
更新时间:2023-06-05 10:21:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载







第一篇 (新增)Telling Tales about People ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 第二篇 Outside -the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 第三篇 Milosevic's Death ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5


第四篇 Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 第五篇 Sino—Japan Animosity Lessens ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 第六篇 TV Shows and Long Bus Trips ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 第七篇 Modern Sun Worshippers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 第八篇 (新增)The Changing Middle Class ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 第九篇 Single-parent Kids Do Best .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 第十篇 (新增)A Letter from Alan ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 第十一篇 (新增)The Development of Ballet ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 第十二篇 Smuggling ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 第十三篇 The Barbie Dolls..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 第十四篇 Sleep ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 第十五篇 Orbital Space Plane ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 第十六篇 (新增)The Sahara .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

*第十七篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

*第十八篇 Goal of American Education .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

*第十九篇 (新增)The Family ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

*第二十篇 (新增)Tales of the Terrible Past ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

*第二十一篇 Spacing in Animals ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

*第二十二篇 Some Things We Know about Language ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

*第二十三篇 The Only Way Is Up .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

*第二十四篇 Clone Farm ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

*第二十五篇 Income .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

*第二十六篇 (新增)Seeing the World Centuries Ago ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

*第二十七篇 Importance of Services ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

*第二十八篇 The National Park Service ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18

*第二十九篇 Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

*第三十篇 (新)”Lucky” Lord Lucan---Alive or Dead ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

* 第三十一篇 Pool Watch ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

*第三十二篇 The Cherokee Nation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19

*第三十三篇 (新增)Oseola McCarty ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20

+第三十四篇 (新增)To Have or Have Not........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21


+第三十五篇 (新增)Going Her Own Way ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21

+第三十六篇 A Tale of Scottish Rual Life .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22

+第三十七篇 (新增)Pop Music in Africa ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

+第三十八篇 (新增)Why So Many Children .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

+第三十九篇 Eat to Live ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

+第四十篇 New US Plan for Disease Prevention .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

+第四十一篇 The Operation of International Airlines .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

+ 第四十二篇 Sauna ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24

+ 第四十三篇 Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack? .................................................................................................................................................................. 25

+ 第四十四篇 Americans Get Touchy ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

+第四十五篇 Women Staying in Mini-Skirts for Longer ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 26

+ 第四十六篇 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed .............................................................................................................................................................. 26

+ 第四十七篇 (新增) Narrow Escape .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27

+ 第四十八篇 Finding Enlightenment in Scotland ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28

+ 第四十九篇 The Beginning of American Literature ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 28

+ 第五十篇 Older Volcanic Eruptions .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29



注意:凡是目录中没有标注的为C级文章,凡是目录中标注*的为B级文章,凡是目录中标注+ 的为A级文章,


⑤第六段的动词性短语“fatten up”可以被下面哪个单词替换? _____________。 第三篇 Milosevic's Death 答案 3. Milosevic's Death(综 C) Death( Death( 3. Milosevic's Death(综 C) 1) Where did Milosevic die? 1) In prison. Milosevic's 2) Which of the following is NOT true of the young Milosevic? 2) He was extremely ambitious. Death 3) All of the following persons in one way or another changed his fate 3) His parents. EXCEPT 4) To remove the Serbians’ fears that they were discriminated 4) Why was Milosevic sent to Kosovo in 1989? against. 5) What happened in 1991? 5) Yugoslavia broke up. 3. 米洛舍维奇之死(综 C) 米洛舍维奇之死( 米洛舍维奇之死( 3. 米洛舍维奇之死(综 C) ①在监狱中 ①米洛舍维奇是在___________死去的。 米洛舍维奇之死 ②关于年轻时候的米洛舍维奇,下面哪项是不正确的_______。 ②他非常有野心 ③下列哪个人在某种方式上没有改变米洛舍维奇的命运? ③他的父母 ④米洛舍维奇为何在 1989 年被派去了科索沃? ④去消除感觉受到歧视的塞尔维亚人的恐慌 ⑤1991 年发生了什么事情? ⑤南斯拉夫解体了 第四篇 Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving 问题 答案 4. Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving(综 C) Thanksgiving( 4. Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving(综 C) Thanksgiving( 1) Ghosts. Feast on 1) On Halloween, children in the United States often dress up as 2) On Thanksgiving. Turkey and 2) When are turkey and pumpkin pie eaten? Wishes 3) Providing them with comfortable and happy lives. Good Wishes 3) Thanksgiving is the time for the American people to thank God for 4) They can stay with their parents at home and eat a lot of nice at 4) Many children in the United States like Thanksgiving because food. Thanksgiving 5) The first pilgrims settled in the United States in 5) 1620. 文章名称 4. 火鸡盛宴和感恩节的祝福(综 C) 火鸡盛宴和感恩节的祝福( ①在万圣节上,孩子打扮成_____________。 火鸡盛宴和感 ②在_____________ 吃火鸡和南瓜饼。 恩节的祝福 ③感恩节上美国人感谢上帝_________________。 ④美国孩子喜欢感恩节的原因是_________________。 ⑤第一批定居到美国的人是在_____________。 4. 火鸡盛宴和感恩节的祝福(

综 C) 火鸡盛宴和感恩节的祝福( ①魔鬼 ②感恩节上 ③为其提供舒适快乐的生活 ④能够与父母呆在一起,吃许多好吃的食物 ⑥ 1620 年5




第五篇 Sino—Japan Animosity Lessens 问题 答案 5. Sino—Japan Animosity Lessens Sino— Sino— Animosity 5. Sino—Japan Animosity Lessens 1) Which of the following statements about the survey is true? 1) The survey found that people in both China and Japan generally agree 2) According to the passage,the Beijing—Tokyo Forum that the relationship between the two countries is important. Sino— Sino—Japan 3) In the last year, %of ordinary Chinese and %of 2) aims at promoting communication between the two countries. Animosity Chinese students have a positive impression of Japan. 3) 30.2;43.2 Lessens 4) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the major 4) trade frictions 5) an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country believed obstacles to improving bilateral ties? that the Civil exchanges were an important way to improve relations. 5) The survey found that 中日敌意减少( 中日敌意减少( 中日敌意减少(综 C) 中日敌意减少(综 C) ①下列关于调查的说法哪个是正确的__________________。 ①调查发现中日民众普遍认为两国之间的关系很重要。 中日敌意减 ②根据这篇文章,北京-东京论坛__________________。 ②宗旨是为了增进两国之间的沟通和理解。 ③去年____%的普通中国人和__%的中国学生对日本持积极态度。 ③30.2;43.2 少 ④下面哪一个未提及,作为发展双边关系的主要障碍_________。④贸易摩擦 ⑤中日两国大多数人认为民间交流是促进两国关系发展的重要途径。 ⑤调查发现_____________。 第六篇 TV Shows and Long Bus Trips 文章名称 问题 答案 Trips(( ((( V Shows and Long Bus Trips(((综 C)(综 6. TV Shows and Long Bus Trips(综 C) Trips( 1) According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see 1) Advertisements on the board. when they are on a long bus trip? 2) To talk about the similarities between long bus trips and TV TV Shows and Long 2) What is the purpose of this passage? shows. Bus Trips 3) The writer of this passage would probably favor 3) no billboards along the road. 4) The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because 4) they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with 5) The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the commercials in between. beginning because both are 5) exciting. 6. 看电视与长途汽车旅行(综 C) 看电视与长途汽车旅行( 6.看电视与长途汽车旅行(综 C) 看电视与长途汽车旅行( ) 看电视与长途汽车旅行 ①根据本文,长途汽车旅行中乘客通常可以看到_________。 看电视与长途汽车旅 ②本文的写作目的是_________。 1)路两边的广告。 行 ③作

者可能支持的观点是________。 2)对坐公共汽车长途旅行的看法。 ④电视表演与长途汽车相像的原因__________。 3)作者更喜欢沿途没有那些广告牌。6




4)他们都有开始,中间结尾,并且每隔三四分钟插播广告。 5)令人激动。

第七篇 Modern Sun Worshippers 问题 答案 7. Modern Sun Worshippers(综 C) Worshippers( 7. Modern Sun Worshippers(综 C) Worshippers ers( 1) The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason 1) they wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at that home. 2) In paragraph 2, cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam are 2) to show that they are not good cities mentioned Modern Sun in terms of geography and climate. 3) According to the passage, which of the following countries attracts Worshippers 3) Spain. more tourists than the others? 4) every year almost as many tourists 4) The latter half of the last sentence in paragraph 3, i.e., “or one tourist visit Spain as there are people living for every person living in Spain” means in that country. 5) According to the passage, which of the following factors might spoil 5) Rainy weather. the tourists' fun at Mediterranean resorts and beaches? 代日光浴者 7. 现代日光浴者 (综 C) ①逃避家乡那寒冷、黑暗、阴雨连绵的日 7. 现代日光浴者(综 C) 代日光浴者 子 ①作者看来要暗示欧洲人旅游的主要原因是_____________。 ②表明它们从地理和气候上来讲并不是 ②在第二段,像提到的伦敦,哥本哈根,阿姆斯特丹_____________。 代日光浴者 好城市 现代日光浴者 ③根据本文_____________吸引的游客最多。 ③西班牙 ④西班牙的游客的数量与居民的数量_____________ 。 ④一样多 ⑤_____________ 最可能破坏旅游者的兴致。 ⑦ 雨连绵的日子 文章名称

文章名称 The Changing Middle Class

新增) 第八篇 (新增)The Changing Middle Class 问题 答案 8. The Changing Middle Class(综 C) 8. The Changing Middle Class(综 C) ( ( 1) The information in this passage deals with________. 1) a social and economic group 2) A common middle class value is that________. 2) the family is very important 3) In the years after World War II, the middle class could be defined 3) prosperous and optimistic as________. 4) a restatement of the previous idea7


The phrase “In other words” in the first paragraph means that the 5) as a group following statement is________. 5) The word collectively means________. 8. 变化中的中产阶级(综 C) 变化中的中产阶级( 变化中的中产阶级( 8.变化中的中产阶级(综 C) ①本文内容是关于_________________。 ①一个社会和经济群体 ②一个普遍的中产阶级价值观是_________。 ②家庭处于非常重要的地位 变化中的中产阶级 ③在二

战以后的几年内,中产阶级可以被定义为________。 ③繁荣且乐观 ④第一段中的短语“in other words”意味着接下来的陈述是_______。 ④对之前观点的重述 ⑤“Collectively”这个单词的意思是__________。 ⑤全体地 4)

第九篇 Single-parent Kids Do Best 文章名称 问题 答案 9. Single-parent Kids Do Best(综 C) SingleBest( 1) With which of the following statements would the author probably 9. Single-parent Kids Do Best(综 C) SingleBest( agree? 1) Two-parent families produce 2) According to the passage, in what way does family conflict affect Singleless attractive children. Single-parent Kids Do the quality of the offspring? 2) The young males get less care. Best 3) What is the relationship between paragraph 4 and paragraph 5? 3) Experiment and result. 4) According to Hartley, which of the following is NOT influenced by 4) The offspring’s body size. sexual conflict? 5) ecological factors. 5) According to the passage, people believe that a female’s reproductive strategy is influenced by 9. 单亲幼儿最出色(综 C) 亲幼儿最出色( 亲幼儿最出色( 9. 单亲幼儿最出色(综 C) ①双亲家庭的孩子_________________。 ①不太吸引人 ②家庭冲突会影响到后代的质量是因为_________________。 ②孩子得到更少的照顾 单亲幼儿最出色 ③第四和第五段的关系是_________________。 ③实验和结果关系 ④_________________不会受到性别冲突的影响。 ④身材的大小 ⑤雌性动物的繁殖策略会受到_________________的影响。 ⑤生态因素 新增) 第十篇 (新增)A Letter from Alan 问题 10. A Letter from Alan(综 C) ( 1) Why has Alan written this letter? 2) Why is Parson's Place particularly important, in Alan's opinion?

文章名称 A Letter from Alan

答案 10. A Letter from Alan(综 C) ( 1) To inform other people about the builders' plans. 2) Because it is a place near the town where people can8


3) 4) 5)

What will cause traffic jams? Alan says that ordinary people who live in the town will probably soon________. Which of these posters has Alan made?

3) 4) 5)

enjoy nature. A building on Parson's Place. have less money Say no to house on parson’s place


10. 艾伦的来信( 10 艾伦的来信(综 C) ①艾伦为什么写这封信?_______ ②为什么艾伦认为帕森广场尤其重要?________ ③_____会引起交通堵塞? ④艾伦说住在城镇上的人们将来很可能__________。 ⑤以下______是艾伦制作的海报?

10.艾伦的来信( 10.艾伦的来信(综 C) ① 告知他人建筑商的计划 ② 因为它是小镇附近一个可以欣赏自然风光的地方 ③ 帕森广场上的建筑 ④ 变穷 ⑤ 对帕森广场上的房屋说不

新增) 第十一篇 (新增)The Development of Ballet 文章名称 问题 答案 11. The Development of Ballet(综 C) 11. The Development of Ballet(综 C) (

( 1) This passage deals mainly with______。 1) the way ballet developed 2) An important influence in early ballet was ______。 2) Louis XIV The Development of 3) You can conclude from this passage that ballet ______。 3) will continue to change as new people and ideas influence Ballet 4) The information in this passage is presented ______。 it. 5) The word pageants means ______。 4) in chronological order 5) elaborate shows 11. 芭蕾舞的发展(综 C) 芭蕾舞的发展( ①这篇文章主要是关于_______________。 ②对早期芭蕾的一个重要影响是___________。 ③从这篇文章可以得出结论,芭蕾舞______________。 ④这篇文章的信息是______介绍的。 ⑤“Pageants”这个单词的意思是______。 第十二篇 Smuggling 文章名称 Smuggling 问题 12. Smuggling(综 C) ( 1) The dog was different from others in that 2) How many methods are used to transport drugs? 答案 12. Smuggling(综 C) ( 1) it had a very big abdomen. 2) As many as a smuggler can think of.9


11. 11.芭蕾舞的发展 (综 C) 综 ①芭蕾舞的发展 ②路易十四 ③将会受新的人物和想法的影响而继续改变 ④按照时间顺序 ⑤盛大的表演



How many pounds of heroin were estimated to be smuggled into the 3) 25,770. United States in 1994? 4) Small smugglers. 4) Which of the following could best replace the expression “small fry” in 5) Varied drug transportation methods. the third paragraph? 5) What is this article about? 12. 走私(综 C) 走私( 12. 12.走私 (综 C) ①牧羊犬之所以与众不同是因为_________________。 ① 肚子大 ②走私的方法和_________________一样多。 ② 走私犯的想象力 ③ 25,770 ③1994 年有_________________磅的海洛因走私到美国。 ④small fry 的意思是_________________。 ④ small smugglers ⑤ 各种各样的毒品走私方法 ⑤本文的主旨是_________________。 第十三篇 The Barbie Dolls


问题 答案 13. The Barbie Dolls(综 C) Dolls( Dolls( 13.The Barbie Dolls(综 C) 1) When Ruth and Elliot Handler was young, they had a strong desire 1) to be highly successful. 2) Who owned Mattel? 2) Harold Mattson, Ruth and Elliot 3) It can be inferred from the second paragraph that Lilly was The Barbie Dolls 3) Build. fashioned after 4) Lilli. 4) Where did Ruth Handler's inspiration for the design of the Barbie 5) She does not attract young men. doll come from? 5) Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Barbie doll? 芭比娃娃( 13.芭比娃娃( 13.芭比娃娃(综 C) 13. 芭比娃娃(综 C) ①夫妇俩在年轻的时候有一个强烈的愿望_____________。 ①高度成功 ②_________________拥有麦特公司。 ②三个人 芭比娃娃 ③Lilly 的原型是_________________。 ③Build ④设计芭比娃娃的灵感来自于_________________。 ④Lilli ⑤关于芭比娃娃的描述不正确的是_________________。 ⑤她不

吸引年轻男子 第十四篇 Sleep 文章名称 Sleep 问题 14. Sleep(综 C) Sleep( 14. 1) The question raised in Paragraph 2 is “no mere academic one” . 2) According to the passage, the main problem about night 答案



Sleep( Sleep(综 C) 1) because shift work in industry requires people to change their sleeping habits. 2) your life is disturbed by changing from day to night routines and10


work is that 3) According to the passage, the best solution to the problem seems to be 4) In the second paragraph, “the third” means 5) In the last sentence of the second paragraph, “another” means 14. 睡眠(综 C) 睡眠( ) ①第二段提出的问题是“不仅仅理论的东西” ②根据本文,关于夜班的主要问题是_____________ ③根据本文,最好的解决问题的方法是___________ ④第二段的“第三”意思是 ⑤第二段的最后一句话“另一个”的意思是

back. 3) to employ people who will always work at night. 4) the third week. 5) another routine.


14.睡眠( 14.睡眠(综 C) ①因为倒班制要求人们改变他们的睡眠习惯 ②你的生活被日夜变化的工作干扰 ③雇一直进行夜班工作的人 ④第三周 ⑤另一个例行公事

第十五篇 Orbital Space Plane 问题 答案 15. Orbital Space Plane(综 C) Plane( 15. Orbital Space Plane(综 C) Plane( 1. )The orbital space craft has been designed for 1)carrying astronauts to the International Space Station. 2. )From the passage we know that the design of the orbiter indicates 2)NASA’s determination to continue its space exploration projects. Orbital Space Plane 3. )When did the scientists start working on a successor to the shuttle? 3)Years before the explosion of Columbia. 4. )Besides the main missions stipulated by NASA the orbiter would 4)a space ambulance. also be used as 5)be equally shared by the two projects under Space Launch 5.)According to the passage, the funds, if granted, would Initiative. 轨道航天飞机( 15. 轨道航天飞机(综 C) 轨道航天飞机( 15. 轨道航天飞机(综 C) ①轨道航天飞机为_________而被设计 ①承载宇航员去国际空间站 ②通过本文我们知道轨道航天飞机的设计表明____________ ②NASA 的决心要继续它的空间探索项目 轨道航天飞机 ③在哥伦比亚号爆炸的几年前。 ③科学家们什么时候开始研究轨道航天飞机的替代者? ④除了 NASA 规定的主要任务外,该轨道航天飞机还可以被用于 ④一个空间救护车 ⑤根据本文,这个拨款如果被批准, ⑤被两个项目平分 文章名称


新增) 第十六篇 (新增)The Sahara 文章名称 问题 答案 16. The Sahara(综 C) ( 16. The Sahara(综 C) ( 1) This passage is mostly about________. 1) life in the Sahara 2) Rainfall in most of the Sahara is________. 2) less than five inches per year 3) The Sahara can be described as______

__. 3) a place of contrasts 4) The phrase “an area roughly the size of the United States” 4) the Sahara gives an indication of the size of ______. 5) group traveling together through difficult country 5) In this passage caravan means________. 撒哈拉沙漠( 16. 撒哈拉沙漠(综 C) 16. 16.撒哈拉沙漠 (综 C) ①这篇文章主要是关于_________。 ①撒哈拉沙漠里的生活 ②在撒哈拉沙漠的绝大部分地区,降雨量__________。 ②低于 5 英寸/年 ③撒哈拉沙漠可以被描述为_________。 ③一个具有强烈对比的地方 ④短语“an area roughly the size of the United States”指的是___的大 ④撒哈拉沙漠 小。 ⑧ 一群人一起穿过条件恶劣的国家 ⑤在这篇文章里,”caravan”的意思是_______。 *第十七篇 第十七篇 文章名称 Eiffel Is an Eyeful

The Sahara


问题 答案 17. Eiffel Is an Eyeful(综 B) Eyeful( 17. Eiffel Is an Eyeful(综 B) Eyeful( 1) Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into 1) Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron symbol of a world of the move? of the tower. Eiffel Is an 2) What seems strange to the author? 2) Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view. Eyeful 3) Which statements is NOT true of Hugues Richard? 3) He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 4) What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for? 19 minutes and 4 seconds. 5) Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel Tower is 4) Conducting research in various fields. like) a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will”? 5) Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents. 17. 引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔(综 B) 引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔 目的埃菲尔铁塔( 17.引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔 目的埃菲尔铁塔( 17.引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔(综 B) ①全世界的旅游者都来涂鸦 ①艾菲尔铁塔之所以成为动感世界的象征的原因是_______。 引人注目的埃菲 ②游客们宁愿涂鸦而不愿意去欣赏风景 引人注目的埃菲 ②作者感到奇怪的事是_______。 ③他用 19 分 4 秒爬了塔的 747 个台阶 ③下列对 H.R 的描述哪个是不正确的_______。 尔铁塔 ④进行不同领域的研究 ④建筑师设计艾菲尔铁塔的目的是 _______ 。 ⑤下面那个选项最接近(埃菲尔铁塔像)一个空画布,游客们____________ ⑤可以自由想象 *第十八篇 第十八篇 问题 Goal of American Education 答案12



18. Goal of American Education(综 B) Education( American Education ation( 18. Goal of American Education(综 B) 1) Which of the following best states the goal of American education? 1) To give every student the opportunity to fully develop 2) It is implied in the passage that his/her ability. Goal of American 3) American schools place great emphasis on the learner's 2) the subjects every student takes may vary. Education

4) According to the passage, American education meets the needs of all the 3) acquisition of the ability to be creative. following EXCEPT 4) the students from foreign countries. 5) Which of the following best states the feature of American education that 5) Its underlying goal to develop every child's abilities to makes it different from education in other countries? the fullest extent. 18. 美国教育的目标(综 B) 美国教育的目标 目标( 18.美国教育的目标 目标( 18.美国教育的目标(综 B) ①美国的教育目标是_________________。 ①给学生机会充分发挥他们的能力 ②在美国,每一个学生所上的科目_________________。 ②可能会有不同 美国教育的目标 美国教育的目标 ③创造能力的获得 ③美国的教育非常重视学习者的_________________。 ④美国的教育不会满足_________________ 的需求 。 ④外国学生 ⑤它的潜在目标是让孩子的能力发挥到极致 ⑤美国的教育与其他国家的教育的不同之处在于______。 *第十九篇 (新增)The Family 新增) 第十九篇 问题 19. The Family(综 B) ( 1) Another good title for this passage would be________ 2) A nuclear family is defined as________. 3) The information in this passage would most likely be found in________. 4) The information in the first paragraph is presented mainly through_____. 5) The word mobility means________. 19. 家庭(综 B) 家庭( ①这篇文章的题目还可以是_________。 ②核心家庭的定义是_______。 ③这篇文章最有可能出自_____________。 ④第一段的内容主要以______方式陈述。 ⑤”Mobility”这个单词的意思是______。


答案 19. The Family(综 B) ( 1) What Makes a Family? 2) a married couple with their minor children 3) an anthropology textbook 4) pointing out similarities 5) readiness to move 19. 19.家庭 (综 B) ①什么是家庭 ②一对夫妻和他们的未成年孩子 ③人类学课本 ④描述共性 ⑤流动性

The Family


文章名称 Tales of the Terrible Past

新增) *第二十篇 (新增)Tales of the Terrible Past 第二十篇 问题 答案 20. Tales of the Terrible Past(综 B) 20. Tales of the Terrible Past(综 B) ( ( 1) This passage is mostly about________. 1) two novels that deal with slavery13


2) 3) 4) 5)

Beloved is set________. The writer seems to feel that________. The writer emphasizes that the two books are similar in their___. The word appalling means________.

2) 3) 4) 5)

in Ohio after the Civil War the books are worthwhile but challenging portrayal of violence terrible


20. 可怕的过去(综 B) 可怕的过去( ①这篇文章主要是关于___________。 ②Beloved 的设置背景是______________ 。 ③作者认为_______。 ④作者强调两本书的相似点在于__________。 ⑤”Appalling”这个单词的意思是______。

20. 可怕的过去 (综 B) ①两篇

描写奴隶制的小说 ②内战之后的俄亥俄州 ③这类作品值得写但是很有挑战性 ④对暴力的描写 ⑤糟糕的

*第二十一篇 Spacing in Animals 第二十一篇 问题 答案 21. Spacing in Animals(综 B) Animals( 1) Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of Flight 21. Spacing in Animals(综 B) Animals( Distance? 1) Distance between an animal and its enemy before fleeing. Spacing in 2) If an animal’s critical distance is penetrated, it will 2) begin to attack. Animals 3) According to the passage, social distance refers to 3) psychological distance. 4) Which of the following could best replace the word “band” in “We can 4) Strip of land think of it as a hidden band that contains the group” (in Paragraph 3)? 5) social distance is sometimes determined by outside factors. 5) The example of the children holding hands when crossing the street in the last paragraph shows that 动物间的间隔距离( 21. 动物间的间隔距离(综 B) 21. 动物间的间隔距离(综 B) 动物间的间隔距离( ①逃跑之前动物与敌人之间的距离 ①逃跑距离是_____________。 ②开始攻击 动物间的间隔 ②如果越过动物的临界距离,它就会_____________ 。 ③心理距离 距离 ③群居距离是一种_________________。 ④变化的 ④群居距离是_________________。 ⑤群居距离会受到外界因素的影响 ⑤孩子手拉手过马路的例子证明_________________。 *第二十二篇 Some Things We Know about Language 第二十二篇 文章名称 问题 答案 Some Things We 22. Some Things We Know about Language(综 B) Language( 22. Some Things We Know about Language(综 Language( In the second paragraph the author thinks that Know about 1) B)14



According to the author, people of undeveloped cultures can have 1) any human race, whether backward or not, has a language. ___________ language. 2) complicated 3) The author has used American Indian languages as an example to 3) just as sophisticated as some well-known languages. show that they are 4) Some languages are better than other languages. 4) Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? 5) vocabulary. 5) According to he author language changes are most likely to occur in 22. 我们知道的关于语言的一些事情(综 B) 我们知道的关于语言的一些事情( 22. 我们知道的关于语言的一些事情( 22. 我们知道的关于语言的一些事情(综 B) ①作者认为__________。 ①任何一个种族,无论落后与否都有自己的语言 ②复杂的语言 我们知道的关于 ②不发达文化的民族也会有_________。 ③它们与一些著名的语言一样发达 语言的一些事情 ③作者举出美洲印第安人的例子是为了证明_______。 ④________ 是不正确的。 ④语言有好坏之分 ⑤语言的变化最容易出现在__________。 ⑤词汇方面 *第二十三篇 The Only Way Is Up 第二十三篇 问

题 答案 23. The Only Way Is Up(综 B) Up( 23. The Only Way Is Up(综 B) Up( 1) "...these are cities concerned with the past" in the first paragraph 1) want to maintain their traditional image. refer to cities that 2) the lack of a device to carry people upward. The difficulty in constructing tall buildings in the 19t~ century lies in The Only Way Is 2) 3) most people had doubt about its safety. 3) When Otis came up with the idea of a lift, Up 4) Uninteresting. 4) Which of the following best describes the experience of going in a 5) in a lift the bubble of personal lift now? space breaks. 5) Psychologists find the lift a good place where they can study human behavior because 23. 只好向上(综 B) 只好向上( 23.只好向上( 23.只好向上(综 B) ①第 1 段提到的“以往关注的那些城市”是___________。 ①想保持他们传统形象。 ②在 19 世纪建造高楼的困难在于_________________。 ②没有办法能把人往高处送。 ③当 Otis 提出电梯想法____________________。 只好向上 ③许多人怀疑它的安全性 ④最能描述乘坐现在电梯的一句话是______________。 ④无趣的 ⑤心理学家发现电梯是一个能够研究人们举止行为的好地方原因是 ⑤在电梯里打破个人空间的泡沫 ____________________。 文章名称 *第二十四篇 Clone Farm 第二十四篇 文章名称 问题 答案15

Language Language



24. Clone Farm(综 B) Farm( 1) Which statement is the best description of the new era of factory 24. Clone Farm(综 B) Farm( farming according to the first paragraph? 1) Cloned chickens are bulk-produced with the same growth rate, 2) Which institution has offered $4.7 million to fund the research? 3) In the third paragraph, by saying “Producers would like the same meat 2) The US’s National Institute of Science and Technology. Clone Farm quantity but to use reduced inputs to get there.” Mike Fitzgerald means 3) Chickens could grow to the same weight but with less feed. that he wishes 4) Origen has joined hands with Embrex in producing cell-injecting 4) Which of the following statements about Origen and Embrex is correct machines. according to the fifth paragraph? 5) farmers can order certain strains of chicken only. 5) The technology of freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken can do all the following EXCEPT that 24. 克隆农场(综 B) 克隆农场( 24.克隆农场( 24.克隆农场(综 B) ①工业化农场这个新时代是指_________________。 ①克隆出来的小鸡在成长速度、体重和口味上一样 ②_____________提供了 470 万美元资助克隆研究。 ②美国国家科学技术研究院 克隆农场 ③投入减少但是产量不变 ③养殖者的希望是_________________。 ④两大公司_________________。 ④联手生产细胞注射机器 ⑤冷冻干细胞技术的作用不可能是_________________。 ⑤农民只能订购某些品种的小鸡 *第二十

五篇 Income 第二十五篇 文章名称 问题 答案 25. Income(综 B) Income( 25. Income(综 B) Income( 1) This passage is mainly about 1) the difference between national income and personal Which of the following statements is true according to the first income. 2) 2) The money that goes for capital consumption is not Income paragraph? 3) It can be known from this passage that the government levy tax on regarded as income. According to this passage, the money you get as interest from 3) corporation profits. 4) government bonds is 4) The money not earned but received. 5) The passage implies that 5) People pay taxes somewhat unwillingly. 收入( 25.收入( 25.收入(综 B) 25. 收入(综 B) ①本文是关于_________________。 ①国民收入和个人收入的区别 ②根据第一段,正确的观点是_________________ 。 ②用于资本消费的钱不算收入 收入 ③政府对于_________________征税。 ③公司利润 ④从政府证券中获得的利润_________________。 ④不是挣的钱而是得到的钱 ⑤这篇文章暗示_________________。 ⑤人们不愿意支付税


*第二十六篇 (新增)Seeing the World Centuries Ago 第二十六篇 新增) 文章名称 问题 答案 26. Seeing the World Centuries Ago(综 B) 26. Seeing the World Centuries Ago(综 B) ( ( 1) This passage is mostly about________. 1) where three early travel writers went and wrote about Seeing the World 2) Ibn Battutah traveled________. 2) throughout the Muslim world Centuries Ago 3) The books of the three writers were popular because________. 3) they told of strange and exotic locales 4) The overall organization of this passage is through________. 4) chronological order 5) give proof of 5) In this passage attest means to________. 26. 看许久以前的世界(综 B) 看许久以前的世界( 26.看许久以前的世界( 26.看许久以前的世界(综 B) ①这篇文章主要是关于_____________。 ①三位早期旅行作家去过的地方以及他们的记述 ②Ibn Battutah 去______旅行过。 ②所有穆斯林国家 看许久以前的世界 ③这三位作家的书很受欢迎,因为___________。 ③他们写的是陌生的充满异域风情的地方 ④这篇文章的整体布局是依据_____________。 ④时间顺序 ⑤在这篇文章里,”attest”意思是____________。 ⑤证实 *第二十七篇 Importance of Services 第二十七篇 文章名称 问题 答案 27. Importance of Services(综 B) Services( 27. Importance of Services(综 B) Services( 1) The first paragraph intends to tell us that 1) services are important. 2) Between 1966 and 1986, the United States created about 2) 32.4 million service jobs. 3) Many economists, business and labor leaders and 3) most of the fast growth in the service sector is in low-paying politicians believe that jobs. 4) The importance of services can be shown 4) by money spent on business services as well as on consumer What doe

s the writer of this passage disapprove of 5) services. regarding services now? 5) Their prices. 27. 服务业的重要性(综 B) 服务业的重要性( 27.服务业的重要性( 27.服务业的重要性(综 B) ①第一段告诉我们_________________。 ①服务业很重要 ②在 1966 年到 1986 年,美国创造了_________________ 。 ②三千二百四十万的服务性职业 ③许多经济学家、商人和劳动领袖以及政治家们相信 ③服务业部门快速增长的都是低收入工作 _________________。 ④花在商业和消费业上的钱 ④服务业工作的重要性表现在_________________。 ⑤他们的价格 ⑤关于服务业作者不赞成_________________。

Importance of Services




The National Park Service


*第二十八篇 The National Park Service 第二十八篇 问题 答案 28. The National Park Service(综 B) Service( Service( 28. The National Park Service(综 B) 1) Why are America’s national parks like old friends? 1) Because they are always out there. 2) Which of the following statements is true about uniformed 2) They protect the National Park System. rangers? 3) molding the Nation. 3) The National Park Service does all of the following EXCEPT 4) It is about the National Park Service. 4) What is this passage about? 5) The work that has been done by the partners. 5) What will the paragraph following this passage most probably discuss? 28.国家公园的服务机构( 28. 国家公园的服务机构(综 B) 国家公园的服务机构( 28.国家公园的服务机构(综 B) ①美国的国家公园之所以像老朋友是因为_____________。 ①它们一直在那里 ②穿制服的公园工作人员的作用是_____________。 ②保护国家公园体系 ③_____________不是国家公园服务体系的作用。 ③建立国家 ④本文的主旨与_____________ 有关。 ④国家公园服务部 ⑤文章紧接着会讨论_____________。 ⑤合作者已经做的工作

*第二十九篇 Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends 第二十九篇 文章名称 问题 答案 29. Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends(综 B) Friends 29. Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends(综 B) Friends( 1) Who had the greatest influence on people who became obese? 1) Their friends. 2) Which of the following statement about a friend's influence is false 2) People were not likely to lose weight when they have skinny Find Yourself Packing It according to the report? friends. On? Blame Friends 3) According to Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, what is the explanation for 3) Friends affected each others' feelings of fatness. friends being the greatest influence? 4) Life style. 4) Which factor of becoming obese is not mentioned in this report? 5) Social networks let the obesity spread rapidly. 5) In what way is obesity contagious and epidemic? 29. 发现自己变胖了?这要怪罪朋友们(综 B) 发现

自己变胖了?这要怪罪朋友们( 29.发现自己变胖了 这要怪罪朋友们( 发现自己变胖了? 29.发现自己变胖了?这要怪罪朋友们(综 B) ①____________________对变胖的人影响最大。 ①他们的朋友 ②当他们有苗条的朋友,人们不可能减肥 发现自己变胖了? 发现自己变胖了?这要怪 ②关于朋友的影响陈述错误的是__________________。 ③根据 D.NA.C,下面____________________解释对朋友影响最大。 ③朋友彼此对肥胖的感受 罪朋友们 ④这个报道中的变胖的因素中______________没提到。 ④生活方式 ⑤通过_______________方式肥胖症传染和流行的。 ⑤社交圈迅速使肥胖症传播开来


*第三十篇 (新)”Lucky” Lord Lucan---Alive or Dead 第三十篇 文章名称 问题 答案 30. ”Lucky” Lord Lucan---Alive or Dead(综 B) ( 30. ”Lucky” Lord Lucan---Alive or Dead(综 B) ( 1) The public are still interested in the investigation because___。 1) Lord Lucan has never been found 2) It is thought that Lucan killed the nanny because______。 ”Lucky” Lord 2) it was dark and he thought she was Lady Lucan 3) Aspinall thought Lucan killed himself by______。 Lucan---Alive or Dead 3) sinking his boat 4) Lucan could have been killed because people________. 4) thought he might talk to the police about them if he was caught 5) Ex-detective MacLaughlin claimed that Mr. Barry 5) was really Lord Lucan in disguise Haplin________. 30. “幸运的 鲁肯伯爵——是死是活(综 B) 幸运的”鲁肯伯爵 是死是活( 30.“幸运的 鲁肯伯爵——是死是活 (综 B) 30. 幸运的”鲁肯伯爵 是死是活 幸运的 鲁肯伯爵 是死是活 幸运的 鲁肯伯爵 ①公众对这件谋杀的调查依旧很感兴趣的原因是_________。 ①Lord Lucan 从未被发现过。 “幸运的 鲁肯伯爵 幸运的”鲁肯伯爵 ②一片漆黑中 Lucan 以为她是自己的太太 幸运的 鲁肯伯爵—— ②Lucan 被认为是杀保姆的凶手是因为_____________。 ③Aspinall 认为 Lucan 是怎样自杀的_____________。 ③弄沉自己的船 是死是活 ④如果 Lucan 被捕,他有跟警察提起这些人 ④Lucan 可能已经被杀了,因为_____________。 ⑤前侦探 MacLaughlin 声称 Mr. Barry Haplin 是_________。 ⑤是 Lord Lucan 假装的 * 第三十一篇 Pool Watch 文章名称 问题 答案 31. Pool Watch(综 B) Watch( 31. Pool Watch(综 B) Watch( 1) AI means the same as 1) artificial intelligence. 2) What is required of AI software to save a life? 2) It can distinguish between a swimmer and a shadow. 3) How does Poseidon save a life? 3) It alerts the lifeguard. 4) Which of the following statements about Trevor baylis is NOT 4) He runs. true? 5) “rated”. 5) The word “considered” in paragraph 5 could be best replaced by 31. 泳池监护(综 B) 泳池监护( 31.泳池监护( 31.泳池监护(综 B) ①AI 的意思

是_________________。 ①人工智能 ②智能软件挽救寿命的方式是___________。 ②它能够区分游泳者与阴影 ③P 同志挽救生命的方式是____________。 ③提醒救生员 ④关于 TB 同志的观点不正确的是__________。 ④他跑步 ⑤consider 这个词可以被_________________替换。 ⑤rated *第三十二篇 The Cherokee Nation 第三十二篇 文章名称 问题 答案19

Pool Watch



32. The Cherokee Nation(综 B) Nation( Nation( 32. The Cherokee Nation(综 B) 1) The Cherokee Nation used to live 1) in the southeastern part of the US. 2) One of the ways that Sequoyah copied from the white man is the 2) writing down the spoken language. The Cherokee way of 3) force the Cherokees to move westward. Nation 3) A law was passed in 1830 to 4) all of the above. 4) When the Cherokees began to leave their lands. 5) they did not have enough food and clothes. 5) Many Cherokees died on their way to their new home mainly because 32. 柴罗基部落(综 B) 柴罗基部落( 柴罗基部落( 32. 柴罗基部落(综 B) ①切诺基部落过去住在_________________。 ①美国东南部 ②S 同志向白人学习的方法是_________________。 ②记录切诺基口语 柴罗基部落 ③强迫切诺基人搬到西部 ③1830 年通过的法律的内容是_________________。 ④切诺基人离开家园的方式是_________________。 ④以上提到的所有方式 ⑤没有足够的衣服和食物 ⑤切诺基人死亡的原因是_________________。 *第三十三篇 (新增)Oseola McCarty 第三十三篇 新增) 文章名称 问题 答案 33. Oseola McCarty(综 B) 33. Oseola McCarty(综 B) ( ( 1) This woman shocked and inspired the world because________. 1) she gave her life savings to help others through university 2) She managed to save so much money because________. 2) she had worked hard, saved hard and invested carefully Oseola McCarty 3) She gave her money away because________. 3) she wanted others to have the opportunity to escape a hard life 4) When her generosity was made________. 4) hundreds of people put money into the fund 5) McCarty became famous because________. 5) of her generosity 33. 老妇人 Oseola McCarty(综 B) 33. ( 33.老妇人 Oseola McCarty (综 B) ①这个女人震撼并鼓舞了世界的原因是__________。 ①她捐出毕生积蓄帮助他人完成大学学业 ②她努力工作,很少花费并且谨慎投资 老妇人 Oseola ②她能存下这么多钱是因为__________。 McCarty ③她捐出自己的积蓄是因为___________。 ③她希望他人能有机会摆脱困难生活 ④当她的慷慨行为公之于世后有什么样的影响___________。 ④数百人开始向这个基金会捐钱 ⑤McCarty 成名了因为___________。 ⑤她的慷慨无私


+第三十四篇 (新增)To Have or Have Not

