中考英语专项练习 综合填空综合填空

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限词填空题:该题型要求学生根据短文意思和首字母提示,在短文空格处填上恰当的词。 自由填空题:该题型不给任何提示,要求学生根据短文意思,在每个空格处填上一个词。这类题允许有多个正确的答案,具有灵活性和开放性,但难度较大。


看图填空题:该题型要求学生根据图片内容和短文意思,用适当的词填入短文空格内。 【示例】 从下面方框中选出10个单词,用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。有两个词是多余的。

wear, however, they, move, anything, across dress, old, impress, when, probable, under T-shirts first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In the early 1900s, they were (1) by sailors in the American navy (2) their uniforms. Over the next few decades (十年) more people began to wear them. In 1951, people were (3) deeply by the sight of Marlon Brando’s white T-shirt in a film. Then,(4) James Dean wore a T-shirt in the film Rebel Without a Cause, T-shirts suddenly became cool. Young people (5) America started

wearing T-shirts as a symbol of (6) own rebellious (叛逆的) feelings.

As the young people of James Dean’s times got (7) , they continued to wear T-shirts. They could have (8) they wanted printed on them. (9) , there’s nothing rebellious about wearing a T-shirt now. People of all ages wear them. In fact, the T-shirt is (10) the most common piece of clothing in the world. And these days it is OK to wear a T-shirt almost anywhere and anytime.


1. worn。根据句意“T恤被美国海军的水手们穿在制服里面”,故选动词wear, 此空用其过去分词形式worn。

2. under。根据句意,选填under。

3. impressed。 be impressed by 意为“……给某人留下深刻印象”。

4. when。此空缺少一个连词,when 表示“当……的时候”,符合句意。

5. across。此空缺少一个介词,across 意为“在全部……,在整个……”,符合句意。 6. their。根据句意“美国的年轻人开始穿T恤来表达他们的叛逆思想”,此空应填they的物主代词形式their。

7. older。根据句意“当詹姆斯?迪恩时代的年轻人逐渐变老时”,此空应填old的比较级形式older。

8. anything。句意为“他们能够在T恤衫上印上任何他们想要的东西”,故选anything。 9. However。however 意为“然而”,表示转折。

10. probably。句意为“T恤可能是世界上最常见的服装了”,故填probably。 【应试对策】 综合填空题在选材上越来越多样化。这就要求同学们不能只限于阅读课本,还要通过报刊、电视、广播、互联网等不断拓宽知识面,并始终坚持阅读和写作练习。




small, face, sport, other, first, play, of, sand, who, start The sun is shining, the ocean waves are rolling in, and your feet are sinking in the warm sand. You and your partner are 1 a big net, and two people are on the 2 side waiting for you.

Yeah! You are playing beach volleyball! Beach volleyball is a 3 that developed from regular team volleyball. There are a few important differences:

★ Beach volleyball is 4 outdoors in the sand, instead of in a gym. This usually means at the ocean or a lake, but the game can also be played in any place full of 5 .

★ Beach volleyball teams are usually 6 , and are most commonly made up of just two people.

Beach volleyball can be very fast and exciting. Part of the fun 7 beach volleyball is being out in the sunshine and clean air. It is the perfect team sport for people 8 love the beach!

It is said that the very 9 beach volleyball games were played in Santa Monica, California in the 1920s.

Beach volleyball really 10 to become popular in the 1960s. And two-player beach volleyball became an Olympic medal sport in 1993. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



until, through, make, give, extreme, end, last, but, country, backpack, foot, so 80-Year-Old Harry Lee McGinnis

Walks Around the World

Harry Lee McGinnis, better known as “The Hawk (鹰),” has seen his influence in the world. He has trekked 1 all 50 states, crossed the Continent, and explored Asia, Africa, and South America, carrying only a 2 and a walking stick. You might imagine this adventurer(冒险者) as a young and strong man, 3 he is an 80-year-old man.

For the 4 18 years, this old soldier has given his life to explore the world on 5 , taking other means of transportation only under 6 bad situations.

So far, he’s made his way through 66 different 7 , eating all kinds of foods, and 8 many new friends in every country he passes through. He has walked for about 80,000 miles. And he plans to explore Central America and Mexico before finally 9 up his round-the-world journey in Texas.

He won’t finish his journey 10 2010 or 2012, but he’s still got plenty of plans for the rest of his days: When he finally gets home, he’ll write a book about his experience of walking the earth.

And after that? “I want to play tennis at 100,” he said. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。 Growl! Groan!

The noises woke me up. And I sat straight up in my sleeping bag. “A bear,” I thought. “Outside the tent!”

What should I do? The f 1 thing was not to be afraid. I looked around the tent, a 2 saw my mum, dad, and little sister still s 3 . I decided not to wake them up. If I woke them and we ran, the bear would surely run a 4 us. Bears can run thirty miles an hour. I didn’t think I could.

I sat in the dark, not m 5 . It should have been safe here. We had followed all the rules: “In bear country, campers aren’t s 6 to leave any food out. They attract bears.” We had put our f 7 boxes in plastic and locked them in our car.

After dinner we had t 8 all our trash far away so the smell wouldn’t draw bears to our campsite (野营地).

Growl! Snort! Moan!

The bear didn’t seem to be coming closer, but it was still out there. I couldn’t stand the strain(紧张) any longer. I h 9 to wake my parents. They would know what to do. When I was ready to wake my dad, I heard a man’s v 10 . It seemed to be coming from the next tent.

“Joe. Hey, Joe,” it said. “Wake up. You’re snoring (打鼾).”

“Oh, sorry,” a sleepy voice answered. After that, the forest was filled with silence.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


根据短文内容,在短文后的空格处填入一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 Reading is an activity that people enjoy a lot in their free time.

Some like reading newspapers and 1 enjoy novels or comic books. My 2 books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always 3 me a lot of ideas on how to make my own life better.

Great people are remembered not 4 they were handsome or beautiful, but because they did not give up 5 their lives were difficult. They tried to use every chance to change their lives and make the world better.

One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers who invented the 6 . The plane has made the world into a small village. Hard work, not good luck, is the 7 why the Wright brothers could 8 this convenient machine and become great people. Today we will remember them when we see planes 9 the sky.

Whenever I read stories about great people, I always 10 a lot from them and they encourage me to move forward.

This is why I enjoy reading about great people’s lives. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


(A) 1. facing 2. other 3. sport 4. played 5. sand

6. small 7. of 8. who 9. first 10. started (B) 1. through 2. backpack 3. but 4. last 5. foot 6. extremely 7. countries 8. making 9. ending 10. until (C) 1. first 2. and 3. sleeping 4. after 5. moving 6. supposed 7. food 8. taken 9. had 10. voice (D) 1. others 2. favourite 3. gives 4. because 5. when 6. airplane 7. reason 8. invent 9. in 10. learn

