
更新时间:2023-11-10 09:44:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载






依据:《Nature》、《Science》、UTD-24、FT-45以及经济管理类国际“A类与A-类”期刊,参见附件1。 A类期刊 AI AII AIII 依据:经济管理类国际“B+类、B类”期刊,经管类的国内顶级期刊及全国MBA“百篇优秀管理案例”,参见附件2。 其他被SCI或SSCI检索的国际、国内期刊及《求是》杂志。 国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊、新华文摘收录文章、运筹BⅠ级 B类期刊 BⅡ级 学学报、四大报(人民日报、光明日报、文汇报、解放日报)的理论版,参见附件3。 国家自然科学基金委认定的B类期刊、CSSCI经管类期刊、人大复印资料、EI检索期刊(不含会议)、国家各一级学会会刊及《中国高等教育》,参见附件4。 C类 C类 北大核心期刊、除经管类之外的其他CSSCI 期刊、EI会议、ISTP、所有英文发表的国际期刊论文 - 1 -


1. Nature 2. Science

3. Academy of Management Journal 4. Academy of Management Perspectives 5. Academy of Management Review 6. Accounting, Organizations and Society 7. Accounting Review

8. Administrative Science Quarterly 9. American Economic Review 10. California Management Review 11. Contemporary Accounting Research 12. Econometrica

13. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 14. Harvard Business Review 15. Human Resource Management 16. Information Systems Research 17. Journal of Accounting and Economics 18. Journal of Accounting Research 19. Journal of Applied Psychology 20. Journal of Business Ethics 21. Journal of Business Venturing 22. Journal of Consumer Psychology 23. Journal of Consumer Research 24. Journal of Finance

25. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 26. Journal of Financial Economics 27. Journal of International Business Studies 28. Journal of Management Studies

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29. Journal of Marketing 30. Journal of Marketing Research 31. Journal of Operations Management 32. Journal of Political Economy

33. Journal of the American Statistical Association 34. Management Science 35. Marketing Science 36. MIS Quarterly 37. Operations Research 38. Organization Science 39. Organization Studies

40. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 41. Production and Operations Management 42. Quarterly Journal of Economics 43. Rand Journal of Economics 44. Review of Accounting Studies 45. Review of Financial Studies 46. Sloan Management Review 47. Strategic Management Journal

48. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 49. INFORMS Journal on Computing 50. Mathematical Programming 51. Transportation Science 52. IIE Transactions 53. Naval Research Logistics

54. Journal of Management Information Systems 55. Journal of Management

56. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 57. Journal of Retailing

58. Journal of Organizational Behavior

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59. Personnel Psychology 60. Research Policy

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1. Research in Organizational Behavior

2. Corporate Governance-An International Review 3. European Journal of Operational Research 4. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 5. Communications of The ACM

6. European Journal of Information Systems

7. Journal of The American Society For Information Science and Technology 8. Decision Support Systems 9. Information & Management 10. Computers & Operations Research 11. Annals of Operations Research 12. Mathematics of Operations Research 13. Operations Research Letters

14. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 15. Networks

16. Queuing Systems, Theory and Applications 17. International Journal of Research in Marketing 18. Journal of Advertising 19. Journal of Business Research 20. Marketing Letters 21. Psychology & Marketing 22. Industrial Marketing Management 23. IEEE Transactions 24. Interfaces

25. Journal of The Operational Research Society 26. International Journal of Production Research 27. International Journal of Production Economics 28. Journal of Quality Technology

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