\China\landed in the fourth place,generating about 92 million yuan last week.The film was released on March 2.

Rounding out the top five was Sony's animated adventure comedy \Rabbit,\has pocketed about 79 million Yuan since its release on the Chinese mainland on March 2.

The Chinese box office grossed (总计) about 1.9 billion yuan last week,with nearly 53 million tickets sold.

31.When did the evacuation from Yemen's southern port of Aden happened?

___________________________________________________________________________ 32. The movie\

________________________________________________________________________ 33. Which was the second place of the Chinese box office last week,\Chinatown 2\or \

___________________________________________________________________________ 34.What kind of movie is \

___________________________________________________________________________ 35.Did the Chinese box office successfully gross over 2 billion yuan last week?


D) 阅读短文,从所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5 小题,计10 分 Lei Jun,founder and CEO of Xiaomi Corp and a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress,makes a presentation at the NPC's first session in Beijing,March9,2018.\is a_________between China's design industry and those of foreign countries,because of our relatively weak industrial foundations (工业基础)and lack of high-end talent (高端人才).\

Dong Mingzhu, chairwoman of Gree Electric Appliances and a deputy to the13th National People's Congress,makes a presentation at the first session of NPC in Beijing, March 9,2018.\have eight production bases in China,most of which are now unmanned factories.We will ramp up resources to develop more core technologies.\

Li Yanhong,chairman of Baidu Inc and a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,accepts an interview in Beijing, March 3,2018.Li said that



he w as hopeful that his company would be able to list on the domestic stock exchanges as its major users and markets are in China,and it would be ideal if the major shareholders also are in China. He pointed out that the reason why Baidu went public in the United States was because the policy did not allow it to list in the domestic bourses at that time. The variable interest entity structure of Baidu is a foreign-funded company from the perspective of Chinese law,and there are still policy barriers to this issue\the domestic stock market( 国内股票市场)as soon as possible,\ (

)36.Mix2 won Industry Forum Design Award in Feb.2018,it is an extraordinary

smartphone,whose company made it?

A.Li Yanhong's. (

B. Lei Jun's.

C.Dong Mingzhu's.

)37.Which of the following word can be put in the Paragraph 1?



A.gap (

)38.If you want to search for some useful information on the Internet,which of the following

enterprise( 企业) will be the least helpful?

A.Li Yanhong's Inc. Appliances.

( )39.Which of the following is Lei Jun's opinion (观点)?

A. The industrial foundation in our country is not so strong as foreign countries. B. We will try our best to develop more core technologies.

C. We hope we can return to the domestic stock market as soon as possible. ( )40.What is the best title of the passage?

A. What entrepreneurs are saying during the two sessions? B. Big events during the two sessions.

C. Science and technology achievements (科技成就) during the two sessions. E) 阅读短文,从所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5 小题,计10 分

This morning, I got an e-mail from Roy.It seems that my boy really enjoy his new life at Harvard University.The e-mail made me think of the first day when we moved into this house.

Little Roy ran around the new house with great excitement and tried to move his own things into the house such as his toys,books and clothes,suddenly,his little hand knocked over a bottle of paint on the shelf.The paint made the tidy floor and white wall a terrible mess (一团糟),“Oh,my

B.Lei Jun's Corp. C.Dong Mingzhu's Electric



God! ”My wife rushed in angrily. I looked at my son,and his small face was filled with fear. I smiled and held his hand,\out a brush.“You see,Dad is a magician 魔术师),I can change it into a big tree.\ His mother soon helped paint some butterflies and flowers on the wall.

We spent the whole afternoon painting and laughing.The wall became a beautiful forest with plants,birds and small animals.Blue sky and white clouds

were also painted by Roy,On that day,everybody in the house knew something special happened. The night before Roy left for Harvard,he asked me if I still remembered the day when he had knocked over the paint.\then I've never worried about making mistakes,\he continued,\believe I can always find out ways to sol e the problem s.\ (

)41.How did little Roy feel when they moved to a new house at first?

B.He felt afraid.

C. He felt sad,

A.He felt excited.

( )42.What is the main idea of the paragraph three?

A. The author and his family members moved to a new house. B. Little Roy knocked over a bottle of paint on the shelf. C. The author found a way to solve the problem.

( )43.What does the underlined words \




( )44.Why did Roy never worry about making mistakes?

A.Because he would never make mistakes.

B.Because his father taught him how to deal with problems.

C.Because he is a student at Harvard University

( )45.According to the passage,how to solve the problems?

A. Refuse to face all the problems. B. Always ask somebody for help.

C. Learn to find out different ways to solve the problems I. 写作技能(共三个部分,计35 分) A) 词汇运用




(46)H_______ and sadness are experienced by people in all cultures around the world, but how can we (47)________ (辨别) when other people are happy or sad? It turns out that the expression of many emotions may be universal.

(48) _______(微笑) is a universal sign of friendliness.

What are the possible links (49)b_______ facial expressions and emotion?

Psychological researchers generally recognize that (50)f_______expressions reflect emotional states.

二、综合填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。(共10 小题,计10 分

Stephen William Hawlking was born on January 8, 1942,300 years after the(51)_______(die) of Galilco in Oxford, England,he died on 14 March 2018, at the age of 76. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans High School,From 1958 on, with the (52)_______of the mathematics teacher Dikran Tahta, they built a computer from clock parts,an old telephone switchboard and other recycled components(53)_______known







initially(54)_______(succeed) academically.Haw king's father (55)_______ (advice) him to study medicine,concerned that there were(56)_______ jobs for mathematics graduates. Mathematics was not available at University College,so he did physics(57)_______ . For the(58)_______ (one) 18 months, he was bored and lonely---he found the academic work \easy\Stephen Hawking had two popular books published: his best seller A Brief History of(59)_______ his later book, Black Holes and Baby Universes and (60)_______ (another) essays.

B) 补全对话。根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。(共5 小题,计10 分

A: Hello! (61)___________________________ ? You look so unhappy. B:I am so upset and sad these days.A: (62)___________________________ B: Because I can't do well in my study and always fail the exams. A: (63)___________________________

B:I usually listen to some relaxing music and play sports to solve the problem. A: (64)___________________________

B: Yes,I'd love to,we can play basketball together.Thanks for your help





如果你的好朋友Kate在一次英语考试中失败了,导致她害怕上英语课,对自己没有信心,同时她也不敢和她的父母谈论这些困扰,悲伤情绪总是围绕着她。请你写一封信给她,提出至少三个建议。要求: 1.先阐述原因,再提建议,字数70词左右2.字迹工整,卷面整洁3.不能出现真实姓名和班级。 Dear Kate,

________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Yours, Mike


