
更新时间:2024-03-30 04:41:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载






往前走路两边的建筑是新建成的元辰阁和元君阁。元辰阁正中供奉的是斗姆元君,元君阁供奉碧霞元君。 我们现在穿过太清宫的第二个正门——仪门来到了三官殿的正门,






走出三清殿向右拐,是关岳祠,这里供奉的是汉代关羽和宋代忠将岳飞。 我们现在看到的这个泉就是崂山四大名泉之一的“神水泉”。“神水泉”三字为刘若拙亲笔手迹。为什么叫神水泉呢?一是水质清冽,二是传说大旱三年泉水不涸,大涝三年不溢,三是饮用此泉水能延年益寿。



在正殿的屋檐下有两块碑刻。东边是护教文,西边是金虎符文,是当今崂山庙宇现存碑记最古老的两块。 庭院里有一棵桧柏树,由张廉夫亲手栽植。树上寄生了一颗凌霄树,这一奇景被称为“汉柏凌霄”。在这棵树的一侧生出了一颗盐肤木,之后北面的第一个树杈上又生出一棵刺楸。这一奇迹被称为“四树一体”。

Now we come to the Taiqing Palace. The Taiqing Palace on the Mount Lao was built in Western Han Dynasty. The founder Zhang Lian-fu built the Sanguan Temple. Then in the Tang Dynasty, the Taoist Priest Li Zhexuan expanded the temple to worship Three Kings. In the song Dynasty, the priest Liu Ruo-zhuo rebuilt the Taiqing Palace to worship Laozi. There are more than 140 buildings including the Sanguan Hall, the Sanqing Hall and the Sanhuang Hall. It covers an area of nearly 30,000 square meters .

First we can see the Taiqing Memorial Arch, built in 1997. The 5 words \inscribed by Min Zhiting, the president of the China Taoist Association. The arch is 8 meters high and 16 meters wide

Now come to the main entrance of Taiqing Temple. Crossing the gate means leaving from the mortal life going to the wonderland.

On the both sides of our road are Yuanchen Pavilion and Yuanjun Pavilion. Yuan Chen Pavilion worships Doumu Yuanju, and Yuanjun Pavilion worships Bixia Yuanjun.

Now we are passing through the second main entrance – Yi Men, and arrive at the entrance of Sanguan Hall.

The Sanguan Hall mainly worships the god of sky, land and water, Yao , Shun and Yu. It is said that Yao respected the god and cared people. When Shun reigned, people was noble and no disaster happening. In order to control the flood, Dayu didn’t come back home even walked past three times.

Walking out of the Sanguan Hall, there is a crooked elm. Because the elm was planted by the Tang priest Li Zhexuan, it was also called \was also known as the \

Opposite to the Long Tou Yu is Feng Xian Qiao. According to the legend, the Song priest Liu Ruozhuo had met a god here.

Now we come to the Sanqing Hall, the main hall of Taiqing Palace. The San Qing Hall worships San Qing Zun Shen, the middle one is Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun. The right one is Shang Qing Ling Bao Tian Zun. The left one is Tai Qing Dao De Tian Zun, that is Lao Zi. San Qing is the highest level of Taoism, these 3 Tianzun are the hightest gods believed in Taoism.

Outside the Sanqing Hall, the Dong Pei Hall worships the Donghua Emperor, the god of Yang in heaven. The west Hall worships the Queen Mother, the god of Yin in heaven. There is a rare FLOSMUME in the yard of San Qing Hall.

Walk out of the San Qing Hall and turn right, we will see the Guan Yue Temple , where worships Guanyu of Song Dynasty and Yue Fei of Song Dynasty.

Now we can see the “Shenshui Spring”, one of the four famous spring of Mount Lao. The words were said to be the manuscript of Liu Ruozhuo. Shenshui Spring means the god spring. Why call it God? First is the chilliness and clearness of the water. Secondly, there is a legend that the spring didn’t dry up during the drought and didn’t overflow during the flood. Thirdly, drinking this spring can prolong life.

Now we come to the Three Kings Hall. The middle one holding Tai Chi diagram is the Emperor of nature Fuxi. Beside him, the one holding rice beans is Emperor of earth Shennong. The other side, which is holding a Hu board is the emperor of people Xuanyuan. Legends of the three ancestors are many, such as Fuxi making Bagua , Shen Nong tasting hundreds of herbs and Huangdi making weapons.

Under the roof of the main hall there are two inscriptions. The east one is Hu Jiao text , the west one is Jin Hu text. They are the oldest extant ones in Mount Lao.

There is a juniper cypress in the courtyard, planted by Zhang Lian-fu. A Lingxiao Tree grows on it. The spectacle is called \a Ci Qiu grows from a northern bark. This phenomenon is called “Four trees one body”.

Ok, our first tour comes to an end. Now there is a 30-minute free time. You can look around and take a picture. We will meet at the front gate.

