book3 Unit1听力答案及文本
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Unit 1
Part One
Listening I
Interviewer: Angela, you were born in Korea but you've been living in Canada for a long time, haven't you?
Angela: Yes, I was 10 years old when my parents immigrated to Canada and I've been living here for 20 years now.
Interviewer: Do you think that belonging to two different cultures has affected your personality? Angela: Yes, definitely. There are times when I think that I have two personalities. Depending on where I am and who I'm with, I'm Korean or I'm Canadian.
Interviewer: That sounds complicated. Could you explain what you mean?
Angela: Well, growing up in Canada when I was going to high school, for example, I was known as Angela to the outside world, and as Sun-Kyung at home. I would wave hello to my teachers, but bow to my parents' Korean friends when they visited our home. Interviewer: Do different cultures have different ideas as to what is polite?
Angela: Yes, definitely. In high school, I was expected to look straight in the eyes of my teachers and to talk openly with them. But when Koreans spoke to me, I was expected to look at my feet and to be shy and silent.
Interviewer: Do you think that having two personalities makes you a richer person? Angela: Yes, but sometimes I don't know who I am.
Exercise 1
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T Exercise 2
1) outside world 2) at home 3) wave hello 4) bow 5) look straight in the eyes of 6) openly 7) look at my feet 8) shy and silent
Listening II
I am a very sensitive person, and that's good to a point. I feel everyone should be able to feel or understand what others are going through. But when you hurt, cry, or are unhappy for people you
don't know, or for a movie that is not real, then I think that's a little too sensitive. That's the way I am.
I am a very independent person. I must do things for myself. I don't like people doing things for me, or helping me, or giving me things. It's not that I don't appreciate it, because I do. I just feel that when someone does something for you, you owe them, and if there is one thing I don't like to feel, it's that I owe anyone anything.
I think I would be a good friend. I would do almost anything for someone I like, and would share or give anything I have. I'm very caring and understanding. People trust me with their secrets, and they're right for doing so because I never tell any secret that is told to me. I'm always there to help in any way that I can. All you have to do is ask.
I enjoy life and people, which makes me feel good. I find fun in almost everything I do (except housework). I like to watch people, talk to them, and be around them. It makes no difference whether I agree or disagree with what they feel, or how they live, or what they look like, or what age they are. I just enjoy learning and being aware of everything and everyone around me.
Exercise 1
1. sensitive/ caring independent / understanding
2. good friend 3. life people 4. learning being aware Exercise 2
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
Listening III
Tom: Hey, Bill. Do you have any plans for this weekend? Bill: Yeah, Tom. Cindy and I are going ice-skating on Saturday. Tom: Oh.
Bill: Why do you ask?
Tom: Well, I thought you might want to come over and study for next week's chemistry test. Bill: Study?! No way. Hey, what if I try to fix you up with Cindy's sister, Kristi. We could double-date. She's really outgoing, bright, and funny too.
Tom: Hey, I still remember the girl you fixed me up with last time. She was very moody and self-centered. She couldn't stop talking about how great she was. I'm not sure if I can trust you, \
Bill: Oh come on. So I made a mistake last time. Cindy's sister is really different.
Tom: Well, what does she look like?
Bill: Ah. Looks aren't important. She has a wonderful personality. Tom: Right.
Bill: Okay. She has long wavy blond hair and blue eyes. She's of medium height, just a little shorter than you are. Tom: Go on.
Bill: She has a great figure, a nice complexion, and she has a sexy voice. Oh, and she has a tattoo of an eagle on her arm. Tom: A what?
Bill: No, just kidding. By the way, she was the runner-up in the Miss California Beauty Pageant two years ago. Well, you're probably not interested. Tom: No, wait!
Bill: Ah, just forget I ever mentioned it. Tom: No, I'm interested!
Exercise 1
1. ice-skating 2. chemistry 3. outgoing bright funny 4. self-centered 5. blond medium height 6. runner-up Exercise 2
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
Listening IV
David: Barbara, before you go, could you tell me about these students that are coming into my class?
Barbara: Oh, yes. Now, let me think, well, there' He's a tall, slim lad with fair hair. Very friendly face, lovely smile... He's particularly good with group activities, and he's a very helpful person to have in the class and very helpful with the other students. He speaks fluently, but does make a lot of mistakes! He doesn't seem to mind making mistakes. He asks a lot of tends to speak first and think later. But he's got lots of interesting ideas. David: Good.
Barbara: Ah...Susan...Susan. Now, she's very lively, quick, and very bright. She talks all the time but not always in English.
David: What? Is she difficult or anything?
Barbara: No...she's quite young but she does behave in quite a grown-up way really for her age. It can be a bit difficult to actually shut her up sometimes and make her listen to you. David: Ah, right.
Barbara: She's very nice. She has dark hair and dark eyes. David: Right, well...are there any other girls in the class? Barbara: Yes, there is Maria. She's Susan's sister. David: Yes.
Barbara: Actually it's quite difficult to tell them apart Maria is slightly older. She's a bit plumper and has longer hair than Susan. She's not quite as bright as her sister and I think that makes her feel a bit inferior really. Well, you know, she sulks a bit when she gets things wrong or she misunderstands you. But on the whole, a very sensible girl. David: OK.
Barbara: And then there's Peter, who's older than the others. He's got a sort of moustache,
spectacles and wavy dark brown hair. He usually wears a jacket and sometimes a suit. He's very smart and takes notes all the time. He's also very serious and determined to learn as much as possible. He asks quite difficult questions but he doesn't mean to be nasty.
David: Well, thanks, Barbara. It's all up to me now, isn't it? Have a good holiday, won't you? Barbara: Thanks. David: Bye.
Exercise 1
1. Four 2. Colleagues 3. Teacher 4. Susan 5. To go on holiday Exercise 2
1) Paul D E J 2) Susan B F 3) Maria C H 4) Peter A G I
Further Listening
Listening I
One day, when Mr. Smith came home from work, he found his wife very upset about something. Mr. Smith always thought that he was more sensible than his wife, so he started to give her a lecture on the importance of always remaining calm.
Finally he said, \patient, like me. Now, look at the fly that has just landed on my nose. Am I getting excited or annoyed? Am I swearing or waving my arms around? No. I'm not. I'm perfectly calm.\Just as he had said this, Mr. Smith started shouting. He jumped up and began to wave his arms around wildly and swear terribly. He couldn't speak for some time, but at last he was able to tell his wife: The thing on his nose was not a fly, but a bee.
1) upset 2) sensible 3) lecture 4) calm 5) strength 6) landed 7) swearing 8) perfectly 9) wildly 10) bee Listening II
Tom: Oh, that Mr. Taylor. He is so boring! Mother: What do you mean?
Tom: His lessons put me to sleep. And he's so quick-tempered, Mum. Mother: Quick-tempered? Mr. Taylor? Are you sure darling? Tom: Yes, he gets angry very quickly.
Mother: That doesn't sound like Mr. Taylor at all!
Tom: And do you know, he spends all the time looking at his reflection in the window, admiring himself.
Mother: Really? And why does he do that?
Tom: Because he's vain, that's why! And conceited! He thinks he knows everything.
Mother: Oh, Tom. Be reasonable. I'm sure you're exaggerating. Mr. Taylor seems such a nice, kind man.
Tom: Well, he isn't. He is mean and cruel.
Mother: Cruel? Now how can a history teacher be cruel?
Tom: Because he only gave me two out of ten points in my history test.
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