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Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 1 I have a small nose.

Section A

一.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some useful words

(1). Learn words about parts of the body:

head, hair, face, eye, ear, nose, mouth, neck

(2). Learn other useful words:

big, s mall, long, short, wide, round, have, has

2. Learn the usage of “have” and “has”

(1)I have a small nose.

(2)They have…

3.Learn to describe people’s appearances


Step 1. Review

Name: Jane

Age: 12

From: Canada

School: Guizhou School

Class: Two

Grade: Seven

Phone number: (0851)1234567

(1) T: What’s her name?

S: Her name is Jane.

T: How old is she?

S: She is twelve.

T: Where is she from?

S: She is from Canada.

T: What class is she in?

S: She is in Class 2, Grade 7.

T: What’s her telephone’s number?

S: It’s (0851)1234567.


Step 2


T: Well done! Now we have learnt something about Jane. But do you know how to describe her appearances? So first, let’s learn some words about parts of the body.

1. (板书单词,并带领学生拼读)

head face hair eye ear nose mouth neck

/h e d/ / f ei s/ /hε?//ai/ /i?// n au z/ / m auθ/ /n e k/


第 1 页共10 页


He has a big nose. They have small eyes.

教授have has 的用法

(板书)1.have: S(I/We/You/They)+have …

2 has: S(He/She/It)+has …


T:The first sentence “I …”

S:I have

T: The whole sentence

S: I have a wide mouth.

Step 3

1教师带领学生运用身边事物造句,用have/has, 并让另一位学生复述。

T:I have a pen.

S: I have a book.

S: She has a book.

2 游戏两人一组

T: Listen to your partner and touch the parts of your body he/she says.

S: Touch your nose. …


1 复习section A

2 描述一位身边朋友的外貌特征










学生掌握单词;arm,hand,leg 和foot。如:

T:I have...

S:I have...

T:She/he have...


第 2 页共10 页

2、进行身体部位触摸游戏:Bobby Says,完成5b。






(1)Who is your favourite movie star?

(2)--Does he have long hair?

--No,he doesn't.

(3)It's bruce Lee.

(4)Guess again.

3、让学生利用句型He has...描述成龙。教师引出have/has句型的不同表达方式并板书。

S1:He has a big nose.

T:His nose is big.

S2:He has big eyes.

T:His eyes are big.






(五) Homework:让学生搜集自己所喜爱的明星照片,制作一份关于其外貌特征的小档案,并做简短介绍。

Section C


Unit 2 Looking Different

Topic 1 I have a small nose.(Section C)



1. Words and expressions:

第 3 页共10 页

come,come from,student,sister,different,knife,don’t=do not

2.Key sentences:

1). I come from England.

2). I have a round face and small eyes.

3). ---Do you have a knife?

---Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

4). ---Does he have a ruler?

---Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.

5). ---Do they have long hair?

---Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.

3.Teaching important points:

1) 学会have 和has 的用法。2)教会学生do,does 的用法。3)教会学生用简单的


4.Teaching difficult pints:

1) knife 的单复数形式的区分:knife---knives

2)---Do they /I have a knife?

---Yes, they /I do./ No, they /I don’t.

---Does she /he have a ruler?

---Yes, she /he does./ No, she /he doesn’t.

3)I have a knife./She has a ruler.两个句子中have 和has 的用法的区别。


Step1: Warming up

The teacher and the students greet each other.


Last class, I asked you made a card of your favorite star’s appearance. Now, who want to share something of your favorite star’s appearance with us.

Step3: Creating situation

Listen to me carefully! Xiao Ming is a boy. He comes from Beijing. He is a student. He has big eyes and a round face. Xiao Ming has a sister, and she is a student, too. They are in the same school, but in different grades.


Step4: 巩固

1)读1a,让学生根据所听内容,从1b 中确认两个人物图像。

2)让学生读1a,完成1c 后并核对答案。

Step5: 完成2,并做相应的conversation 训练。

Step6: 带领学生熟悉4 中的歌谣,掌握本部分的内容。



Topic1 I have a small nose.的主要内容是运用I have …/ She has…来学习对人的外貌、长相的描述。进一步学习have 和has 的用法。通过1a的小短文和2的对话进行练习操作,让学生充分掌握本topic的内容。

Section D

第 4 页共10 页

上课班级情况概述Class Description



Teaching Materials and Teaching Content 仁爱版七年级上册Unit2 Looking Different. Topic1: I have a small nose. Section D.

教学目标Teaching objectives/aims 根据单元的教学内容、地位和作用,和英语新课程标准,以及学生现状分析确立如下教学目标:

1. 语言知识目标Target language:

重点词汇:Parts of the body: nose, face, hair, mouth, leg, foot···

Adjectives: big, small, long, short, round, wide···

重点句型:1. I have a small nose.

2. We/You/They have round faces.

3. He/She/It has a wide mouth.

4 Does he have long hair?

Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

2. 语言技能目标Function:

1. Learn the consonants:

/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/

2. Review the simple present tense with “have/has” and adjectives of description:

(1)He/She has small eyes.

(2)They have round faces.

(3)—Do you have a pencil?

—Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

(4)—Does she have small eyes?

—Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.

3. (1)Review the description of people’s appearances:

①I have a big nose.

②My face is round.

第 5 页共10 页

③He has short hair, a big nose and a wide mouth.

(2)Review some useful expressions:

①Who is your favourite movie star? It’s Bruce Lee.

②Yes, you’re right.

③We are in the same school, but in different grades.

3. 情感态度目标Emotional

1 教育学生生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。培养学生热爱生活


2 与同桌的对话编写,锻炼了学生的合作能力,挺高了学生们的协作精神。教学辅助手段

Teaching Aids

Board—writing Word cards Pictures chalk

教学重点与难点Difficulties and Key Points 1.教学重点:对人体各部位名词的掌握及描述相应特征的形容词。



Teaching Procedures Allocation of Time Step1:Pre-teaching

Revision/ Warming up

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:12分钟)

1. (利用身体部位复习本单元的单词和主要句型。)




T: I’ll show you the Chinese meanings of the words. You should spell them one by one quickly. OK?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s begin.

S1: N-O-S-E, nose.

T: Good. Next.

S2: L-O-N-G, long.

T: Good. Next one.

S3: H-A-V-E, have.

T: Next.

S4: Er ...

T: Next one.

S5: R-I-G-H-T, right.

T: …


2. (师生互动问答,对Do you have…? 句型进行复习。)

T: Do you have big ears?

S11: Yes, I do.

第 6 页共10 页

第 7 页 共 10 页T: Do you have a big nose? S 12

: No, I don’t.

T: Do you …? … 3. (学生快速一个接着一个的进行Do you have …?句型的问答复习,老师可以先开个头。) T: Do you have big ears? S 13: No, I don’t. Do you have small ears?

S 14

: Yes, I do. Do you have long hair?

S 15: Yes, I do. Do you … ?

S 16: …

4. (根据上一节课布置的作业,请一位学生描述自己母亲的外貌,鼓励学生主动参与描述。)

T: Very good. Now let us describe your mothers. ··· please.

···: My mother has short hair, big ears and a small mouth.

T: Great. Another one.

S 17: …

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)

1. (让学生看书上31页,通过学生拼读方式来完成,注意突出/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/的读音。)

T: OK. Boys and girls, attention please. Look at the Page 31. Read and spell them. Ss: Pen, P-E-N, pen.

Ss: Plane, P-L-A-N-E, plane.

Ss: Apple, A-P-P-L-E, apple.

(板书单词与/p/,用彩色突出单词中的字母p ,然后齐声朗读。)

/p/ pen plane apple


T: Now look at the blackboard and read them together.

(以同样的方式学习/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/)

/b/ bus

book bag /t/ cat photo

bot t le /d/ doctor hand

dumplings /k/ desk chicken

cup /g/ girl

glass tiger Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)

1. (让学生跟读并为每个音标再找一个例词来补充,从而加深印象。) T: W ho can find another word with /p/ sound?

S 1: Please.

T: G ood. Thank you.

T: W ho can find another word with /b/ sound?

S 2: Box.

第 8 页 共 10 页T:

V ery good. Thank you. ```

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)

1. (1)(利用书中Kangkang 的图片进行师生互动问答,复习有关描述外貌的句型。) T: Who is this boy?

Ss: He is Kangkang.

T: Does he have a big head?

Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Does he have a big nose?

Ss: No, he doesn’t.

T: Does …?

Ss: …

(再呈现一张Amy 的图片, 进行类似上面的练习。)

T: Who is this girl?

Ss: She is Amy.

T: …

Ss: …


S 1: Who’s this boy?

S 2: He is Kangkang.

S 1: …

S 2: …


S 3: Hello, S 4! Who is this girl?

S 4: Hello! She is Li Mei.

S 3: Does she have long hair?

S 4: Yes, she does.


S 5: This is my teacher, Mr. Chen. He has short hair. He has a small nose. … I like him.

T: Well done! Thank you.

2. (1)

T: Look at the picture in Part 2. We can see some boys. They are playing soccer. Now listen to

the tape and number the players in the order you hear.

(2)(核对答案,再听1遍,让学生写出所听到的句子,可利用暂停键操作。) T: Listen to the tape and try to write down the whole sentences.

①Li Ming has big hands.

②Tom’s arms are very long.

③Peter has big feet.

④Kangkang has a big head.

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