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Working Group on Timber Certification;木材认证工作组;;

Expert Meeting on the Harmonization of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management;统一可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议;;

Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit;林业部门技术协调股;;

African Forestry and Wildlife Commission;非洲林业和野生生物委员会(非洲林生委);AFWC;非洲林生委

Near East Forestry Commission;近东林业委员会(近东林委会);NEFC;近东林委会

Intergovernmental Seminar on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management;可持续森林管理的标准和指标政府间讨论会 (管理标准讨论会);ISCI;管理标准讨论会

European Process;欧洲进程;;

Dry-Zone Sub-Saharan Africa initiative;撒哈拉以南非洲干旱地区倡议;;

missing markets;失踪市场;;

critical natural capital;关键自然资本;;

Inter-Agency Task Force on Forests;机构间森林工作队;ITFF;

Global Forest Policy Project;全球森林政策项目;GFPP;

ecofloristic zones;生态植物区;EFZ;

low forest cover;低森林覆盖率;LFC;

non-wood forest products;非木材林业产品;NWFPs;

endemic bird area;特有鸟类区;EBA;

permanent forest estate;永久森林区;PFE;

International Technical Conference on the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture;养护粮农植物遗传资源国际技术会议;;

subregional parliament in Central Africa;中部非洲次区域议会;;

Europe and Latin America Unit;欧洲和拉丁美洲股(欧洲拉美股);ELAU;欧洲拉美股

Electronic Data Processing Unit;电子数据处理股(电数股);EDPU;电数股

Association of the Sugar Products Industries of the EEC;欧共体糖制品业协会(糖业协会);CAOBISCO;糖业协会

Association pour la promotion et le developpement industriel;工业进步和发展协会;APRODI;

Asuncion Declaration;亚松森宣言;;

Athens resolution;雅典决议;;

Atmospheric Transport Model Evaluation Study;大气输运模式评价研究;ATMES;

Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research;澳大利亚国际农业研究中心(农研中心);ACIAR;农研中心

Australian Cricket Board;澳大利亚板球委员会;ACB;

subregional centre for human rights and democracy;次区域人权与民主中心;;

Austrian Conference Centre;奥地利会议中心;;

Automated Field Office Accounting System;外地办事处自动化会计系统;AFOAS;

Auxiliary Transitory Police;过渡时期辅警(辅警);PAT;辅警

balance-of-payments statistics (BOP);国际收支统计;BOP;

Balkan Environment Programme;巴尔干环境方案;BEP;

Ballistic Missile Group;弹道导弹小组;;

Baltic and International Maritime Conference Council;波罗的海和国际海事理事会(海事理事会);BIMCO;海事理事会

Bandung Conference;万隆会议;;

Free Trade Area of the Americas;美洲自由贸易区;FTAA;

acidification, volatization and reneutralization;酸化、挥发、再中和;AVR;

International Strategic Minerals Inventory;国际战略矿物目录;;

International Studies of Minerals Issues;国际矿物问题研究;;

Integrated Regional Information Network;综合区域信息网;IRIN;

Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance of Persons;美洲被迫失踪人士公约;;

Treaty of Bangkok;曼谷条约;;

Declaration on the United Nations System-wide Special Initiative for Africa;联合国全系统援助非洲特别倡议宣言;;

Task Force on Financing Modalities for Operational Activities;业务活动筹资模式工作队;;

Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on the Year of the Family;家庭年机构间特别会议;;

International Colloquium to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Cartagena Declaration on Refugees;纪念卡塔赫纳难民宣言十周年国际座谈会;;

World Population Monitoring Report;世界人口监测报告;;

United States Per diem allowance;美国每日津贴;USPDA;

National Electoral Commission of Nigeria;尼日利亚全国选举委员会;NECON;

Regional Summit on Rwanda;卢旺达问题区域首脑会议;;

Joint Commission for the Repatriation of Rwandan Refugees;遣返卢旺达难民联合委员会;;

Operation Retour;回返行动;;

Integrated Displaced Persons Task Force;流离失所者综合工作队;;

Legal Analysis and Coordination Unit;法律分析和协调股;;

Framework Programme for Support to the Rehabilitation of the Rwandan Judicial System;支助恢复卢旺达司法系统框架方案;;

National Trauma Recovery Centre;国家创伤康复中心;;

Operation Clean Hands;洗手运动;;

Rwanda Country Office;卢旺达国家办事处;;

Transport Coordination Unit;运输协调股;;

Teacher Emergency Package;教师紧急状况进修材料袋;;

Programme of Education for Emergencies and Reconstruction;紧急状况和重建教育方案;;

Latin American Development Communicators Association;拉丁美洲发展宣传员协会(拉美宣协);ALACODE;拉美宣协

Asociacion Latinoamericana de Comunicadores del Desarrollo;拉丁美洲发展宣传员协会(拉美宣协);ALACODE;拉美宣协

Humanitarian Programme for Somalia;索马里人道主义方案;;

Government of Unity and National Reconciliation;团结与民族和解政府(团结政府);GURN;团结政府

Locations Outside Facilities;设施外场所;LOFs;

Working Group on documentation;文件工作组;;

Assistant Secretary-General for Infrastructure, Logistics and Civil Emergency Planning;主管基础设施、后勤和民事紧急状况规划助理秘书长;;

Climate Vulnerability and Predictability Research;气候脆弱性和可预报性研究;CLIVAR;

International Symposium on Coal Bed Methane;国际煤床沼气专题讨论会;;

Kyoto Declaration and Plan of Action on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security;渔业对粮食安全的可持续贡献京都宣言和行动计划;;

International Conference on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security (Kyoto Conference);渔业对粮食安全的可持续贡献问题国际会议 (京都会议);;京都会议

Interstate Council for Anti-monopoly Policies of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体国家间反垄断政策委员会;;

Commission for the Protection of Competition;保护竞争委员会;;

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy;竞争法和竞争政策政府间专家组;;

Meeting on Competition Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比竞争政策会议;;

African Workshop on Competition Policy;非洲竞争政策讲习班;;

Regional Symposium for the Newly Independent and Developing Land-locked States in Central Asia;中亚新独立内陆发展中国家区域专题讨论会;;

United Nations Regional Seminar on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children;联合国关于影响妇幼健康的传统习俗问题 区域讨论会;;

Task Force on Employment and Sustainable Livelihoods;就业和可持续生计工作队;;

London Workshop on Environmental Science, Comprehensiveness and Consistency in Global Decisions on Ocean Issues;全球海洋问题各项决定的环境科学、全面性和一致性伦敦讲习班;;

HDI rank;人类发展指数排名;;

Ad Hoc Inter-sessional Working Group on Finance and Changing Consumption and Production Patterns;财务问题和消费及生产模式改变问题特设闭会期间工作组;;

pollution abatement fund;减轻污染基金;PAF;

Canary Islands Commitment;加那利群岛承诺;;

Tricontinental Conference of Institutions for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights;三洲保护和促进人权机构会议;;

preliminary programme note;初步方案说明;PNN;

country cooperation framework;国家合作框架;CCF;

Bureau Programme Appraisal Committee;局方案评估委员会;BPAC;

future programming arrangement;未来方案编制安排;;

Programme Management Oversight Committee;方案管理监督委员会;PMOC;

Local Programme Appraisal Committee;当地方案评估委员会;LPAC;

Eastern Caribbean Fibre System;东加勒比光纤系统;ECFS;

Eastern Caribbean Natural Area Management Programme;东加勒比自然区管理方案;ECNAMP;

Economic Information System;经济信息系统;EIS;

