8A Unit1 第4课时 Integrated skills&Study skills

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第4课时 Integrated skills&Study skills


1.根据单词表,预习课本第13~15页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词。 2.预习课本第13~15页,了解课本中有关诺拉和桑迪计划的一些信息。

3.听课本第13~15页的录音,试着完成课本中Part A2和Part A3部分的练习。 4。预习课本第15页,了解怎样快速记忆单词。



◆通过预习,了解本课时的单词、短语、句型(英汉互译)。 1.plan n._______ 2.socialadj. _______ 3.ponytail n. _______ 4.shy adj. _______

5._______仔细听人们说 6._______帮人们解决问题 7._______环游世界 8. _______社会工作者 9._______艺术作品 10._______对??了解更多 11._______有一天 12._______在左边 13._______在??隔壁

14.I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. ____________________________ 15.I will be happy if I can make other people happy. ____________________________ 16. What's he like? ________________________________________________________ ◆自主探究,请带着下面这些问题阅读教材。 1. What would Nora like to be when she grows up? 2. What does Sandy want to be when she grows up? 3. Who is the tallest in Sandy's class? 4.problem和question有何区别?


1.make friends交朋友

探究点:make friends可以译成“制造朋友”吗? [指点迷津] make friends的意思是“交朋友”,make a friend也表示“交朋友”的意思,make friends with sb.意为“和某人交朋友”。

I'd like to make a friend with you. =I'd like to make friends with you. 我想和你交个朋友。

It's not always easy to make friends.交朋友并不总是件容易的事情。 [辨析] make friends与be friends的区别: make friends意为“交朋友”,指具体的动作;be friends意为“做朋友”,指状态。 He likes to make friends.他喜欢交朋友。

We have been friends for a year.我们做朋友一年了。



我父亲喜欢与医生交朋友。 My father likes to ______________doctors. 2.help people with their problems帮助人们解决问题 探究点一:help sb.with sth.的同义短语是什么?

[指点迷津] help sb. with sth.的意思是“在某方面帮助某人”,其同义短语是help sb. (to) do sth.。

Will you help me with my Chinese? 你将帮助我学习汉语吗? Let's help the old man carry the box.咱们帮那位老人提箱子吧。 [小试身手]根据汉语提示完成句子 ①你能帮我解一下这道数学题吗?

Can you help me_____________________? 探究点二:problem和question有何区别?

[指点迷津] problem通常指客观存在的或说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词solve或settle(解决)搭配。而question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用。

Who can solve this problem?谁能解决这个问题?

May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗? 用problem或question填空

②No one can solve the_______ in our class.

3. I would like to be a social worker when l grow up.我长大后想当一名社会工作者。 探究点:would like的意思是_______。

[指点迷津] would like的意思是“想;想要”,相当于want,但语气比want委婉,常用于以下三种结构:

(1) would like sth.想要某物,相当于want sth.。

Millie would like some coffee.=Millie wants some coffee.米莉想要一些咖啡。 (2) would like to do sth.想要做某事,相当于want to do sth.。 I would like to go shopping.=I want to go shopping.我想逛街。

(3) would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事,相当于want sb. to do sth.。 I would like someone to play basketball with me now.

=I want someone to play basketball with me now.我想要有个人现在和我打篮球。 用所给动词的适当形式填空

①I would like you _______(meet)a friend of mine. (D We would like_______ (visit) that museum.

4. I want to travel around the world and learn more about…some day. 将来有一天我想环游世界并了解更多关于?? 探究点:some day是什么意思?

[指点迷津]some day某一天,通常只指将来,即只用于将来时态中。 We will all be old some day.总有一天我们都会老的。

[知识拓展] one day可指过去或将来,即既可用于过去时态中也可用于将来时态中。


One day I met him in the street.一天,我在街道上遇到了他。 I will climb that mountain one day.总有一天我要爬那座山。 根据汉语提示完成句子

①总有一天我要参观那儿。 I will visit there ______________. ②一天,我丢了钱包。______________,I__________ my wallet.



1. They are talking about the new_______(计划).

2. I want to be a _______ _______(社会工作者)when I grow up. 3.My daughter is a little girl with a _______(马尾辫).

4. The girl is s_______ and afraid of making a speech in front of the public. 5. My uncle often tells funny jokes. He is very h_______. B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. What he said makes me_______ (happy) and I laugh loudly. 2. He would like_______ (be)a doctor when he finishes college.

3. My classmate listened_______ (careful) in class, so he could work it out. 4. Among all the_______ (art), I like the third one best. 5. The story is_______ (fun). It makes all of us laugh. C.单项选择。

( )1. Try to be friendly to your classmates. It will be_______ to make friends. A. easily B. more easily C. easiest D. easier

( )2. The dress is wonderful. I don't think I can find a_______ one. A. good B. better C. bad D. worst

( )3._______ the teacher carefully when you are having a lesson. A. Listen B. Listen to C. Hear D. Hear to

( )4. The boy is standing_______ his father's right. A.in B.at C.on D.for

( )5. My father is discussing_______ problems with my uncle. A. society B. social C. socially D. a social D.根据汉语提示完成句子。

1.长大后我想环游世界。 I ______________ the world when I grow up. 2.如果我能帮助其他人我将很快乐。 I______________ if I can_______. 3.那个女孩坐在我的隔壁。 The girl is sitting______________ me. 4.他的画比我的好看。 His picture______________.

5.我和刘平在谈论将来的计划。 Liu Ping and I______________. 6.我喜欢交朋友。 I like _____________________.



预学热身 ◆1.打算,计划 2.社会的 3.马尾辫 4.害羞的 5. listen to people carefully 6.help people with their problems 7. travel around the world 8. social worker 9.works of art 10. learn more about… 11.some day 12. on the left 13. next to? 14.我长大后想当一名社会工作者。 15.如果我能使人们高兴起来,我将很开心。 16.他性格怎样? ◆1.A social worker. 2. An artist. 3. Peter. 4.problem通常指客观存在的或说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词solve或settle(解决)搭配。而question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用。 教材导读

1. make friends with 2.①solve/with this Maths problem ②problem 3.①to meet ②to visit 4.①some day/one day ②One day; lost 热身练习

A. 1. plan 2.socialworker 3.ponytail 4.shy 5.humorous B 1. happy 2.to be 3.carefully 4.artists 5.funny C.1~5.DBBCB

D. 1. would like to travel around 2.will be happy; help others 3. next to 4. is more beautiful than mine 5. are talking about the future plans 6. making friends


