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Unit 1 That must be a record!


1.conclude 推断(结论),缔结达成(协定);结束;终止

(1)What can you conclude from the facts? 从这些事实中你能得出什么结论呢?(conclude…from…)

(2)He concluded that the theory was right at last. 他最后得出结论这个理论是正确的。(conclude that…)

相当于:It was concluded that the theory was right at last. 结论是……

(3)He concluded by wishing everybody a happy new year.

他讲话结束时,祝大家新年愉快。(conclude by…)

(4)The programme conclude with the national song.

节目以国歌结尾。(ended with)

派生词:conclusion n. 结论




①租用(pay money to borrow sth) e.g.

主要搭配:hire sth out to sb. 把……租给…… hire sth from sb. 从……租用……

②雇佣,相当于employ, 后接sb,反义词为fire (解雇)

The company hired 200 workers last year. 这家公司去年雇佣了200个工人。 (2)employ:①雇佣

The factory employs 2,000 people worldwide. 这家工厂在全世界雇佣了2,000名员工。 ②使用,运用

They employed this teaching method in the classroom.


③be employed in doing sth. 忙于做某事

Her days are employed in gardening.


(3)rent:租用(常指土地,房屋,机器等) 常用搭配:rent sth out to sb. 把……租给……

rent sth from sb. 从……租来……

例如:The landlady rent her rooms out to the students.

女房东把她的房子租给学生。 相当于:The students rent the rooms from the landlady. 3.fade的用法 ①使褪色(vt. & vi) The sun faded the curtain. 太阳把窗帘晒得变了色。(vt) 相当于:The curtain faded in the sun. (vi) ②(使)凋谢,逐渐消失 The flowers had faded. 花早已经凋谢了。(vi)

The sounds of the cars faded away in the distance.

车的声音消失在远处。(fade away) Her smile faded. 她的笑容渐渐消失了。 ③(光线等)变弱,变暗

The lights of the room fades as it gets darker and darker.

室内的光线随着天慢慢黑下来而逐渐变弱。 4.account 叙述;账目,账户 I bought the car on account. 我赊账买了这辆车。(on account 赊账) We couldn’t go on account of the rain. 因为下雨我们不能去。(on account of =because of 因为)

We must take local conditions into account. 我们必须把当地的条件考虑进去。(take sth into account 把……考虑在内)

相当于:We must take account of local conditions (take account of 考虑到)

No one could account for the disappearance of the money.

谁也说不清楚这些钱丢失的原因。(account for解释,说明)

Smokers account for 20 percent of the whole population in the world.

烟民占世界总人口的20%。(account for 占……) 5.confirm vt.证实,确定,确认,批准 The research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women.

研究证实,这种风险对女性要大一些。(proved) Can you confirm the dates we discussed? 你能确认我们讨论的日期吗?(make sure of) The king confirmed me in my possession of the land.

国王批准我拥有这块土地。(批准) 相关习语:

a confirmed habit 积习 a confirmed disease 痼疾 6.burst vi

①爆炸;爆破 (break open)过去式,过去分词分别为 burst, burst.

The balloon burst suddenly. 汽球突然爆炸了。

It was so cold yesterday that many water pipes froze and burst.



burst into tears 突然哭起来=burst out crying

burst into laughter 突然笑起来=burst out laughing

burst into cheers 突然欢呼起来 burst into applause 突然鼓起掌来 burst into song 突然唱起歌来

burst into bloom 开花

burst into view / sight 景象/奇观突然出现 burst into the room 突然闯入房间 7.delight ①vt. 使高兴,使欣喜 The news delighted the children. 这消息使孩子们欣喜。(sth delight sb)

相当于:The children were delighted at the news. (be delighted at ……因……而高兴) I will be very delighted to teach you a song. 我将会非常高兴地教你一首歌。(be delighted to do sth)

I am very delighted that you are all here on time. 我很高兴你们都按时来了。(be delighted that…)

I have read your letter with delight. 我高兴地读了你的信。(with delight) He takes great delight in teaching his students. 他以教他的学生为乐。(take great delight in sth/ doing sth.以做……为乐) 8.set down

①写下,记下(write down, put down) Set down what you saw at that time.


②(司机等)让乘客下车(let…get off the bus…) Passenger should be set down and picked up at official stops.


③规定,制定(give sth a rule)

The standards were set down by the governing body.


9.bid vt.& vi (bid, bid)(拍卖时)喊价;投标 主要搭配:

①bid (sb) money for sth. 为了某物出价…… They bid me 100 pounds for the Chinese Vase. 为了这个中国花瓶他们向我出价100 英镑。 ②bid for 投标争取……

Three firms bid for the contract on the new building.

三家公司投标争取承包新楼工程。(bid for 投标争取……)

China once bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, and we won at last.

中国一度竞争举办2008年奥运会,最后我们中标了。(胜利了) bid 还可以用作名词。

China’s bid for the 2008 Olympic Games is a great feat in Chinese history. (n.)

中国对2008年奥运会的申办在中国历史上是一项伟大的创举。 二、本单元重难点句子

1.In 1951, the then director of the Guiness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.


(1)the then director, 中的then在这里作定语,意为“当时的,那时的”。例如:

The then president of America was Bill Clinton. 当时的美国总统是克林顿。 opp present 现任的

The present president of China is Hu Jintao. 中国现任主席是胡锦涛。

(2)settle an argument意为“解决争端”,settle 在此处作“解决,处理”讲。如:

It’s time for you to settle your dispute with him. 现在该是你解决与他的争端的时候了。 回忆settle的相关用法: ①定居,安家落户

The old couple decided to settle in America at last.

这对老夫妇最后决定在美国定居。 ②在某处停歇或停留 The bird settled on a branch


The dust had settled over everything. 到处是灰尘。 ③使平静/镇静

Wait until all the excitement has settled. 等到激动情绪平静下来再说。

2.Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease. 虽然这次记录令人难忘,但是它还是逊色于阿姆斯特朗与疾病抗争的故事。

Impressive as the record is, 是一个特殊句式。as还可用作though。

此句式可换成:Although/Though the record is impressive,… 注意:

①倒装后,不可用although, 而用though或as. ②只有在倒装句式中as作“虽然,但是”讲,但在陈述句中,as没有此义。 倒装主要句型结构如下: ①形容词+as/though+主语+谓语 ②名词+as/though+主语+谓语 ③副词+as/though+主语+谓语

④动词+as/though+主语/谓语 ⑤过去分词+as/though+主语/谓语

例如:Young as she is, she knows much. 虽然她很年轻,但她知道的东西很多。(相当于:Though/ Although she is young, …) Child as he is, he can deal with difficult problems.

尽管他是一个孩子,但他能处理一些难题。(注意:child前不可带冠词a. 此句相当于:Though/Although he is a child, …)

Hard as / though he worked, he didn’t pass the exam.

虽然他努力学习了,但还是没有通过考试。(相当于:Though / Although he worked hard, …) Surrounded as she was by fans, the singer managed to get into the car.

尽管被影迷们重重包围,那位歌星还是设法上了车。(相当于:Though / Although she was surrounded by fans, …)

3.Skateboards have been around since the 1970s, but they have recently become popular again. 从二十世纪七十年代起,滑板运动就开始活跃,但是它们最近又开始流行起来。

be around 在句中意为“在……领域或行业中活跃而突出”。

例如:Yao Ming became a new basketball superstar, who could be around for the next few years. 姚明已经成为一位新的篮球超级明星,以后几年可望大显身手。

She has been around as a film star since the 1960s.


Unit 2 Crossing limits


1.evaluate vt. 评价;估计;估值(to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of sth. after thinking about it carefully)

Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.

我们的研究试图对不同药物的疗效进行评估。(evaluate sth)

We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.


派生词:evaluation n. 评估;评价

2.in the name of 以……名义;代表(doing sth. as sb. else’s representative)

I claim this land in the name of the king! 我代表国王宣布拥有这块土地!(in the name of sb.)

I arrest you in the name of the law. 我以法律的名义逮捕你。(in the name of sth.) I opened an account in the bank in your name.(in one’s name)

我以你的名义在银行开了一个账号。 拓展:by name /by the name of /name after /with the name /of the name of /in the name of

(1)by name:①名叫;②用名字;凭名字 He met a man, John by name.他遇到一个名叫约翰的人。

I know him only by name.我只知道他的名字。

She asked for you by name.她点名要找你。

(2)by the name of 也可作of the name of 名叫……

例如:a U.S reporter by /of the name of Newton. 一个叫牛顿的美国记者 (3)with the name 名叫……

例如:a girl with the name Mary 一个名叫玛丽的女孩

(4)name after 以……命名

They named the boy after his grandfather. 他们以祖父的名字为男孩取名。


(5)in the name of sb. /sth. (in sb’s /sth’s name) 在……名下

We booked two rooms in the name of Brown. 我们用布朗的名字订了两个房间。 The car is registered in my name. 这辆车是用我的名字登记的。

(6)under the name of 用……名字,以……假名

Mr. White reserved two tickets under the name of Smith.


3.equip vt. 装备;配备


(1)equip oneself /sb. /sth. with sth. 给某人/某物配备/装备……

(2)be well equipped 装备/配备精良 be poorly /badly equipped 装备/配备差/简陋 be fully /specially equipped 装备完善/独特

The school is poorly equipped. 这所学校设备简陋。

She equipped herself with a street plan. 她随身带着一张街道平面图。

He got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.

他取得一笔银行贷款来租用和装备一个小车间。(equip sth) The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.

本中心有齐全的划船和登山设备。(be well equipped for…)

The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.

此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。(equip sb. /sth. for…)

派生词:equipment n. [U] 装备,设备,器材,装置

a useful piece of equipment for the kitchen 一件有用的厨房设备

medical /office equipment 医疗器械/办公室设备 4.treasure n. (1)用作名词

①金银财宝,珠宝;财产[U] buried treasure 埋藏的财宝

②相当贵重的饰品;珍宝;宝物;珍品[C] the priceless art treasures of the Uffizi gallery 乌菲齐美术馆收藏的无价艺术瑰宝 ③备受宠爱/珍爱的人;心肝宝贝儿。[C] (2)用作动词,意为“珍视;珍爱;珍藏”。 I treasured his friendship. 我珍重他的友谊。 This ring is my most treasured possession. 这枚戒指是我最珍爱的财产。 5.suggest vt.

1.提议;建议。作此义时: ①如果后接动词,只能接动名词。

②后接that从句,从句谓语动词须用should+动词原形,should可省略。 I suggested the ideas to her.

我向她提出这种想法。(suggest sth. to sb.) I suggested going there at once. 我建议立刻去那里。(suggest+doing sth.)

The teacher suggested that we should do our homework now.

老师建议我们现在就做作业。(suggest that sb. should do sth.)


Her pale face suggests that she is ill.她的苍白的脸色表明她病了。


He insisted that we (should) go there at once. 他坚持我们应该马上去那里。

He insisted that he was right. 他坚持认为他是正确的。

但insist后如果接名词,后应加上介词on,构成词组insist on sth. /doing sth. 例如:

6.accomplish vt. 达到(目的)完成(任务),实现(计划)

accomplish sth 相当于:


This task is accomplished by great effort. 完成这任务花了很大力气。

He accomplished a great deal during his first year. 第一年他就取得了很多成就。 The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished. 计划的第一部分已顺利完成。

That’s it. Mission accomplished. 就这样,大功告成。

派生词:accomplishment n.

accomplished adj. 才华高的,技艺高超的;熟练的

比较:accomplish /complete /finish

accomplish: 一般指取得成果,达到目标,实现计划等。

complete: 特指完善所缺的部分,以至一个整体圆满。也可以完成耗时的事情(如建筑、工程等)。

finish: 多指完成日常的事。 例如:

He will complete the building next year. 明年他们会将这栋楼房竣工。

I only need one more card to complete the set. 我只差一张卡片就配齐全这一套了。 Haven’t you finish your homework yet? 难道你还没有完成家庭作业吗? 7.apart from 除……外

主要用法:apart from意为“含有;除……外,还有……”和“除……外,没有……”之意,即它含有besides和except (for)的用法。例如: I’ve finished apart from the last question. 除了最后一道题,我全都做完了。(except for /except)

Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.


It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial problems.


8.arise vi. 出现,发生,产生,起身;群起反对(arose, arisen) A new crisis has arisen. 新危机已经出现。(产生)

Children should be disciplined when the need arises.

必要时,孩子应该受到管教。(when it is necessary)(出现)

Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.

身体上的原因可以引起精神或情绪上的问题。(引起,造成) He arose at dawn. 他黎明即起。(起床)

The peasants arose against their masters. 农民奋起反抗奴役他们的人。(群起反对)

9.bring up 教育,养育,提出;引出;呕吐 She was brought up by her uncle. 她是由叔叔带大的。(养育)

He brought up the question at the meeting. 他在会上提出了这个问题。(提出) Mary brought up all the food she had eaten. 玛丽把吃下去的食物都给吐出来了。

联想:bring in 获利;赚 /bring about 带来;引起 /bring down 使……降低 The boys bring in £100 a week.


The internet has brought about big changes in the way we work.

因特网使我们的工作方式发生了很大变化。 We’d better wait till they bring down their prices. 我们最好等到他们降价。 二、本单元重、难点句子

1.Sick from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for spices and glass.


(1)find one’s way to… 找到通往某地的路,to为介词。例如:

I hope you can find your way home. 我希望你能找到回家的路。

She couldn’t find her way out of the forests. 她找不到走出森林的路。 find a way out 找到一条出路 相关用法:

elbow one’s way 以肘推挤前进 shoulder one’s way 以肩挤前进 feel one’s way 摸索着前进

force /fight one’s way 突破……而前进 push one’s way 排开……而前进 make one’s way 艰难地前进 例如:

They made their way to the beach at last. 最后他们好不容易到了海边。

He felt his way to the door in the darkness. 黑暗中,他摸索着向门走去。

He shouldered his way to the front in the crowded people.


(2)in exchange for 与……交换,互换 例如:

He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake. 他给我一个苹果,换一块蛋糕。

She is giving him English lessons in exchange for his teaching her Chinese. 她教他英语,他教她中文。

They were given food and shelter in exchange for work.


2.The wonderful gift and the contact with the black 感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭,好吗?

(2)作为回应(as a response /reactions to sth.) court so excited China’s curiosity about Africa that Zheng He sent a message to the king and to other African states…


句中的so excited… that…运用了so…that结构。此句型使用的是“so+动词+that从句”。在该句型中,谓语动词通常是能够表示人们的情绪的动词。例如:

The tsunami so shocked the tourists that they did not know where to shelter themselves, but to run as fast as their legs could carry.


The girls so likes chocolate that she eats it every day.

这个女孩太爱吃巧克力了,以至于她每天吃。 Tom so regretted his misunderstanding of his girlfriend that he went down to his knees in front of her, begging for her merry.


3.In return, the Ming court sent gold, spices, sick and various other presents.

作为回报,明朝政府送去黄金、香料、丝绸和其它各种各样的礼物。 in return (for sth.)

(1)作为(对某物)的付款或回报 Can I buy your lunch in return for your help?

I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return. 我征求她的意见,她却只是反问了我一句。

Unit 3 The land down under


1.resemble vt. 像;与……相似;与……类似 主要用法:

①不用于进行时或被动语态. ②相当于look like; be similar to

③A resemble B in sth. A与B在某方面相似 ④resemblance n. 相似;类似

the resemblance between… and … 在 … 与 … 之间的相似处 例如:

She closely resembles her sister. 她和她姐姐很像。(sb. resemble. sb.) So many hotels resemble each other here. 这里的许多酒店看上去差不多。(sth. resemble sth.)

The plant resembles grass in appearance. 这种植物的外形像草。(A resemble B in sth.) Can you tell the resemblance between Susan and her sister?

你能说出苏姗与她妹妹的共同之处吗? 2.differ vi. 相异;有区别;不同于 主要用法:

①different adj. 不同的,有区别的;有差异的 difference n. 差别;差异;不同之处 ②A differ from B. A不同于B 相当于: A be different from B. A and B differ from each other.

例 如:French differs from English in this aspect.


也可说:French and English differ ( from each other) in this aspect. French is different from English in this aspect.

③differ with sb. about /on /over sth. 与某人意见不同,持不同看法;不同意 相当于:disagree with sb. 例 如:

I have to differ with you on that.


Medical opinion differs about /on how to treat the disease.


④tell the difference between A and B 说出A和B的不同之处

I can never tell the difference between the twins. 我从来都分不清这对双胞胎。

⑤make a /no /some, etc. difference (to /in /sb. /sth.).

对某人/某物有(或没有,有些等)作用,关系,影响 例 如:

The rain didn’t make much difference to the game.


Your age shouldn’t make any difference to whether you get the job or not.


Changing jobs made a big difference to my life. 转学对我的一生有重大影响。 3.round up 主要用法:

①将……聚拢起来;使聚集 (to find and gather together people, animals or things)

结构:round up sb. /sth.或round sb. /sth. up.


I round up a few friends for a party.


The cattle are rounded up in the evenings. 到了晚上牛都要圈起来。

②围捕 (to find and arrest /capture sb.) The suspect was rounded up and questioned.


4.strengthen vt. &vi. 加强;增强;巩固(to become stronger; to make sb. /sth. stronger) 例如:

Her position in the party has strengthened in recent weeks.


The wind had strengthened overnight. 夜里,风更大了。(vi.)

Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge. 这座桥需要加固。(vt.)

We should strengthen our national defence. 我们应该巩固我们的国防建设。(vt.) 拓展:

strength n. 体力;力气;力量 with strength 用力气

strong adj. 强壮的;强健的 主要强调人体的力量

He is strong. =He is a person of great strength. He pushed against the rock with all his strength. 他用全力推那块石头。

5.diverse adj. 不同的;相异的;多种多样的;形形色色的


①diverse adj. 相当于 various ②diversity n. 相当于 variety ③a diversify of 相当于 a variety of

④diversify v. (使多样化,变化;不同)相当于 vary v. 例如:

Guests are absent for diverse reasons.

客人们由于各种不同的原因缺席。(various) 相当于:Guests are absent for a diversity of reasons.(a variety of)

The reasons for guests’absence diversify. (vary)

6.break out 突然发生(多指火灾;战争;疾病等)begin suddenly 主要用法:


The Second World War broke out in 1939. 第二次世界大战爆发于1939年。 A fire broke out in a factory yesterday. 昨天一家工厂发生了火灾。


happen, occur, take place, come about ③拓展:break up /break down /break in break up:


The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks.



I want to plant more bushes to break up the garden a bit.


Three policemen were needed to break up the fights.



If a parent dies, the family may break up.

如果父母中有一人去世,这个家可能就散了。break down


The elevators in the building are always breaking down. 这幢楼里的电梯总出故障。


Peace talks have broken down over the question of reparations.



Tom broke down the door of our classroom last week.



It’ll be difficult to break down their prejudices about lesbians.



Bacteria break down the animal waste to form methane gas.



If Tim carries on working like this, he’ll break down sooner or later. 如果蒂姆继续这样工作,身体迟早会垮掉。

break in


Someone broke in and took several computers.



Dad would occasionally break in with a suggestion.



1.These peoples came to the continent at least fifty thousand years ago and created complex societies.


people在这里是“民族,种族”(race, nation).又如:

The Chinese are a hard working people. 中华民族是一个勤劳的民族。

the peoples of Africa 非洲各民族

people还可表示“人们”,“人民”是集合名词。当作“人们,一般人”讲时,前面通常不加定冠词;当作“人民”讲时,前面需加定冠词the.如: People from all over the world will gather in Beijing to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

来自世界各地的人将会在2008年聚集在北京,庆祝2008年的奥运会。 He is a good son of the people. 他是人民的好儿子。

2.In area it is approximately the same size as the USA (without Alaska)which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people.

澳大利亚的面积约有相当于美国(不包括阿拉斯加),而美国的人口确是澳大利亚的14倍多。 (1)本句省略了…more than fourteen times as many people as (Australia)中的as Australia. (2)which在句中引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the USA.

(3)approximately (adv.):nearly; about大约地;大概地

(4)英语中倍数的表达法: ①倍数+as+adj.(原级)+as

例如:Their classroom is twice as big as ours.




例如:Their classroom is twice larger than mine.



例如:Their classroom is twice the size of ours. 他们的教室比我们的大两倍。 ④倍数+that /those of

例如:Our classroom is twice that of theirs. 我们的教室是他们的两倍。

3.The climate is different depending on the area. 气候情况因地区不同而各异。

①depending on the area在句中作伴随状语,其逻辑主语是句子的主语the climate。此句也可写为:Depending on the area, the climate is different. 拓展:

②It (all) depends 那得看情况,为固定用法,也可写为:That depends. -It he coming? 他来吗?

-That depends. He may not have the time. 那要看情况。他不一定有时间。

③depend upon it 毫无疑问;没错(固定短语),相当于 I'm sure that …

Our work will be finished this week, depend upon it.


Unit 4 Green world

一、本单元重、难点单词及词组 1.promote vt.

(1)促进,鼓励;推动(help sth. to develop and be successful)

The organization works to promote friendship between nations.

该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。 Fertilizer promotes leaf growth. 肥料促进叶子的生长。

(2)促销;推销(make people know some product /firm by advertising or offering a reduced price) Many companies make use of ads to promote their products.

很多公司利用广告来推销他们的产品。 (3)倡议;提倡(try to persuade people to believe /support)

This passionate speech promoted equality.


(4)提升;晋升(give sb. a better job /position)

Helen was promoted to senior manager. 海伦被提升为高级经理。

The football team was promoted to the first division.

该足球队已经晋升为甲级队。(promote sb. to+职位) 2.appetite n.

(1)欲望;食欲;胃口(a desire for food ) She has completely lost her appetite since the operation.


All that walking has given me a big appetite. 走了那么多路,我胃口好极了。 (give sb. an appetite=make sb. want to eat) 相关搭配:have a huge /big /voracious appetite 食欲好;胃口好

spoil /ruin one’s appetite 影响食欲;倒胃口

(2)欲望;喜爱(a desire or liking for a particular activity)

Pall has no appetite for hard work. 保罗不喜欢卖力气。 3.appoint v. (1)任命

They have appointed a new manager.

他们已经用了一位新经理。(appoint sb.)

Who shall we appoint (as) chairperson?

我们选派谁担任主席呢?(appoint sb. as sth.)

He was appointed to the vacant post. 他被委派填补那个空缺。(appoint sb. to+place)

He’s been appointed to catalog the new books 也可这样回答:

in the library.

他被派到图书馆对新书进行登记分类。(appoint sb. to do sth.) (2)约定(时间、地点等)

They have appointed a date for the meeting.


We met him at the appointed time outside the courtroom.


(3)appointment n. 约定;预约

a five o’clock appointment 5点钟的约会 make an appointment 约会 keep an appointment 守约 by appointment 按约定 拓展:“约定时间 /地点”的表达方法。

“约定时间 /地点”可用appoint a date /time for…,也可用fix up a date /time for…

另外,还能使用suggest及make it等。例如: -What time shall we meet at the school gate? -Let’s make it next Sunday. -我们什么时候去校门口见面呢? -让我们定在下个星期天吧!

make it为固定用法,意为“规定……的时间”,Let’s make it next Sunday相当于:I suggest next Sunday.

4.expense n.花费;代价([C] & [U] ) It’s too much of an expense to own a car.


We went to a lot of expense to provide the safety equipment, so please take care of it.

我们在安全设施上花了很多钱,所以请好好照管。(go to a lot of expense to do sth. 花大价钱去做某物)

Julie’s parents had spared no expense for her wedding.

朱莉的父母不惜代价为她筹办婚礼。(spare no expense不遗余力,不惜代价) expense的相关短语: (1)at one’s expense ①由某人负担费用

Bill’s just been on a computing course, all at the company’s expense.

比尔刚开始学习一个电脑课程,费用全部由公司来付。 ②捉弄某人

Louis kept making jokes at his wife’s expense. 路易斯不断地捉弄妻子。

(2)at the expense of以(损害)……为代价,相当于at the lost of.

High production rates are often achieved at the expense of quality of work.


He built up a successful business but it was all done at the expense of his health. 他创建的企业很成功,但这一切都损害了他的健康。 5.involve vt. (1)包含(include)

What will the job involve?

这份工作包括什么?(involve sth.)

I didn’t realize putting on a play involved so much work.

我没有想到演出一场戏需要做这么多工作。(involve sth.)

Every day each of us makes decisions that involve taking a chance. 每天我们每个人作出的决定都包含碰运气的成分。(involve doing sth.) (2)涉及,影响(affect)

These changes will involve everyone on the staff.


The accident involves a coach and two cars. 这个事故涉及到一辆长途汽车和两辆桥车。

(3)involve sb. in sth.要求 /允许某人参与(ask /allow sb. to take part in sth.)

Try to involve as many children as possible in the game. 尽量让多些孩子参与游戏。

The USA has so far been extremely unwilling to involve itself in the crisis in Bosnia. 直到现在,美国仍然极不愿意卷入波斯尼亚的危机中去。 (4)be involved

More than 30 software firms were involved in the project.

30多家软件公司参与了这个项目。 拓展:involvement n. 卷入,牵连(与介词in连用)

involvement in the murder 卷入谋杀案

6.abandon vt.

(1)离开;放弃(give up because of something dangerous /impossible)(含有不得已而放弃之意) The heavy snow forced many drivers to abandon their cars. 这场大雪使很多司机不得已放弃了他们的车。

(2)遗弃(leave sb. you are responsible for with no intention of returning)

The baby has been abandoned by its mother. 这个婴儿被它的妈妈遗弃了。 (3)不再支持/拥戴(stop supporting /helping /believing in…)

The people of the country abandoned their government.

这个国家的人民不再支持政府了。 The citizens have abandoned their lender. 市民们已经不再拥戴他们的领导了。

7.altogether adv. (1)总而言之(相当于in a word) Altogether, it was a great evening. 总之,这是一个不错的夜晚。 (2)完全地(相当于completely) I don’t altogether agree with you. 我并不完全同意你的话。 (3)总共(相当于in all) There are 79 students altogether. 总共有79个学生了。 辨析:altogether /all together all together

(1)相当于all in one place,意为“全部在同一个地方”。

Can you put your books all together in this box?

你能把你的书都放进这个箱子吗? Put the plates all together in the sink. 把盘子都放在水池子里。

(2)相当于in a group,意为“每一个人都……;一起来”。

Don’t say it one by one, all together! 不要一个一个地说,一起来! 二、本单元重、难点句子分析

1.As astronomy was one of the most important branches of science, it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition. 由于天文学是最主要的科学分支之一,因此天文学部分所有的设备和经费是由英国政府赞助的。


比较:as /because /since 三者都可以用作表示原因。


I don’t want to buy the dress because I hate its color. 我不想买这条裙子,因为我讨厌它的颜色。 ②as置于句首,也可置于句中,着重于主句。

I decided to send him an e-mail as I forgot his phone number. 由于我忘了他的电话号码,所以我就给他发了一份电子邮件。


Since this method doesn’t work, Let’s try another.

既然这种方法不行,我们就试用另一种吧! Since you are unable to answer perhaps we should ask someone else.

既然你不能回答,我们就应该问别人了。 (2)该句为强调句型,强调成份为主语the British government。


①强调句型 it is /was…that中,被强调的部分可以是主语、宾语、状语等成分,不可强调谓语。强调的主语为人时,可用who或that,其它一律用that。


③强调句型中的It is…that,不可缩写为“It’s …that”。

④强调特殊问句时要注意语序。例如: Who did it yesterday?

→Who was it that did it yesterday?


How did he get the in formation? →How was it that he got the information? 他究竟是如何得到这个消息的? ⑤强调从句时,要注意判断整个句子的结构。

He didn’t come to school because he was ill.

→It was because he was ill that he didn’t come to school.


I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back home. →It was not until my mother came back home that I went to bed. I didn’t realize the importance of English until then. →It was not until then that I realized the importance of English.

2.Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large scale, helping to develop local economies with new imports. 班克斯是第一个大规模把农作物从一个洲运到另一个洲去的人,从而用这种新的进口物资促进了当地经济的发展。

(1)the first to move crops…意为“做……的第一个人”,是固定表达。如:

Tom is always the first to come and the last to leave. 汤姆总是第一个来,最后一个离开。


the first /second…/last [person(s)] to do sth.


(2)on a large scale大规模地,相当于in large numbers /groups。

Some countries are preparing for war on a large scale. 有些国家在大规模地准备战争。

They moved to America on a large scale. 他们大规模地转移到美国。

(3)helping to develop local economies with news imports在句子中作状语,指结果。 Her husband died, leaving her with four children. 她丈夫去世了,给她丢下四个孩子。 He opened fire, killing one tiger. 他开枪打死了老虎。

A terrible flood happened that year, making many people homeless. 那年发生了一场水灾,使很多人无家可归。 The firemen arrived in time, preventing a fire. 消防队员及时赶到,避免了一场火灾。

说明:以分词形式出现的短语,一般与主句中的谓语动词的动作几乎同时发生,在功能上有用作结果状语的,也有用作伴随状语的。 3.There were even differences between the species of the different islands; yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America, though

separated from that continent by about 600 miles. 不同岛上的物种竟然也有区别;但是所有的物种都明显地与美洲的物种有关。


with those of America中的those指代前面的the species。

(2)英语中,如下文中需要重复上文的单词,通常用one, ones, the one, the ones, that, those等取代。

①one指代可数名词单数(泛指)。 ②the one指代可数名词单数(特指),也可用that替换the one。

③ones指代可数名词复数(泛指)。 ④the ones指代可数名词复数(特指),也可用those替换the ones。 ⑤that指代不可数名词。 例如:

A desk made of wood is much stronger than one made of paper.

The desk made of wood is much stronger than made of paper.

Desks made of wood are much stronger than ones made of paper.

The desks made of wood are much stronger than made of paper.

The weather of Wuhan is much hotter in summer than that of Changchun. 武汉的夏天比长春的夏天要热得多。

Unit 5 Getting the message

一、本单元重难点单词及词组 1.consideration n.考虑;体贴 主要用法:

(1)take sb./sth. into consideration 考虑到某人/某事

相当于:take sb./ sth. into account 例如:We should take everything into consideration. 我们应该考虑到每个细节。

Taking everything into consideration, it’s a good job.


注意:taking…into consideration作独立成份时,用现在分词短语形式,不考虑句子主语与此词组中take构成的逻辑关系。

(2)sth. be under consideration. 某事正在考虑之中

例如:Your suggestion is under consideration. 我们正在考虑你的建议。 2.charge n. 主要用法: (1)主管;负责

主要搭配:sb. be in charge of sth. 某人负责/主管某事

sth. be in the charge of sb. 某事在某人的掌管或负责或支配之下

sb. take charge of sth. 某人负责某事(动词词组)

例如:Mr Chen is a headteacher, he is in charge of Class Three.


相当于:Mr. Chen is a headteacher, Class Three is in the charge of him. Mr. Chen is a headteacher, he takes charge of Class Three.


The battery is on charge. 电池在充电之中。(be on charge)

相当于:The battery is charging.(v.) (3)价钱

free of charge (n.) 免费

主要搭配:charge sb money for sth.由于某事向某人索要多少钱(vt.)

例如:The old man charged me five yuan for repairing my shoes. 这位老师傅收了我五元的修鞋费用。(vt.) The tickets are free of charge. 这些票是免费的。(n.) (4)控告

主要搭配:the charge against sb / sth 对某人/某物的指控(n.)

charge sb with sth. 指控某人某事相当于:accuse sb of sth(v.)

例如:How will you face the charge against you? 你将如何面对对你的指控? She charged him with murder. 她指控他犯有谋杀罪。(相当于:She accused him of murder.)

3.blame vt.& n. 责备,谴责,归咎于


(1)blame sb for sth. 某人由于某事受到责备/谴责

例如:He blamed me for my carelessness. 他责备我的疏忽大意。

(2)sb. be to blame for sth. 某人由于某事应受责备/谴责

例如:Mr. Smith is not to blame for the accident. 史密斯先生不应该由于这个事故受到谴责。 注意:

①sb be to blame for sth. 是一主动形式短语来表达被动含义,相当于:sb should be blamed for

sth. 因此(2)句可改为:Mr. Smith should not be blamed for the accident.

②sb be to blame for sth. 不可写为被动式:sb be to be blamed for sth. 因此(2)句不可写为:Mr. Smith is not to be blamed for the accident. (3)blame sth. on sb. 把……推到某人身上 例如:Don’t blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。

本句相当于:Don’t lay/put the blame on him, but on me.(lay/ put the blame on sb.)

(4)bear / take /accept / get the blame for sth. 对某事承担责任

例如:I should take the blame for the matter. 这件事上,我应该承担责任。

本句相当于:I should take the responsibility for the matter. 4.annoy vt.& vi. 使烦恼;使恼怒


①派生词:annoy v.

annoying adj. (sb/sth that annoys) annoyed adj. (sb/sth that be annoyed)

annoyance n. (主要用于to one’s annoyance 令某人烦恼的是)

例如:These mosquitoes are annoying me.

这些蚊子真使我心烦。(sth annoy sb.)


①These mosquitoes are annoying.

这些蚊子是令人心烦的。(sth be annoying)

②I am annoyed with these mosquitoes.

我对这些蚊子感到心烦。(sb be annoyed with sth.) ③To my annoyance, there are so many mosquitoes around me.

令我困扰的是,我身边有许多蚊子。 5.associate vt. & vi. 把联合/接合起来 主要用法:

(1)associate…with… 把……与……联合起来 (vt.)

sth associate with sth. (vi.)

例如:People always associate summer with holidays.

人们往往把夏季和休假联想在一块。 These words associate with happiness. 这些是与幸福有关的词语。 He associates with criminals. 他和罪犯有来往。

(2)association n. 协会,联合,结交,联想

in association with = in operation with 与……合作/合伙

拓展:associate …with…

connect…with/to/and… 把连接起来

combine…with/and… 把……联合/结合起来

relate…to… 把……与……联系起来

join…to /with… 把……与……连接起来

6.profit vt. & n.利润;赢利;有益于;有利于


(1)n.[C & U]利润;赢利

主要搭配:make a profit或make profits赢利 make handsome profits 赢利丰厚

例如:They make a profit of ten pence on every copy they sell.

他们每出售一本赢利十便士。 (2)sell sth at a profit 获利卖掉某物 例如:They sold their car at a profit. 他们出售小车获得了利润。 (3)A profit B (相当于 A benefit B)

也可写为:B profit from/by A (相当于:B benefit from/by A)

例如:Taking much exercise will profit you. 多做锻炼将对你有好处。

也可作:You will profit from taking much exercise. 7.appeal vi. & n. 有吸引力;呼吁;上诉 主要用法:


主要搭配:A appeal to B (相当于A attract B) 例如:The ads on TV always appeal to many people.

电视里的广告往往吸引很多人 The ads on TV are always appealing. 电视里的广告往往是吸引人的。(相当于:attractive)


主要搭配:appeal to sb呼吁某人去做


例如:The Iraqi government appealed for help from other countries.

伊拉克政府呼吁其它国家来援助他们。 Many experts appeal to the public to pay attention to the environmental pollution. 很多专家呼吁公众关注环境污染。 (3)上诉

例如:If possible, you can appeal to a higher court. 如有可能,你可以向上级法院上诉。

(4)make an appeal to sb for sth. 向……呼吁/上诉

appealing look / voice 求助的目光/声音 8.make sense 主要用法:

(1)有意义(to have a clear meaning which is easy to understand)

例如:These sentences don’t make sense: 这些句子意义不清楚。(难以弄懂) (2)有道理;讲得通(be reasonable) 例如:It doesn’t make sense why she should do such a thing.

真想不通她为什么做这么傻的事。 (3)明智的

例如:It makes sense to save money while you can. 能省则省这是明智的。

(4)make sense of sth = understand sth. 例如:Can you make sense of what this writer is saying?

你能理解这位作家在说什么吗? 二、本单元重难点句子讲解

1.The development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising.

广播、电视以及其它媒体与广告业同步发展。 (1)go with 意思是“与……同行”。 例如:I’ll go with you. 我要和你一起去。 另外,go with 还可表示“与……相配”。 例如:Her hat goes well with her dress. 她的帽子和裙子很相配。

(2)hand in hand在此句中充当状语,意思是“手拉手地,同步地”。

例如:The couple are often seen walking hand in hand in the evening.

人们常在傍晚看到这对夫妻手拉手地散步。 Dirt and disease go hand in hand. 灰尘与疾病总是形影相随。 拓展:hand in hand 手拉手 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 side by side 肩并肩

heart to heart 心连心;推心置腹地

face to face 面对面地 arm in arm 臂挽臂地

2.On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy it.

另一方面,批评者有时指责公司滥用广告误导我们,让我们相信某种产品比它的实际情况要好,或者购买某种产品会让我们更加愉快。 (1)on the one hand…on the other hand… 一方面……另一方面

通常用来说明两个相反的意思或看法。on the other hand 与but 和however的意思相近。可与on the one hand连用,也可以单独使用。例如: On the one hand, he is an able man, but on the other hand he demands too much of people. 一方面,他是个能干的人,但另一方面,他对人的要求太多了。

I knew this job of mine isn’t much but on the other hand I don’t feel tired down.


(2)by making us believe… 是mislead的方式状语,believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy the product.是宾语补足语,两个that从句并列充当believe的宾语。

(3)accuse sb. of doing sth. 指控(指责)某人……相当于charge sb. with sth.

例如:He accused me of neglecting my duty. 他指责我玩忽职守。

比较:charge sb with sth. 指控某人某事 The driver was charged with speeding.

那个司机被控超速驾驶。 They charged him with dishonesty. 他们指责他不诚实。

3.If we cannot distinguish between fiction and facts, touch (contact) with 和……失去联系

lose oneself in 迷上,陷入 (lost in thought 陷入沉思)

Ex. Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases. (1)I watched the plane go higher and higher until I__________________ of it.

(2)John’s careless work made him we will be come easy target for ad makers. 如果我们不能够分辨真伪,就很容易成为广告商的靶子。

distinguish between A and B 意思是“辨别A和B”如:

Can you distinguish between a tiger and a lion? 你能辨别老虎和狮子吗? 比较:distinguish A from B

I can’t distinguish him from his twin brother. 我分不清他和他的双胞胎兄弟。

The ability to talk distinguishes human beings from lower animals. 语言能力把人和其他低等动物区别开来了。 归纳:

(1)distinguish between A and B 相当于:tell the difference between A and B.

(2)distinguish A from B 相当于:tell A from B

Unit 6 Going west

1. I don’t lose heart when I fail to do something. lose heart 灰心,丧气 lose one’s heart to 爱上

lose face 丢脸 lose one’s temper 发脾气

lose one’s way 迷路 lose sight of 看不见;忘记,忽略

lose one’s weight 减轻体重 lose

_____________with his boss.

(3)Bill ______________to the brand new car the first time he saw it.

(4)After Jones moved to the west coast, we _________________him.

(5)The doctor suggested Mike __________________immediately, otherwise he will get heart disease.

(6)Harry would _________________an interesting book for the whole afternoon. 2. You are great! keep up the good work. keep up 保持,维持 keep an eye on 瞧着点儿,照看

keep away (from) 避开,不接近 keep doing sth. 继续做某事

keep in mind 记住 keep in touch with 和……保持联系

keep off 使避开,使不要 keep out 使进不去,抵挡

keep up with 跟上,了解(最新发展)

Ex. Complete the sentences with the proper phrases (1)Put on the coat. It can _______________the cold outside.

(2)________________on the stove in case the coffee boils.

(3)The only way to get your weight down is ___________all the fattening foods.

(4)Julie is one of those women who always ______________the latest fashion.

(5)The hurricane _________for several days and left a terrible destruction across the area.

(6)Teenagers should _____________tobacco and alcohol.

(7)You have to be home by 11 o’clock. ______that__________, Bob.

3. This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.

beyond 有以下几种意思:

a)on or to the other side of 在……的另一边 b)later than (时间)超过 (通常用于否定


c)much more than, outside the limits of 程度超出,为……所不及

d)besides, except 除……以外 e)beyond sb.=impossible for sb. to understand

Ex. Choose the exact meaning of the following sentences. He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control. ( )

Why she wants to go and live there is beyond me. ( )

I can’t see anything beyond the river because of the fog. ( )

Don’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock at night. ( )

I didn’t notice anything beyond his accent. ( )

4. You are doing fine. You will do better if you take it easy. take it easy 别紧张,放松 take

a chance/risk 碰碰运气,冒……风险

take a seat 坐下

take a step/measure 采取行动或措施

take an interest in 对……感兴趣

take a deep/long breath 深吸口气

take action (on) (对……)采取行动

take one’s place 代替某人的工作

take advantage of 利用

take into consideration 加以考虑

take notice of 注意

take for granted 认为是理所当然的

take charge (of) 负责,接管

take effect 起作用,生效

Ex. Choose the best phrases to fill in the blanks (1)The salesman _________________ and

started his talk. (2)Rock-climbing is an activity in which more

and more young people are________. (3)Jean always _______________the lunch

hour to finish her homework. (4)I don’t think I will get the job but I am

willing to ______________and ask for it. (5)He will _______________in the football

time because I shall be absent. (6)The two boys were talking together in the

back of the room but the teacher ________________them. (7)Bob is a natural leader, and can

______________in any emergency. (8)It is terrible that some children

___________________all that their parents do for them. (9)I had been working so hard for several

weeks, that I decided to ______________and relax

over the weekends. (10)The host asked me to come in and

________________. (11)The government has already

__________________to protect the environment. (

12 ) It was nearly an hour before the medicine_______________. (

13 ) How much time will we need to get to the lake? You have to ________the bad road _________________. Answer:

1. lost sight lose face lost his heart lost touch with should lose his weight lose himself in 2. keep out Keep an eye to keep off/to keep away from keep up with kept up keep away from keep…in mind 3. c e a b d 4. took a deep breath taking an interest takes advantage of take a chance take my place took no notice of take charge take for granted take it easy take a seat taken action took effect take…into

consideration 单项选择

1. After a fierce budget, the buyer and the seller _____________________.

A. come to an end B. come to a conclusion C. come to an agreement D. come to a decision

2. The little boy was saved at last. Now he is ________________the reach of danger.

A. beyond B. in C. to D. under 3. The hurricane _________for several days, which

left a terrible sight across the west coast. 5. He looked to be the _____________ of all the

A. kept to B. kept away C. kept back challengers. (tough) D. kept up 试题答案 4. We decided not to climb the mountains because it . 单项选择 was raining ___________. 1. C 2.A 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8.

A. badly B. hardly D 9. A 10. B C strongly D. heavily

5. Some one called me up in the middle of the night,

Unit 7 A Christmas Carol

but they hung up __________I could answer the phone.

A. as B. since C. until D. before

6. ______________again and again but he didn’t

tell me the truth.

A. Having been asked B. He was asked C. Asking him D. Though he

was asked

7. ---Oh, it’s you! I didn’t recognize you.

---I ____________my hair cut, and I__________ new glass. A. had; was wearing B. have had; am wearing C. had; wore D. have had; wear 8. Carol said the work would be done by October, __________personally I doubt very much.

A. it B. that C. when D.


9. All the cars __________ nowadays are equipped

with safety belts.

A. produced B. to be produced C.

producing D. having produced

10. ---Hi, Jim. Could I use your computer?


A. Of course you could B. Sure. Go


C. Sorry, you may not D. No, you mustn’t

II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

1. His ______________ on Mt. Mckinley hasn’t yet

been confirmed. (survive)

2. After walking for 3 hours, I really felt _____________. (thirst) 3. His safety was a great ___________ to me when I heard the news of the air crash. (anxious) 4. She told the boss she was_______________. (quit) 一、本单元重难点单词及词组

1.care for 主要用法:

(1)照顾 (to look after sb. who is sick /old/young)

She tried her best to care for her old parents.

她尽力照料她年老的父母。(look after) (2)喜爱,喜欢 (love/like sth./ sb. very much) He doesn’t care for my friends/sweet food. 她不太喜欢我的朋友/甜食。(like sb./ sth.) Would you care for a cup of coffee? 想要杯咖啡吗?(相当于Would you like…?) I don’t care for him to read this letter. 我不愿让他读到这封信。(care for sb. to do

sth. 相当于want/expect sb. to do sth.)

比较:care about

①担心(be worried about)

She cares deeply about the environmental problems. 她对环境问题感到深深的担忧。 ②关心;注意,在乎(pay much attention to)

The only thing that he seems to care about is money.


The boss doesn’t care for/ about his employees. 这个老板并不关心他的工人们。 2.anyway adv. 主要用法:

(1)无论如何,不管怎样(sb. will do sth./sth. will happen in spite of a problem)

He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyhow. 他可能不喜欢我去拜访,但无论如何我还是要去看他。

He said he didn’t know much about computers but that he’d try and help us anyway. 他说他不太懂电脑,不过,他说无论如何也会设法帮助我们。


Anyway, what was I saying! 对了,我刚才说什么?

(3)总之(used when you want to finish saying sth.)

Anyway, I must be going how. 总之,我现在得走了。


Sam didn’t get the job; but he’s not worried because it didn’t pay well anyway.


(5)究竟;到底(used to find out the real reason for sth.)

So anyway, what were you doing in the park at two in the morning?

那么,你凌晨两点在公园究竟做什么? 3.leave alone 主要用法:

(1)leave sb. alone 不去打搅某人 (stop annoying /upsetting sb.)

Why can’t you leave me alone? 你为什么不让我一个人待会儿?

(2)leave sth. alone 别碰某物(stop touching sth.) Will you leave the piano alone? 别碰那架钢琴好吗? (3)leave it /this alone

Leave it alone, or you will break it. 别碰它,否则你会把它弄坏的。

4.admit (admitted, admitting)


(1)承认,赞同 (accept and agree unwillingly that sth. is true /right)

①admit (to) sth./doing sth.

He admitted (to) the murder /murdering the person. 他承认犯有谋杀罪/杀了这个人。 ②admit that-clause

He admitted that he murdered the person. 他承认他杀了这个人。

(2)准许……进入(或使用)(to allow sb./sth. to enter a public place to watch a game, performance, etc)

Only ticket holders will be admitted into the stadium.

只有持票者才可进入体育场。 The UK was admitted to the EEC in 1973. 英国于1973年获准加入欧共体。 He was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday morning with stomach pains.

他星期二上午因胃痛被送进了医院。 5.in want of 需要

主要用法:sb. be in want of sth. (相当于sb. need sth.)

The house is in want of repair. 这房子需要修理。

拓展:归纳“某人需要/缺乏某物” sb. lack sth. sb. be lacking in sth.

sb. be in need of sth.(相当于sth. be in need 或sth. be in demand) sb. be in short of sth.

There’s a great demand/need for sth. sb. need/demand/want sth. badly/desperately 6.badly off


People are better off than they used to be. 人们要比过去富裕得多。

We’re too badly off to have a holiday. 我们太穷,没有钱度假。 (2)缺乏 (lack sth.)

The school is rather badly off for equipment. 这学校相当缺乏设备。(be badly off for 相当于be in want of sth.)

We’re well off for supermarkets in this area. 我们这个地方有许多超市。(be well off for sth. 相当于have plenty of sth.)

7.occupy vt. (occupied; occupying) 主要用法:

(1)占领;占有(seize and control) The enemy occupied the city soon. 敌人不久就攻占了这座城市。 (seized) (2)占据(时间/空间) The bed occupied too much space. 这张床占据了太多的空间。(took up) The job occupied all my space time. 这个工作占据我所有的课余时间。 固定短语:

sb. be occupied in doing sth. (with sth./doing sth.) 某人忙于做某事

She has been occupied with the research recently.

她最近忙于她的研究。(相当于She has been occupied in doing her research recently.) 拓展:归纳词组“某人忙于做某事”

sb. be occupied

sb. be busy doing sth..

sb. be busy with sth.

sb. be engaged in sth./ doing sth.

sb. be in buried in sth. /doing sth.

sb. be employed in sth. /doing sth.

apply oneself to sth./ doing sth. devote oneself to sth. /doing sth. put one’s heart and soul into sth.. keep sb. occupied /busy with sth.. 二、本单元重难点句子

1.Am I paying you 15 shillings a week for warming your hands?

难道我一周付你15先令是让你来暖手的吗? pay sb. money for sth. 由于某事付某人多少钱 也可相当于:Am I spending 15 shillings a week in your warming your hands? 拓展:“花钱做某事”的表达法 sb. pay money for sth. sb. spend money on sth. sth. cost sb. money

sb. charge sb. money for sth. 某人由于做某事向某人索要钱

sb. offer sb. money for sth. 某人出钱买某物 sb. offer sth. for money 某人以某价格将某物卖掉

例如:I paid 20,000 yuan for the furniture. 我花了2万元买这些家俱。 相当于:

I spent 20, 000 yuan

The furniture cost me 20, 000 yuan.

I bought the furniture for 20, 000 yuan.

The man charged me 20 yuan for carrying the luggage for me.

这个人为我搬点行李向我索要20元。 The man offered me 20 yuan for the book. 这个人向我出价20元买这本书。

2.If I hear another word from you, you will go where it is really cold.


go where it is really cold是一个where引导的地点状语从句。这个从句也可转换为一个定语从句,即:go to the place where it is really cold. 地点状语从句一般放在不及物动词后面,由“where+主语+谓语等”构成。它与定语从句的区别是:①地点状语从句前没有先行词,而定语从句前有先行词。②地点状语从句中的引导词where不可用作“prep.+which”,而定语从句中的where可以转为“prep.+which”。 例如:

