A5-Test Bank Part II-Chapter 3 Giving Your First Speech

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Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development Project Stephen Lucas &Suya Yin

Chapter 3Giving Your First Speech

True-False Questions

Students are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling the appropriate letter. 1. T F There is only one possible assignment for the first speech. 2. T F One of the common mistakes students make on their first speech is trying to cover too much material. 3. T F Focusing on one or two events in your first speech allows you to make a few well-developed points about a clearly defined subject. 4. T F Among other things, you can also make your speech interesting by using colorful, descriptive language. 5. T F Your speech will have two parts—an introduction and a body. 6. T F In some speeches, the body seems to organize itself. 7. T F Your first presentation will probably use either chronological or spatial order. 8. T F Once you have selected your main points, make sure each one focuses on a single aspect of the topic. 9. T F Transition statements will help your audience keep track of your main ideas. 10. T F It is a good idea to write out your first speech like an essay and read it word for word to your listeners. Multiple Choice Questions

Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.

1. The first speech assignment is usually a brief introductory presentation, which is often called

an __________ speech. a. ice breaker

b. attention grabber c. eye opener d. object oriented

2. Which of the following is a likely topic for your first speech assignment?

a. The world’s tallest buildings. b. My encounter with Yao Ming. c. Ban texting while driving. d. The aftermath of WWII.


Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development Project Stephen Lucas &Suya Yin

3. All of the following are possible topics for your first speech assignment EXCEPT


a. the story of my family heirloom b. an unforgettable day in my life c. my first ballet dance instructor d. tips on practicing Taewondo

4. Once you have a topic for your speech, be __________ in developing it.

a. thoughtful b. creative c. ethical d. critical

5. If you are telling the audience about meeting a celebrity, you should keep the celebrity’s

__________ until the last moment. a. appearance b. name c. gender

d. special talents

6. In addition to mystery and suspense, audiences are naturally interested in all of the following

methods of storytelling EXCEPT __________. a. drama b. adventure c. danger d. lecture

7. Zhang Wei’s first speech was about his chance meeting with David Beckham at the Pudong

airport in Shanghai. When he delivered his speech, he didn’t reveal Beckham’s name until the very end, because he wanted to add __________ to his speech. a. fun and excitement b. mystery and suspense c. prestige and dignity d. secrecy and uncertainty

8. In her first class speech, Linda described the scariest moment she experienced during rock

climbing. Her speech used __________ to get the audience interested. a. drama b. adventure c. danger d. lecture

9. Wu Tong delivered his first speech on an unforgettable day of his life, when his friends gave

him a big surprise party for his 20th birthday. Wu Tong used __________ to arouse the interest of his audience. a. lecture b. drama c. danger d. adventure

10. Which of the following speech topics is likely to be about adventure?


Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development Project Stephen Lucas &Suya Yin

A cruise trip to Bahamas. A barbeque in the backyard. A Sahara desert expedition. A city tour around Rome.

11. Li Jian’s first speech was about his mountaineering expedition to Everest. He used

__________ to draw the audience’s attention and interest. a. adventure b. drama c. lecture d. danger

12. Li Wei opened her first speech with a little joke to grab the attention of her audience,but to

her disappointment, none of her classmates seemed to get it. It seems Li Wei’s ____________ could be more effective. a. humor b. story c. drama d. delivery

13. Regardless of your topic, your speech will have __________ main parts.

a. two b. three c. four d. five

14. Your first job in the introduction is to __________.

a. explain your topic to the audience b. show your credibility to the audience

c. get the attention and interest of the audience d. build rapport with the audience

15. Zhao Ming told an engaging story in the beginning of his first speech to __________.

a. get the attention and interest of the audience b. show her credibility to the audience c. build rapport with the audience d. explain her topic to the audience

16. Which of the following is NOT recommended in the text for grabbing the attention and

interest of the audience? a. Telling a story.

b. Greeting the audience. c. Opening with a quotation. d. Posing a question.

17. In addition to gaining attention and interest, the introduction should orient your listeners

towards the __________ of your speech. a. subject matter b. main points c. highlight d. body


a. b. c. d.

Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development Project Stephen Lucas &Suya Yin

18. The __________ in your speech introduction tells your audience the main points your speech

will cover.

a. preview statement b. attention grabber c. transition statement d. credibility statement

19. Because your introductory speech is so short, you may not need a detailed __________

statement. a. purpose b. theme c. preview d. credibility

20. By the end of the introduction, there should be no doubt about the __________ of the speech.

a. topic b. structure c. function d. direction

21. After getting the audience’s attention and revealing your topic, you are ready to move into the

_________ of your speech. a. introduction b. body

c. conclusion d. preview

22. All of the following are important aspects of your classmate’s life EXCEPT __________.

a. hobbies b. career goals c. wishful thinking d. family

23. Topical method of organization subdivides the speech topic into its __________ or

conventional parts. a. logical, traditional b. natural, logical c. natural, classical d. logical, classical

24. All of the following could be organized in topical order EXCEPT __________.

a. the most interesting book I have ever read b. my long time friendship with my pen pal c. how to cook shrimp and egg fried rice d. what I learned from my yoga instructor

25. In a two-minute presentation, you won’t have time to develop more than __________ main


a. one or two b. two or three


Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development Project Stephen Lucas &Suya Yin

c. three or four d. four or five

26. Try to make your main points stand out by introducing each with a __________ statement.

a. transition b. preview c. credibility d. thesis

27. If possible, end your speech on a dramatic, clever, or __________ note.

a. high-sounding b. humorous

c. thought-provoking d. emotionally-charged

28. Before presenting your first speech, you need to look briefly at the __________ method of


a. spontaneous b. extemporaneous c. contemporaneous d. instantaneous

29. Reading from a speech manuscript runs the risk of __________ with the audience and a stiff,

unenthusiastic delivery. a. lack of interaction

b. ineffective mental dialogue c. poor eye contact d. weak rapport

30. Which of the following methods of speech delivery are most likely to result in poor eye


a. Extemporaneous. b. Impromptu.

c. Reading from manuscript. d. Delivering from memory.

31. Xu Min prepared a manuscript for her first speech, but she only used her speaking notes at

her presentation. Which delivery method did she use? a. Extemporaneous. b. Impromptu.

c. Reading from manuscript. d. Delivering from memory.

32. Many experienced speakers __________ space their notes because this makes them easier to

see at a glance. a. single or double b. double or triple c. triple or quadruple d. single or triple

33. During your speech rehearsal, you should concentrate on gaining control of the __________.


Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development Project Stephen Lucas &Suya Yin

a. words b. sentences c. ideas d. phrases

34. Xiao Bai spent a lot of time memorizing his first speech, but his delivery was unsuccessful

because he kept getting stuck at individual words or sentences. His presentation could be more effective if he had gained more control of the __________. a. ideas b. words c. sentences d. phrases

35. Which of the following could be the reason for a poor delivery of your first speech?

a. You didn’t have good control of the ideas. b. You didn’t read from your speech manuscript. c. You didn’t use your gestures effectively.

d. You didn’t use any visual aids for your speech.

36. One of the major reasons for speaking extemporaneously is to __________.

a. practice impromptu delivery

b. maintain eye contact with listeners c. use gestures and body language

d. save the trouble of reading from manuscript

37. When you speak extemporaneously, which of the following do you need for your


a. Speech manuscript. b. Visual aids. c. Speaking notes. d. Lectern.

38. When delivering your speech, try to use your voice as __________ as you would in normal

conversation. a. expressively b. forcefully c. emotionally d. clearly

Short Answer Questions

1. List the techniques recommended in the text for getting the attention and interest of the


a. Posing a question. b. Telling a story. c. Making a startling statement. d. Opening with a quotation.

2. Extemporaneous delivery is a method of delivery in which the speech is carefully prepared and rehearsed but is presented from a brief set of notes.


Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development Project Stephen Lucas &Suya Yin

3. Topical order is a method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subpoints.

4. A transition is a word or phrase that indicates when the speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another.

5. Chronological order is a method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern.

6. List the things you need to do before you begin your speech delivery.

a. Move to the front of the room and face the audience. b. Assume a relaxed but upright posture. c. Plant your feet a bit less than shoulder-width apart and allow your arms to hang loosely by your side. d. Arrange your notes before you start to speak. e. Take a moment to look over your audience and to smile.

Essay Questions

1. In a brief essay, identify the three main parts of your first speech and explain the function and

structure of each part.

2. Explain why you should think of ways to make your presentation mysterious or suspenseful.

Use an example to help illustrate your point.

3. If your first speech is to introduce a best friend, discuss how you are going to organize your

speech in chronological order. What will be the main points of your speech?

4. If your first speech is to introduce a best friend, discuss how you are going to organize your

speech in topical order. What will be the main points of your speech?

5. Write a summary of the major requirements for speaking extemporaneously.


