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english learning language mrs.lestage hadwin.ren
march 12th.2013 war
do you know the “world war ii?” on account of people’s spirit, do you know how many people die in this war and how much waste in this war? there have ninety million people die and four trillion dollars waste in this thing. the war is like demon, it is never a good thing. war is destructive wastes resources, breaks relationships and stains history. . war will make much waste, death and radiation. war makes more ammunition, waste resource. this has been a huge problem, do we need weapons, now every country in the production of their own weapons. it will cost a lot of resources, such as carbon, coal and iron; we should not use them on weapons. many people will join war, of course, there will have people died. they are slaughtered. i don’t need example; it’s a matter of course. and many people will join the war; so many people will die, not some. do you know nanking massacre? do you how many people died in this war? 300 thousand! many war they will use cbw (chemical and biological weapon), it will havoc the environment. as a person, you should consider about your descendant and our earth, you must protect them.
war will affect international relationship and people’s
mentality. the war will affect relationship of 2 countries. the war like evil, gives people fear. if a country has war, the people can’t believe the country themselves. in a country, which one is a most important?
it’s your people, they are you country’s foundation. war gives detest and anger to us, and the primary cause is people’s lust. war will give people fear, when war start, people feel dread, afraid, and cold and hungry follow everybody. war neveris good thing. then nobody will believe your country which will become:” sin city”. not only in this way, because of people
nervous will be riots. if at that time in regret it is too late. war a
stain in history. it will affect history for this country, when other countries see your country’s history, they will become angry or dispute. war always has a negative effect on history, whether victory or failure, that is of no significance.when
happens in one country or several countries, it causes severe damage and pollution. many historical relics and human
wisdom have disappeared duri.ng the war. our ancestors have experienced the pain of the war; i believe they also dont want to us to create the war. war is brutal
methods; instead we should use wisdom to solve problems. as time goes by, now we need to build relationships in the world.
although the war will never disappear in the world, it give
much destroy and pain to us. now we know how to change our earth to a big family.
for human beings, war is a disaster, no matter what the characteristic is. walt whitman once said that the real war would never get in the books. nothing has received more
abuse than wars. because of the war, the gracious mothers will lose their kids, the na?ve children will lose their parents,
innocent persons will lose their homeland and thousands upon thousands of persons will be immersed in the endless gloom. there is many an adult today who regards the war as a kind of glory. however, if you have been through the war, you will
understand the real meaning of the peace. we do not want any war. this is a matter of life and death-a matter no state can ignore. as we all know, in wars, there are no winners but all losers. strategists point out that increasing wars not only cause problems such as terrorist incidents but could also threaten to end human life on our planet. the brotherhood
among people is one of the most precious things in the world. no matter how much money you have, you will never get this kind of friendship.
there is no denying the fact that war is an extremely serious problem. h.g. wells once said, war will end us if we do not end wars. it is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of
assault and bombardment. actually, the war is a kind of threat
to everyone. if we go on to do all in our power to defeat the doubts and the fears, the ignorance and the voracity, there will be no discrimination and hostility in the world. finally, we will keep the real and lasting peace as long as possible.
for human beings, war is a disaster, no matter what the characteristic is. walt whitman once said that the real war would never get in the books. nothing has received more
abuse than wars. because of the war, the gracious mothers will lose their kids, the na?ve children will lose their parents,
innocent persons will lose their homeland and thousands upon thousands of persons will be immersed in the endless gloom. there is many an adult today who regards the war as a kind of glory. however, if you have been through the war, you will
understand the real meaning of the peace. we do not want any war. this is a matter of life and death-a matter no state can ignore. as we all know, in wars, there are no winners but all losers. strategists point out that increasing wars not only cause problems such as terrorist incidents but could also threaten to end human life on our planet. the brotherhood
among people is one of the most precious things in the world. no matter how much money you have, you will never get this kind of friendship.
indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of assault and
bombardment. actually, the war is a kind of threat to everyone. if we go on to do all in our power to defeat the doubts and the fears, the ignorance and the voracity, there will be no
discrimination and hostility in the world. finally, we will keep the real and lasting peace as long as possible.
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