每日英语学习阅读材料(A4打印版) - 180516

更新时间:2023-03-08 04:58:53 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载


有声双语美文:兴趣不一样的人怎么在一起? I just broke up with my girlfriend. 我刚刚和女朋友分手了。 Yeah, it's a sad story. 对,这是个悲伤的故事。 But we are totally OK with it. 但是我们俩对此都很淡定。

It's not that something bad happened and we broke each other's heart. 并不是有什么坏事发生了然后我们伤了彼此的心。

It's just that we found out we don't really have many mutual hobbies. 我们只是发现,彼此真的没有什么共同爱好。

So we broke up peacefully and wished each other a better future. 于是,我们就和平分手了,然后希望对方能有一个更好的未来。 You see, sometimes you just got attracted biologically or irrationally by someone.

你看,有时候你就是会被一些人吸引,可能是生理性地,可能是没理性地。 But as time goes by you find out that you two are not interested in the same things.


This is harmful for both of you, because love requires you to devote time into each other.


But when you don't really like doing the same things, this is a waste of life. 但当你们喜欢的不是同样的东西时,这只是浪费生命。

We are all searching for a happy life. So don't trap yourself in an unhealthy

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我们都在为自己寻找一个幸福的生活。所以,不要让自己陷在一段不健康的关系中。 Just let it go. 看开一点吧。 ==


1.Don’t smoke. Take a tube full of carcinogens, light it on fire, and breathe the charred remains. Yikes. Just don’t.


2.The more the food looks like it did when it started, the more of it you should have in your diet. An apple on a tree looks exactly like an apple in the store. You should eat apples. A steak looks quite similar to a butchered cow. You can eat some of that. Doritos look nothing like corn. You should eat none of them.


3.Exercise is important, but you don’t have to be crazy with it. I’ve seen lots of really old healthy people who didn’t go to the gym 5 days a week. But they did walk, bike, play golf, swim, and generally keep moving fairly regularly. I have also spent a lot of time with people who never did any exercise at all. The end of their lives was far less pleasant.


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4.Keep your weight down, but don’t add stress to your life over it. Carrying 100 extra pounds will statistically shorten your life and make you far more likely to suffer from diabetes, heart disease, cancer. Carrying 10 extra pounds might slightly increase your risk. Carrying 0 extra pounds is best. If losing those 10 extra pounds is going to cause you major stress, though, it’s not worth losing them. Stress is no good for you.


5.Speaking of stress, try to reduce it. This one is hardest for me — I’m high strung, work full time, have a wife, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cars, and a house. It’s not always easy to destress. But you can do it. Try meditating, yoga, hiking, singing, whatever works for you.


6.Find somebody to love. Statistics don’t lie on this one — married people live a fair bit longer and tend to be healthier.


7.Analyze everything you do, but in a low-key way. Little changes can make a huge difference. One silly example: I used to have to turn on the light in the

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morning to get underwear and socks out of my drawers to get dressed. I don’t like getting them out the night before, though, because I’m weird about stuff just sitting around. Turning on the light bothered my wife, who works later than I do and so is sleeping when I’m getting ready. Tiny annoyance. Solution? All black socks in one drawer, khaki in another. Now I can pick out socks in the dark. Took me 15 years to figure that one out, but it makes me a little happier. And so it was totally worth it.

7.分析你所做的一切,但要适度。小改变会有大影响。举个傻傻的例子:我过去早上常要开灯从抽屉里找内衣袜子穿,我不愿意前一天晚上找出来,因为身边有东西我会不舒服。开灯又会打扰到我妻子,她比我工作得晚,所以我起床穿衣服时她还在睡觉。她有点不高兴,怎么办呢?我把所有黑色袜子放一个抽屉,卡其色放另一个抽屉,现在我能摸黑找袜子了。15年才弄明白这一件事,但它使我更开心了,所以绝对值得 ==

喜讯! 九价HPV疫苗在我国获批上市!

Residents of the Chinese mainland now have access to a nine-way HPV vaccine -- which works against up to nine types of the human papillomavirus -- after the medication was given the nod by China's top drug administration. 我国最高药品管理部门日前批准了九价人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗(即HPV疫苗)上市,这意味着大陆居民将可接种这种能对抗9种类型的HPV病毒的疫苗。 It is the third HPV vaccine approved for the mainland market since the middle of last year.


Such vaccines have proved effective against cervical cancer, the second most common cancer among Chinese women aged 15 to 44 after breast

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Experts say China has around 130,000 new cases of cervical cancer each year, accounting for more than 28 percent of the world total.

专家们表示,中国每年有大约13万例宫颈癌新发病例,占世界总数的28%以上。 Before the availability of vaccines on the mainland, people had to travel to other countries or to Hong Kong to get the vaccine, which is injected in three separate doses over a span of six months.


Australia -- the first country to offer free HPV vaccinations for 12-and 13-year-old girls, and catch-up programs for girls and women under 26 -- has seen a sharp decline in HPV infections since the introduction of a national school-based vaccination program in 2007.


Within a decade, the proportion of 18-to 24-year-old women with HPV in the country has fallen from 22.7 percent to 1.5 percent.

在过去十年间,澳大利亚18至24岁年轻女性感染HPV的比例已经从原先的22.7%下降到了1.5%。 ==


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Warren Buffett is the current richest investor in the world. And he ranks No.2 among the world’s billionaires.

沃伦巴菲特是目前世界上最有钱的投资人,也是全球第2富有的富翁。 But, compared to his money, it’s those famous quotes of his that attract the public’s attention.


Though most people now see his words as jokes or anti chicken soup for the souls.

虽然现在很多人都把他的话当做笑谈,或者是毒鸡汤。 But I find his words really inspiring. 但我觉得,他说过的很多话真的很有道理。

And the one sentence which impressed me the most is the following: 而让我印象最深的一句就是这句:

Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing.

如果你的智商平平,那你需要的就是控制那些让一般人投资失败的欲望。 The No. 1 reason why most people fail to save is failing in controlling their desire.

大部分人存钱失败的根本原因,就是控制不了自己的欲望。 Desire makes you irrational. 欲望让人变得不理性。 And that’s exactly who I was. 而这就是从前的我。

Did I really need to drink a 30 RMB coffee just for several minutes’ worth of vibe?

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我真的需要为了那几分钟的气氛而去花30块喝一杯咖啡吗? Did I really need all those new garments every month? 我真的需要每个月买这么多新衣服吗? What did they bring me? 它们最终给我带来了什么? They only brought me poverty. 它们给我带来了贫穷。

And the people who are behind these businesses have made money through my stupidity.

而那些在背后经营这些生意的人,则从我的愚蠢中赚到了钱 ==


MS Dhoni was once asked by a student How does he manage to be calm in the exam hall just before the exam. It was during the promotions of the Movie MS Dhoni: The untold story. We all know how calm and focused our captain cool is.


Here is exactly what Dhoni has replied. 下面就是多尼的回答。

““I think when you get the question paper in the exam, it’s already too late. You know, because if you have studied whole year then you must have remembered all the answers. You may miss few but ultimately, you can write answers. That is why, whenever I visit to a school and interact with the

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students, I have always said that it is important to be attentive in everyday class, study a bit every day. Not like, study in last two months like hell and do nothing rest of 9 or 10 months of the year.”


This was followed by a personal experience of Dhoni which includes a very interesting story about his school days.


“Talking about my own life and relating the same with me, I think during the class 12th as you can see that in the trailer as well. We had a match and I was very hesitant in talking to my father. My mother had agreed to it but how to make my father, understand, that there is an exam but I have a match to play before that and just after the completion of the exam, I have to take a train to play another match and only then I will come back. So finally, after collecting some courage I went to my father and explained the scenario,” Dhoni said.


Dhoni’s father answered to him in a witty way, “My father answered it very

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calmly by saying that, son, if you have studied hard the whole year then one day won’t affect much and if you haven’t studied the whole year then still it won’t affect much. So, go and play.”


This may not exactly sound like staying calm in difficult situations but what is important here is the context of the scenario. Difficult situations test your patience and your will power to stay focused. Whatever harm was about to happen it will happen anyway. You won’t get a say about that. What you can do is make the best of what is in your hands. Stay focused and keep doing what you would have done anyway. Prepare yourself for the worst and face the consequences of your choices with a smile on your face.


As a wise man has said… “With great difficult situation comes great opportunity”. ( Please do not ask who is that wise man :p).

正如一位智者所说:“困难越大,机遇越大”(请不要问我这话是谁说的:p) Thanks! 谢谢! ==

Reflections of a Mother


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导读:孩子,我想对你说:我能给予你生命,但不能替你生活。我能抚养你长大成人,但保证不了你长大成才。韶华易逝,容颜渐老,当父母逐渐老去,你是否能像她们年轻时照顾我们一样去爱护她们? I gave you life, but I cannot live it for you.

I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn. I can give you directions, but I cannot be there to lead you. I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for it. I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe.

I can teach you right from wrong, but I can not always decide for you. I can buy you beautiful cloths, but I cannot make you beautiful inside. I can offter you advice, but I cannot accept it for you. I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you. I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish. I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor. I can advise you about friend, but cannot choose them for you. I can advise you about sex, but I cannot keep you pure. I can tell you the facts of life, but I cannot build your reputation. I can tell you about drink, but I cannot say \

I can warn you about drugs, but I cannot prevent you from using them. I can tell you about lofty goals, but I cannot achieve them for you. I can teach you about kindness, but I cannot force you to be gracious. I can warn you about sins, but I cannot make you moral. I can love you as a child, but I cannot place you in God’s family. I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God. I can teach you about Jusus, but I cannot make jesus your lord. I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life.

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I can love you with unconditional love all of my life...and I will! ==

Watch how a T cell passes HIV sexually to a new host 艾滋病是如何通过性行为传染的?

While it’s well known that HIV is transmitted sexually, how the virus crosses genital mucus membranes to reach its targets in the immune system is less well understood. Previous research has looked at biochemical measurements or morphology at various points during HIV transmission to investigate this process, but in a study published in the journal Cell Reports, researchers in France constructed an in vitro model of urethral mucosa in order to view it from start to finish. We had this global idea of how HIV infects this tissue, but following something live is completely different. The precise sequence of events can be defined, and we were very surprised by them, says senior researcher Morgane Bomsel, a molecular biologist at the Institut Cochin (INSERM, CNRS, Paris Descartes University).

In the videos, a T cell infected with fluorescent-green-labeled HIV encounters epithelial cells of a reconstructed urethral mucosal tissue. When the infected T cell and an epithelial cell come into contact, a kind of pocket forms, called a virological synapse. This rearrangement of the infected cell’s membrane spurs production of infectious HIV virus, which appears in the videos as green fluorescent dots. Then, like the neon green ray of a blaster gun in an old sci-fi movie, the virus sheds across the synapse into the mucosal epithelial cell. Importantly, the epithelial cell isn’t infected: the virus simply travels across the cell via transcytosis. Once it crosses the epithelial layer, it’s captured by

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immune cells called macrophages in the stroma. After an hour or two, once the virus has been produced and shed, the cell contact ends and the infected T cell moves on.

These infected T cells are present in all genital fluids that vector infection. While cell-free viruses can cross the mucosa, they are much less efficient at penetrating it than cell-bound viruses that can make use of the virological synapse and transcytosis.

These macrophages continue to produce and shed the virus for 20 days, after which they enter a latent, non-virus-producing state. But the virus is still stored in the macrophage. This poses a challenge for efforts to develop treatments for HIV, because the virus reaches these

macrophage reservoirs in the genital tissue much earlier in the infection process than more frequently studied T cell reservoirs in the blood. Once HIV is installed into a reservoir, it makes life very complicated if you want to eradicate the virus, Bomsel says. Treatment with antiretroviral therapies can keep reservoirs of the virus latent, but stopping the therapy allows the virus to rebound and continue

spreading. \avoid this reservoir formation, which is why I think a vaccine active at the mucosa is what you would need. Because you can’t wait.\

This is something her team is already at work on. \ways to purge the reservoir, because we think we know how to kill the virus once we shock the reservoir. And another part of what we do here is work to develop a mucosal HIV vaccine,\complicated field, but I think it’s important.\==

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Hawaii proposes ban on certain sunscreens to save coral reefs


In an effort to save its at-risk coral reefs, Hawaii has become the first state to pass a law banning specific sunscreen products.


The new law prohibits the sale and distribution of sunscreens containing the chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate. Scientists have found that these chemicals, when washed off the skin and into the ocean, can cause coral bleaching.


Coral reefs are fragile, yet vital, parts of the world's ecosystems, and they support the highest marine biodiversity in the world. Reefs are also essential to more than half a billion people who depend on them for food, jobs and recreation — with an estimated economic impact of $375 billion a year. 珊瑚礁十分脆弱,作为世界生态环境重要的一部分,珊瑚礁维持着世界最高的海洋生物多样性。同时,超过5亿人的食物、工作以及娱乐都要仰仗珊瑚礁资源。

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As early as the 1990s, scientists have examined the effects of sunscreen, and other personal products made with chemicals, on the environment. And a globe-spanning 2015 study examined coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands, Israel and Hawaii, and found that oxybenzone significantly leaches coral of nutrients. Some ecotourism sites and private resorts in the tropics already prohibit similar products.


Democrat Sen. Mike Gabbard of Hawaii introduced Senate Bill No. 2571, whose text states, \corals' resiliency and ability to adjust to climate change factors and inhibit recruitment of new corals.\


\the perfect place to set the gold standard for the world to follow,\told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

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An NPR article found that the chemicals appear in \world's most popular sunscreen products,\brands Hawaiian Tropic, Coppertone and Banana Boat, and different estimates place the number of products between 40 and 70 percent of products currently on the market.

美国公共广播电台网站上的一篇文章指出,这些化学物质在“超过3500种全世界最畅销的防晒产品”里都有出现,包括Hawaiian Tropic,Coppertone和Banana Boat等品牌,根据不同的估算结果,差不多有40%至70%的在售防晒产品都含有这些化学物质。

The proposed ban fairly exhaustively \paste, balm, ointment, cream, solid stick applicator, brush applicator, roll-on applicator, aerosol spray, non-aerosol spray pump, and automated and manual mist spray.\

这项禁令详尽地“包含且不限于乳液、软膏、体露、药膏、乳霜、固体棒状涂抹器、刷子涂抹器、走珠式涂抹器、气体喷雾、非喷雾按压式、自动或手动喷雾”。 The bill passed both chambers of the state legislature; Hawaii's 25 state senators voted for the bill unanimously, while only four of the 51 members of the state's House of Representatives voted against it. If signed by Governor David Ige, the bill will take effect Jan. 1, 2021, and Hawaii will become the first state to enact such a law, perhaps setting the stage for more coastal

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states to take action.


Sunscreen is not the only factor putting reefs at risk; scientists have shown CO2 emissions and ocean temperatures also affect the ecosystems. 防晒霜并非危害珊瑚礁的唯一因素;科学家表示,二氧化碳的排放和海洋温度的变化也会影响到生态系统 ==


对于爱猫人士而言,猫独立又慵懒,在自己的世界中自得其乐。猫的特质总是能深深抓住人们的心:它不惧过往,不忧未来,活在当下,其内在的和谐统一实在是令人望尘莫及……猫能教给我们的其实很多。那么关于生活,人类究竟可以从猫身上学到些什么呢? By John Gray 柯宁莘 译

A philosopher once assured me, many years ago, that he had converted his cat to veganism. Believing he was joking, I asked how he had achieved this feat. Had he supplied the cat with mouse-flavored vegan food? Had he presented his cat with other cats, already practicing veganism, as feline role

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models? Or had he argued with the cat and convinced it that eating meat is wrong? My interlocutor wasn’t amused, and I realized that he really believed the cat had opted for a meat-free diet.


The independence of cats is one of the features most admired by those of us who love them. Having entered into close proximity with human beings, cats were quickly recognized as being useful to them.


For many cat lovers, I suspect what they cherish is not how cats resemble us, but their differences from us. Living with cats opens a window into a world beyond our own and teaches us something important about what it means to be human.


One of the most attractive features of cats is that contentment is their default

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state. Unlike human beings—particularly of the modern variety—they do not spend their days in laborious pursuit of a fantasy of happiness. They are comfortable with themselves and their lives, and remain in that condition for as long as they are not threatened. When they are not eating or sleeping, they pass the time exploring and playing, never asking for reasons to live. Life itself is enough for them.


If there are people who can’t stand cats—and it seems there are many—one reason may be envy. As Jeffrey Masson, whose The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats is the best book on cats ever published, has written:


In English, if not in “cat”, the word contentment conveys something of a feeling of being at peace with the world or with yourself. It is more of a state than a fleeting emotion. A person can be happy (momentarily) without being content. Contentment cannot be purchased; happiness, on the other hand, has a price.

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Whereas human beings search for happiness in an ever-increasing plethora of religions and therapies, cats enjoy contentment as their birthright. Why this is so is worth exploring. Cats show no sign of regretting the past or fretting about the future. They live, absorbed in the present moment. It will be said that this is because they cannot envision he past or future. Perhaps so, though their habit of demanding their breakfast at the accustomed hour shows they do have a sense of the passage of time. But cats, unlike people, are not haunted by an anxious sense that time is slipping away. Not thinking of their lives as stories in which they are moving towards some better state, they meet each day as it comes. They do not waste their lives dreading the time when their lives must end. Not fearing death, they enjoy a kind of immortality. All animals have these qualities but they seem particularly pronounced in cats. Of all the animals that have lived closely with human beings, cats must surely be the least influenced by them.


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“When I play with my cat,” Montaigne wrote, “how do I know she is not playing with me?” With creatures that can be understood only partly by us, one can only speculate about their inner life. Yet it is tempting to suppose that the secret of feline contentment is that cats have no need to defer to a picture of themselves as they imagine they should be. Certainly they have a sense of dignity: they avoid people who treat them disrespectfully, for instance. Yet cats do not struggle to remake themselves according to any ideal self-image. Not inwardly divided, they are happy to be themselves.

“和我家猫玩耍的时候,”蒙田写道,“我怎么知道她并不是在和我玩呢?”我们往往不能完全地理解它们,只能猜测它们的内心所想。我们很想这样猜测:猫获得满足感的秘诀就在于它们不必成为自以为应该成为的样子(即安于现状)。当然它们会有尊严感:例如,它们拒绝接近不尊重它们的人。但猫还是不会按照任何完美的样子费力改造自己。它们内心从不矛盾,只乐于做自己。 The moralizing philosopher who believed he had persuaded his cat to adopt a meat-free diet only showed how silly philosophers can be. Rather than seek to teach his cat, he would have been wiser to learn from it, as Montaigne did.

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A moderate walk requires about three times your resting metabolic rate, running and sport require much more -- typically about seven times. Both walking and vigorous sport will reduce your risk of dying prematurely at any age. But you have to spend much more time walking: one minute of vigorous sport is worth 3.5 minutes of walking. To reduce your risk of dying by 20%, for example, you would need to walk for 56 minutes a day. You'd get the same benefit by running for 16 minutes ==

Mother’s Day gift guide: several ideas that will help make mom’s life easier 母亲节:怎样才能让母亲在这天感到温暖?

导读:五月的鲜花,开满儿女的牵挂,我有很多真心话,不知道如何表达;您为我为了这个家,付出多少辛劳啊,祝福您亲爱的妈妈,母亲节快乐。 Mother’s Day is right around the corner, which means it’s time to get shopping.

What better way to celebrate the mother figure in your life than by gifting her something on May 13 that will make her life easier? We can’t think of one, so we’ve rounded up a few gift ideas for mom that will help her out.

Help mom stay connected. Mom’s schedule is beyond busy. Help her stay connected to her calendar (and more) with a hands-free,

voice-activated smart home device, like Google Home ($129 on Jet.com). By simply saying, \appointment times, play music or ask any other question she might have.

Help mom with dinner. Is your mom a cooking queen? Give her a break

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with a subscription to a meal kit service. Several companies have become part of the the popular dinner tool business, which means there are plenty of options to fit your family’s needs.

Help mom clean up. Let mom put her feet up while a robot does the cleaning by gifting her a iRobot Roomba 801, which sucks away dirt and can be scheduled to clean up to 7 times per week ($399 on Jet.com). Its dirt detection sensors also alert the machine to concentrate on areas that need a little extra cleaning — so the finished job will be up to mom’s standards.

Help mom de-stress. Did you give mom an essential oil kit for Mother’s Day last year? Upgrade her collection with natural soaps infused with the same soothing aromatic oils. Edens Garden’s Lavender Magnolia bar will hydrate skin as its scent helps promote relaxation ($10.95). They also sell a De-Stress Set that includes three different anxiety-melting oil blends ($21.95). ==


I remember there is a sentence in the movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona. 我记得电影《午夜巴塞罗那》中有一句话:

\“她并不知道她喜欢什么,她只知道她不喜欢什么。” This sentence is describing Cristina. 这句话是在形容克里斯蒂娜。

Back then I found this sentence really attractive. But that was when I was a foolish child and didn't know yet how hard life can be.


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Now I find no charm in this expression. I only see confusion and pain in it. 而现在,我已经觉得这句话毫无魅力。我只在里面看到了困惑与痛苦。 Not knowing what to do is the greatest suffering in the world. 不知道做什么,这真的是世上最大的苦难了。 I've suffered it, in my life and in my career. 我承受过这种苦难,在生活中和事业中都承受过。

The beauty that I once assumed I would find in this state of vacancy never existed. It only seems to be beauty when you see it in someone else's life. 我曾经以为这种真空状态里蕴含的那种美,其实根本就不存在。它只有在发生于别人身上的时候,才看起来是美的。

When it happens to you. Believe me. It's not beautiful at all. 当它发生在你身上时,相信我,真的一点都不美。

Now I really cherish the goals that I've found or set for myself. 现在,我真的很珍惜那些我为自己找到或者创造的目标。 Life can only be happy if you find something to work for. 只有当你有奋斗目标的时候,生活才可能幸福。

So search for it when you still have time. End your suffering while you can. 所以,趁你还有时间,去寻找他们吧。在你还有能力的时候,结束掉自己的苦难 ==

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