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Test 1

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. A) The man always loved study

B) The woman was opposed to go to school every day C) The man suggested the woman have a rest D) The woman objected to having exams

12. A) Mary should select another course instead B) Someone has broken down the elective system

C) Mary should check out once more right now

D) Mary still has a chance to register the class this semester 13. A) She was asked to work overtime after five p.m.

B) She was told her service would not be needed any more C) She was offered a new job by hiss boss Mr. King

D) She was warned not to leave the company earlier than 5 p.m 14. A) The trouble will come soon

B) The man has settled some problems well

C) Something has been out of their expectations D) The woman is always optimistic 15. A) The man is very good at sports

B) The woman doesn?t like swimming very much C) The man planned a trip in another city

D) The woman doesn?t have experience in boating 16. A) The woman doesn?t like her major B) The woman likes biochemistry

C) The woman should learn a better field D) The woman works hard on biochemistry 17. A) The woman wants to explain the experiment B) The woman wants to observe the experiment C) The man suggests they should stay with experiment D) The man is sorry for the insecure experiment

18. A) The teacher should teach his students more about the subjects B) The teacher should afford his students more discussion C) The teacher should be honest to his students

D) The teacher should ask his students more questions

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19. A) In England B) In France C) In America D) In Switzerland 20. A) She is realistic and optimistic B) She is snobbish and pessimistic C) She is submitted to the will of Heaven D) She is resigned to circumstances 21. A) It took her seven years B) It took her fourteen years



C) It took her a good three years

D) It took her sixteen years

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard

22. A) In a studio B) In a store C) At the fashion show D) At the park 23. A) Because he is a bus driver who doesn?t have that money

B) Because he thought it was a mad action which wasted time and money C) Because he didn?t behave it can earn money

D) Because he got mixed feelings when playing these games 24. A) Computers are here to stay B) Computers will be over soon

C) She has to be involved in computer programming D) Her job concerning computers is monotonous 25. A) Sally is a hard-working girl

B) It?s a rather incredible success story

C) Sally is a down-to-earth young computer programmer D) Sally is a well-done girl and does the job very well

Section B Passage one

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the conversation you have just heard 26. A) They make decisions by tossing coins B) They are not physically separated

C) They think exactly the same way D) They share most of their vital organs 27. A) Few of them can live long

B) Few of them get along well with each other C) Most of them live a normal life

D) Most of them differ in their likes and dislikes 28. A) They have a private tutor B) They attend a special school C) The are taught by their parents D) They go to a regular school Passage two

Questions 29 to 31are based on the conversation you have just heard. 29. A) Avoid hurrying the child beyond his natural learning rate B) Eagerly watch the child?s acquisition of new skill C) Set up dangerous states of worry in the child D) Make child lose interest in learning new things

30. A) Encourage them to read before the know the meaning of the works B) Not expect too much achievement of them at the first stage C) Keep a balance between pushing them and leaving them on their own D) Create as many learning opportunities as possible 31. A) Observing the moral rules themselves

B) Recognizing differences between adults and children C) Forbidding things that have no foundation in morality



D) Consistently ensuring the security of their children

Passage three

Questions 32to 35are based on the conversation you have just heard. 32. A) She wanted to help with the family?s finances B) She was offered a good job by her neighbor C) She was bored with her idle life at home

D) Her family would like to see her more involved in social life 33. A) Taking good care of her husband B) Looking after her neighbor?s children C) Reading papers and watching TV D) Doing housework

34. A) Jane got angry at Bill?s idle life

B) Bill blamed Jane for neglecting the family C) Bill failed to adapt to the new situation D) The children were not taken good care of 35. A) Man and wife should share household duties B) Women should have their own careers C) Neighbors should help each other

D) Parents should take good care of their children Section C

UNICEF is the abbreviated form of United Nations Children?s Fund .It has just released a report on a campaign (36) ____in October 2005. UNICEF, the U.N.AIDS program and other group wanted to bring greater attention to the needs of children (37) ____AIDS.

One of the biggest problems is the spread of HIV from mothers to children .Mother-to –child (38) _____was the main cause of the estimated half-million new (39) _____disease last year in children under the age of fifteen.

UNICEF reports that several countries in eastern and southern Africa have made what it calls (40) ____.It says they greatly increased the number of mothers who receive their drugs, which can (41) ______the spread of HIV from mothers to children.

However, the report says there are still far too many (42) ___women affected with HIV who do not receive effective treatment .Only nine percent of them in poor countries were (43) _______with the medicines in 2005.

UNICEF also reports gains in providing treatment to children who already have HIV or AIDS. (44)___________________.

UNICEF says just one in ten affected children worldwide gets treatment. (45)_____________________.

The UNICEF report also discusses efforts to help the millions of children who have lost parents to AIDS. (46)________________________.



Test 2

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

11. A) Three quarters of an hour B) Ten minutes C) Half an hour D) A quarter of an hour

12. A) The clothes don?t look clean to him B) He doesn?t intend to get the clothes C) The woman can pick up her own clothes D) The woman should stop staring at his clothes 13. A) Satisfied with their price

B) Displeased with their quality

C) Pleased with modern mass-production techniques D) Displeased with their technological complexity 14. A) Miss part of the performance B) Find their seats in the theater C) Enter the mission

D) Look for a gas station

15. A) the solar system is a bit smaller than the Great Bear B) The solar system is bigger than the Great Bea C) The solar system is much smaller than the Great Bear D) The solar system is as big as the Great Bear 16. A) to enter the man?s apartment B) The man forgot where he did it C) The man forgot it D) The man lost it

17. A) He doesn?t know if Mr. Lee was born in Indonesia B) He doesn?t know where Mr. Lee lived before

C) He doesn?t know when Mr. Lee would go to Hong Kong D) He doesn?t know where Mr. Lee grew up 18. A) She doesn?t like to go shopping B) She went shopping yesterday C) She doesn?t live near the shops

D) She prefers shopping to studying

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19. A) A new fuel for buses

B) The cause of air pollution

C) A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses D) Careers in environmental engineering 20. A) Her car is being repaired.

B) She wants to help reduce pollution C) Parking is difficult in the city D) The cost of fuel has increased



21. A) A fuel that burns cleanly.

B) An oil additive that helps cool engines. C) A material from which filters are made. D) A material sprayed on engine parts.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 22. A) How they behave toward ants from other nests. B) What they usually eat.

C) Why they are becoming extinct.

D) Why they were brought to California.

23. A) They protect Argentine ants that live in neighboring nests. B) They gather food with Argentine ants from other nests. C) They fight Argentine ants from each other.

D) They generally build larger nests than other ant species do. 24. A) They attack members of their nests.

B) They recruit ants from other species into their nests. C) They form large colonies made of several nests. D) They hide from insects that attack their nests. 25. A) They share the same few ancestors.

B) They can?t be distinguished from native Californian ants. C) They are evolving faster than native Californian ants. D) Their future survival is in doubt.

Section B Passage one

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the conversation you have just heard 26. A) The total growth rate of the world population will increase. B) The growth rate of population in richer countries will increase. C) The growth rate of population in poor countries will increase. D) The total growth rate in American countries will increase.

27. A) Because the people there need more labor to support the family. B) Because the people there have the habit to have a big family. C) Because the people there are poorer.

D) Because the people there want to be rich. 28. A) The people there have a secure future. B) The people there have a glorious past. C) The government carries out a family plan. D) The government controls the growth rate.

Questions 29to 31are based on the conversation you have just heard 29. A) The tax that one pays to the companies instead of government. B) The tax that one pays through the shopkeeper for the goods. C) The tax is paid as part of the price of the goods. D) The tax is not paid to the government.

30. A) Because they aren?t sure how much they should pay.

B) Because the taxes have been spent without their knowing.

C) Because they don?t understand the taxes are invested on public services.



D) Because the taxes are not always reasonable. 31. A) People have to pay taxes to the government.

B) We have to pay tax on some goods for amusement. C) The State needs money for normal running. D) All goods have to be taxed. Passage three

Questions 32to 35are based on the conversation you have just heard 32. A) Because it is difficult to make choices. B) Because it is necessary for us to live. C) Because others make us to do so.

D) Because making choice is better than having choices for us. 33. A) We are always interested in making important choices.

B) Advice from others ultimately determines our choices.

C) Choices influenced by other?s advice usually make us suffer a lot. D) It is us who have to make our own decision ultimately. 34. A) Robert Ross. B) John Frost

B) Robert Frost C) Boris Pasternak

35. A) In Frost?s poem the poet describes walking on a meadow.

B) In the poem the poet plans to try another way after taking one way. C) The choice in the poem means the choice of his career. D) The risk of being a poet is that writing poems is hard work.

Section C

Is there a “success personality”--- some winning combination of qualities that leads almost inevitably to achievement? If so, exactly what is that (36) _____ success formula, and can anyone develop it?

At the Gallop Organization we recently (37) _____ in depth on success, probing the attitudes of 1500 prominent people selected at (38) _____ from who?s who in America. Our research finds a out a number of qualities that (39) _____ regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is, common sense.

Common sense is the most (40) _____ quality possessed by our respondents. Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And 61 percent say that common sense was very important in (41) _____ to their success.

To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical judgments in everyday (42) _____ .To do this, one has to sweep aside extra ideas and get right to the (43) _____ of what matters. A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this way:” The key ability for success is simplifying. (44) _______________________________________________________________”

Is common sense a quality a person is born with, or can you do something to increase it? The oilman?s answer is that common sense can definitely be developed. (45) _____________________________________________________. Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from their and your own-mistakes.

Besides common sense, there are many other factors that influence success: knowing your field self-reliance, intelligence, the ability to get things done, leadership, creativity, relationships with others, and of course, luck. (46) ________________________________________________. And you might even find yourself listed in who?s who someday.



Test 3

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. A) He won?t be able to finish the work soon. B) The woman must wait for a long time. C) He will finish the paper soon.

D) The woman can have a long talk with him.

12. A) The woman failed to notify the mail because she had no money to replace the taxi fee. B) The woman came late because of a traffic jam.

C) The woman came late because she had no money to replace the fiat tire.

D) The woman failed to notify the man because she had no change for telephone call. 13. A) People who teach English like things besides books. B) English teachers like to read and to listen to music. C) The English teacher usually likes to read a lot .

D) Everyone teaching English likes to read all the time.

14. A) He has already arrived. B) He is often late.

C) He doesn?t like the restaurant D) He doesn?t get the message. 15. A) About the children?s action. B) He is often late.

C) About public influence. D) About the changes of the environment. 16. A) She means the man should give up preparing the lessons . B) She means the man should prepare the more important lessons. C) She means the man should give up early to prepare his lessons. D) She means the man is too exhausted to prepare the lessons. 17. A) The man and the woman will flip around to find a program. B) The man and the woman will look through the TV Guide first. C) The woman will finish the special before switching the channel. D) The man will watch a quiz show on Channel 14 immediately. 18. A) No.15 bus is the right one to go to the beach.

B) The man will get off at the stop of Science Museum. C) The post office is one of the stops of No.50 bus. D) The man can go to the beach without transferring.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19. A) In a new Asian village.

B) On the coast in California.

C) Between Los Angeles and San Diego. D) In a beautiful city of Costa Rica.

20. A) Students complete fiercely for the rare chance.

B) International Studies Department is easier to access. C) Most applicants can be accepted as online students. D) Average students are limited to apply for certain majors. 21. A) She used to be a basketball team member. B) She is the chairwoman of a chess club. C) She used to be a voluntary English teacher.



D) She is her math teacher?s assistant.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 22. A) Her SAT scores will be high. B) Her resume will be attractive. C) Her GPA will be improved. D) Her reference will be helpful. 23. A) Interviewing a college student. B) Inquiring about a university. C) Making an advertisement. D) Applying for a part-time job.

24. A) Advertisement B) Anthropology. C) Business D) Management. 25. A) Because of Sue?s beautiful appearance. B) Because of Sue?s outgoing character. C) Because of Sue?s working experience. D) Because of Sue?s courageous behavior. Section B Passage One

26. A) He set up the first university in America. B) He was one of the earliest settlers in America. C) He can best represent the spirit of early America.

D) He was the most distinguished diplomat in American history. 27. A) He provided Washington with a lot of money. B) He persuaded France to support Washington.] C) He served as a general in Washington?s army

D) He represented Washington in negotiations with Britain. 28. A) As one of the greatest American scholars.

B) As one of American?s most ingenious inventors. C) As one of the founding fathers of the United States. D) As one of the most famous activists for human rights. Passage Two

29. A) Because we might be offered a dish of insects.

B) Because nothing but freshly cooked insects are served.

C) Because some yuppies like to horrify guests with insects as food.

D) Because you might meet many successful executives in the media industry. 30. A) From yuppie clubs. B) In the seafood market. C) In the supermarket. D) It?s safe to eat. 31. A) It?s easy to prepare. B) It?s tasty and healthful.

C) It?s exotic in appearance. D) It?s safe to eat.

32. A) It will be consumed by more and more young people.



B) It will become the first course at dinner parties. C) It will have to be changed to suit local tastes. D) It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most people. Passage 3

33. A) Their business hours are limited. B) Their safety measures are inadequate. C).Their banking procedures are complicated.

D).They don?t have enough service windows.

34. A) People who are in the habit of switching from one bank to another. B).Young people who are fond of modern technology. C).Young people who are wealthy and well-educated. D) People who have computers at home. 35. A) To compete for customers.

B) To reduce the size of their staff.

C) To provide services for distant clients.

D) To expand their operations at a lower cost

Section C

By the early 1900?s .many people in the United States began to worry about the use of alcohol by citizens. It was possible that the drinking people could become a (36)_____to themselves and the people around them. Alcohol makes their bodies not (37)_____as quickly to danger. Long time use of alcohol can cause(38) _______damage to organs in the body such as the liver.

In 1905, three states made it illegal to drink or have alcohol within the state. By 1912,nine states made alcohol(39) _________.In 1916,twenty-six of the forty-six of the forty-eight states had (40)______the use of alcohol. In 1919, members of Congress passed the Eighteenth Amendment, which made it illegal to make, sell, or (41) _______ alcohol in the United States. Prohibition(42) __________ began on January 16th, 1920.Often times when a law is passed, it seems to be an (43)_______for some people to try and get around that law .This happened often during Prohibition. The Volstead Act spelled out (44)_____________________________.Alcohol as a medicine was still allowed, A doctor could prescribe alcohol to a patient. (45)________________________________________.

If you look closely, you will see that the Eighteenth Amendment says you can?t make, sell, or transport alcohol. (46)________________________A guard was at the door to make sure no government agents tried to come into the club.



Test 4

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. A) She is not good at writing. B) She is probably upset.

C) She has called to talk about her problem. D) She has found out what?s troubling her. 12. A) Most people enjoy visiting museums.

B) Most of them need a special discount to save money. C) There might be varied opinions.

D) They should not miss he opportunity.

13. A) He has just bought a property there.

B) His rich uncle asked him to take care of his property there. C) He has been left a big fortune there.

D) He wishes to make a fortune there one day. 14. A) Play golf. B) Play tennis. C) Stay home. D) Go boating. 15. A) Rome.

B) London. C) Madrid. D) Paris.

16. A) At the west end of a street. B) To the east of the traffic light.

C) Just behind a brown-brick building.

D) On the west side of a square.

17. A) She has to read a lot of literature books.

B) She has failed to meet the deadline assignment again. C) The Eastern Literature books are too difficult to understand. D) She feels regretful that she has been taking a wrong courage. 18. A) They will ask Mr. Smith paint their house. B) They will paint their house on their own. C) They will hire someone to paint the house.

D) They will buy their neighbor?s newly paint house.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19. A) A lecture in their American literature course. B) A film about the American frontier. C) A book they both read.

D) The woman?s recent trip to the American Midwest. 20. A) Boston schools. B) Frontier life.

C) Teaching requirements.



D) Immigration patterns. 21. A) To the library. B) To the movies. C) To a bookstore. D) To a travel bureau.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 22. A) The effect of advertising on world markets.

B) Modern advertising techniques.

C) Forms of communications in the American colonies. D) The early history of advertising. 23. A) An educated population.

B) A large supply of goods and services. C) A large number of populations. D) An industrialized society. 24. A) Sample of products. B) Signs on shops.

C) Pictures of products pained on walls. D) Free paper pamphlets. 25. A) Colonial period.

B) Industry revolution period. C) During the civil war. D) Modern period. Section B Passage One

26. A) A good dinner. B) A day of rest.

C) An expensive bed. D) A lot of greeting cards. 27. A) Carnation. B) Lilies. C) Corsages. D) Red roses. 28. A) In 1915. B) In 1951. C) In 1591. D) In 1519 Passage Two 29. A) In 1971. B) In 1976. C) In 1966. D) In 1990.

30. A) Main street.

B) The Sleeping Beauty Castle. C) Cinderella?s Castle.



D) The Magic Kingdom. Passage Three

31. A) Horse-drawn car. B) Train. C) Taxi. D) Bicycle. 32. A) 80 years. B) 40 years. C) 35 years. D) 53 years.

33. A) She lost her record.

B) She didn?t stop at a red light. C) She didn?t see a red light. D) She stopped at a red light. 34. A) Her attempt to break her record. B) Her indifference to the traffic rules. C) Her self-partiality in her driving skill D) Her poor eyesight because of her old age 35. A) She asked the judge a lot of questions

B) She tried hard to thread a needle with a small eye C) She showed the judge her clean record

D) She threaded a needle with a small eye very easily Section C

Everyone living in this society should communicate with each other. They get what they want by buying and sell what they don?t want by selling .The most important way is to buy or to sell .Today, buying and selling merchandise is a (36) ________business, Some practice it as a (37) _______trade; others regard it as a (38) ________requiring, what we say, is the (39) _________knowledge and also with so many years of (40) ______. The storekeepers in Frank Woolworth?s time knew nothing about this.

The idea of “a chain of stores “is buying directly from the (41) ___________.Sometimes they thought they could buy it in large (42) ________ and selling in many different places (43) ________________the country .It had its beginnings with Woolworth and others who followed them .(44) _____________________________________These men had the great vision to see that the more the manufacturers produced the greater would be the savings to the consumer.

Frank Woolworth was born in the town of Rodman in New York State, in the year 1852. (45) ____________________________________.Frank did not like farming, He dreamed of being a railroad engineer (46) _______________________________.Until today, many people set him as the example and want to make success like that.



Test 5

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. A)Dick has bad taste in clothes. B) The color of Dick?s jacket is too dark.. C) Dick?s trousers don?t match his jacket. D) Dick looks funny in that yellow clothes. 12. A) Get the wallet for the man. B) Call the police station.

C) Show the man her family pictures. D) Ask to see the man?s driver?s license.

13. A) She is afraid of the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town. B) The temperature is not as high as the man claims. C) The room will get cool if the man opens the window.

D) She is following instructions not to use the air-conditions. 14. A) She was never persistent in anything she did. B) She has a unique way of staying healthy. C) She stopped exercising two years ago. D) She lost a lot of weight in two yeas.

15. A) The application arrived a week earlier than expected. B) The job has been given to someone else. C) The man is not suitable for the job.

D) She has received only one application letter.

16. A) He thinks his mother should get the clothes back. B) He will go before the laundry is closed. C) He ?s unwilling to fetch the laundry. D) He has already picked up the laundry. 17. A) At an international trade fair. B) At an electronics company. C) At a DVD counter in a music store. D) At a shopping center.

18. A) The woman regrets going to the movie.

B) The woman prefers light movie before sleep.

C) The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie. D) The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19. A) How to go abroad for study.

B) How to enjoy the freedom abroad.

C) How to look for a job after returning back from abroad. D) Re-entry Shock and how to reduce it. 20. A) Freedom from the stress of working. B) Freedom from social regulations. C) Freedom from laws.



D) Freedom from study.

21. A) Students don?t attend class at all.

B) Students participate in some activities their parents may be against. C) Students stay out and never come back to school. D) Students do anything they want.

22. A) They should be clear what they?re going to do. B) They should turn to their parents.

C) They should ignore the cultural norms of their home countries. D) They should turn their friends.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 23. A) He fell ill and passed away unexpectedly. B) He died in a traffic accident.

C) He was ill for a certain period of time and then passed away. D) He passed away when he was work.

24. A) She will be able to live on her government pension. B) She is coming out of retirement to work C) Returns from life insurance will sustain her. D) She needs her children to support her. 25. A) Offer a prayer. B) Sing a song C) Give a speech

D) Play the piano Section B Passage One

26. A)Understanding of oceans. B) Understanding of the universe C) Understanding of planets D) Understanding of the earth 27. A) The sliding of rock

B) Shaking of the earth in rotation

C) The sliding of the plates of the earth?s crust. D) The spread of ocean floor.

28. A) The surface of the earth is moving.

B) The danger of earthquakes is increasing. C) The oceans will one day cover the continents. D) The Sahara desert was once under the South Pole. Passage Two

29. A) There was no much wind.

B) There was no way of controlling them, C) It was hard to get off the ground. D) They were too heavy. 30. A) Germany. B) France.

C) United States.



D) England.

31. A) Making adventures. B) Patrolling the coast. C) Carrying cargo.

D) Doing scientific research in the space. Passage Three

32. A) Through his hardworking at training. B) Through his training as a preacher C) Through his reputation as a preacher. D) Through his attention to medicine. 33. A) His ability to pay the organ. B) His interest in medicine.

C) His doctoral degrees in philosophy and music. D) His talents in preaching.

34. A) His generous suggestions and help. B) His imprisonment in world War I.

C) The responsibility of helping others. D) His impact on western civilization.

35. A) He was a man full of responsibility for German citizens. B) He was a man with little courage to face the threat of war. C) He was an eccentric man who loves his hot weather.

D) He was a man of many talents with a sense of idealism. Section C

The United Nations Development Program says the world is facing a water crisis. It says each year more than two million children die from 36) _____caused by unclear water. Most of these deaths are from sicknesses caused by unclear water 37) ______ by human waste.

The warning is in this year?s Human Development Report, (38) ______ By the U.N. agency on November ninth. Kevin Watkins, the lead writer, says these deaths could be (39) ______ with clear water and toilets. The report also finds that over half the people in (40) ______ countries suffer from problems due to (41) ______ water and lack of waste removal systems.

Mister Watkins says the crisis in health care also (42) _____ economic growth in many developing nations .The report says more than one thousand million people in the world do not have clean water and (43)______.

The Human Development Report proposes a three-part action plan to help solve the crisis. First, Mister Watkins (44) ____________________.Second, the action plan to help calls on each nation to spend more on water healthcare facilities. Third, the plan calls for increased international aid (45) ____________________.

Mister Watkins says the world is not running out of water. The crisis is not because of scarcity but the government of water. (46)____________________.



Test 6

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11. A) The woman will be going to the concert with him. B) The woman will be preparing for the exam tonight. C) The woman will be glad to stay at home. D) The woman will get the tickets for him. 12. A) The man offered to fix the woman?s car.

B) The woman had some difficulty in taking her car to a garage.

C) The man wanted to know what the woman would have done if her car had failed to work. D) The woman was not sure whether anything had gone wrong with her car. 13. A) He offers the lowest price for the radio. B) His radio is worthy of the price.

C) He has never lowered the price.

D) He will lower the price if the woman insists. 14. A) He can?t afford to play for four hours a day. B) He finds it easy to improve his English. C) He is rejecting the woman?s advice.

D) He will spare no efforts to improve his English. 15. A) The woman is planning a trip to Austin. B) The woman has not been to Austin before. C) The woman doesn?t like Austin.

D) The woman has been to Austin before. 16. A) He doesn?t care much about it.

B) He enjoys it very much.

C) He doesn?t mind even though it?s tedious. D) He hates working overtime. 17. A) Do her homework. B) Clean the backyard. C) Wash clothes.

D) Enjoy the beautiful day. 18. A) Detective stories. B) Love stories.

C) Stories about jail escapes. D) Stories about royal families.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19. A) Mike was eager to do the course. B) Mike had done outdoor activities. C) Mike enjoyed life in the open. D) Mike was reluctant and timid. 20. A) Hiking. B) Canoeing. C) Swimming.



D) Camping. 21. A) Independent. B) Strong.

C) Determined. D) Persistent.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 22. A) Most people agree on signing a premarital agreement.

B) Most people disagree on signing a premarital agreement.

C) People are divided in their opinions towards the premarital agreement. D) It represents a kind of high rationality. 23. A) It represents a kind of high rationality. B) It is a way to divide wealth. C) It is a way to guarantee love. D) It may help avoid divorce.

24. A) Providing legal reference in resolving marriage dispute.

B) Supporting legally certifying ownership of wealth before getting married. C) Receiving many complaints related to divorce. D) Preventing people from getting divorced. 25. A) It is a lack of trust and commitment. B) It increases the financial disputes. C) It provides guarantee to marriage. D) It is too materialistic. Section B Passage One

26. A) Poisonous elements. B) Post control.

C) House construction. D) Toxic Chemicals. 27. A) It?s cheaper. B) It?s safer.

C) It?s quicker.

D) It?s readily available.

28. A) To keep the heat inside.

B) To prevent insects from escaping. C) To reduce the risk of fire. D) To keep the wood dry.

29. A) To show that the new method will not cause fire. B) To point out the danger of the old method. C) To explain a step in the new treatment.

D) To indicate the good quality of construction wood. Passage Two

30. A) To commemorate a historic flight. B) To try out eight new balloons.

C) To recruit balloonists from all over the United States.



D) To test whether helium balloons are better than hot-air balloons. 31. A) They may find it difficult to inflate their balloons.

B) Their balloons are potentially explosive and dangerous. C) Their flight patterns could be uncertain due to the wind. D) They?ll suffer financial loss if some balloons can?t take off. 32. A) They?re expensive.

B) They?re much faster than hydrogen balloons. C) They?re more frequently used in the United States. D) They?re a lot safer than hot-air balloons. Passage Three

33. A) Because they can?t afford to.

B) Because they prefer the apartments near their workplace.

C) Because a mobile home is more convenient as they move from place to place. D) Because small houses are much cheaper.

34. A) Because many old houses in the bad part of the town are not inhabited. B) Because old houses are much maintenance.

C) Because many older couples sell their houses after their children leave.

D) Because more and more people are choosing to rent comfortable apartments. 35. A) They have to furnish their own houses. B) They have to do their own maintenance.

C) They will find it difficult to make the rest of payment.

D) They will find it difficult to dispose of their old-style furniture. Section C

Benjamin has always liked reading. Books are an (36) _______ part of his life. With the increasing number of bookshops (37) ________ up everywhere, it is no longer necessary for him to travel (38) ________to look for a book. Sometimes, when Benjamin is unwilling to spend money on a book, he goes to one of the (39) ________ libraries where he is usually able to get the book that he wants. He makes sure that he reads as (40) _______ as possible so that he can learn more about the world.

Benjamin has different (41) _______ for the various books that he reads. He makes sure that there are illustrations in non-fiction books. Since he likes to read about whales, deserts and insects, he makes sure that there are pictures to illustrate the text that he is reading. He prefers (42) ______ to drawings as they are more realistic. He can examine the pictures in detail and they help him to (43) _______ what he is reading.

(44) ____________________________________________. Most of his books have a section on up-to-date information. This section is especially interesting in books about animals and insects. Benjamin has found out that some of them are extinct.(45) _______________________________. Benjamin has certainly learned a lot from the books that he has read. His quest for knowledge is insatiable. Already, he has more than 500 books in his house. Besides these books, (46) _______________________________________________________.Benjamin cannot imagine the day when he stops reading books.



Test 7

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

11. A) He wanted to speak to her. B) She was terribly ill. C) He thought it was very early. D)He couldn?t sleep well. 12. A) Father and daughter B) Friends.

C) Boss and secretary. D) Official and reporter. 13. A) In an office. B) At a party. C) At a restaurant. D) At home.

14. A) She speaks neither Spanish nor Italian. B) She hasn?t learnt Spanish.

C) She can speak several foreign languages including Spanish. D) She can speak either Spanish or Italian. 15. A) Only $50. B) Almost $100. C) A total of $150. D) About $250. 16. A) Excellent. B) Hard to swallow. C) Better than before.

D) Not clean.

17. A) To make a phone call to Dr Richards. B) To confirm Dr Richard?s arrival.

C) To send Dr Richards a telegram.

D) To make an appointment with Dr Richards. 18. A) It was badly damaged. B) It was slightly damaged. C) It hit a drunk of concrete. D) It fell from a tall building.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard 19. A) To tour the most famous sights of interest in China. B) To investigate the computer market in China. C) To negotiate a contract as well as further cooperation. D) To promote intergovernmental relationship.

20. A) They have been cooperating for a couple of years. B) They are about to sign the first contract between them. C) They have been long-term business partners.



D) They are starting to get acquainted with each other. 21. A) Cooperating and concession. B) Equality and mutual benefit. C) Exchanging daily necessities. D) Introducing advanced technology.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 22. A) American literature. B) Elementary education. C) Art history. D) Psychology.

23. A) The stories will help to improve his vocabulary. B) They can help him understand children?s thoughts. C) The stories are required for a course. D) They are professional story-tellers. 24. A) On Thursday. B) Friday.

C) On Monday. D) On Wednesday.

25. A) Its author is unknown.

B) Children find it repetitive and boring. C) It uses an extensive vocabulary.

D) It?s useful as a teaching tool. Section B Passage One

26. A) Because their homes are too far from their companies. B) Because they are not allowed to leave the office. C) Because they don?t want to cook by themselves.

D) Because they have other arrangements during the lunch time. 27. A) Food served in canteens is expensive.

B) The number of dishes served in canteens is large.

C) Employees in canteens get dishes from the counter by themselves. D) There are no waiters or waitresses in all cafes.

28. A) Canteens in London. B) Places for eating. C) Employees? lunch in London. D) Services in London. Passage Two

29. A) Categorizing the different kinds of sharks. B) Warning humans of dangers posed by sharks. C) Describing the characteristics of shark teeth. D) Clearing up some misconceptions about sharks. 30. A) The whale shark. B) The greatest white shark. C) The bull shark. D) The tiger shark.

31. A) All sharks have teeth to cut prey.


