
更新时间:2024-05-31 10:07:02 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Warm up

I’m an English teacher. My class is very small-just eight students ! Luis is Spanish. He’s from Barcelona, Spain. And Tetsuya is Japanese. He’s from Kyoto, Japan.

Then there is Nick. He’s Russian. He’s from Moscow,the capital of Russia. I also have a Greek student, Ana. She’s from Athens, Greece.

I have one Chinese student. Her name is Jiang Lee. I think she’s from Shanghai. I also have a Mexican student named Lalo. Lalo is from Merida, Mexico.

And there’s one Iranian student in my class. Hamid. He’s from Tehran, Iran. And I also have a Togolese student, Kojo. He’s from Lome,Togo, in West Africa.

Listening Task

1 A: Hi. Can I read your newspaper?

B: Well, yes, but this newspaper is in German. A: Oh,that won’t work! I can’t read German.

B: But, wait. I have another newspaper in English in my bag. A: Thanks. B: Here.

A; That’s very nice of you. So, you’re from Germany? B: Yes, uh huh,that’s right. A: What part of Germany? B: Munich. A: Ah.

2. A: Actually, I don't know what that is.

B: Hi, um, I just heard you talking to your son. Are you British? A: No, no, we've Australian. B: Australian, eh? From Sydney? A:We've from Melbourne, actually.

B: Oh, cool. Yeah, I’ve always wanted to go to Australia. A: Oh, yeah?

B: The beaches are great, I hear!

A: Yeah, they are. There’s lots to do there.

3. A: Fm sorry, excuse me. B: Mm hmm?

A: Can I use your cell phone to make a quick call? My phone doesn’t work here. B: Sure. Here you go.

A: Thanks.

B: Um, where are you from?

A: I’m from Barcelona. I’m not calling Spain, though. B: No problem. Take your time. A: It will just take a minute. Thanks.

4. A: Excuse me.

B: Mm hmm.

A: What did that announcement just say?

B: Oh, the flight to Shanghai. I think they said, “New departure time, 6:30.” A: Ah, delayed.

B: Yeah, delayed. So, you’re on that flight? A: Yes, that’s right.

B: Going home?

A: Yes, Fm Chinese. Going home to Shanghai. B: Ah,I hear that Shanghai is a beautiful city. A: Oh, maybe. Yes.

5. A: Um, excuse me.

B: Mm hmm?

A: Do you mind if I look at your magazine? B: Sure, here. It5s in French. It's OK? A: Uh, yeah. I studied French in school. It’ll be good practice. Thanks. Um,it’s a little too hard for me. So, are you from France? B: No, I’m from Montreal. I’m Canadian. A: Are you on flight 405, too? B: Yeah, long wait, eh?

Real Word Listening Part 1. Rachel meets Hiro. Rachel: Hi. Is this seat taken? Hiro: No, it’s free. Rachel: Thanks.

Hiro: Oh,you are from the States? Rachel: Yes, Fm from San Francisco. Hiro: Ah, I love San Francisco. Rachel: Are you American?

Hiro: No, Fm Japanese, but I lived in t the States before. Rachel: You are Japanese, then? Hiro: Right.

Rachel: What part of Japan are you from? Hiro: Fm from Kyushu in western Japan.

Rachel: I learned this one expression in Japanese. Yoroshiku. How's my pronunciation? Hiro: Um, not bad.

Part 2. Rachel meets Miguel.

Rachel: Excuse me. Do you blow which stop is for the Tower of London? Miguel: Sorry. Sorry. I don’t. I’m just a visitor here. Rachel: Oh, I'm visiting, too.

Miguel: I can get my guidebook. Hang on Tower of London. That’s the next stop, Tower Hill. Rachel: Thanks.

Miguel: So you're from the States?

Rachel: Yes, San Francisco. How about you? Miguel: I’m Mexican. I’m from Monterrey.

Rachel: Oh, cool. Well, how do you like London?

Miguel: It's great. Oh, here5s your stop. Rachel: Thanks. See you.

Part 3. Rachel meets Silvia.

Rachel: Excuse me. Excuse me. You dropped your map. Silvia: Oh, oh. Thank you. Rachel: Are you a tourist, too? Silvia: Yes, I am. I'm from Italy.

Rachel: Oh, interesting. Are you from Rome? Silvia: No, I’m from Florence.

Rachel: Oh, I see. And are you going to visit the Tower of London? Silvia: Yes, I am. Come on. Let's walk together. Rachel: What do you think of London so far?

Silvia: I think it is fabulous.

Interactive Practice

Cindy: I hear that you used to study in Europe. Do you have any travel books on Italy that I could borrow? I am planning a trip.

Mark: Yes, two in fact. I would be happy to lend you both. Cindy; Thanks! Do you have any recommendations? Mark: Yeah, of course. Italy is a great place, and Italians are very friendly. What are you most interested in: art, music or fashion?

Cindy: I am a huge fan of classical music. Mark: Me too!

Cindy: Really, what a coincidence!

Mark: Well then, I strongly suggest that you go to Milan.The Scala Opera House has world-class opera and ballet performances.

Cindy: Great idea! I love Italian opera. It can be very romantic! Mark: Indeed. Do you also like architectre? Cindy: Very much so.

Mark: Well, the Scala Opera House is a beautiful building and is more than 200-years old. It’s perhaps the most famous opera house in the world.

Cindy’: Sounds wonderful! I will book my opera tickets immediately.

Cindy: Rachel, what arc your plans for the summer? Rachel:I am thinking of going to London: I want to improve my English.

Cindy: What a fantastic idea! Where will you live? Rachel: With a local family. Cindy: Really? I low did you find a host family?

Rachel: Through a home-stay agency called At Home in London. Cindy: I see. What will you do when you arc not studying English?

Rachel: Well, I am hoping to meet people from all over the world. London is very multicultural. Cindy:True. Will you visit any tourist sites?

Rachel: Absolutely. I love art so I will surely spend a lot of time in the museums. Cindy: I hear museums are free in London.

Rachel: Yes, fortunately. But everything else is expensive, which is a real pity, because l am a shopaholic(购物狂). Cindy:Well, I guess that means you will have to go window-shopping instead!

