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河源市 曾咏华

[摘 要] 词汇是语言基本的建筑材料,顺应时代的要求,高中英语课改后词汇量要求大幅度提高,扩大词汇量成了英语教学的关键,学生学习和掌握词汇的重任也随之加重。此文拟配合高中英语以话题为单元,并结合自身的教学实践,试着探讨单元话题词汇整体教学的流程和模式。

[关键词] 高中英语;词汇量;话题词汇;整体教学



针对生词的发音,先让学生自主拼读学生用书Appendices中这一单元的生词。学生根据读音规则读出单词,然后播放单词录音让学生自行纠正读音(此步骤的目的是培养学生自主拼读的习惯和能力)。接着,让学生齐读一遍单词,如发现仍有发音错误,最后特别指出。对于一些音节较多的单词,按照“先读出整个单词的音标,再分解成一个一个的音节,最后再整体读出单词音标”的办法, 即运用“先整体,后部分,再整体”的办法,如:electricity[ilek`trisiti]n.电 (这样读:[ilek`trisiti]---[i]-[lek]-[tri]-[si]-[ti]---[ile`trisiti])。 针对生词的拼写,和学生一起找出可以借助构词法分析其拼写的生词或者找出一些生词联想其已掌握了的同源词。通过这种方式,很容易记住这部分单词。 这样,有效地帮助了学生解决了一部分生词的记忆,减轻了学生的记忆负担。

二、在Warming up中头脑风暴(Brainstorming) 在每单元的Warming up部分,从本单元的话题出发,让学生通过Brainstorming的方式说出与本单元话题相关的词汇, 无法用英语表达时,鼓励学生说出中文(“When possible, in English; when necessary, in Chinese.”——广东省2009年普通高中教师职务培训 某课程专家语)这样,一方面,复习了旧词汇,另一方面,引出部分新词汇,为随后的阅读作了词汇的热身。以Book4 Unit2 Working the Land为例,当问到“When I speak of farming, what words can you think of? ”学生能说出farmer/peasant, agriculture, food, crop, grain, rice, wheat, peanut,


vegetable, seed, harvest, whether, climate, Yuan Longping,害虫,化肥,播种,犁田,杂交水稻等,老师再呈现出pest, chemical fertilizer, sow seeds, plow/plough the field, hybrid rice, sorghum, soybean 等生词或短语。


在接下来的Reading部分,鼓励学生根据上下文猜测生词的词性和意思,一方面,可以让学生了解目的语的文化知识,另一方面,通过反复的猜词帮助训练学生掌握目前比较流行有效的词汇学习策略 —— 语境策略,如:高中英语人教版Book8 Unit2 Cloning的Reading中有这样一个句子“Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.”从“while(然而)...”这一表对比的结构,学生可以猜测出“straightforward”的意思必定与“complicated”相反,应意为“not complicated, not difficult, clear or easy to understand”。这是针对生词在语境中的词义而言。除此之外,对于一些重难点词汇和短语,还要鼓励学生观察句子本身这一语言现象,说出它们在本句中的用法或搭配,如:在以上的Reading中还出现了“On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.”学生可以观察出“impact”在这个句中用作名词且存在着 “have a...impact on?”的搭配(由此还可以联想到他们熟知的短语“have an effect or influence on?”),这是针对生词的语用而言。



(一) 对于拼写简单的短语,老师说出中文意思,学生说出英文短语,如:背靠背 —— back to back,一般说来 —— generally speaking。

(二) 对于一些多义词或多词性的单词,老师说出英文发音,学生说出其不同含义或词性并接着拼出英文单词(或反过来),如:[`?lb?m]—— n.相册,集邮册,唱片 —— album, [p?ls]—— pulse —— vi.强烈而又规律的跳动,搏动;n.脉搏,节拍。

(三) 对于一些含有常考察的习惯搭配的单词,在检查了其拼写及意思之后,再让学生说出习惯搭配,如:acquaintance n.相识,了解,熟人—— 结识,与??相见—— make one’s acquiantance。

学生边拼说出单词,老师边在黑板上写出单词。这种所谓的“听说”单词的方式,使得学生耳听,口说,眼看单词,较有效地再现了孤立的生词。此外,把整个单元的生词分成多个块,根据掌握单词的层次需要检查,各个(块)击破,不仅化解了学生的记忆负担,而且让学生富有成就感,增加了记忆单词的信心。 五、在语用练习中再现和使用生词


(一) 人教版Student’s Book 每一单的Learning about Language部分和相应的Workbook的Using Words And Expressions部分都给学生提供的以句子或篇章形式出现的词汇练习。

(二) 布置一些让学生“玩弄”词藻的任务或作业,如:要求学生把生词进行分类,挑出favorite words 造句等。


(三) 运用生词完成段落填空。

1. 课文内容填空。如:人教版必修一Unit4 Earthquake。

Wang Kun and Wang Wei had (1)____ about taking a great bike trip ever since middle school. Wang Wei also (2)____ Wang Kun to buy an expensive mountain bike. When they (3)____ from college, they (4)____ decided to cycle along the Mekong River with their cousins and Wang Wei planned their (5)____ for the trip. Although Wang Kun was (6)____ of his sister, he thought his sister was (7)____. She didn’t (8)____ about details and insisted that she (9)____ (organize) the trip properly. She was so determined that Wang Kun had to give (10)____.

In order to know more information about the Mekong River, they went to the library to find a lot of good maps showing the world geography. They were sure to finish the trip successfully.

(Keys: dreamed, persuaded, graduated, finally, schedule, fond, stubborn, care, organize, in.)

2. 单元重点词汇活用。如:人教版必修一Unit2 English around the world。 The United States of America is a big country with all kinds of races from all over the world, (1)____ (例如) Africans, Asians, Europeans and South Americans. (2)____ (因为) it, the USA is a country with colorful but special culture, in which English is a good example. English is the (3)____ (本国的) language in this country. (4)____ (渐渐地),the language differs from area to area. (5)____ (实际上) most of Americans have a strong (6)____ (口音) but less (7)____(方言).

American English is a little different from Britain English both in (8)___ (拼写) and pronouncing of the (9)____ (词汇). Take the followings as an example. If you hear an English-speaking person says “Would you like to my (10)____(公寓)??”, he may be an English but not American.

(12)____ (现在),American English (13)____ (起了很大的作用) the international affairs and many people regard American English as the (14)____ (标准的) English. (15)_____ (信不信由你),many people (16)_____(使用) it and retell what the Americans say and try to learn a mouthful of American accent!

(Keys: such as, because of, native, Gradually, Actually, accent, dialect, spelling, vocabulary, flat, department, At present, plays a very important part in, standard, Believe it or not, make use of.)

(四) 背短文串记单词。如:配合人教版必修5 Unit4 Making the news,以下的小短文中用粗体所显示的生词有45个,占了此单元生词的近90% 。

An Amateur Journalist

Jane is a housewife, but delighted to work as an amateur journalist. It is a dilemma for her to rush between family and work, and it is also unusual for the News Department to depend on an amateur to cover crimes. But Jane is really gifted. It is adrmirable that she is seldom accused of making mistakes. And, eager to become more professional, she concentrates on her job and updates herself now and then.

Once she is informed of a new case, her normal working process is as follows: first, she makes appointments with guilty people for interviews.


So as to acquire accurate stories, she usually demands to record what they say. Meanwhile, a technically good colleague will assist her in taking photographs. Second, she assesses whether they are deliberately hiding the truth. If she is skeptical about their words, she will look into the case herself. Third, she writes thorough stories ahead of the deadline and submits it to the senior chief editor, who polishes and approves every section. Finally, her stories will be published in different editions of their magazine.

(五) 要求学生完成同类话题的作文。




1. 胡春洞《英语学习论》广西教育出版社 2001. 1

2. 《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)解读》江苏教育出版社 2004. 6 3. 郭立坤 《随堂优化训练 (英语 必修一)》2011. 6 4. 林润南 《高中英语单词串记法》汕头大学出版社 2008. 12


