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主谓一致 适用学科 适用区域 知识点 教学目标 英语 全国 适用年级 初三 (一对一) 课时时长(分钟) 1课时/60分钟一般将来时概念、一般现在时用法 知识:掌握主谓一致的用法。 方法:熟练掌握主谓一致以及就近原则。 能力:能根据语法一致原则,意义一致原则和就近一致原则进行解题。 教学重点 教学难点 熟练掌握就近原则的概念及用法。 能根据主谓一致判断其符合的三大原则并进行解题。


一、 课堂导入


1.To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse. 2 . How to earn daily bread by my pen was then the problem. 3. To have such an easy examination paper was a gift from the gods. 4. To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse. 5. To say that he was displeased is an understatement.





谓语受主语支配,须和主语在人称和数上保持一致,这叫做主谓一致。主谓一致一般遵循三条原则: 语法一致原则,意义一致原则和就近一致原则。

如:How to earn daily bread by my pen was then the problem.

To have such an easy examination paper was a gift from the gods. To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse.


1. 【考查点】以单数名词或代词,动词不定式短语作主语时,谓语动词要用单数;主语为复数时,谓语用复数。

如: He goes to school early every morning.

The children are playing outside. To work hard is necessary for a student.

2. 【考查点】由and或both??and连接的并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 如: Both he and I are right.

Mr. Black and Mrs. Black have a son called Tom.

但并列主语如果指的是同一人,同一事物或同一概念,谓语动词用单数。 如: His teacher and friend is a beautiful girl. The poet and writer has come.

3. 【考查点】由and连接的并列单数主语之前如果分别由each, every修饰时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。

如:In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education. Each man and each woman is asked to help.

4. 【考查点】主语是单数时,尽管后面跟有 but ,except, besides, with 等介词短语,谓语动词仍用单数。 如:The teacher with his students is going to visit the museum.

Nobody but two boys was late for class. Bread and butter is a daily food in the west.

5. 【考查点】一些只有复数形式的名词,如people, police, cattle, clothes等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。

如: A lot of people are dancing outside.

The police are looking for lost boy.

6. 【考查点】由each, some, any, no, every 构成的复合代词作主语时,谓语动词都用单数。

如: Is everybody ready? Somebody is using the phone.

5. 【考查点】“分数或百分数+of+名词”构成的词组作主语时,其谓语动词要以of后面的名词而定。名词是复数,谓语动词用复数:名词是单数,谓语动词用单数。 如:

It is said that 35 per cent of the doctors are women. Three –fourths of the surface of the earth is sea.

6. 【考查点】half, the rest等表示不定数量的名词作主语时,如果所指为复数意义,动词用复数;如果所指为单数意义,动词用单数。 如:

I have read a large part of the book, the rest is more difficult. Only ten students attended the class because all the rest were off sick.

7. 【考查点】由what 引导地主于从句作主语时,通常谓语动词用单数形式。但如果所指内容为复数意义时,谓语动词用复数形式。 如:

What she said is correct.

What she left me are a few old books.

8. 【考查点】凡是以“定冠词+形容词(或分词)”作主语,往往根据意义一致的原则决定谓语动词的单复数形式。如果这种主语指的是一类人,谓语动词用复数;如果指的是一个人或抽象概念,谓语动词用单数形式。 如:

The sick have been cured and the lost have been found. The dead is a famous person.


1. 【考查点】由连词or, either??or, neither??nor, not only?but also,等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,则谓语动词按就近一致原则,与最靠近它的主语一致。 如:

Either you or I am right.

Neither the children nor the teacher knows anything about it.

2. 【考查点】在“There be” 句型中,谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。 as well as 和名词连用时,谓语动词和第一个名词相一致。以here开头的句子,其谓语动词和靠近的主语一致。 如:

There are two apples and one egg in it.

He as well as I is responsible for it. Here is a letter and some books for you.



-How much is the pair of shoes? -Twenty dollars ____ enough. A. is B. are C. am D. was


【解析】考查be动词的用法。根据文意,twenty dollars看成一个整体,表示单数概念,故用is。


One of my friends _______moved to America. I miss her so much. A.has B. have C. is D. are




—Do you like your new T–shirt?

—Yes. Not only I but also my mother ___________ it.

A. likes B. like C. doesn’t like


【解析】连词考查。Not only-------but also谓语动词的确定是临近原则。



1. - What can you see in the picture?

- I can see a farm. And there ______ a lot animals on it.

B. are

C. will be

D. be

A. is


【解析】本题考查there be句型的用法。解题思路:动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。本题there be之后的真正的主语是复数animals,故本题选择are。

2. The head teacher with his students _______Teanchengshan Park if it _______tomorrow. A. is going to; isn’t rainy B. are going to; isn’t rainy C. is going to; won’t rain D. are going to; doesn’t rain


【解析】主谓一致和状语从句。The head teacher为主语,with后面的不是主语,所以应为第三人称单数;if后用一般现在时表将来的意思。

3. —David, there _____ a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away. —OK. Mum. I’ll do it right away.


【解析】本题考查there be句型的就近原则。There be后面接并列名词时,谓语动词 be 应与最邻近的名词在数上保持一致, 首先排除C、D项。又因为句中的名词为单数a dictionary,由此可排除B项。 A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

4.– Physics _____ more difficult than Chinese, do you think so? -- Yes, I think so.

A. is B. are C. has My younger brother ____be 15 years old next year. A. is going to B. will

C. is to D. should




5. _ Lily _ Lucy is going with you because one of them must slay at home. A. Not only;but also B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Either; or


【解析】连词的考察Not only;but also ―不但……而且‖; Neither; nor ―既不……也不‖ Both; and ―……和……‖;Either; or―或者……或者‖,由下文―他们中的一个必须呆在家里‖,可知―或者露西或者莉莉与你一起去‖

6.— He, together with his parents ______going to visit Shanghai in July. How about you? — I'm afraid I have to stay at home _ _.

A. are; on my own B. is, by myself C. is; by my own D. are; on myself


【解析】考查主谓一致与by oneself的用法。介词with后的谓语动词应和它前面的主语he一致,故A,D错。by oneself是“独自”的意思。

7.Neither my father nor my mother ________ rock music. They think that it’s too ______. A. like; noise B. likes; noise C. like; noisy D. likes; noisy


【解析】考查主谓一致和词语辨析。 neither...nor...“既不??,也不??”,连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,既\就近原则\。本句的谓语动词由“my mother”来决定,用likes;noise 是名词\噪音\,noisy是形容词:聒噪的嘈杂的,根据句意可推断应为“聒噪的嘈杂的”


8. There _____ still some milk in the fridge. It’s not necessary to go to the store today. A. am B. is C).are D.be


【解析】there be结构的临近原则。 解题思路:这是一个不可数名词milk,故根据临近原则。

there be结构的句子,离系动词be最近的是

9. – It’s an exciting movie. I’ve just seen it. -- _____.

A. So do I B. So I have C. So have I D. So I do


【解析】本题考查So的替代结构。So I do,意为“的确如此”、“是这样”,前后主语要一样。So do I表示某某“也同样”,前后主语不一样。do可以是连系动词、情态动词或助动词,且必须与上句中的谓语动词保持时态的一致。句意为“它是个令人兴奋的电影,我刚看过”“我也是”。前后主语不一致,故排除B。前句助动词为have,排除A。

10. Each of the girls here __________ to the West Lake twice.

A. have gone B. have been C. has gone D. has been


【解析】考查了近义词组的辨析及主谓一致。 Each在句中作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,排除A、B。has gone to ―去了‖,还没有回来;has been to―去过‖,已经回来了。句意为―每个学生去过西湖两次‖。



