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Unit 3
1. But frankly you should not risk it __________ you know for sure.
A. if B. lest C. unless D. although
2. New technology ___________ almost every industrial process.
A. applies to B. has applied to
C. is applying to D. is being applied to
3. Gibbons was charged ______ stealing the jewels.
A. of B. with C. for D. in
4. Priests thought angrily that the soldiers ______ the church by using it as a stable.
A. violated B. weakened C. damaged D. sued
5. According to one employee, who wishes to remain _________, the company engaged in illegal activities.
A. petty B. insecure C. willful D. anonymous
6. The word “television” is _______ from both Greek and Latin.
A. resulted B. deprived C. derived D. arisen
7. This bathroom is for the President’s _________ use.
A. anonymous B. optional C. explicit D. exclusive
8. You should think about the fact _____ nowadays many people care about the quality of a TV set _____________ its price.
A. which….rather than B. which… instead of
C. that … better than D. that … more than
9. We have 1,000 CDs to _________to our readers.
A. give in B. give away C. give way D. give up
10. She further _________ her activities by convincing herself that she was actually helping the poor.
A. acquitted B. amended C. rationalized D. revealed
11.Give the names of two people who can be _______ in an emergency.
A. contracted B. contacted C. resorted D. steered
12. Are there any areas that you feel are not ______ adequately in the book?
A. granted B. sustained C. covered D. altered
13.The company is in ________ on its loan agreement.
A. default B. succession C. breach D. legitimate
14. The local restaurant was _______by actors from the nearby theatre.
A. frequent B. frequently C. frequented D. frequency
15. This year, the Commission will _____ campaigns to promote equal opportunities for students in schools.
A. step up B. step aside C. step along D. step back
16. An increased workload has _________ his personal life.
A. offended against B. violated against C. infringed on D. disobeyed
17. After five months of debating, the committee for Economic Development submitted to Congress the annual _____ which amounted to 1.5 billion.
A. loan B. bounty C. damages D. budget
18. The party appeared _________ of the mounting pressures for political reform.
A. oblivious B. obvious C. oblique D. oblige
19. How can you ____me ____the concert without a ticket?
A. slip away B. slip into C. slip to D. slip
20. Don't _____the flowers when you play in the garden.
A. trample down B. trample on C. tamp on D. tamp down (填压,夯实)
21. This old auditorium has _______ many ceremonies.
A. seen B. heard C. known D. witnessed
22. I often feel a sense of helplessness in trying to counter the damage they cause when they ____ their privilege
A. enforce B. patrol C. abuse D. duplicate
23. We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed to __ sincerity.
A. lack of B. be lack of C. lack in D. be lacking in
24. Wasteful people usually end up __debt.
A. with B. by C. in D. to
25. It appeared that what I said was untrue, but I did not _______lie to you.
A. know B. knowingly C known C. knowing
1-5 C D B A D 6-10 C D D B C 11-15 B C ACA
16-20 CDABB 21-25 DCDCB
1. The motion to ____________ the club's constitution was defeated by 20 votes to 15.
A. amend B. change C. correct D. alter
2. He was granted ___________from military service because of his poor health.
A. release B. exemption C. absence D. freedom
3. I told him that I would _______ him to act for me while I was away from office.
A. authorize B. justify C. rationalize D. identify
4. I cannot give you ____ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.
A. an expense B. a charge C. a purchase D. an order
5. Many veterans believe it is their job to bear ___________ to the horrors of war that they personally experienced.
A. proof B. evidence C. vision D. witness
6. Our cars get ________ in and when we ask the restaurant to move them they don’t do it for ages.
A. stopped B. prevented C. parked D. blocked
7. Mr. Ying is one of those happy people who_______ pleasure________ helping others.
A. derive… from B. arise…. from C. result …from D. result… in
8. He is a well-qualified boss and always gives us__________ direction on how to do with business.
A. implicate B. implicit C. explicit D. explicate
9. –Do you have enough to _________ all your daily expenses?
–Oh yes, enough and to spare.
A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer
10. You have to go to that agency to buy Ford cars, because it is _________ for the sale of Ford in this town.
A. decisive B. conclusive C. exclusive D. inclusive
11. His failure to turn his attention to ___________ wastes of public money is inexcusable.
A. obvious B. flagrant C. infamous D. notorious
12. You may be eligible for a ______ to help you study.
A. fund B. grant C. prize D. reward
13. It has been revealed that some government leaders ____ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.
A. employ B. absorb C. abuse D. overlook
14. She was always different from others. She thought __________.
A. crosswise B. lengthwise C. likewise D. otherwise
15. The professor asked the research team to provide statistics that would _______ the argument.
A. abuse B. patrol C. enforce D. duplicate
16. Tom _______ his boss of having broken the labor law.
A. blamed B. accused C. charged D. sued
17. Romeo and Juliet is __________to Shakespeare.
A. illustrated B. distributed C. attributed D. contributed
18. In order to improve our standard of living, we have to _______ production.
A. step up B. decrease C. stop D. control
19. No men were allowed to _______ on the livelihood of his neighbor.
A. break B. violate C. interrupt D. infringe
20. The gear doesn’t _________ the machine, so you must change it.
A. end up B. step up C. fit into D. fit in with
21. If you go on doing like that you’ll ________ in prison.
A. end off B. end in C. end up D. end out
22. The woman trapped him into _______ the business secret.
A. giving in B. giving up C. giving away D. giving out
23. The saxophonist ________ a Kenny Jin melody Going Home in his solo.
A. derived B. quoted C. duplicated D. violated
24. She signed the letter _______, not realizing its implication.
A. in faith B. in good faith C. in the faith D. on the faith
25. He had always been ____the way Ruth looked, and had never once paid her a compliment.
A. oblivious to B. guilty of C. wary of D. subject to
6-10 DACAC
11-15 BBCDC
16-20 BCADC
21-25 CCBBA
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