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命题:丁洁 孟洁 王勇 徐晓枫 审题:昆明一中高三英语命题组 本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,第I 卷第1页至第7页,第II 卷第7页至第8页。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。




第I 卷(选择题)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. How does the woman usually go to work? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike. 2. What does the woman mean? A. She won’t go with the man. B. She thinks the man is boring. C. She has seen the movie before. 3. Who is the man?

A. A repairman. B. A salesman. C. A customer. 4. What do we know about the man? A. He is looking for a job. B. He is interviewing the woman. C. He is working in an advertising company.

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5. What is the man’s suggestion? A. Turning to the neighbors. B. Giving him a call directly. C. Climbing through the window.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. How does the man feel when knowing the food burns? A. Annoyed. B. Worried. C. Apologetic. 7. Why does the man prepare the dinner? A. It is the woman’s birthday. B. The woman is tired from work. C. It is their wedding anniversary.

听下面一段材料,回答第8至第10题。 8. What do we know about the woman’s brother? A. He just moved back. B. He already has his first baby. C. He is a lawyer on the West Coast. 9. What will the woman be doing on Sunday?

A. Visiting a friend. B. Seeing her brother. C. Meeting the man. 10. When will the speakers meet next time?

A. At 3:00 next Monday. B. At 3:30 next Monday. C. At 3:30 next Saturday. 听下面一段材料,回答第11至13小题。 11. Where did the man put his driver’s license?

A. In his pocket. B. In his wallet. C. In his handbag. 12. How long has the man been in California? A. Two months. B. Six months. C. Two years. 13. Where will the man have to go?

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A. The train station. B. The police station. C. The car agency. 听下面一段材料,回答第14至16题。

14. When will the man and his family stay in the hotel?

A. September 11th to 12th. B. September 17th to 18th. C. September 18th to19th. 15. What does the woman recommend?

A. Enjoying the art show. B. Visiting the city square. C. Making a reservation. 16. How will the man pay?

A. By check. B. In cash. C. By credit card. 听下面一段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Why did Tom feel guilty?

A. He couldn’t afford the treatment fees. B. He didn’t accompany his son at home. C. He paid little attention to Billy’s illness. 18. Why did Tom’s wife leave him? A. They lost their sons. B. Tom become an alcoholic. C. She fell in love with someone else.

19. What was the speaker’s first impression on Tom?

A. He was mean. B. He was irresponsible. C. He was unconcerned. 20. What made Ernie a special person? A. His father’s love. B. His mother’s example. C. His children’s kindness.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



All-inclusive resorts (全包式度假村) are a lot of fun and worry-free. But many who are not fond of them may think they are run almost in the same way: that of the large resort on the

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beach. Now perhaps it’s time for that to change. There resort will challenge everything you think you know about all-inclusives.

Resort One --- Xaranna Okawango Delta Camp, Botswana

This safari lodge on an island it’s a hotel; it’s an experience where everything ---including the excellent pan-African food and the guided short trips (game drives, bush walk, river cruise, horse riding) --- is included in the price of the say. Guests can get close to fancy wildlife on both land and water.

Resort Two--- BodyHoliday, LeSport, St. Lucia

Those even mildly interested in resorts in the Caribbean should consider BodyHoliday. All-inclusive fees cover a selection of wines and cocktails, all meals and water sports. But that’s not what this all- inclusive is truly special for. It stands out because a daily spa treatment is also included, as are fitness classes.

Resort Three --- Blackberry Farm, Tennessee

This elegant resort in the Appalachian Mountains is a wonderful destination offering farm-to-table food without any artificial chemicals. Meals are included from dinner on the day of arrival through lunch on the day of departure. There are also diverse activities offered from wine tasting to Brewery tours.

Resort Four --- Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort, California

This resort, set on a 10,000-acre cattle ranch, has been a family-friendly place for holiday. Guests can expect charming, western-style rooms and a range of outdoor activities, including golfing, tennis, swimming and horseback riding. The buffet-style breakfast and dinners are included in the fees. There are also horseback rides where guests can head to a remote hillside location for wonderful sightseeing and a cowboy singing.

21. The all-inclusive resort is not popular with some people because of its _______.

A. remote location B. limited space C. poor service D. similar pattern 22. What makes BodyHoliday special? A. It offers some fitness classes. B. Guests can do some water sports. C. Everything offered is covered in the fees. D. There is a wonderful view of while-sand beach.

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23. If you care about food safety, you may choose _______. A. Blackberry Farm B. BodyHoliday, LeSport C. Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort D. Xaranna Okawango Delta Camp

24. The guests of Resorts One and Four can _________.

A. play golf B. have a swim C. taste cocktails D. ride a horse


Like every other Sunday morning, my best friend left her child Rachel off at my apartment before she went to work. And as usual, I made a quick breakfast and then my husband, the kid and I hurried for church, just like every other Sunday morning.

It wasn’t until I saw our neighbor Linda standing at the church door passing out flowers that I remembered this wasn’t like every other Sunday morning --- it was Mother’s Day. Curious, Rachel went to ask Linda what she was doing. Linda smiled and said, “I’m giving a flower to every mother in church today because it’s Mother’s Day.” Rachel’s eyes grew bright, “My mom had to work today. Can I have a flower to take home to give her?” It was sometimes hard for Rachel to remember to speak slowly and for things politely when he was hyper. But he been perfect when he asked for that flower.

Linda nodded and picked out a pink carnation. Rachel turned towards me with excitement and pride. Suddenly, he turned towards Linda. “Can I have a flower for Aunt Kimmie, too?” That was the last thing I had expected. But Linda replied, “Oh, no, Rachel. She can’t have a flower. She isn’t a mom.” It didn’t surprise me. Yet Rachel was depressed. I watched as all the joy left his face.

The rest of that morning, Rachel was quiet. That afternoon, when I was in the kitchen Rachel slowly came in, a handful of freshly picked dandelions in his hand. “Aunt Kimmie,” he said softly, “you deserve something for Mother’s Day. You are the one that is there when my mom can’t be.” I felt tears on my cheeks as I gathered him in my arms and hugged him tightly. 25. What usually happened on Sunday morning? A. Kimmie helped look after Rachel. B. Linda passed flowers at the church. C. Rachel visited his mother’s workplace.

第5页 共16页

48. A. relationship 49. A. topic

B. management B. problem

C. performance C. statement C. succeeding C. while

D. reputation D. essay D. crowding D. until D. kind D. depends on D. even D. legal D. conflicted D. kids D. focused D. functions D. infer

50. A. competing 51. A. when 52. A. quality

B. participating B. although B. quantity

C. preference C. squeezes out C. still

53. A. brings about 54. A. rather 55. A. expected 56. A. provided 57. A. team

B. takes in B. often B. personal

C. family

B. presented B. parents B. put

C. associated C. class C. looked

58. A. taken

59. A. treatments 60. A. judge

B. effects B. request

C. measures C. conclude

第II 卷(非选择题)


第一部分 英语知识运用(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The Hani legend tells that their ancestors came from the south of Dadu River in today’s Sichuan Province in the 3rd century BC. Then they 61 (gradual) moved south and eventually settled in today’s Yunnan Province. It has a population of about 1.4 million, mostly 62 (engage) in agriculture. They are very friendly and warm-hearted. When you visit an ordinary Hani family, you 63 (serve) with the Hani home-made cigarette pipe. 64 you are not a smoker, you should decline this kind entertainment in a polite manner. Hani Language is spoken in three different dialects can hardly understand each other in their mother tongues.

What is worth mentioning is 67 nearly all of Hani people show respect to nature and their ancestors. They hold the belief that everything in the world has a soul. They believe that the spirits of their ancestors still stay in the tombs, the place 68 they can communicate with their ancestors in order to receive guidance. When in trouble, they expect the assistance from

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the heaven and 69 , they think sacrifices(祭祀) should be done frequently. Only in this way can they win the favors and 70 (protect) from their ancestors and the God. 第二部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词;

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear Mr. Brown,

It is great to receive your e-mail. Now I’d like to tell you that took place in my school the last Thursday. In the morning we hold a ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At first we promised that, as grown-up, we should have a sense of duty for our society from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who brought us up or the teachers who have been educating us. Some of our teachers put on wonderful performances, singing and dancing, and your principal made a speech in the end, expressed his good wishes. We learned a lot from the activity. I think it’s great importance for us to take part in such activities. I will ever forget the day and I will work hard to be a responsibly man.

Yours, Wang Lin

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1.描述手机; 2.丢失过程; 3.约定核实时间。 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

第12页 共16页

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使内容充实、连贯。 Dear Thomas,

_____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua

第13页 共16页



丁 洁 中学英语一级教师,昆明市第一中学教师;英语专业八级成绩优秀;从事高中英语

教学工作十余年,学校高考命题专家组成员;中国瑞典合作“环境小硕士”项目优秀导师;第八届“全国中学骨干英语教师新课程教学高级研修班”学员;先进教育工作者;优秀班主任;昆明市先进班集体班主任;高考成绩突出,辅导学生多次在各类大赛中获大奖,多次被授予“优秀辅导教师”称号;多次参加课堂教学大奖赛获奖,多篇论文发表于市级及校级刊物上;曾赴美国、日本高中交流学习。 孟 洁 中学英语二级教师,昆明市第一中学教师,先进教育工作者,优秀班主任,昆明市


王 勇 中学英语高级教师,昆明市第一中学英语教研组长;云南省级中学英语骨干教师,


徐晓枫 中学英语一级教师,昆明市第一中学教师;从事高中英语教学工作十余年,昆明市



知识范围/能力要求:2017年高考考纲和近三年全国课标卷 试卷特点:本试题为全原创题



第一部分:听力(30分) 第一节(7.5分): 1-5 CABAA

第二节(22.5分): 6-10 CCBAB 11-15 BABCC 16-20 ACCBA 第二部分:阅读理解 (40分)

第一节(30分): 21-25 DAADA 26-30 DABCB 31-35 ACACA 第二节(10分): 36-40 EBDGF 第三部分:完形填空 (30分)

41-45 BCBDC 46-50 DBCAB 51-55 CABDC 56-60 CADBC 第II卷

第14页 共16页

第一部分:英语知识运用 (15分) 61. gradually 62. engaged 63. will be served 64. If 65. from 66. speaking 67. that 68. where 69. therefore/thus 70. protection 第二部分:写作 (35分) 第一节: 短文改错(10分) Dear Mr. Brown, It is great to receive your e-mail. Now I’d like to tell you that took place in my school the last what Thursday. In the morning we hold a ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At first we held promised that, as grown-up, we should have a sense of duty for our society from now on. Then we grown-ups showed our thanks to our parents who brought us up or the teachers who have been educating us. and Some of our teachers put on wonderful performances, singing and dancing, and your principal our made a speech in the end, ∧ expressed his good wishes. We learned a lot from the activity. I think and或expressing it’s ∧ great importance for us to take part in such activities. I will ever forget the day and I will of never work hard to be a responsibly man. responsible Yours, Wang Lin 第二节:书面表达(25分) Dear Thomas,

I’m Li Hua, a student from your school. I read your post, and learned you found a cell phone during school sports meeting.

I happened to lose mine, whose design varies from other phones, with no buttons under the screen. It’s a black one of a regular size. Besides, it is in a phone case with a picture of my family. I lost it when we held the 1500-meter race. It might have fallen out of my pocket when I was making preparations for the race.

I’m not sure if you have found my phone. I’d appreciate it if we could arrange an appointment to check whether it belongs to me. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

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