2017 - 2018学年八年级英语上册Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation话题阅读与交际同步练习(新版)人教新目标版

更新时间:2023-09-16 06:38:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation



David and Frank camped out with their parents.They went to the lake by car.And it took__1__ two hours to get there.When they got there,they were__2__ to see the green trees and the beautiful lake.The house near the lake looked nice.They would live in it__3__ two days.

When their parents unloaded(卸货) the car,the children ran to the lake.

“Don't get into the__4__before we come,” the father and the mother shouted together.

“All right,” they answered and__5__ their parents.

After their parents joined them,they swam for a long time.Then they felt __6__ and went back to have some food.Though(尽管) the rooms were small,__7__ their beds were comfortable(舒适的).They __8__ well at night.

The next day,they woke up early and looked outside.They __9__ their parents walking around the lake.They got up quickly and ran outside to play.

The children liked __10__ there.They had a good time. (B)1.A.us B.them C.you D.him

(D)2.A.sad B.tired C.angry D.happy (C)3.A.at B.in C.for D.between (A)4.A.lake B.mountain C.house D.car

(C)5.A.played with B.woke up C.waited for D.shouted to

(C)6.A.full B.cold C.hungry D.shy (A)7.A./ B.so C.and D.or

(D)8.A.worked B.woke C.helped D.slept (B)9.A.tried B.saw C.learned D.followed (C)10.A.nothing B.anyone C.everything D.everyone Ⅱ.任务型阅读。


Daniel sat in the back of the car and he was very happy.It was his first trip to Disney World,and he couldn't wait to get there.

At first it wasn't too bad.①He__played__some__card__games__with__his__brother__Paul__and__his__mother. They also read interesting books.Then Daniel felt bored and slept.But he didn't sleep for a long time,and they were still far away from Disney World.

“Are we…” “No,Daniel,” said his father.“Please try to be patient(耐心的).You chose(选择) the vacation place this year.We told you it would be a long trip.”

“Yeah,but it is so boring!” said Daniel.

“I think Daniel is right,” said Paul.“It's a boring trip.”


“You want to hear about a boring trip?” asked Dad.“When I was about your age,Daniel,Grandma and Grandpa took your aunt Jane and me to Disney World.②在去那里的路上,车坏了。 Luckily your grandpa could repair(修理) the car,but it took a long time to repair it.So when we arrived at Disney World,it was dark.”

11.How did they go to Disney World? By__car.

12.What did Daniel do before he slept?

He__played__card__games__and__read__interesting__books. 13.Who chose the vacation place this year? Daniel.


他和弟弟保罗还有他的妈妈一起玩纸牌游戏。 15.将划线②译成英语。

On__the__way__there,__the__car__didn't__work. Ⅲ.口语交际。

情景七选五 请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填入对话的五个选项。

A:Hi,Jack.__16__ B:Not very good. A:__17__

B:I wanted to go to Hunan for my vacation.But it snowed hard there,so I had to stay at home.

A:What a pity!__18__

B:I only did my homework every day.It was so boring.__19__ A:Oh,I went to Harbin.

B:Sounds great.What was the weather like in Harbin? A:It was very cold and sometimes it snowed. B:__20__

A:Yes.I had a wonderful time. A.How about yours?

B.How was your winter vacation? C.It was really terrible. D.Why?

E.Did you skate there? F.Who did you go with?

G.Then what did you do at home? 16.B 17.D 18.G 19.A 20.E


