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商品的名称 name of commodity 凭买方样品买卖 sale by seller’s sample 凭买方样品买卖 sale by buyer’s sample

代表性样品 representative sample=原样 original sample =标准样品 type sample

复样 duplicate sample=留样 keep sample 对等样品 counter sample=回样 return sample 色彩样品 color sample 花样款式样品 pattern sample 参考样品 reference sample 免费样品 free sample 推销样品 selling sample

装运样品 shipping sample , shipment sample 到货样品 outturn sample 检验用样品 sample for test

凭文字说明买卖 sale by description 凭规格买卖 sale by specification 凭等级买卖 sale by grade 凭标准买卖 sale by standard

良好平均品质 Fair Average Quality 或F.A.Q

凭产地名称或凭地理标志买卖 sale by name of origin , or sale by geographical indication

凭说明书和图样买卖 sale by description and illustration Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller 仅供参考For Reference Only 质量公差 quality tolerance 毛重 gross weight 以毛作净 gross for net 净重 net weight

按实际皮重 real tare , or actual tare 按平均皮重 average tare 按习惯皮重 customary tare 按约定皮重 computed tare 按公量计重 conditioned weight 按理论重量计重 theoretical weight 法定重量 legal weight

净净重 net net weight 溢短装条款 more or less clause 散装货物 bulk cargo , cargo in bulk 运输包装 transport packing 大包装,外包装 outer packing 板条箱 crate

瓦楞纸箱 corrugated carton 纸箱 carton 漏孔箱 skeleton case 桶 drum, cask 包 bundle , bale

运输标志,唛头 shipping mark 指示性标志 indicative mark 警告性标志 warning mark 商品条码 bar code for commodities 中性包装 neutral packing 贸易术语 trade terms

Load the goods on board the vessel 关键点 critical points

风险划分点 point for division of risk =交货点delivery

装运合同 shipment contract

point of 到货合同 arrival contract 空仓费 dead freight 滞期费 demurrage

单据买卖 a sale of documents 象征性交货 symbolic delivery 单价 unit price

外汇保值条款 exchange clause 佣金 commission

经纪人 middleman;broker 代理人 agent 折扣 discount

销售佣金 selling commission 累计佣金 accumulative commission 数量折扣 quantity discount 特别折扣 special discount 含佣价 price including commission 净价 net price 交货 delivery 装运 shipment

收妥待运 accepted for carriage 邮局收据日期 date of post receipt 收货日期 date of pick-up

接受监管 taking in charge 迅速装运 prompt shipment 立即装运 immediate shipment 尽快装运 shipment as soon as possible

以获取舱位为准 subject to shipping space available 获得出口许可证为准 subject to approval of export license 分批装运 shipment by installments 转运 transshipment 班轮运输 liner transport 租船运输 charter transport

定程租船 voyage charter ; trip charter 定期租船 time charter 光船租船 bare boat charter 单程航次租船 single trip charter 来回程航次租船 return trip charter 连续航次租船 consecutive voyages 航次期租 time charter on trip basis , TCT 重量吨 weight ton 尺码吨 measurement ton 从价运费 A.V. or ad val.

按货物重量或尺码从高征收 W/M 临时议定运价 open rate

