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课 时 Two hour 课程名称:New Horizon English Course 授课人:Zhu Cuiping 课 题 教学目的 与 要 求 TextA; Hungry for Your Love To grasp the meaning of this passage To master the useful language points and the phrases and expressions 教学难点 与 the meaning of this passage 重 点 the useful language points and the phrases and expressions 主 要 内 容 及 步 骤 Hungry for Your Love 教 ⅠLeading In 1. What do you know about the Nazi concentration 学 camps? 2. What did the nazi army do to the Jews? 过 Ⅱ Useful phrases and expressions 1. be hungry for 2. tear from 程 3. lose one’s control 4. have…… in common 5. be ashamed of 6. cant/could bear 7. pull out Ⅲ Translating 授课效果 分析总结 Text A Hungry for Your Love

I Detailed Study of the TextA

1. I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews.

from day to day: day by day; as time goes on 一天天地;日益地 The symptoms changed from day to day. 症状一天天在发生变化。

The problem is getting worse from day to day. 这个问题变得一天比一天糟。

from hour to hour: (of something) changing very quickly and very often (变化)快速不断地;每小时都有地

The weather conditions in these mountains change from hour to hour. 山间的天气情况时时在变。

2. I want to look away, oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this but I cannot tear my eyes from hers.

Meaning: The girl, who is a stranger, looks at me like this, which shames me in a strange way. But I cannot move my eyes away from hers; I just cannot stop looking at her.

oddly: adv. in a strange or peculiar manner 奇怪地;古怪地 Mary looked at Tom very oddly. 玛丽怪模怪样地看着汤姆。

Oddly enough, they were writing on the same subject. 说也奇怪,他们在写同一个主题。 (be)ashamed for: feel shame, about something or somebody because of one's own action 感到羞耻;感到惭愧

You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. 你该为说这些谎话感到羞耻。

She was ashamed for her husband's behavior. 她为丈夫的行为感到羞耻。

3. Turning before I lose all my control, I run away from the fence. Meaning: Before I lose control of myself, I turn and run away from the fence.

lose one's control: have no control over oneself 不能控制自己 I didn't know what would happen if he lost all his control. 我不知道如果他完全失去了控制将会发生什么。 Other phrases of \out of control: 失去控制

The plane went out of control and crashed.


under control: 被控制住

The fire was soon brought under control. 火势很快得到控制。

4. Over and over in my mind, I see her face, her kind eyes, I hear her gentle words, I taste those apples. over and over: repeatedly 反复地;再三地

The little girl asked her mother to tell the story over and over. 小女孩让妈妈一遍又一遍地给她讲那个故事。

She has read his letter to her over and over. 她反复读他写给她的来信。

Notice all the following expressions mean “反复地;一遍又一遍地”: again and again time and time again over and over again

5. But I still have the memory of this girl, a memory I carry in my heart and gives me the will to go on as I move to America to start a new life. Meaning: But I still remember this girl, and the memory of her gives me the power of mind to start a new life when I move to America. will: n. [C;U] the power of the mind to make decisions and act in accordance with them, sometimes in spite of difficulty or opposition 意志力;决心 He has a very strong will. 他有很强的意志力。

You must have an iron will to have given up smoking after all these years. 这么多年的抽烟积习都能戒掉,你的意志力一定很强。

6. A friend convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady.

convince: vt. persuade; make someone completely certain about something 使信服;使确信

I finally convinced them of my innocence. 我最终使他们相信我是清白的。

She failed to convince them that her proposal would work. 她没能使他们相信她的建议是可行的。

a blind date: an arranged meeting between a man and a woman who have not met each other before

(由第三者安排的)男女双方的初次见面 7. But she is nice, this woman named Roma. And like me, she is an immigrant, so we have at least that in common.

Meaning: But she is a nice woman named Roma. And we are both immigrants. If we are different in all other aspects, we are the same at least in this regard.

immigrant: n. [C] someone coming into a country from abroad to make their home there (自外国移入的)移民

illegal immigrants from neighboring countries 来自周边国家的非法移民

Notice the following two words:

emigrant: n. [C] someone who leaves one's own country in order to go and live in another country 移居国外的人

migrant: n. [C] a person or animal or especially bird that migrates or is migrating 移民;候鸟

8. I would throw the apple over the fence and he would be so happy. Please notice that \in this sentence is used to describe the action that had been repeated many times in the past. More examples: In such cases, we would go to our teachers for help. 当时遇到这种情况,我们常找老师帮忙。

When I was in Shanghai, she would go shopping with me. 我在上海的时候,她常和我一起去购物。 注意“would”和“used to”的区别:“would”只表示过去多次动作,而“used to”表示过去习惯动作和状态,并且还有过去和现在的对比意味。例如,在以下两句中不能用“would”代替“used to”:

She used to be very careful in her tests.

她过去做试验总是很仔细。(现在做试验却有点儿粗心。) Before 2000 he used to work twelve hours a day. 2000年以前他常常是每天工作12个小时。(也许现在每天只需工作8个小时。)

16. But I cannot bear to think that. “bear”在否定句或疑问句中与

“can/could”连用,多用于口语,表示“不能承受或忍受”。例如: He can't bear to be laughed at. 他不能忍受被人嘲笑。

How could you bear to eat that stuff? 你怎么吃得下那样的东西?

Ⅲ Translating

1. Your daughter is hungry for your love. Why are you so cold to her? 2. Alther we have little in common, you are still my best friend. 3. She lost all her control and burst into tears.

4. I did not understand what on earth made him sink into despair.


课程名称:New Horizon English Course 授课人:Zhu Cuiping 课 题 教学目的 与 要 求 Text B A Trucker’s Last Letter 课 时 Two To grasp the meaning of this passage To master the useful language points and the phrases and expressions 教学难点 与 the meaning of this passage 重 点 the useful language points and the phrases and expressions 主 要 内 容 及 步 骤 Text B A Truckers Last Letter 教 ⅠLeading In Ⅱ Useful phrases and expressions 学 1. see sb through sth 2. count on 过 3. let sb. Down 4. be wrapped up in sth 5. pease of mind 程 6. pull into 7. stick with sb Ⅲ Using the right word 授课效果 分析总结

I Detailed Study of the TextB

1. He perhaps lived a couple of hours until the cold got him.

Meaning: Perhaps he lived for several hours before the cold killed him. get: kill someone 杀死

The disease got her in the end. 她最终死于疾病。

2. You used to kid me that I loved the truck more than you because I spent more time with her.

Meaning: You used to make fun of me, saying that I loved the truck more than you because I spent more time with the truck.

kid: v. say something that is not true, especially as a joke (尤指作为玩笑)戏弄;取笑

Don't get mad, I was only kidding.

别生气,我刚才不过是开个玩笑。 You won $5,000? You are kidding. 你赢了5,000美元?骗人!

3. She's seen me through tough times and tough places.

Meaning: During those hard times and at those hard places, the truck has always been with me, giving me support and satisfying my needs. see (sb.) through (sth.): give help or support to somebody during a difficut time 帮助度过难关;支持某人

Her courage saw her through the hard times. 她的勇气助她度过难关。

The coat should see her through the winter. 有那件大衣,她应该能过冬了。

4. Remember all those days when I was saving up to buy this truck? Meaning: Remember all those days when I was saving money for buying this truck?

save up: save money for future use; not spend 存钱;储蓄 save up for a new car 攒钱买一辆新车

5. I was too wrapped up in my problems to think of yours.

Meaning:I paid all my attention to my own problems, and I did not think much of your problems.

be wrapped up in: spend so much time doing something or thinking about it that one doesn't notice anything else 注意力完全集中于 We are completely wrapped up in this work.


He was so wrapped up in his own thought that he didn't realize how late it was.


6. I'm thinking about the missed anniversaries and birthdays.

Meaning: I'm thinking about the anniversary celebrations and birthday parties that I failed to be present at.

miss: vt. fail to be present at; arrive too late for something 未出席;未赶上

The boy missed classes this morning. 这男孩今天上午没来上课。

We missed the train by 10 minutes. 我们因10分钟之差没赶上火车。

7. I'm thinking of all the times I thought of calling you just to say hello and somehow I didn't get around to. get around/round to: finally do something after dealing with other matters; find the necessary time to do something 终于能做(某事);找出时间做(某事)

I finally got around to talking to her for half an hour. 我终于抽出时间和她谈了半小时。

I've never got round to calling her in the past week. 在过去一周中我没找出时间给她打电话。

8. I'm thinking of the peace of mind I had knowing that you were at home with the kids, waiting for me.

Meaning: Knowing that you were at home with the children, waiting for me, I felt calm in my heart. Now I am thinking of that kind of calmness and freedom from troubling thoughts I had enjoyed.

9. ...but somehow they don't seem very important to me right now. Meaning: ...but for some reason that is not clear, those things don't seem to be important to me at this moment.

somehow: adv. for some reason that is not clear 不知什么原因 Somehow, I didn't answer this easy question. 不知什么原因,我竟没有回答这个容易的问题。

I think you are right but somehow I'm not completely sure. 我想你是对的,但不知为什么我不是很有把握。

10. You won't be here when I end this trip.

Meaning: You won't be here when I come to the end of this trip. (It is also the end of the journey through my life.)


text it also means the journey through life.

11. ...I'm scared to make the final run alone.

Meaning:...I am frightened that I have to finish the last part of my journey through life all by myself.

run: n. (singular) a distance or a period of time one travels by car, train, etc. (乘汽车、火车等的)旅行的距离或时间

It is about two hours' run by train from Shanghai to Hangzhou. 从上海到杭州乘火车大约有两小时的行程。

12. I guess that's all about it, honey.

Meaning: My dear wife, I guess that's all I want to tell you. Ⅲ Using the right words

1. If you polish the essay, we will publish it in the magazine 2. Shoppers hurry along the pavement at the weekend. 3. The company faces tough competition. 4. She made a lot of sacrifices to make sure he succeeded in his job. 5. She’s so wrapped up in herself that she scarcely calls me. 6. Our neighbor said she would complain to the police if we made any more noise.

7. These changes concern everyone who has children of school age. 8. Today is the 50th anniversary of the poet’s death

