超越概念3Unit 7教师用书

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Unit 7


Keys to Exercises Section Ⅰ Listening Strategies Part Ⅱ Consolidation

Answer keys for this part are open . Section Ⅱ Listening Comprehension Part Ⅰ Dialogues Dialogue 1 Main Idea

1. This program is called Talk About It. Today‘s topic is humor .

2. The guest speaker is Dr. James Sanders ,a sociologist who studies humor .He‘s just written a new book , American Humor ,about jokes in the United States. 3.

? Humor tells us a lot about society and how we think . ? Humor can help people deal with problems and it can also help people bond to each other .

? We love this type of joke —a pun —because we love to play with words .

? Usually the jokes make fun of a particular group of

people or a profession in some way .

? People often make jokes about their own group as a way of showing group solidarity ,or just to make fun of themselves .But the same jokes are offensive when they are told by someone outside the group . Details and Inferences Ⅰ.

1. They help us deal with our feeling about these issues . 2. The host means ―What makes us laugh ?‖

3. The lawyer‘s joke goes like this :A man goes to see a famous lawyer . The man asks , ―How much do you charge?‖ The lawyer answers, ―I charge $200 to answer three questions .‖ The man says , ―The man says, ―Isn‘t that expensive ?‖―Yes, it is,‖ replies the lawyer. ―Now, what‘s your third question ?‖

The joke is funny because normally lawyer won‘t charge to answer this type of question .

The joke tells us what it‘s very expensive to hire a lawyer . Ⅱ

1.F 2.F 3.T 4. T

Dialogue 2 Main Idea

Two friends are talking about comedies and comics they like the most .They also mention the efforts comics have to make in order to amuse audience . Details and Inferences Ⅰ

1. His favorite comic is a draw between Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock .

2. No. He started watching it after the show ended like when everybody was watching the season finale .He had never really regularly watched the show and he didn‘t even catch the season finale .So he is not a big fan of Seinfeild. 3. Wendy thinks Seinfeild brilliant . Ⅱ

Comics :Dave Chappelle ,Chris Rock ,

Comedies: Chapelle Show ,Stand-Up,Seinfeid Part Ⅱ Passages Passages 1 Main Idea Ⅰ.

Humor is the tendency of particular cognitive

experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement Many theories exist about what humor is and what social function it serves . People of most ages and cultures respond to humor . Details and Inferences

1.Humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences amusement .

2.The majority of people are able to be amused ,to laugh or smile at something funny ,and thus they are considered to have a ―sense of humor‖.

3.German author Georg Lichtenberg said that ―the more you know humor ,the more you become demanding in fineness ‖.

4.Humor occurs when the brain recognizes a pattern that surprise it ,and that recognition of this sort is rewarded with the experience of the humorous response ,an element of which is broadcast as laughter .

Passages 2 Main Idea

The passage introduces the history and current situation






of British radio comedy. Radio comedy has been almost exclusively the preserve of the BBC ,and a number of British radio comedies achieved considerable renown in the second half of the twentieth century . Details and Inferences See the script. Passages 3 Main Idea

1. The passage mainly explains the characteristics of a British sitcom. It is a situation comedy produced in the United Kingdom. Like sitcoms in most other countries , they tend to be based around a family ,workplace or other institution where a group of contrasting characters are brought together in each episode. 2. A British sitcom is a situation comedy produced in the United Kingdom. Like sitcoms in most other countries, They tend to be based around a family ,workplace or other institution where a group of contrasting characters are brought together each episode .A common factor is the exploration of social mores, often with a mix of satire or pathos , in contrast to the sometimes uplifting sentiments of many classic

American sitcoms .(See the script for more details ) Details and Inferences

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C Part Ⅲ News News 1

They push shoppers‘ trolleys for tips in the day , and at night ,entertain destitute Zimbabweans just like them who have come to South Africa to seek a better life . Their short comic skits make fun of the daily hardship in their battered country . News 2 Ⅰ.

Muslims from around the word gather in the city of Mecca to take part in the Hajj . Nearly three million people are expected to participate in the annual pilgrimage , which takes place over five days in the Muslim holy city and at nearby sites . The religion requires every Muslim who is physically and financially able to make the journey at least once in his or her life . Ⅱ.

Moving from Africa to Saudi Arabia now ,as Muslims from around the world gather in the city of Mecca to take part in

the Hajj .Nearly (1)three million people are expected to participate in (2) the annual pilgrimage ,which takes place over five days in (3) the Muslim holy city and at nearby sites. Saudi Arabia has deployed about (4) 100,000 security personnel to help manage the crowds and ensure everyone‘s safety . Taking part in the Hajj is one of (5)the five pillars of Islam . The religion requires every Muslim who is (6) physically and financially able to make the journey at least (7) once in his or her life . It includes many rituals ,including wearing special clothes and (8)taking part in symbolic ceremonies . SectionⅢ

Listening for Fun

1-a 2-b 3-e 4-d 5-f 6-c 7-h 8-g Section Ⅴ Story Series A. Chapter 13

1. Full of self-pity ,and ready to sulk ,Tom walks down the street from school thinking himself to be some kind







forsaken ,friendless boy .‖ In his plight of loneliness ,Tom decides that society has forced him to

go into a life of crime .

2. So the two boys ,determined to become pirates ,plan to run away from home and live on Jackson‘s Island :an uninhabited ,narrow ,wooded island in the middle of the Mississippi River .

3. By raft ,the gang of three drift toward Jackson‘s Island . After landing safely and setting up ―camp,‖ the boys contemplate the desirable lifestyle of pirates .But after Huck has drifted off to sleep and the campfire dies down ,both Tom and Joe silently begin to regret their actions ,listening to their guilty consciences .Each says his prayers silently in his head and inwardly resolver never to steal again . Consciences satisfied ,each member of the pirate gang succumbs to sleep . B. Chapter 14

1. They begin their new lifestytles as pirates. ―Living off the fat of the land,‖ the boys swim ,play ,fish ,explore the island ,and lay around in the shade .But despite their freedom to do what they please, homesickness creeps over the boys.

2. Thought afraid to admit it ,each falls to thinking about

their friends and family back on the mainland . 3. The peaceful atmosphere of Jackson‘s Island is suddenly disrupted by a ―deep sullen boom floating down out of the distance ―. As the boys investigate further ,they find that the sounds are coming from cannons being shot over the waters of the Mississippi River ,a practice used to bring the bodies of drowning victims afloat . Tom comes to realize that search party is for them , with the residents of St. Petersburg presuming the missing boys have drowned in river . Script Section Ⅰ Listening Strategies Part Ⅰ Consolidation

As a young man, Al was a skilled artist , a potter. He had a wife and two fine sons .One night ,his oldest son developed a severe stomachache .Thinking it was only some common intestinal disorder ,neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously .But the malady was actually acute appendicitis , and the boy died suddenly that night . Knowing the death could have been prevented if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation , Al‘s emotional health deteriorated under the enormous burden of his

guilt .To make matters worse his wife left him a short time later ,leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son .The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could handle , and he turned to alcohol to help him cope. In time Al became an alcoholic .As the alcoholism progressed, Al began to lose everything he possessed-his home , his land , his art objects ,everything .Eventually Al died alone in a San Francisco motel room .

When I heard of Al‘s death , I reacted with the same disdain the world shows for one who ends his life with nothing material to show for it .‖What a complete failure!‖ I thought . ‖What a totally wasted life !‖

As time went by , I began to re-evaluate my earlier harsh judgment .You see ,I knew Al‘s now adult son ,Ernie . He is one of the kindest ,most caring ,most loving men I have ever known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free flow of love between them . I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere .I hadn‘t heard Ernie talk much about his father .It is so hard to defend an alcoholic .

One day I worked up my courage to ask him .‖I‘m really puzzled by something by something ,‖ I said. ‖I know your

father was basically the only one to raise you . What on earth did he do that you became such a special person ?‖Ernie sat quietly and reflected for a few moments . Then he said ,‖From my earliest memories as a child until I left home at 18,Al came into my room every night , gave me a kiss and said ,‘I love you ,son. ?‖

Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge Al as a failure. He had not left any material possessions behind .But he had been a kind loving father ,and he left behind one of the finest ,most giving men I have ever known .

Section Ⅱ Listening Comprehension Part Ⅰ Dialogues Dialogue 1

Host : Hi , and welcome to Talk About It. I‘m Carmen Fiallo,

and today‘s topic is humor .Our guest is Dr. James Sanders , a sociologist who studies humor . He‘s just written a new book , American Humor , about jokes in the United States. Good morning ,Dr Sanders.

Sanders: Hi ,nice to be here.

Host: Now, I have to laugh . You study jokes? That‘s not

really a serious area of study ,is it ?









seriously .Actually ,humor tells us a lot about society and how we think . Host : Can you give us an example ?

Sanders: Well ,we often make jokes about things we‘re

uncomfortable with ,like jokes about death or marriage problems .They help us deal with our feeling about issues . But mostly, humor is a way for people to socialize . Host : How so ?

Sanders :People enjoy the feeling of laughter .It feels good

and we like to make other people laugh .It‘s a way for people to connect-a way to bond with each other .

Host: So, let‘s do some human bonding here. Let us

know-what tricks your funny bone ? What makes you laugh ? Give us a call with your favorite joke –Hello, Andrew,you‘re on Talk about It .

Andrew: Hi. I want to tell you my favorite joke . Host: Andrew, How old are you ? Andrew: Ummm ,Nine ?

Host : O.K, great !What‘s the joke ?

Andrew :Why‘d the farmer put bells on his bows ? Host :I give up .

Andrew: Because their horns don‘t work . Host :Great one ,Andrew .Thanks for calling .

Sanders: This is a great example of one of the most common types of jokes :a pun .We love this type of joke because we love to play with words .Puns can be found in any language, and they are one of the earliest types of humor as well .We see puns in the writings of Shakespeare and in ancient writing from Greece and China.

Host :Fascinating. O.K, let‘s go to another call. Hi ,Joan ,you‘re on Talk About lt.

Joan: Hi, Carmen .

Host :Do you have a joke for us ?

Joan :Sure ,but first ,I want you to know that I‘m a lawyer .

Host :So you‘re going to tell us a lawyer joke ? Joan: Right .Because I know ,everyone loves lawyers. Host :O.K.

Joan: O.K.---A man goes to see a famous lawyer. The

man asks, ‖How much do you charge ?‖ The lawyer

answers, ―I charge $200 to answer three questions







expensive ?‖‖Yes, it is ,‖ replies the lawyer .‖Now, what‘s your third question?‖






Sanders ,what can you tell us about them ?

Sanders : Well , they belong in the category of jokes about a particular group of people or a profession .So you have jokes about lawyers or teachers and so on .Usually the jokes make fun of the group in some way , Host :I see ----

Sanders :Now , you have to be careful when you tell this type of joke because many people find them offensive ,especially if they‘re about an ethnic or religious group .

Host : But I noticed that Joan told us she‘s a lawyer before she told the joke ,Isn‘t it sometimes O.K. to tell a joke about a group you belong to ?

Sanders :Yes , that‘s true .People often make jokes about their own group as a way of showing group solidarity ,or just to make fun of themselves .But the same jokes are offensive when they are told by someone outside the

group .

Host :I see .O.K ,let‘s go to another call .

Dialogue 2

Wendi : Alright ,we‘ve been watching some comedy lately .I wanna know who your favorite comic is ?

Ken : My favorite comic ? It‘s a draw between Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock .

Wendi : Is Chris Rock really like , is he still doing something ?

Ken : No, he really hasn‘t done anything recently , but still like , yeah ,he‘s pretty ,a pretty funny guy . Wendi :He is totally funny . Ken :He‘s hard to stop .

Wendi: When is the last time he was totally working a lot , though ?

Ken :It‘s gotta be maybe five years ago . Wendi: Yeah, it‘s been a while .

Ken :Yeah. Now he‘s like …I don‘t even know what he does anyone .Maybe he‘s an actor now . Wendi: He‘s flipping burgers . Ken :Yeah, he has to feed his family.

Wendi: Yeah ,what about Dave Chappelle ? What‘s his deal ? He‘s kind of ---- Ken :Dave Chappelle ? Wendi :He‘s still working ?

Ken : Yeah ,Maybe . He was really popular a couple of years ago when he was doing the Chappelle Show ,a couple of his stand-ups came out ,but…. Wendi: Is that finished ? Ken :He…which ?

Wendi :The Chappelle Show .

Ken: It‘s taking a break or something . What I heard was that he went crazy and he like checked himself into an insane asylum .

Wendi :For serious .For real.

Ken :Like all the pressure from work was getting to him and stuff .Like he just wanted break . Wendi: That‘s so amazing .

Ken :Or he ran off to Africa or something .

Wendi: You know what , that is just so incredible because ,it‘s like you know ,that whole grass is greener concept .It‘s like , you think if you‘re a comedian and you‘re making people laugh all day and you‘re on stage and you‘re

laughing too that you‘re probably having fun but at the end of the day ,I guess work‘s work .

Ken :Yeah, work‘s work and he was doing ,like he mentioned in Stand-UP he was working maybe 16 ,18,20 hours a day . Wendi :Really !

Ken: Yeah ,so even like hard to study … Wendi: What was he doing for 20 hours a day ?

Ken: Uh ,like just doing his show .Like I guess it takes a lot of preparation and … Wendi: That‘s crazy .

Ken: Even with all the help in the world ,I guess he‘s still ,you know ,you have to make it quality ,so it takes time and effort . Wendi: Yeah .

Ken: So ,even if it is comedy , it might not be fun twenty hours a day .

Wendi: I guess that‘s like the funny thing, you just think of someone‘s a comedian, it just all comes naturally .It‘s like it all just comes spur of the moment ,but I guess the real thing is that a lot of work goes into it.

Ken: Yeah, I think so. Like to be creative on a consistent basis is probably isn‘t the easiest thing in the world .

Wendi: Yeah .I think so . It sure is for me anyways. Wendi: Are you a Seinfeild fan ? Ken :Seinfeild …

Wendi: Not really .I‘m reading your body language . Ken :No, I did watch a few episodes ,here and there ,when it was on TV and I was bored ,but… Wendi: You‘re not a big fan ?

Ken :Like I started watching it after the show ended like you know when everybody was watching the season finale ,like I had never really regularly watched the show and I didn‘t even catch the season finale ,but so ,my friends were like ,‖Did you watch it ?Did you watch it ?‖and I‘m like ,‖No.‖ Wendi: I think it‘s brilliant .I think it‘s incredibly brilliant . Wendi: I think it‘s brilliant .I think it‘s incredibly brilliant . Wendi: I think it‘s brilliant .I think it‘s incredibly brilliant. Ken :Yeah ,it‘s a good show. Wendi: yeah . Part Ⅱ Passages

Passage Ⅰ Evolution of Humor

Humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement .Many theories exist about what humor is and what social function

it serves . People of most ages and cultures respond to humor .The majority of people are able to be amused ,to laugh or smile at something funny ,and thus they are considered to have a ―sense of humor ―

As with any form of art , the same goes for humor ,acceptance depends on social demographics and varies from person to person .Throughout history comedy has been used as a form of entertainment all over the world ,whether in the courts of the Western kings or the villages of the Far East .Both a social etiquette and a certain intelligence can be displayed through forms of wit and sarcasm .18th-century German author Georg Lichtenberg said that ―the more you know humor ,the more you become demanding in fineness ‖.

Alastair Clarke explains :‘‘The theory is an evolutionary and cognitive explanation of how and why any individual finds anything funny. Effectively it explains that humor occurs when the brain recognizes a pattern that suprises it ,and that recognition of this sort is rewarded with the experience of the humorous response , an element of which is broadcast as laughter.‖The theory further identifies the importance of pattern recognition in human evolution :‖An

ability to recognize patterns instantly and unconsciously has proved a fundamental weapon in the cognitive arsenal of human beings. The humorous reward has encouraged the development of such faculties ,leading to the unique perceptual and intellectual abilities of our species .‖

Passage3 British Sitcom

A British sitcom is a situation comedy produced in the United Kingdom . Like sitcoms in most other countries, they tend to be based around a family ,workplace or other institution where a group of contrasting characters are brought together each episode . A common factor is the exploration of social mores ,often with a mix of satire or pathos ,in contrast to the sometimes uplifting sentiments of many classic American sitcoms. British comedies are typically produced in series of six episodes each . More recently , the portmanteau term ‖Britcom‖ has been used by American commentators to distinguish the British idiom of



from its



American )counterparts .Apart from the comparatively short series length of British sitcoms, there are few characteristics that can be identified to be singular to British

comedies .That first significant British sitcom was arguably Hancock’s Half Hour in the latter half of the 1950s ,which was characterized by realism and irreverence . It could be argued that ever since, the climate in British comedy has been divided between the realist and the irreverence . The realist strand has been maintained by such comedies as Fawlty Towers , The Good Life , Only Fools and Horses ,and My Family, while the irreverent or surrealist strand has been developed by such comedies as The Young Ones ,Bottom ,Green Wing, and The Mighty Boosh . PartⅢ News

AZUZ: We begin today in the African nation of Zimbabwe ,where an outbreak of cholera has led the government to declare a national emergency . According to the United Nations ,more than 560 people have been killed by the disease, and it‘s made more than 11,000 others sick .This health crisis adds to the ongoing economic and political trouble that‘s led many Zimbabweans to flee their home country . Nkepile Mabuse shows us how two young brothers are fending for themselves in a neighboring country .


shoppers‘ trolleys for tips in the day , and at night ,entertain destitute Zimbabweans just like them who have come to South Africa to seek a better life. Their short comic skits make fun of the daily hardships in their battered country . TAPFUMA MALUNGA, ZIMBABWEAN REFUGEE :No job ! No job !

MABUSE: The children act out how unemployment ,food shortages and a collapsed economy have forced many to jump borders ,often with the help of corrupt officials .At ages fifteen and fourteen ,brothers Tapfuma and Mathias Malunga traveled to South Africa on their own in late October ,and are living in an open field with close to a thousand other Zimbabwean refugees .They are not the youngest members of this destitute community . News 2

AZUZ: Moving from Africa to Saudi Arabia now, as Muslims from around the world gather in the city of Mecca to take part in the Hajj. Nearly three million people are expected to participate in the annual pilgrimage ,which takes place over five days in the Muslim holy city and at nearby sites .Saudi Arabia has deployed about 100,000 security personnel to help manage the crowds and ensure

everyone‘s safety .Taking part in the Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam .The religion requires every Muslim who is physically and financially able to make the journey at least once in his or her life .It includes many rituals ,including wearing special clothes and taking part in symbolic ceremonies . Part Ⅳ Dictation

First, humor is the experience of incongruity .In one‘s environment the incongruity may be experienced when someone falls down in a situation when they are not expected to fall down , or the incongruity can be between concepts ,thoughts ,or ideas often illustrated by the punch line of a joke or the caption of a cartoon .

Second ,as James Thurber has stated, ―Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.‖We commonly say, ―It wasn‘t funny at the time.‖Later with distance we can appreciate the humor .This occurs frequently when people are experiencing a crisis ,and at some later time the crisis situation is perceived as humorous .

Third, humor can be experienced in the joy of ―getting‖ it. Humor can be the understanding of something that we at first did not comprehend .This occurs every day in

misunderstandings at which we laugh .

Fourth , the experience of the ―forbidden‖(laughing in church),or ―getting away with‖ something (often seen with children )is often experienced as humorous .

Finally ,for me, humor is comprised of three components :wit, mirth ,and laughter. Wit is the cognitive experience, mirth the emotional experience, and laughter the physiological experience.

Part Ⅴ Video Clip

Eleven-Year-Old-Boy Walks to Help Homeless


[More than one million children are homeless in the United States .To highlight the problem ,eleven-year-old Zach Bachman walked hundreds of kilometers from his home city of Tampa, Florida to the U.S. Capitol, in Washington ,DC. Along the way, Zach helped out at shelters for the homeless .In this week‘s installment of our series, Making a Difference .]

Eleven-year-old Zach Bonner walk through the

southern countryside on his 1,900 kilometers hike to bring attention to the plight of homeless children .

―I think it‘s ridiculous that there‘s any child that doesn‘t have home in this country ,here in America‖ Zach explains. ―I think it‘s horrible .‖

He traveled from Florida to Washington ,D.C. where he told an audience near the U.S. Capitol that child homelessness in America is real .

―It still amazes me the amount of people still today who don‘t believe this problem even exists .And the truth is ,not only does it exist ,but it‘s getting worse,‘‘ he asserts.

Zach says there are many reasons children are homeless .―Because of the economic crisis ,it‘s getting worse because of people losing their

Jobs, and people losing their homes .And therefore , that‘s also a reason they become homeless,‘‘ he says,‖―And sometimes, the families are abusive toward the child and they run away.‘‘

Zach did the walk between his studies. It took him three years to finish his walk , which he began when he was only eight year old .He averaged 20 kilometers a day. No matter how tired he got ,Zach says he felt he had to keep walking .

―When a child gets tired of being homeless, they don‘t get to think, ?Well, I‘m tired of being homeless, so I‘m not going to be homeless anymore .‘So why should I be able to say ,?Well, I‘m tired of walking ,so I‘m not going to walk anymore,‘‘‘ he states.

His mother Lorry took each step with him and his sister Kelly followed them in a car .At night ,they slept at a donated recreational vehicle .Along the way ,Zach visited homeless shelters.―…helping plant the gardens---all kinds of stuff, just getting to play with the kids ,‘‘he says , ―hopefully making at least one day of their life better.‖

Zach has a long history of helping others. When he was six years old ,a powerful hurricane devastated parts of his home state of Florida. To help people who had no food or water, he went around his neighborhood with a little red wagon ,asking for donations of bottled water and other supplies .

One year later, Zach began the Little Red Wagon Foundation,






underprivileged children .He and other volunteers fill donated






products ,and small toys to give to homeless children .

Zach has received awards for his volunteer service, including one from President George W. Bush in 2006.Next year, Zach Boner says he will put on his sneakers again as he plans to walk from Florida to California, raising awareness of America‘s homeless children .

Section Ⅲ Listening for Fun Joke 1

Man: Knock knock. Woman: Who‘s there ? Man : Tank.

Woman: Tank who ? Man: You‘re welcome . Joke 2

Woman: What do you call an honest lawyer ? Man : Impossible ! Joke 3

Woman : How many government workers does it take to change a light bulb ? Man :I don‘t know .

Woman: Forty-five. One to change the bulb and forty-four to do the paperwork .


Man: What‘s as big as an elephant but doesn‘t weigh anything ?

Woman: An elephant‘s shadow. Joke5

Woman: How many tourists does it take to change a light bulb ?

Man : I give up.

Woman :Sit .One to change the bulb and five to ask for directions . Joke 6

Woman: Knock knock. Man: Who‘s there ? Woman :Avenue . Man: Avenue who ?

Woman ;Avenue heard this joke before ? Joke 7

Man: What‘s black and white and green and black and white and green ?

Woman :A zebra rolling down a hill with a leaf in its mouth . Joke8

Woman: What do you get when you cross an encyclopedia

with a lawyer ?

Man : All the information you need ---but you can‘t understand a word of it .

Section Ⅳ Supplementary Listening

A French Teacher‘s Memories: First Day at School Despite my diplomas that allowed me to teach in state secondary schools, and my requests ,I had been appointed to teach to a sixth-grade class .At least ,I almost worked in my backyard .The morning classes went smoothly .I knew that my pupils were experiencing many new situations .In primary school, they were all day long in the same classroom with the same teacher, who knew them by their first name .During their first sixth-grade day ,they met a different teacher at each hour, each time in another classroom that was to be found among hundreds .They were mainly concerned by finding and reading the right room on time .Any of them would have been happy to recognize and to sit beside the girl or the boy they did not want to be seen with last year ,when the world was not that large .

The afternoon classes began at two o‘clock.(As much as possible ,lunch time is scheduled on regular bases for the

youngest .) I unlocked the classroom and let the children enter. I counted them as they passed in front of me .One was missing .I checked in the attendance notebook: no pupil was reported absent .I had no idea about what I was supposed to do an began to wonder how to report the fact ,when Toc TocToc, somebody knocked at the door.

---―Come in !‖ A little girl came in . ---―Excuse-me, Madame, I was lost .

Before I could reprimand those who laughed, she began to vomit . I pointed a girl out : ― Go to the infirmary with her .‖

---―Where is it ,Madame ?‖she asked .

I did not know .I had no time to reflect, the second girl vomited ,then a boy ,then I could count no longer . I thought of a food poisoning and sent two pupils who looked in good health to warn the chief supervisor ―or any grown up you find ‖.Yes ,I was losing my head at full speed ! At last , the cavalry came to the rescue: firemen (in France ,they dealt with any emergency issue ,not only fire), ambulances ,the medical staff and cleaning team,

As the pupils in the other classrooms were not affected ,it could not be because of a food poisoning and No!

I am not noxious ! The first girl vomited because of her fear of being lost ,late and alone .The others let themselves be led by her because they felt the same fear of being lost ,late and alone .

To yawn is infectious also .I would have preferred she yawned .

I am not noxious ! The first girl vomited because of her fear of being lost ,late and alone .The others let themselves be led by her because they felt the same fear of being lost ,late and alone .

To yawn is infectious also .I would have preferred she yawned .

