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一、A Working Community who came to this country still identified themselves as members of the

5、None of us, mind you, was born into these communities. Nor did we Italian community, the Irish communtiy, the Polish community. They move into them, U-Hauling our possessions along with us. None has sought out and assumes connection with people from the old country, papers to prove we are card-carrying members of one such group or Many of us have updated that experience. We have replaced ethnic another. Yet it seems that more and more of us are identified by work identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhood these days, rather than by street.值得一提的是,我们没有谁一出生就属with the workplace. This whole realignment of community is surely most 于这些社区,也不是后来我们搬了进来。这些身份是我们随身携带的,obvious among the mobile professions. People who move from city to 没有人可以拿出文件证明我们是这个或那个群体的会员卡持有者。然city seem to put roots into their professions. In an age of specialists, they 而,不知不觉中人们的身份更倾向于各自所从事的工作,而不是像以may have to search harder to find people who speak the same language.往一样由家庭住址来界定。 这有点像最初移民来到美国的我们的祖辈们的经历,许多人来到这里6、In the past, most Americans live in neighborhoods. We were members 后把自己原来的国籍当成一个社区,所以有意大利人社区、爱尔兰人of precincts or parishes or school districts. My dictionary still defines 社区、波兰社区等。他们不断寻找并设想自己与来自同一个国家的人communtiy, first of all in geographic terms, as ―a body of people who live 们有着亲密的联系。我们把这种体验提升了一步。像用工作单位取代in one place.‖过去大多数彼邻而居的美国人彼此是同一个街区、教区、居住地一样,我们用专业身份取代了种族身份。这种社区的完全重组校区的成员。今天的词典依然首先从地理的角度来定义社区,称之为在流动作业的行业中表现得最为明显,那些在不同城市变换工作的人“一个由居住在同一地方的人组成的群体”。 似乎把自己的身份植根于他们的行业中。在这个充满专业人士的时7、But today fewer of us do our living in that one place; more of us just 代,他们不得不费尽周折去寻找有共同语言的人。

use it for sleeping. Now we call our towns ―bedroom suburbs,‖ and many 13、I don‘t think that there is anything massively disruptive about this of us, without small children as icebreakers, would have trouble naming shifting sense of community. The continuing search for connection and all the people on our street.然而,如今的情况是居住和工作都在同一个shared enterprise is very human. But I do feel uncomfortable with our 地方的人极少,对更多的人来说家成了一个仅仅用来睡觉的地方。我shifting identity. The balance has tipped, and we seem increasingly 们的居住地被叫做“近郊居住区”,由于没有了孩子像过去那样起到dependent on work for our sense of self.我并不认为这种社区概念的变沟通邻里关系的作用,许多人感到要叫出跟我们同住一条街的所有人迁会造成大面积的混乱,这种对联系和共同理想的不断追寻充满了人的名字是件极不容易的事。 性。但我对我们不断变化的身份确实感到不安。身份意识的天平似乎8、It‘s not that we are more isolated today. It‘s that many of us have 已经日渐倾斜到工作决定身份这边。

transferred a chunk of our friendships, a major portion of our everyday 14、If our office are our new neighborhoods, if our professional titles are social lives, from home to office. As more of our neighbors work away our new ethnic tags, then how do we separate ourselves from our jobs? from home, the workplace becomes our neighborhood.这不是说我们今Selfworth isn‘t just something to measure in the marketplace. But in these 天被分得更开了,而是好多人已经部分的友谊和大部分的日常社交生new communities, it becomes harder to tell who we are without saying 活从家里转移到了办文室。随着越来越多的人走出家门去工作,工作what we do.如果办公室真的彻底变成我们的社区,如果我们的所从事的地方就变成了我们的街区。 的行业真的彻底变成我们的种族印记,那我们怎样才能把自己和工作9、The kaffeeklatsch of the fifties is the coffee break of the eighties.The 区分开来呢?自我价值并不是只有在市场环境中得到体现的。但是在water cooler, the hall, the elevator, and the parking lot are the back fences 这些新的社区中,如果不先说明我们是从事哪行哪业的,就越来越难of these neighborhoods. The people we have lunch with day after day are 以说清楚我们究竟是谁。 those who know the running saga of our mother‘s operations, our child‘s 二、The Roots Of My Ambition math grades, our frozen pipes, and faulty transmissions.50年代的下午茶1、―If there‘s one thing I can‘t stand, Russell, it‘s a quitter.‖罗素,假如有成了80年代的喝咖啡的工间休息。工作地的饮水冷却机、大厅、电一件事我不能容忍的话,那就是做轻易放弃的人。

梯、停车场是新社区的后院篱笆墙。天天和我们共进午餐的人是给我2、My mother,dead now to this world but still roaring free in my mind, 们的母亲动手术的医生、孩子的数学老师、管道工、汽车修理工等。 wakes me some mornings before day-break. ―If there‘s one thing I can‘t 10、We may be strangers at the supermarket that replaced the corner stand, Russell, it‘s a quitter.‖虽然她已离天人世,我母亲却依旧在我的grocer, but we are known at the coffee shop in the lobby. We share with 脑子里大声嚷嚷,有时天还未破晓她就催我起床,罗素,假如有一件each other a cast of characters from the boss in the corner office to the 事情我不能容忍的话,那就是轻易放弃的人。 crazy lady in Shipping, to the lovers in Marketing. It‘s not surprising that 3、I have heard her say that all my life. Now, Lying in bed, coming awake when researchers ask Americans what they like best about work,they say in the dark, I feel the fury of her energy fighting the good-for-nothing it is ―the shmoose factor.‖ When they ask young mothers at home what idler within me who wants to go back to sleep instead of tackling the they miss most about work, it is the people.人们曾经在杂货店的超市里brave new day.我一辈子都在听她讲这句话。而今躺在床上,在黑暗中可能是陌生人,但是却极可能在公司大厅的咖啡间里相识。我们谈论睁开睡眼,我就能感觉到她和那个一无是处,游手好闲的人对歭的那一些人物,从街头办文室的老板,到运输部中的疯女人,到营销部的股凶劲儿,那个人就在我心中,他宁可缩回被窝继续睡觉,她不愿意情人们。难怪当研究者问及美国人关于工作他们最喜欢什么的时候,抓住新的美好的一天。 他们的回答是“和同事悠闲自在地闲扯”,当询问在家里做全职母亲4、Silenty, I protest: I am not a child anymore. I have made something of 的年轻妇女对工作最怀念什么时,她们说是工作中所接触过的人。 myself. I am entitled to sleep late.我在心里默默地抗议:我不再是个孩11、Not all the neighborhoods are empty, nor is every workplace a 子,我已经做出了自己的成绩,有权晚点起床。

friendly playground. Most of us have had mixed experiences in these 5、―Russell, you‘ve got no more gumption than a bump on a log.‖罗素,environments. Yet as one woman told me recently, she knows more about 你完全没有进取心了,只想当个无所事事的懒汉。

the people she passes on the way to her desk than on her way around the 6、She has hounded me with these battle cries since I was a boy in short block. Our new sense of community hasn‘t just moved from house to pants.自从我还是穿着短裤整天乱跑的小男孩起她就用这种战场上的office building. The labels that we wear connect us with members from 喊叫来鞭策我。

distant companies, cities, and states. We assume that we have something 7、―Make something of yourself!‖ 你一定得弄出个名堂来! ―in common‖ with other teachers, nurses, city planners.不是所有的住宅8、―Don‘t be a quitter!‖ 绝不要轻易放弃的人!

区都是空的,也不是所有的工作单位都是友好的。多数人在这些环境9、―Have a little ambiton, Buddy.‖ 伙伴,得有点儿抱负吧

里都曾有过复杂的经历。然而,最近一位女性朋友告诉我她对工作单10、The civilized man of the world within me scoffs at materialism and 位里的人的了解程度要胜于对同一街区人的了解程度。我们不仅把社strives after success. He has read the philosophers and social critics. He 区的概念从住宅区搬进了办公楼,上班时身上所佩戴的标志也把我们thinks it is vulgar and unworthy to spend one‘s life pursuing money, 和异国他乡的人们和公司员工联系在一起。我们假设自己和其他的教power, fame, and…… 在我心目中这个世界上真的文明人嘲笑物质主师、护士、城市规划者有着某些共同点。 义者和追名逐利的人。这种人饱读哲学大师和社会批评家的著作,他12、It‘s not unlike the experience of our immigrant grandparents. Many 认为花费整个生命去追求金钱、权力、名誉是粗俗而不值的??

11、―Sometimes you act like you‘re not worth the powder and shot it 力、努力、再努力。 would take to blow you up with.‖母亲还对我说:“有时你的行业显得自19、When my mother saw that I might have the word gift, she started 己还不如能置你于死地的那点火药或一粒子弹值钱。 trying to make it grow. Thought desperately poor, she signed up for a deal 12、Life had been hard for my mother ever since her father died, leaving that supplied one volume of Worlds Greatest Literature every month at 39 nothing but debts, The family house was lost, the children scattered. My cents a book.当母亲看到我或多或少有些语言天赋的时候,她就开始mother‘s mother, fatally ill with tubercular infection, fell into a suicide 努力要让这种天赋成长发挥出来,虽然家里穷得叮当响,她还是狠下depression and was institutionalized. My mother, who had just started 心来给我订购了售价为39美分的月刊《世界最伟大的文学》

college, had to quit and look for work.。自从外公死后母亲一直过着艰20、I respected those great writers,but what I read with joy were 辛的生活,除了一大堆债务外公啥也没有留下。家里的房子成了别人newpapers. I lapped up every word about monstrous crimes, dreadful 的。孩子们四散各处。我那染上夺命结核病的外婆患了自杀抑郁症被accidents and hideous butcheries committed in faraway wars. Accounts of 送入医院。刚上大学的母亲不得不辍学去找工作。 murderes dying in the electric chair fascinated me, and I kept close track 13、Then ,after five years of marriage and three babies, her husband died of fast meals ordered by condemned men.我很仰慕那些伟大的作家,但in 1930, leaving my mother so poor that she had to give up her baby 读起来使我最快乐的是报纸。我如饥似渴地读着报纸上关于犯罪、恐Audrey for adoption. Maybe the bravest thing she did was to give up 怖事件和发生在遥远他乡的骇人听闻的杀戮。关于那些死在电梯上的Audrey, only ten months old, to my Uncle Tom and Aunt Goldie. Uncle 杀手的报道令我入迷,我甚至对死刑犯订的最后一顿快餐都特别留Tom, one of my father‘s brothers, had a good job with the railroad and 心。

could give Audrey a comfortable life.后来母亲在结婚后5年内生下连21、In 1947 I graduated from John Hopkins and learned that the 我在内3个孩子。但是,1930年我爸爸离开了人世,母亲一贫如洗,Baltimore Sun needed a police reporter. Two or there classmates at 不得不将最小的孩子奥德丽送给别人收养。也许母亲做过的最勇敢的Hopkins also applied for the job. Why I was picked was a mystery. It paid 事就是让我叔叔汤姆和婶婶葛黛收养了10个月大的奥德丽。叔叔汤$30 a week. When I complained that was insulting for a college man, my 姆是爸爸的亲兄弟,他在铁路上有一份好工作,能够给奥德丽舒适的mother refused to sympathize.1947年,我从约翰·霍普金斯大学毕业生活。 时到了解到《巴尔的摩太阳报》需要招募一名治安记者。另外有两三14、My mother headed off to New Jersey with my other sister and me to 个霍普金斯的同班同学也在争取这个职位,为什么最后我被录用了是take shelter with with her brother Alen, poor relatives dependent on his 谜。这份工作的薪水是30美金一星期。当我在母亲面前抱怨这样的goodness. She eventually found work pathching grocers‘smocks at ten 待遇对一个大学毕业生来说是一种耻辱的时候,她拒绝给我同情。 dollars a week in a laundry. 22、―If you work hard at this job,‖she said, ―maybe you can make 母亲带着我和另一个妹妹直奔新泽西州暂时寄居在她哥哥阿伦家里,something of it. Then they‘ll have to give you a raise.‖假如你在这个职成了投奔我那好舅舅的穷亲戚。母亲后来总算在一家洗衣店找到了一位上好好干,她说,也许你是会有所作为的,到那时他们就不得不给份周薪10美元,修补杂货商穿用的工作服的工作。 你涨工资了 15、Mother would have liked it better if I could have grown up to be 23、Seven years later I was assigned by the Sun to cover the White House. President or a rich businessman, but much as she loved me, she did not For most reporters, being White House correspondent was as close to deceive herself. Before I was out of grade school, she could see I lacked heaven as you could get. I was 29 years old and puffed up with pride. I the gifts for either making millions or winning the love of crowds. After went to see my mother‘s delight while telling her about it. I should have that she began nudging me toward working with words.假如我现在是总known better.7年之后,我被《巴尔的摩太阳报》任命为驻白宫记者。统或者是富有的商人,妈妈应该会更满意的。虽然母亲很爱我,但她对于大多数记者而言,成为驻白宫记者被看成是离上天只有一步之并没有欺骗自己。在我高中毕业之时,她就意识到了我缺少那种日进遥。那时我29岁,踌躇满志。我回有对母亲讲自己晋升的事想看到斗金或博取群众爱戴的能力。从那以后她就开始把我往写作的道路上她高兴。但结果却出乎我的预料。 推。 24、―Well, Russ,‖she said, ―if you work hard at this White House job, you 16、Words ran in her family. There seemed to be a word gene that passed might be able to make something of yourself.‖嗯,罗素啊,母亲说,假down from her maternal grandfather. He was a school teacher, his 如你把白宫记者当好了,你会有所作为的。

daughter Lulie wrote poetry, and his son Charlie became New York 25、Onward and upward was the course she set. Small progress was no correspondent for the Bltimore Herald. In the turn-of-the –century South, excuse for feeling satisfied with yourself. People who stopped to pat still impoverished by the Civil War, words were a way out.母亲的家族有themselves on the back didn‘t last long. Even if you got to the top, you ?d 从事写作的传统。从她的外公开始似乎就有一种语言基因代代相传。better not take it easy. ―The bigger they come, the harder they fall‖ was 她的外公是一位教师,他的女儿露利是诗人,儿子查理后来成了《巴one of her favorite maxims.进取、进取、再进取,这是母亲给我设定的尔的摩先驱报》的通讯员。在世纪之交,南方还没有从因为内战而大方向。小小的进步是不足以自我满足的。那些因成功而沾沾自喜停下伤气的状态下恢复过来,写作在当时是一条谋生之路。 来欣赏自己的人是不会持久的。即使你已经到达顶峰,你也最好不要17、The most spectacular proof was my mother‘s first cousin Edwin. He 放松。爬得越高,摔得越痛,是母亲的至理名言。 was a managing editor of the New York Times. He had traveled all over 26、During my early years in the newspaper business, I began to entertain Europe, proving that words could take you to places so glorious and so childish fantasies of revenge against Cousin Edwin. Wouldn‘t it be far from the Virginia sticks that you own kon could only gape in wonder delightful it I became such an outstanding reporter that the Times hired and envy. My mother often used Edwin as an example of how far a man me without knowing I was related to the great Edwin? Wouldn‘t it be could go without much talent.最充分的证据要数我母亲的一位表兄艾delicious if Edwin himself invited me into his huge office and said, ―Tell 德文。他是《纽约时代周刊》的执行主编。他曾经遍游欧洲,这证明me something about yourself, young man?‖ What exquisist vengeance to 文字可以将你带到那些远离弗吉尼亚边远山区无比美好的地方,令你reply, ―I am the only son of your poor cousin Lucy Elizabeth Robinson.‖的亲戚惊讶而又嫉妒。母亲常以艾德文为例,告诉我一个不是很有才在我从事报业的头几年,我就不怀着幼稚的要报复地表兄艾德文的怪气的男人能走多远。 念头。假如我能成为非常杰出的记者,让《纽约时代周刊》在不知道18、―Edwin James was no smarter than anybody else, and look where he 我和艾德文关系的情况下雇用我,这难道不是件快乐无比的事情吗?is today,‖ my mother said, and said again, so than I finally grew up 如果艾德文将我请到他那宽敞的办公室,对我说:年轻人,能请你介thinking Edwin James was adill clod who had a lucky break. Maybe she 绍一下自己吗?我是你的穷表妹露西·伊丽莎白·罗宾逊唯一的儿子。felt didn‘t have to be brilliant to get where Edwin had got to, that the way 这回答是多么绝妙的复仇啊。

to get to the top was to work, work, and work.艾德文并不比任何一个孩27、What would one day happen was right out of my wildest childhood 子聪明,看看他今天已经在哪了?母亲总是这样遍又一遍地对我说,fantasy. The TIMES did come knocking at my door, though Cousin 以至于我长大以后认为艾德文·詹姆士不过是碰上了好运气的平庸之Edwin had departed by the time I arrived. Eventually I would be offered 辈。也许母亲也是那样看待他的,但她的话中应该有更深的含意。她one of the gaudiest prizes in American journalism: a column in the New 是在告诉我不需要很聪明就能达到艾德文的高度,通往顶峰的路是努York Times.后来我的这种不着边际的少年狂想果真变成了现实。《纽

约时代周刊》真的派人敲开了我的家门,尽管在我到达时,艾德文表which should have made me proud. Now they are grown people with 兄已经有事离开了,美国新闻界还是给予了我一个炫丽的奖励—做children of their own, and we like one another and have good times when 《纽约时代周刊》的专栏作家。 we are together.事实最后证明,那些曾使我感到黯淡无望的成绩单并28、It was not a column meant to convey news, but a writer‘s column 没有预示我的孩子们一败涂地,而预示了他们拒绝平庸,这令我应该commenting on the news by using different literary forms: essay devices, 感到欣慰。而今他们都已长大成人,也有了自己的孩子。我们彼此都satire, burlesque, sometimes even fiction. It was proof that my mother 怀着好感,家庭团聚时过得非常愉快。

had been absolutely right when she sized me up early in life and steered 38、So it is with a family. We carry the dead generations within us and me toward literature.那不是新闻报导专栏,而是一个用不同文学体裁pass them on to the future abroad our children. This keeps the people of 评论新闻的专栏,如散文、讽刺、夸张的模仿、有时甚至是小说。这the past alive long after we have taken them to the churchyard.家庭就是一切证明母亲早就看出是这块料并引导我走文学之路是完全正确的。 如此,我们在自己身上承传去世的老一辈,并将他们传给自己将来四29、The column won its share of medals. Including a Pulitezer Prize in 散在各地的后代,让已经去世安息在教堂墓地的人们很久以后仍然活1979. My mother never knew about that. The circuitry of her brain had 在我们心中。

collapsed the year before, and she was in a nursing home, out of touch 39、―If there‘s one thing I can‘t stand, Russell, its‘s quitter.‖罗素,假如with life forevermore.我负责的专栏后来赢得了它该得到的所有奖项,有一件事我不能容忍的话,那就是做轻易放弃的人。

包括1979年的普利策奖,但母亲却不得而知。她在前一年患了脑瘫40、Lord, I can hear her still.我的天啊!我听见我的母亲还在说。 住进疗养院,她从此与生活没有了接触。 三、Help Yourself through the Hard Times

30、I can only guess how she‘d have responded to news of Pulitzer. I‘m 1、Some years ago I had what most would call the American Dream: a pretty sure she would have said, ―That‘s nice, Buddy. It shows if you thriving construction business, a comfortable home, two new cars and a buckle down and work hard, you‘ll be able to make something of sailboat. Moreover, I was happpily married. I had it all.几年前,我拥有大yourself one of these days.‖我只能去想象她得知我获得普利策奖的消多数人称之为美国梦想的东西:一份蒸蒸日上的建筑生意,一个舒适息时的反应。她肯定又会说:好样的,伙计,这证明了只要你下定决的家,两辆新车和一艘帆船,此外,我婚姻幸福。我拥有这一切。 心,埋头苦干,某一天你一定能有所成就。 2、Then the stock market crashed, and suddenly no one was looking at the 31、In time there would be an attack on the values my mother preached houses I‘d built. Months of murderous interest payment gobbled up my and I have lived by. When the country began to pull apart in the 1960s savings. I couldn‘t make ends meet and lay awake nights in a cold sweat. and 70s, people who admitted to wanting to amount something were put Just when I though things couldn‘t get worse, my wife announced that down as materialists idiotically wasting their lives in the ―rat race.‖ The she wanted a divorce.接着,股市垮了,突然间再没人看我修的那些房word ―gumption‖vanished from the language.母亲一直宣扬而且我一直子。连续几个月支付要命的利息,耗尽了我的积蓄。我入不敷出,经遵循的价值观终于开始遭到攻击。二十世纪六七十年代,这个国家的常彻夜无眠,一身冷汗。就在我认为事情不可能变得更糟的时候,我价值观念开始分化。那些承认自己想要获得成功的人被鄙视为在“激太太宣布她想离婚。 烈竞争”的凡尘中愚蠢地浪费生命的物质主义者。“进取精神”这个3、With no idea what to do next, I resolved literally to ―sail off into the 词开始从我们的语言中消失。 sunset,‖ following the coastline from Connecticut to Florida. But 32、I tried at first to roll with the new age. I decided not to drive my somewhere off New Jersey I turned due east, straight out to sea. Hours children, as my mother had driven me, with those corrupt old demands later, I climbed up on the stern rail and watched the dark Atlantic slip that they amount to something.我也努力按新时代的标准行事,决心不beneath the hull. How easy it would be to let the water take me, I thought.再像母亲逼迫我那样逼迫自己的孩子们,不再用那些陈腐的苛求非要无所适从的我决心真正驾船“向夕阳行驶”,沿着海岸线从康涅狄格他们大有作为。 州驶向佛罗里达州。但是在离新泽西巷的地方,我转向正东方,直接33、The new age exalted love, self-gratification and passive Asian 驶往大海。几小时后,我爬上船尾的栏杆,注视着从船体下面滑过的philosopies that aimed at helping people resign themselves to the status 黑沉沉的大西洋海水。我想让海水淹死是多么容易的一件事。 quo. Much of this seemed preposterous to me, but I conceded that my 4、Suddenly the boat plummeted between two swells, knocking me off mother might have turned me into a coarse materialist (one defect in her balance. I grabbed the rail, my feet dragging in icy brine, and just code was its emphasis on money and position ),so I kept my heretical managed to haul myself back on board. Shaken, I thought, what‘s suspicions to myself.新时代崇尚关系和自我满足,崇尚消极的东方哲happening to me? I don‘t want to die. From that moment, I knew I had to 学要人安于现状的思想。这些思想对我来说显得荒谬,但是我也得承see things through. My old life was gone. Somehow I‘d have to build a 认也许母亲已经将我变成一个粗俗的物质主义者(她的信条中的一个new one.突然,帆船笔直地落在两个巨浪之间,使我失去了平衡。我缺陷就是对金钱和地位的强调),我在新时代一直对自己怀着异教徒手抓住 栏杆,脚浸在冰冷的海水里,勉强把自己拉回船上。震惊之般的怀疑。 余,我想,我这是怎么了?我不想死。从那一刻起,我知道我必须看34、And then, realizing I had failed to fire my own children with ambition, 穿万物。我从前的生活一去不复返了,必须得想办法自己重建新的生I broke. One evening at dinner, I heard myself shouting, ―Don‘t you want 活。 to amount to something?‖当意识到自己未能使孩子们充满抱负的时5、Everyone, at some point, will suffer a loss-the loss of loved ones. Good 候,我心碎了。一天晚上在用餐的时候,我听到自己大声吼道 :“你health, a job. ―It‘s your desert experience‘-a time of feeling barren of 们难道就不想有任何作为吗? options, even hope,‖ explains Patrick Ddl Zoppo, a psychologist and 35、The children looked blank. Amount to something. What a strange bereavement specialist with the Archdiocese of New York. ―The expression. I could see their thought: That isn‘t Dad yelling. That was important thing is not to allow yourself to be stranded in the desert.‖每个those martins he had before dinner.孩子们满脸疑惑:有所作为?这对他人,在某个时刻,都将遭受损失—失去挚爱的人、健康或是工作。“这们来说是多么奇怪的字眼啊。我能够清楚地分辨他们想法:这不是爸是你经历中的荒漠---一段感到毫无出路,甚至毫无希望的时期”,帕爸的吼叫,是他饭前喝下的马提尼酒在作怪。 垂克·戴尔·左珀解释说。他是一名心理学家,纽约大主教管区的丧36、It wasn‘t the gin that was shouting. It was my mother. The gin only 亲之痛专家,“重要的是不要让你自己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔”。 gave me the courage to announce to them that yes, by God, I had always 6、Let Yourself Grieve. Counelors agree that a period of grieving is believed in success, had always believed that without hard work and critical. ―There‘s no shame in this,‖ says Del Zoppo. ―Tears aren‘t a sign self-discipline you could never amount to anything, and didn‘t deserve to.that you‘re simply feeling sorry for yourself but are expression of sadness 其实不是杜松子酒在吼,是我的母亲在吼。酒只是借给了我勇气向他or emotion that must find an outlet.‖让自己悲痛。顾问们一致认为,一们宣布那个想法。是的,上帝可以作证,我一直相信成功,一直相信段时间的悲痛是至关重要的。“不必为此感到羞愧”,戴尔·左珀说,如果没有辛勤的劳动和严格的自律,一个人不可能有任何成就,也不“眼泪并不意味着你仅仅自我垂怜,而是表达必须发泄的忧伤或情配有成就。 感”。 37、It would turn out that the children‘s bleak report cards did not 7、And it doesn‘t matter if the grieving takes a while to surface, as long as forebode failure, but a refusal to march to the drumbeat of the ordinary, it finally finds expression. Consider the case of Donna Kelb of Syracuse,

N.Y. One spring day her 16-year-old son, Cliff, Jr. and 15-year-old son, 一些人,像我一样,力图“一走子之”。 Jimmy, were sanding their boat, preparing it for the season. Suddenly 15、After working for bosses all his life, John Jankowski of Staten Island, Donna heard a scream. Rushing outside, she found her two sons lying on N.Y., had always longed to have his own options and stock-trading firm. the ground near the boat.如果悲痛需要一段时间才能表现出来,也没有He finally got the start-up money and did well. Then came a downturn in 什么关系,只要它能最终找到表现的方式。看看纽约锡拉库扎港的唐business, and before long Jankowski was in serious financial trouble.为娜·克博的例子。在一个春光明媚的日子里,她16岁的儿子小克立老板工作一辈子后,纽约史丹顿岛的约翰?简可夫斯基一直梦想有自夫和他15岁的弟弟吉米正在给他们的船装沙,为渔季做准备。突然,己的选择和证券交易公司。他最终找到了启动金并经营顺利。接着生唐娜听到一声尖叫。她冲到外面,发现两个儿子倒在船旁边的地面上。 意急转直下,不久简可夫斯基就陷入严重的经济危机。

8、Jimmy had gone into the water and returned dripping wet. When he 16、―It was like I‘d run into a brick wall and my whole life had been picked up the sander, he was electrocuted. Cliff, knocked to the ground shattered,‖ he says. With financial resources exhausted and the pressure by the current when he tried to grab the tool, recovered.吉米下到水中,of a family to support, Jankowski‘s thoughts turned to escape.“就好像我上来的时候浑身湿透了。当他拿起磨沙器时,触电致死。克立夫在试迎头撞上一面砖墙,整个人生都被击得粉碎,”他说。经济来源耗尽,图拿过磨沙器时被电流击倒在地,后来康复了。 又有一个家庭需要供养,简可夫斯基开始想逃避。 9、Donna was so numbed by this tragedy that she didn‘t cry for weeks-not 17、One morning, while in a run,he just kept going. After jogging even at the funeral, Then back at work one day, she began to feel dizzy. westward for two hours, he staggered back home. ―It finally dawned on ―Finally I went home, locked myself in my room and just wailed.‖ she me that I couldn‘t run away from my troubles. The only thing that made says, ―it was as though this great weight was being lifted from my sense was to face up to my situation,‖ he says. ―Admitting failure was the shoulders.‖这个悲剧的打击让唐娜变得麻木,以致好几周都没哭出来toughest part but I had to before I could get on with my life.‖一天早上,—甚至在葬礼上也没有哭。后来有一天下班归来,她开始感到晕眩。在跑步的时候,他一直往前跑。在向西慢跑了两个小时之后,他步履“最终我回到家,将自己锁在房间里,开始嚎啕大哭”,她说,仿佛蹒跚地回到家。“我终于明白不能逃离我的困境。唯一明智的事就是这块巨石从肩膀上卸下来。 勇敢面对我的现状,”他说,“承认失败是困难的,但要想继续生活我10、What Kelb, experienced after her tragic loss was what Del Zoppo 必须得这么做。”

calls a ―first-line defense that shields the consciousness from some 18、Get Out and Do! After a few weeks, I urge people recovering from extremely unpleasant reality.‖ Kelb couldn‘t begin her healing process loss to get back into a routine,‖says psychiatrist and Boston University until nature had allowed her time to sort out her tragedy.克博在悲剧之后professor Bessel A.van der Kolk. ―It‘s important to force yourself to 的经历就是戴尔·左珀所说的一种“使意识远离极端不愉快的现实的concentrate on things other than your hurt.‖ Cinsider these activities:走出首要防范心理”。除非本能给予她解决好悲剧的时间,否则克博不可门,做点事。“几周之后,我要求那些从打击中复原的人回到日常生能开始她的康复之路。 活中去,”精神病医师,波士顿大学教授贝瑟?A?凡?库克说,“强迫11、Understand Your Anger. ―Anger is natural.‖says Del Zoppo, ―but it 自己把注意力集中到别的事情,而不是所受的伤害上,这一点至关重can be released in a wholesome way.‖ Properly understand, it can serve 要。”考虑以下活动:

your recovery.理解你的怒火。愤怒是天性,戴尔·左珀说,但可以通19、Join a support group. Once you‘ve made the decision to ―get on with 过健康的方式释放出来。你若得到恰当的理解,它将有助于你的恢复。 life,‖ you‘ll need someone to talk to –and the most effective kind of 12、Candace Bracken‘s future seemed full of promise. The 25-year-old conversation can be with someone else who has undergone an ordeal.加airline hemorrhaging uncontrollably. Acute leukemia was diagnosed, and 入一个援助团体。一旦你决心“继续生活”,你会需要向人倾诉,最Bracken was of myself, lived a straignt and narrow life,‖ says Bracken 有效的是和其他有过痛苦经历的人交谈。

was given two weeks to live. After the initial shock, she felt angry. ―I had 20、Read. When you can focus after the initial shock, reading, especially taken care of myself, lived a straight and narrow life,‖ says Bracken of selfhelp books, can offer inspiration as well as relaxation.阅读。经历过最Miami. ―Things like this weren‘t supposed to happen to people like me.‖初的震惊之后,如果注意力可以集中,那就开始读书,尤其是有关自以前坎迪斯·布赖青肯的未来似乎是一片光明。作为一名25岁的航助的书,这将让你放松,同时也让你感到鼓舞。

班调度员,她刚生了一个宝宝,才换了份工作。然而有一天她开始不21、Keep a journal. Many find comfort in creating an ongoing record of 由自主地出血。诊断出是急性白血病,只有两个星期可活。震惊之余,their experiences. At best it can serve as a kind of self-therapy.记日记。很她感到愤怒,我一直爱惜自己的身体,生活诚实,正派,迈阿密的布多人发现纪录每天的经历让人感到安慰。日记甚至能起到自我治疗的赖肯说“这种事情不应该发生在像我这样的人身上。 作用。 13、She reeled at the thought of her imminent death, and withdrew. ―I just 22、Plan events. The idea that there are things to look forward to gave up,‖ she says. Then a doctor told her she needed to arrange for reinforces that you are forging ahead into a fresh future. Schedule that someone to care for her daughter. ―How dare you tell me to find someone trip you‘ve been postponing.做事有计划。有期待的事情,这一想法能else to raise my child!‖ Bracken snapped. At that moment, she realized 增强你迈向全新未来的信息。将你过去推迟了的旅行重新写进时间that she had strong reasons to fight for he life. Her anger, formerly 表。

crippling now sparked her. It helped see her through a harrowing, but 23、Learn new skills. Take a course at a community college, or take up a ultimately successful, bone-marrow transplant.一想到死亡即将来临,她new hobby or sport. You have a new life ahead; any new skill will 就感到心绪不宁,屈服了。我完全放弃了,她说。后来一个医生告诉complement it.学习新的技术。在社区大学选修一门课,或是开始新的她说她需要安排人照料她的女狼。“你竟敢让我找别人带大我的小爱好或者运动。有全新的生活等着你,而任何新的技术都将使它更充孩!”布赖肯历声说。在那一刻,她意识到有充分的理由去为自己的实。

生命而战。她的愤怒开始时极为有害,现在却鼓舞了她,帮助她渡过24、Reward yourself. During highly stressful times, even the simplest 了痛彻心肺但最终成功的骨髓移植。 daily daily chores-getting up, showering, fixing something to eat- can 14、Face the Challeng. Another obstacle on the road to health after a seem daunting. Consider every accomplishment, no matter how small, a significant loss can be denial. Instead of facing what has happened to victory to be rewarded.奖励自己。在强压力之下,即使是最简单的日them, says Dr. Michael Aronoff, psychiatrist and a spokesperson for the 常琐事,如起床、洗澡,弄东西吃,都能使人气馁。每完成一件事,American Psychiatirc Association, many people ―try to fill up that empty 不管多么微小,都把它看作是一个值得稿劳自己的成就。

feeling looking for an escape.‖ The man who rarely touched a drink will 25、Exercise. Physical activity can be especially therapeutic. Therese begin hitting the bottle. A woman who watched her weight will overeat. Gump of Chicago felt confused and adrift after her21-years-old son Others, like me , try literally to ―rn away.‖勇敢地面对挑战。在经历重大committed suicide. A friend talked her into taking a jazzercize class. ―It 打击之后,拒绝知我同样也是健康之路的重大障碍。迈克尔?阿若诺was just mindless stretching and bouncing to music.‖ Gump says, ―but it 夫是个精神病医师,美国精神病协会的一名发言人。他说,很多人不made me feel better physically, and when you head and your troubles,‖ 是面对所发生的一切。而是“竭力填补空虚的感情假寻找一种解脱。”Aronoff explains, ―and it allows you to experience your body with your 几乎滴酒不沾的男人会开始酗酒,担心肥胖的女性会吃得过多。其他two feet on the ground.‖锻炼。体育锻炼尤其具有治疗作用。芝加哥的

西瑞丝?坎普在她21岁儿子自杀后感到茫然不知所措。一个朋友说服制造速度之快,使我们的腰包应接不暇。就此而言,我们的整个经济她参加了一个爵士锻炼培训班。“只是随着音乐不动脑筋地伸伸手脚是基于一种无法自拔的贪求无厌。我们受到的教育是“占有却为幸和蹦蹦跳跳,”坎普说,“但它却使我感到身体更棒,当你感觉身体更福”,然后我们就被迫产生贪欲。我们甚至被告知欲望是我们的义务。棒的时候你心理上也会感觉更好。”“锻炼使你忘却自我和身边的麻引用一个简单的例子为证:仅仅几年前,全国的汽车销售商还打着“你烦,”阿若诺夫解释说,“并能让你感到踏实。” 应该立即购买汽车”的横幅。他们号召美国人民:作为一种爱国主义26、Be Patient with Yourself. People often ask. ―When will this terrible 行为,他们应该立即按揭购买他们并不真正需要的汽车,并且在次年pain stop?‖ Experts resist being pinned down to time frames. ―Roughly, 新款汽车发布后他们会对原来这些汽车心生厌倦。

it‘s a minimum of six months before you even start to feel better,‖ says 4、Or look at any of the women‘s magazines. There, as Bernard De Voto Aronoff. ―And it can be as long as a year, possibly two. A lot depends on once pointed out, advertising begains as poetry in the front pages and disposition, the support within your environment, and if you get help and ends as pharmacopoeia and therapy in the back page. The poetry of the work on it.‖对自己有耐心。人们常说,“什么时候这种可怕的痛苦才front matter is the dream of perfect beauty. This is the baby skin that must 会结束?”专家门反对时间期限的限制。“大体上,你少则需要6个be hers. These, the flawless teeth. This, the perfumed breath she must 月才能开始感觉好点,”阿若诺夫说。“也有可能长达一年,或是两年。exhale. This, the sixteen-year-old figure she must display she must 这很大程度上取决于你的性格、周围亲友的支持、以及是否得到帮助display at forty, at fifty, at sixty, and forever.或者任意浏览一本女性杂并借此战胜痛苦。 志。正如伯尔纳德?德?渥托曾经指出的那样,这些杂志开头几页的广27、So,be easy on yourself. Recongnize that you‘ll need time, and that 告诗情画意,而最后则以类似药典和治疗手册结尾。前者是完美美女your own pace of recovery may not fit with that of others. Congratulate 的梦想:这该是她婴儿般的股肤,这些是她无瑕的牙齿,这该是她呼yourself at each step through grief: I‘m still here, I‘ve made it this far!因出的香气,这该是她能保持到40、50、60岁甚至永远的16岁少女般此,对自己宽容些。认识到你将需要一定的时间,而且你自己的康复的身材。 节奏可能和别人不一样。在走出悲痛中每前进一步都要祝贺自己:“我5、Once past the vaguely uplifting fiction and feature articles, the reader 还活着,我已经撑到现在了。” finds the other face of the dream in the back matter. This is the harness 28、Sailing is a slow business. I made it to Florida in five weeks. In into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect attempting to‖run away,‖ I‘d embarked on a trip that gave me a structure, figure. These, the chin straps she must sleep in. This is the slave that a daily outdoor routine requiring physical exertion, and plenty of time. I restores all, this is her laxative, these are the tablets that melt away fat, was still hurting, but by the time I anchored in Miami, I was ready to try these are the hormones of perceptual youth, these are the stockings that again.At what, I wasn‘t sure.航行是个慢活,我用了5周才抵达佛罗里hide varicose veins.一旦读完这些隐约让人振奋的小说和专题文章,读达。原本试图“一走了之”的我踏上一段旅途。这段旅途让我重新组者在杂志最后几页就会发现梦想的真相:这是家庭主妇必须得系上的织生活,培养了每天的生活规律,要求付出在户外的体力以及大量的背带,以展现其完美身材。这些是她睡觉时必须带上的颚带。这是可时间。我的心依然在痛,但是等我到达迈阿密时,我已作好再次尝试以恢复青春的药剂和装备,这是她减肥用的缓泻药,这些是消化脂肪的准备。尝试什么,我还没确定。 的药片,这些是使外表年轻的荷尔蒙,这些是掩盖静脉曲张的长袜。 29、―Why not get back to writing-to what you were trained for?‖ said my 6、Obviously no half-sane person can be completely persuaded either by dad over the phone. He was right. And here I am now, writing to you. It such poetry or by such poetry or by such pharmacopoeia and orthopedics. feels good to be back.“何不回到写作?回到你以前受过专门培训的写Yet someone is obviously trying to buy the dream as offered and 作嘛!”爸爸在电话那头说。他是对的。现在我就在为你而写。能回spending billions every year in the attempt. Clearly the happiness-market 到的感觉真好。 is not running out of customers, but what is trying to buy?显而易见,即

四、What Is Happiness? 使心智不健全的人也不会完全相信这些诗境或是这些药典和矫正术。

1、The right to pursue happiness is issued to Americans with their birth 然后有人显然正在竭力购买这些广告所兜的美梦,并为此每年耗资数cetificates, but no one seems quite which way it ran. It may be we are 十亿美元。这种幸福市场无疑不会无人问津,但他们购买的究竟是什issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift seemed to 么呢?

being welldeceived.‖ The felicty of being ―a fool among knaves.‖ For 7、The idea ―happiness,‖ to be sure, will not sit still for easy definition: Swift say society as Vanity Fair, the land of false goals.自从呱呱坠地,美the best one can do is to try to set some extremes to the idea and then 国人就被赋予了追求幸福的权利,但似乎没人确信幸福究竟在哪里。work in toward the middle. To think of happiness as acquisitive and 正如它发给我们狩猎证,却不给我们提供猎物。乔纳森?斯威福特似competitive will do to set the materialistic extreme. To think of it as the 乎持此观点,他抨击幸福的想法是“鬼迷心窍的上当,”是“骗子堆idea one senses in, say, a holy man of India will do to set the spiritual 中的傻瓜”的自鸣得意。因为他视社会为虚妄目标聚集的名利场。 extreme. The holy man‘s idea of happiness is in needing nothing from 2、It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of fools and knaves. We outside himself. In wanting nothing, he lacks nothing. He sits immobile, do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to rapt in contemplation, free even of his own body. Or nearly free of it. If happiness. We shall all have made it to heaven when we possess enough.devout admirers bring him food he eats it; if not, he starves indifferently. 当然用傻子、骗子这样的字眼来形容是不合美国的人的风俗习惯的,Why beconcerned? What is physical is an illusion to him. Contemplation 然后我们似乎确实沉溺于用金钱购买幸福的想法:只要有足够的钱,is his joy and he achieves it through afantastically demanding discipline, 我们百年后就能上天堂。 the accomplishment of which is itself a joy within him.诚然,给“幸福”3、And at the same time the forces of American commercialism are 这一概念下定义远非易事:最好是尽量为这一概念确立一些极限,然hugely dedicated to making us deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one 后将两者折中。将幸福视为物质上的拥有和相互攀比,这就确立了其of our major industries, and advertising is one of our major industries, 物质上的极限。将其视为一个人(比如印度的圣人)所感知的信念,and advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them-and to 则是确立了其精神上的极限。圣人的幸福是无需身外之物。无欲则无create them faster than any man‘s budget can satisfy them. For that matter, 求。他静坐不动,陷入冥思,甚至脱离或者说近乎脱离自己的肉体。our whole economy is based on a dedicated insatiability. We are taught 如果有虔诚的信徒带来食物,他硬听; 如果没有,他便淡然地饿着。that to possess is to be happy, and then we are made to want. We are even 有什么好牵挂的呢?对他而言,物质世界只是虚幻。宴想是他的极乐,told it is our duty to want. It was only a few years ago, to cite a single 而他通过修行来实现。这种修行要求之高,让人难以置信,其完成本example, that car dealers across the country were flying banners that read 身就是他内心的一种极乐。

―You Auto Buy Now.‖ There were calling upon Americans, as an act 8、Is he a happy man? Perhaps his happiness is only another sort of approaching patriotism, to buy at once, with money they did not have. illusion.But who can take it from him? And who will dare say it is more Automobiles they did not really need, and which they would be required illusory than happiness on the installment plan?他幸福吗?或许他的幸to grow tired of by the time the next year‘s models were released.同时,福只是另一种虚幻。但谁又能将幸福从他身边夺走呢?又有谁敢说这美国的商业主义却又殚精竟虑故意使我们得不到幸福。广告是我们的种幸福比分期付款计划中得到的幸福更缥缈呢? 支柱产业之一,其存在不是为了满足欲望。而是为了制造欲望——其9、But, perhaps because I am Western, I doubt such catatonic happiness,as

I doubt the dreams of the happiness-market. What is certain is that his inherent right,we should do well to remember, was not happiness but the way of happiness would be torture to almost any Western man. Yet these pursuit of happiness market, is the cardinal fact that happiness is in the extremes will still serve to frame the area within all of us and must find pursuit itself, in the meaningful pursuit of what is life-engaging and some sort of balance. Thoreau-a creature of both Eastern and Western life-revealing, which is to say, in the idea of becoming. A nation is not thought-had his own firm sense of that balance.His aim was to save on measured by what it possesses or wants to possess, but by what it wants the low levels in order to spend on the high.然而,或许因为我是西方人,to become.从来就没有过完美的幸福。人类社会不存在尽善尽美。无我对这种令人精神紧张的幸福持怀疑态度,正如我怀疑幸福市场的梦论人们怎样界定何谓幸福,它既不在于拥有也不在于实现,而在于追幻一样。可以确信,他这种幸福方式对几乎任何一个西方人而言都是求的过程。我们应该牢记:开国元勋们为我们所宣布的与生俱来的权一种折磨。尽管如此,我们仍然可以利用这些极限来划定幸福的范畴,利,不是享受幸福而是追求幸福。假如他们当初预见到现在出现的幸在这一范畴内每个人都得找到某种平衡。梭罗,一个东西思想交融的福市场,他们就会强调指出这样一个基本事实:幸福在于为之奋斗的人物,对这种平衡有他自己的坚定信念。他的目标是在低层次节约,过程,在于我们终生为之努力并从中获得启迪的事业,也就是说在于在高层次上付出。 追求。对于一个民族的评价不是看它拥有什么或是幸福拥有什么,而10、Posssession for its own sake or in competiton with the rest of the 是看它想要追求什么。

neighborhood would have been Thoureau‘s idea of the low levels. The 15、By all means let the happiness-market sell us minor satisfactions and active discipline of heightening one‘s perception of what is enduring in even minor follies so long as we keep them in scale and buy them out of nature would have been his idea of the high, What he saved from the low spiritual change. I am no customer for either Puritanism or asceticism. was time and effort he could spend on the high. Thoreau certainly But drop any real spiritual capital at those bazaars, and what you come to disapproved of starvation, but he would put into feeding himself only as will be your own poorhouse.当然,只要我们掌握好一个度,或者只作much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts.梭为一种精神调节,不妨从幸福市场买点满足感甚至可以花钱买点愚蠢罗所理解的“低层次”,即为自己而去拥有,或与邻里明争暗斗而致的东西。我既不信奉清教徒的生活准则也不赞面禁欲主义。但如果我拥有。他心目中的“高层次”,则是这样一种积极的人生戒律,即要们在这些市场上放弃任何真正意义上的精神财富,那么到头来我们只使自己对自己界永恒之物的感悟臻于完美。对于他从低层次上节省下能是一无所有。 来的时间和精力,他可将其致力于对高层次的追求。勿庸置疑,梭罗五、Remote Control

不赞成忍饥挨饿,但他在膳食方面投入的精力仅果腹而已,只要可以1、Recently the Washington Post printed an article explaining how the 确保他能去从事更为重要的事务即可。 appliance manufacturers plan to drive consumers insane.最近《华盛顿邮11、Effort is the gist of it. There is no happiness except as we take on 报》刊登了一篇文章,解释家用电器制造商是如何谋划把消费者逼疯life-engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the 的。

satisfactions we get from a lifetime depend on how hign we choose our 2、Of course they don‘t say they want to drive us insane. What they say difficulties.Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms they want to do is have us live in homes where ―all appliances are on the when he spoke of ―The pleasure of taking pains.‖ The martal flaw in the Internet, sharing information‖and appliances will be ―smarter than most advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be of their owners.‖ For example, the article states, you could have a home effortless.殚精竭虑,全力以赴,便是问题的精髓所在。除非我们愿意where the dishwasher ―can be turned on from the office‖and the 直面那些需要我们全身心投入的艰难困苦,否则便不会有幸福可言。refrigerator ―knows when it‘s out of milk‖ and the bathroom scale 正如叶芝所言,除却某些不可能的情形,我们人生中所获取的满足皆―transmits your weight to the gym.‖当然制造商们并没有说他们想把我取决于我们在多高的境界中选择我们所愿意面对的艰难困苦。当罗伯们逼疯,他们说他们想做的是让我们生活在“所有电器通过互联网实特?弗罗斯特言及“以苦为乐”时,他内心所思,大体如此。商业广现信息共享”的住宅里。而这些电器比“大多数主人聪明得多”。例告中所宣扬的寻种幸福观,其致使的缺陷就在于它宣称,一切幸福皆如,文章说到你可以拥有这样一个家:洗碗机“可以从你办公室启动”、唾手可得,不费吹灰之力。 电冰箱“知道何时牛奶喝完了”、浴室磅秤可以“把你的体重传送到12、We demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because 健身房”。

without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making 3、I frankly wonder whether the appliance manufacturers, with all due something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary respect, have been smoking crack. I mean, did they ever stop to ask imposition of dificulty. When the spoilsport ruins the fun, he always does themselves why a consumer, after loading a dishwasher, would go to the so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are office to start it? Would there be some kind of career benefit?恕我直言,free,at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary rules, but the fun is 我满怀敬意地想知道电器制造商们是不是晕了头。我的意思是他们是in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun.即使于游戏之中,我们否该停下来问问自己:为什么消费者把碗碟放进洗碗机后,要跑到办也需要有艰难困苦。之所以需要它,是因为若没有困难,便断无游戏公室去启动它?难道这样可以在职场上获益吗?

可言。游戏即是这样一种方式,为了享受其中的情趣而人为地使事情YOUR BOSS: What are you doing? 老板:你在干什么?

变得不那么轻而易举。游戏中的种种规则,便是将困难武断地强加于YOU ( tapping computer keyboard ): I‘m starting my dishwasher! 你人。有的人将情趣摧毁殆尽,总是因为他拒不按游戏规则行事而使然。(敲打键盘):我正在启动我家的洗碗机!

这犹如下棋,如果你随心所欲、心血来潮全然武断地去更改那些游戏YOUR BOSS: That‘s the kind of productivity we need around here! 规则、去赢棋当然会更加容易。但下棋的情趣则在于应在规则的限定老板:这恰恰是我们这儿需要的工作效率。 范围内赢取胜利。一言以蔽之,没有艰难,断无情趣。 YOU: Now I‘m flushing the upstairs toilet! 你:我现在就冲洗楼13、The buyers and sellers at the happiness-market seem too often to have 上厕所! lost their sense of the pleasure of difficulty. Heaven knows what they are Listen, appliance manufacturers: We don‘t need a dishwaher that we playing,but it seems a dull game. And the Indian holy man seems dull to can communicate with from afar. If you want to improve our dishwashers, us, I suppose, because he seems to be refusing to play anyting at all. The give us one that senses when people leave dirty on the kitchen counter, Western weakness may be in the illusion that happiness can be bought. and shouts at them: ―Put those dishes in the dishwasher rignt now or I‘ll Perhaps the Eastern weakness is in the idea that there is such a thing as leak all over your shoes!‖电器制造商们听好:我们不需要从远处来启perfect (therefore static ) happiness.幸福市场上的买卖双方似乎大都体动洗碗机。如果你想改进洗碗机,那就给我们这样一台:当人们把脏会不到挑战困难的乐趣。天知道他们在玩些什么,但似乎不外乎那些碗放在碗柜上时,洗碗机能够感应并且大声冲人喊:“立刻把碗放进无聊的游戏。我猜印度的圣人在我们看来有些无聊,因为他似乎拒绝来,不然我就会漏水把你鞋子弄湿!” 玩任何游戏。西方人的弱点在于他们幻想幸福可以买到。或许东方人Likewise, we don‘t need a refrigerator that knows when it‘s out of 的弱点在于他们认为存在产丰一种完美的(因而也是静止的)幸福。 milk. We alrealy have a foolproof system for determining if we‘re out of 14、Happiness is never more than partial. There are no pure states of milk. We ask our wife. What we could use is a refrigerator that refuses to mankind. Whatever else happiness may be, it is neither in having nor in let us open its door when it senses that we are about to consume our being, but in becoming. What the Founding Fathers declared for us as fourth Jell-O Pudding Snack in two hours.

同样,我们也不需要电冰箱知道什么时候没有牛奶。我们已经有了一糕的是,你不知道电冰箱把这句话告诉了别的什么人。(“嘿:鲍勃!个傻瓜也明白的万无一失的方法来确定牛奶是否喝完:我们可以问一听说你的芹菜发蔫了!”)如果你想让你的冰箱停下来,你不得不被破下妻子。我们需要的是这样一台电冰箱:当它意识到我们要在两小时译由核物理学家编写的用户使用手册指南。(“取消产品保鲜监控功内就要把第四个吉露果子冻布丁吃完时,冰箱门就再也打不开了。 能:进入命令模式,然后选择编辑功能,再选择变化蔬菜默认值,然

As for a scale that transmits our weight to the gym: Are they nuts? 后假设火车A从芝加哥以47英里/小时的速度向西行驶,火车We don‘t want our weight transmitted to our own eyeballs! What if the B??”)。 gym decided to trainsmit our weight to all these other appliances on the Is this the kind of future you want, consumers? Do you want Internet? What if, God forbid, our refrigerator found out what our weight appliances that are smarter than you? Your appliances should be dumber was! We‘d never get the door open again!至于可以把我们的体重传送than you, just like your furniture, your pets and your represetatives in 到健身房的磅秤:这是不是疯了?我们自己都不想看到自己的体重!Congress. So Iam urging you to let the appliance industry know, by 如果健身房决定把我们的体重传给网上的其他电器怎么办?要是电phone, letter, fax and e-mail, that when it comes to ―smart‖appliances, 冰箱知道我们的体重会怎么样呢?但愿不会如此。否则,我们将再也you vote NO.You need to act quickly. Because while you‘re reading this, 不能打开冰箱门了! your microwave oven is voting YES.消费者们:这就是你们所期望的未

But here is what really concerns me about these new ―smart‖ 来吗?你希望电器比你还聪明?当然不是。家用电器应该比你笨,就appliances:Even if we like the features, we won‘t be able to use them. We 像你的家具、宠物和国会众议员一样。所以我敦促你们通过电话、信can‘t use the appliance features we have now. I have a feature-packed 件、传真或电子邮件的方式让电器制造厂商知道:当论及“智能电器”telephone with 43 buttons, at least 20 of which I am afraid to touch. This 时你们会投反对票。必须尽快行动。因为在你读这篇文章时,你的微phone probably can communicate with the dead, but I don‘t know to 波炉正在投赞成票。 operate it, just as I don‘t know how to operate my TV, which requires 六、The Right to Fail

three remote controls. One control (44 buttons ) came with the TV; a 1、I like ―dropout‖as an addition to the American language because it‘s second (39 buttons )came with the VCR; the third (37 buttons ) was brief and it‘s clear. What I don‘t like is that we use it almost entirely as a brought here by the cable man, who apparently felt that I did not have dirty word.我喜欢“中途退出者”这个加入美语的词汇,因为它简洁enough buttons.但是对于这些新型的“智能”电器,我真正关心的是:明了。我所不喜欢的是我们几乎完全把它作为一个禁忌词语使用。 即使我们喜欢这些功能,我们也无法使用它们。甚至现在电器已有的2、We only apply it to people under twenty-one. Yet an adult who spends 功能我们也不会使用。我有一部功能齐全的电话机,上面有43个键,his days and nights watching mindless TV programs is more of a dropout 但至少有20个功能健我是不敢碰的。这部电话或许可以与死人交流,than an eighteen-year-old who quits college, with its frequently mindless 我却不知如何使用。这就如同我不知道怎样操纵我的电视一样,它需courses, to become, say, a VISTA‘ valunteer. For the young, dropping out 要3个遥控器。其中一个遥控器(有44个功能键)与电视机相连,its often a way of dropping in.我们只把它用在21岁以下的人身上。与另一个(有39个功能键)与录像机配套;再一个(有37个功能键)一个中途离开大学、避开那些毫无思想内容的课程,志愿参加为美国是有线电视管理员带来的,显然他觉得我的遥控器的功能键还不够服务志愿队(VISTA)的18岁青年相比,一个整天整夜看不需要动多。 脑筋的电视节目的成年人更是半途而废的人。而对于年轻人来说这是

So when I want to watch TV, I‘m confronted with a total of 120 以退为进。

buttons, identified by such helpful labels as PIP , MTS, DBS, FZ, JUMP 3、To hold this opinion, however is little short of treason in America. A and BLANK. There are three buttons labeled POWER, but there are boy or girl who leaves college is branded a failure-and the right to fail is times-especially if my son and his friends, who are not afraid of features, one of the few freedoms that this country does not grant its citizens. The have changed the settings-when I honestly cannot figure out how to turn American dream is a dream of ―getting ahead,‖ painted in strokes of gold the TV on. I stand there, holding three remote controls, pressing buttons wherever we look. Our advertisements and TV commercials are a hymn at random, until eventually I give up and go turn on the dishwasher. It has to material success, our magazine articles a toast to people who made it to been, literally, years since I have successfully recorded a TV show. That the top. Smoke the right cigarette or drive the right car-so the ads is how ―smart‖my appliances have become.所以当我想看电视时,我面imply-and the girls will be swooning into your deodorized arms or 对的是120个功能键。通过诸多PIP、MTS、DBS、FZ、JUMP、BLANKcaressing your expensive lapels Happiness goes to the man who has 等有用的标签来识别它们的功能。其中3个功能键的标签都是sweet smell of achievement. He is our national idol, and everybody else POWER。但有些时候尤其是如果我儿子和他的朋友们——他们都不is our national fink.然而在美国,持有这种观点差不多就是背叛。中途害怕破坏原有的功能——改变了设置,我真不知道该如何打开电视退学的孩子们被指称为失败者—失败的权利是美国政府没有赋予国机。我站在那儿,手中握着3个遥控器胡乱地按着,直到最终放弃转民的少数几个自由之一。美国之梦是“成功”之梦,凡是我们放眼之而去开洗碗机。毫不夸张地说,我花了几年的工夫才学会了录制电视处都是一片金光灿烂。宣传广告和电视广告歌颂物质方面的成功,杂节目。我的电器就“智能”到了这种程度。 志文章赞誉获得此类成功的人。广告暗示你:吸适合你身份的烟、开

And now the appliance manfacturers want to give us even more 适合你身份的车,女孩们就会陶醉在你那没有异味的怀抱之中,抚摸features.Do you know what this means? It means that some night you‘ll 你那昂贵的衣领。幸福只青睐那些散发出成功的甜蜜气味的人。他是open the door of your ―smart‖ refrigerator, looking for a beer, and you‘ll 全体国民的偶像,其他所有人则是国家的蛀虫。

hear a pleasant, cheerful voice-recorded by the same woman who informs 4、I want to put in a word for the fink, especially the teen-age fink, you that Your Call Is Important when you call a business that does not because if we give him time to get through his finkdom-if we release him wish to speak with you persinally-telling you: Your celery is Limp.‖ You from the pressure of attaining certain goals by a certain age-he has a good will not know who else your refrigerator knows this, and, what is worse, chance of becoming our national idol, a Jefferson or a Thoreau, a you will not know how your refrigerator is telling about it ( Hey, Bob! I Buckminster Fuller or an Adlai Stevenson, a man with a mind of his own. hear your celery is limp!‖ ). And, if you want to try to make the We need mavericks and dissenters and dreamers far more than we need refrigerator stop, you‘ll have to decipher Owner‘s Manual instructions junior vice-presidents, but we paralyze them by insisting that every step written by and for nuclear physicists (―To disable the Produce Crispness be a step up to the next rung of the ladder. Yet in the fluid years of youth, Monitoring feature, enter the Command Mode, then elect the Edit the only way for boys and girls to find their proper road is often to take a function, then select Change Vegetable Defaults, then assume that Train A hundred side trips, poking out in different directions, faltering, drawing leaves Chicago traveling westbound at 47 mph, while Train B…..‖现在back, and starting again.我想为蛀虫,尤其是10多岁的蛀虫说句话。电器制造商们想给我们提供更多电器功能。你知道这意味着什么吗?因为如果我们给他时间去克服平庸,即让他摆脱在某一年龄取得某种这意味着某天晚上你打开你那“智能”的电冰箱寻找一瓶啤酒时,你成功的压力,他大有机会成为像杰斐逊、梭罗、巴克敏斯特?富勒或会听到甜美而讨人喜欢的声音,“您的芹菜发蔫了”。当你致电一个商者阿德雷?史蒂文生一样的国家偶像,成为一个拥有独立思想的人。家,而对方又不想和你直接交谈时,你会听到一个相同的录音女声告我们对特立独行者和持异义者的需求远远大于对年轻副总裁的需求。诉你:“这个电话很重要”。你不知道电冰箱是如何知道这些的。更糟但我们却坚持认为每一步都应该是通向更高一级阶梯,而这恰恰使他


唯一方法就是先走一百次弯路,探索各个方向,蹒跚,后退,然后重10、Fred Zinnemann, who has directed some of Hollywood‘s most 新踏上征程。 honored movies, was asked by a reporter, when A Man for All Seansons 5、―But what if we fail?‖ they ask, whispering the dreadful word across won every prize, about his previous film, Behold a Pale Horse, which the Generation Gap to their parents, who are back home at the was a box-office disaster. ―I don‘t feel any obligation to be successful,‖ Establishment nursing their ―middle-class values‖ and cultivating their Zinnemannn replied. ―Success can be dangrous-you feel you know it all. ―goal-oriented society.‖ The parents whisper back: ―Don‘t!‖“但是如果我I‘ve learned a great deal from my failures.‖A similar point was mad by 们失败了怎么办呢”?他们问道,小声地把这些可怕的话语传过代沟,Richard Brooks about his ambitious money loser, Lord Jim, Recalling the 送到父母耳中。这些父母是当权派,正在培养他们的“中产阶级价值three years of his life that went into it, talking almost with elation about 观”,构建他们的“目标明确的社会”。父母们轻声回答:不能失败! the troubles that befell his unit in Cambodia, Brooks told me that he 6、What they should say is ―Don‘t be afraid to fail!‖ Failure isn‘t fatal. learned more about his craff from this considerable failure than from his Countless people have had a bout with it and come out stronger as a many earlier hits.弗雷德?金尼曼曾导演过多部好莱坞最受推崇的电result. Many have even come out famous. History is strewn with eminent 影。在《四季之人》获得各种奖项之时,有记者问及他以前拍过的票dropouts, ―loners‖who followed their own trail, not worrying about its 房毒药《十面埋伏擒蛟龙》。金尼曼回答说,我没有感觉有任何责任odd twists and turns because they had faith in their own sense of direction. 非成功不可。成功或说是危险的—你会觉得你无所不知。我从自己的To read their biographies is always exhilarating, not only because they 失败中学会了很多东西。曾对影片《吉姆大公》投入巨资却失败的理beat the system, but because their system was better than the one that 查德?布鲁克斯也有类似的观点。回想起为此片花费的3年时间,布they beat.他们应该说不要害怕失败!失败并不致命。无数人曾失败过,鲁克斯几乎是兴高采烈地谈论着他位于柬埔寨的剧组所遭遇的困难。也因此而变得更加强大。有些甚至成了名人。历史上充满了卓越的中他告诉我,他从这次失败中学到的技能比他从早期限拍摄的成功之作途退出者以及沿着自己的道路前行的“孤独者”。他们不惧怕偶尔的中学得要多。

波折,因为他们坚信自己的方向感。阅读他们的传记总是令人振奋,11、It‘s a point, of course, that applies throught the arts. Writers, 这不仅因为他们打破了旧体制,更因为他们创立的体制要优于他们打playwrights, painters and composers work in the expectation of periodic 破的。 defeat, but they wouldn‘t keep going back into the arena if they thought it 7、Luckily, such rebels still turn up often enough to prove that was the end of world. It isn‘t the end of the world. For an artist-and individualism, though badly threatened, is not extinct. Much has been perhaps for anybody- it is the only way to grow.当然,这种观点贯穿于written, for instance, about the fitful scholastic career of Thomas P. 艺术始终。作家,剧作家,画家,作曲家预计到他们的工作台会出现F.Hoving, New York‘s former Parks Commissioner and now director of 周期性的失败。如果他们认为失败是世界末日的话,他们就不会重回the leaving schools as if they were motels, often at the request of the 他们的工作领域。失败并非世界末日。对艺术家—或者对任何人—来management. Still, he must have learned something during those 说,失败是成长的惟一途径。 unorthodox years, for he dropped in again at the top of his profession. 12、Today‘s younger generation seems to know that this is true, seems 幸运的是,类似的叛逆举动时常出现,这足以证明虽然个人主义受到willing to take the risks in life that artists take in art. ―Society,‖ needless 严重威胁,但却没有销声匿迹。例如,人们经常提及托马斯P.F.洪维to say, still has the upper hand-it sets the goals and condemns as a failure 的独特学术生涯。他是前纽约公园委员,现任大都会艺术博特馆长。everybody who won‘t play. But the dropouts and the hippies are not as 洪维是极期限典型的中途退出者。他出入学校好比进出汽车旅馆,当afraid of failure as their parents and grandparents. This could mean, as 然这主要是应学校管理层的要求。然而在那些接受非正规教育的岁月their elders might say, that they are just plumb lazy, secure in the 里,他一定学到了一些东西。因为他以退为进,并且到达了事业的顶comforts of an affluent state, It could also mean, however, that they just 峰。 don‘t buy the old standards of success and are rapidly writing new ones.8、His case reminds me of another boyhood-that of Holden Caulfield in 如今的年轻一代似乎知道这是真实的,似乎愿意像艺术家在艺术中冒J.D. Salinger‘s The Catcher in the Rye, the most popular literary hero of 险一样在生活中冒险。不用说,社会仍占上风—它为人们设定目标,the postwar period. There is nothing accidental about the grip that this 谴责那些不参与的人是失败者。但是中途退出者和嬉皮士们并不像他dropout continues to hold on the affections of an engaging shambles of 们的父母和祖父母们那样害怕成为失败者。正如他们的长辈们所说,our ―goal-oriented society,‖so gratified our secret belief that the 这或许意味着他们懒惰,无忧无虑地生活在一个富足的国度。然而,―phonies‖are in power and the good guys up the creek. Whether Holden 这也许同样竟味着他们对过时的成功标准不以为然,而在尽快创造新has also reached the top of his chosen field today is one of those 的标准。

speculations that delight fanciers of good fiction. I speculate that he has. 13、Recently, it was announced, for instance, that more than two hundred Holden Caulfield, incidentally, is now thirty-six.他的事迹让我想起了thousand Americans have inquired about serve in VISTA (the domestic J.D塞林格《麦田守望者》中何顿?考尔菲德的少年时代。考尔菲曾是Peace Corps) and that, according to a Gallup survey,‖ more than 3 million 战后最受欢迎的文学英雄形象。这个中途退出者受到整整一代美国人American college students would serve VISTA in some capacity if given 的青睐绝非偶然。其他任保人,不管是真实存在的还是杜撰的,都没the opportunity.‖ This is hardly the road to riches or to an executive suite. 有给我们这个“目标明确的社会”造成如此迷人的混乱,也不曾如此Yet I have met many of these young volunteers, and they are not pinning 满足我们某种隐蔽的思想,即“假冒者”当权,有能力者处于困境。for traditional success. On the contrary, they appear more fulfilled than 现在何顿是否到达他所选择领域的巅峰就成了一个绝佳的幻想题材,the average vice-president with a swimming pool.例如最近有报道称,超许多好小说的追捧者都对此感兴趣。我想他已到达事业之巅。顺便提过20万的美国人向VISTA(国内和平队)询问有关服务的事宜。盖一句,何顿?考尔菲德现年36岁。 洛普的调查报告发现,“如果有机会的话,有超过300万美国大学生9、I‘m not urging everyone to go out and fail just for the sheer therapy of 愿意在VISTA中承担某种工作。”而这并不是通向财富或者经理套房it, or to quit college just to clddle some vague discontent. Obviously it‘s 之路。然而,我却遇见过很多这样的年轻志愿者。他们并没有被传统better to succeed than to flop, and in general a long education is more 的成功模式禁锢。相反,他们看起来比拥有游泳池的普通副总裁更满helpful than a shorter one. (Thanks to my own education, for example, I 足。

can tell George Eliot from T. S. Eliot, I can handle the pluperfect tense in 14、Who is to say, then, if there is any right path to the top, or even to say French, and I know that Caesar beat the Helvetii because he had enough what the top consists of? Obviously the colleges don‘t have more than a frumentum.) I only mean that failure isn‘t bad in itself, or success partial answer-otherwise the young would not be so disaffected with an automatically good.我并不是要敦促大家由于失败具有疗效而去选择education that they consider vapid. Obviously business not have the 失败,或者仅仅因为一点不满就退学。很明显,成功优于失败。一般answer- otherwise the young would not be so scornful of its call to be an 来说,接受长期教育要比短期教育更有帮助。(比如,由于我接受了organization man.那么,谁能说清是否有通向巅峰的正确道路,或者教育才能分清乔治?艾略特,才能掌握法语中的过去完成时,才能清甚至能说巅峰到底包含了什么呢?很明显大学只能提供部分的答案楚恺撒打败赫尔维蒂人是因为他有足够的玉米)。我只是说失败本身—要不然年青人也不会对教育不满,认为它如此枯燥乏味。很明显商

业中也不曾有答案—要不上青人也不会地应聘成为公司总裁一员如are as consequential as this one. At stake is nothing less than what it 此不屑一顾。 means to be a man, who our children will be and what kind of society we 15、The fact is, nobody has the answer, and the dawning awareness of this will become.问题相当简单:是不是每个小孩都需要一位父亲?来自fact seems to me one of the best things happening in America today. 我们的社会越来越多的答案是:否。本世纪的观念转变还很少像这变Success and failure are again becoming individual visions, as they were 化一样带来如此严重的后果。危险的是人们几乎不去思考:作为一个when the country was younger, not rigid categories.Maybe we are 男性意味着什么?我们的孩子们将成为什么样的人?我们将变成什learning again to cherish this right of every person to succeed on his own 么样的社会?

terms and to fail as often as necessary along the way.事实上,没有人能7、My criticism is not simply of fatherlessness but of a culture of 够回答。对我来说,当今美国发生的最美好的事情之一莫过于人们开fatherlessness. For, in addition to fathers, we are losing something larger: 始觉醒认识到这一事实,就像在建国之初的年代一样,成功之与失败our idea of fatherhood. Unlike earlier periods of father absence in our 再次成为个人的理解,而不是僵化的范畴。也许,我们正在重新学会history, such as wartime, we now face more than a physical loss affecting 珍惜每个人用他自己的方式成功,并在这条道路上尽情失败的权利。 some homes. The 1940s child could say: My father had to leave for a

七、Life Without Father while to do something important. The ‘90s child must say: My father left

1、The United States is becoming an increasingly fatherless society. A me permanently because he wanted to.我的批语不是简单地针对家庭中generation ago, a child could reasonably expect to grow up with his or 父亲角色的缺失,而是针对一个父道沦丧的文化。因为除了父亲以外,her father. Today, a child can reasonably expect not to. Fatherlessness is 我们正在失去更为重要的东西:我们对于为父之道的操守观念。与历approaching a rough parity with fatherhood as a defining feature of 史上早些年(比如战争时期)父爱的缺失不同,我们现在面临的不仅childhood.美国正日益成为一个父爱缺失的社会。上一代的儿童能理仅是影响某些家庭的父亲物质实体上的缺失。20世纪40年代的孩子所当然地期待与父亲一起生活。今天的儿童可以理所当然地期待不这会说:我的父亲为了去做一些重要的事而不得不暂时离开了我。90样的生活。父爱缺失几科和父爱一样,正在成了童年生活的一大特征。 年代的孩子会说,我的父亲永远离开了我,因为他不想要我了。 2、This astonishing fact is reflected in many statistics, but here are the 8、This is a cultural criticism because fatherhood. Much more than two most important: Tonight, about 40 percent of U.S. children will go to motherhood, is a cultural invention. Its meaning is shaped less by biology sleep in likely to spend a significant portion of childhood living apart than by a cultural script.a societal code that guides-and at times from their fathers. Never before in this country have so many children pressures-a man into certain ways of acting and understanding himself.这been voluntarily abandoned by their fathers. Never before have so many 是一种文化上的批评,因为与身为人母不同,身为人父是一种文化上children grown up without knowing what it means to have a father.很多的创新。它的意义与其说来自于生物特性,不如说是决定于文化规约数据都反映出这一令人吃惊的现象,但最重要的两个数据是:今夜约社会的准则,它指导有时是迫使—一个人以某种方式行事和理解自有40%的美国孩子将在没有父亲的房里入睡。一半多的孩子可能在童我。 年时期有相当一部分的时间是与父亲分开过的。这个国家从来没有如9、Like motherhood, fatherhood is made up of both a biological and a 此多的儿童被他们的父亲主动抛弃。从来没有如此多的孩子在其成长social dimension. Yet, across the world, mothers are far more successful 过程中不知道拥有父亲意味着什么。 than fathers at fusing these dimensions into a coherent identity Identity. Is 3、Fatherlessness is the most harmful demographic trend of this the nursing mother playing a biological or a social role? Feeding or generation. It is the leading cause of the decline in the well-being of honding? We can hardly separate the two.so seamlessly are they woven children. It is also the engine driving our most urgent social problems, together. But fatherhood is a different matter. A father makes his sole from crime to adolescent pregnancy to domestic violence. Yet, despite its biological contirbution at the moment of conception, nine months before scale and social consequences, fatherlessness is frequently ignored or the infant enters the world. Because social paternity is linked only denied. Especially within our elite discourse, it remains a problem with indirectly to biological paternity, a connection cannot be assumed. The no name.关于这一代人的人口统计显示出的倾向中,父爱缺失是最糟phrase ―to father a child‖ usually only to the act of insemination, not the 的一项。它是儿童生活幸福度下降的罪魁祸首,也是产生犯罪、青少responsibility for raising the child. What fathers contribute after 年怀孕、家庭暴力等严重社会问题目的根源。然而尽管父爱缺失这一conception is largely a matter of cultural devising.同身为人母一样,身为问题普遍存在且后果严重,却经常被忽略被否认。尤其是在我们的精人父是由生物和社会两方面构成的。然而在全世界,就将这两方面融英话语中,父爱缺失仍是一个未被清楚地认识到的问题。 合成一个协调的身份而言,母亲们要比父亲们成功多子。照料孩子的4、Surely a crisis of this scale merits a name and a response. At a 母亲扮演的是一个生物学意义上的角色,还是一个社会角色?是喂养minimum, it requires a serious debate. Why is fatherhood declining? 孩子还是联系母子之情?我们很难将二者分开,它们彼此紧密地联系What can be done about it? Can our society find ways to invigorate 在一起。但是身为人父就不同了。一个父亲只是在他的妻子怀孕的时effective fatherhood as a norm of male behavior? Yet, to date, our pubulic 候,即婴儿来到人世的9个月前,做出他生物学上的贡献。由于社会discussion has been remarkably weak and defeatist. There is a prevailing 意义上的父子关系只是间接与生物学意义上的父子关系相关,因此不belief that not much can or even should be done to reverse the trend.对于能说他们之间存在必然联系。为人之父通常只是指授精这一行为,而如此规模的危机问题当然应该认识清楚并做出反应。至少要加以认真不是指抚养孩子的责任。父亲们在怀孕之后做什么样的贡献,这很大讨论:为什么为父之道会沦丧?针对这一问题有何对策?我们的社会程度上是一个文化设计的问题。

能否找到办法,促使男性都能尽到为父之责?然而到目前为止,公众10、Moreover, despite their other virtues, men are not ideally suited to 在这一问题上的声音还很微弱,没有成效。普遍的看法是我们无法甚responsible fatherhood. Men areinclined to sexual promiscuity and 至不应该去改变这一趋势。 paternal waywardness Anthroplogically fatherhood constitutes what 5、As a soctiety, we are changing our minds about men‘s role in family might be termed a necessary problem. It is necessary because child life, Our inherited understanding of fatherhood is under siege. Men are well-being and societal success hinge largely on a high level of paternal increasingly viewed as superfluous to family life: either expendable or investment: men‘s willingness to devote energy and resource to the care part of the problem. Masculinity itself often is treated with suspicion, and of their offspring. It is a problem because men frequently are unwilling or even hostility, in our cultural discourse Consequently, our society is unable to make that vital investment.此外尽管男性有其他的优点,他们unable to sustain fatherfood as a distinctive domain of male activity.社会并非理想地适合承担身为人父的责任。男性倾向于滥交,承担父亲的正在改变关于男性在家庭生活中作用的看法。代代传承的为人之父的责任不稳定。在人类学看来,身为人父成了所谓的“必不可少的问题”。观念正处于被困状态。男性越来越多地被认为是家庭生活中多余的角说它必不可少,是因为儿童的幸福和社会成功很大程度上取决于高水色:他们要么起过一次作用就结束,要么是家庭问题目的一部分。在平的父系投入:即男性愿意贡献精力和资源照料后代。说它是个问题,我们的文化话语中,男子气本身也经常受到怀疑,甚至遭到敌视。这是因为男性经常不愿意或者无法做出这种至关重要的投入。 样我们的社会就无法继续将为父之道视为男性行为的特定领域。 11、Bacause fatherhood is universally problematic, cultures must mobilize 6、The core question is simple: Does every child need a father? to enforce the father role, guiding men with legal and extralegal pressures Increasingly, our society‘s answer is ―no.‖ Few idea shifts in this century that require them to maintain a close alliance with their children‘s mother

and invest in their children. Because men don‘t volunteer for fatherhood 向。在危机面前消极被动不符合美国的传统。维持下降的趋势从来不as much as they are conscripted into it by the surrounding culture, only an 是美国专家的特点。在现实与希望—社会的“存在”与道德的“责任”authoritative cultural commitment to fatherhood can fuse biological and —之间不可避免而又有价值的张力之下,身为美国人我们始终自信我social paternity into a coherent male identity. For exactly this reason, 们能变得更好。

anthropologist Margaret Mead and others have observed that the supreme 17、Does every child need a father? Our current answer hovers between test of any civilization is whether it can socialize men by teaching them ―not necessarily‖and ―no.‖ But we need not make permanent the to nurture their offspring.由于身为父亲是一个普遍问题,所以各种文lowering of our standards. We can change our minds. We can change our 化必须齐心协力,加强父亲的角色、指导男性,用法律或法律之外的minds without passing new laws, spending more tax dollars or 压力要求他们与孩子的母亲紧密合作,并对他们的孩子有所付出。如empaneling more expert commissions. Once we change our philosophy, 果没有周围文化的感召,男人们不会主动履行父亲的责任,只有强烈we might well decide to pass laws, create programs or commission 的身为人父的文化使命感,才能将生物意义的和社会意义的父亲身份research. But the first and most important thing to change is not policies, 融合成一个和诣的男性身份。正是由于这个原因,人类学家玛格丽特but ideas.每个小孩都需要一个父亲吗?我们目前的答案介于“不一?米德和其他观察到,对一个文明的最高检测就是看它是否能通过教定”与“不”之间。但我们不必持久地降低标准。我们可以改变观念。育男性去抚育后代从而将男性社会化。 不必通过新的法律、花费纳税人更多的钱或成立更多的专家委员会,12、The states could hardly be higher. Our society‘s conspicuous failure 我们就能改变观念。人生观一旦改变,我们极有可能做了决定,通过to sustain norms of fatherhood reveals a failure of collective memory and 更多法律,设置更多的项目,进行更多的研究。但是最基本也是最重a collapse of moral imagination. It undermines families, neglects children, 要的,不是改变政策,而是改变观念。 causes or aggravates our worst social problems and makes individual 18、Our essential goal must be the rediscovery of the fatherhood idea: For adult happiness, both female and male, harder to achieve.父道沦丧所带every child, a legally and morally responsible man.我们的最根本目标必来的危险非常之在。我们的社会不能维系身为人父的准则这个明显的须是父道观念的重新发现:对每个儿童而言,应该有一个法律上、道失败,反映了集体记忆的失败和道德想象力的崩溃。它使家庭遭到破德上负责任的男性。

坏,孩子受到忽视,还造成或恶化了最严重的社会问题,并且让个体19、If my goal could be distilled into one sentence, it would be this: 成年人的幸福—包括男性和女性—更加难以实现。 Because our society is lurching in the opposite direciton, I see the Good 13、Ultimately, this failure reflects nothing less than a culture gone awry, Family Man. As the principal casualty of today‘s weakening foucus on unable to establish the boundaries and erect the signposts that can fatherhood. Yet I can not imagine a good society without him.如果把我harmonize individual happiness with collective well-being. In short, it 的目标提炼成一句话,那就是:一个好的社会颂扬把家庭放在首位的reflects aculture that fails to ―enculture‖ individual men and women , 男性典范。由于我们的社会正步履蹒跚地走向相反的方向,我把“居mothers and fathers.最终这一失败反映了一种扭曲的文化,这种文化家好男人”看作是今天弱化父道的主要受害者。然而,我不能想像,不能确立自己的边界并树立起调和个人幸福与集体幸福的路标。简而没有这样的好男人会有一个美好社会。 言之,它反映的是一种不能适应特殊的男人、女人和为人父母者所处八、Europeans Just Want to Have Fun 社会的文化。 1、Walking across Boulevard St. Michel in Paris, on the night before 14、In personal terms, the main result of this failure is the spread of a Bastille Day I bumped into an old friend-an American who has lived in mefirst egotism hostile to all except the most puerile understandings of the city for 25 years-who told me he was taking up the tango. When I personal happiness. In social terms, the results are a decline in children‘s asked him why, he suggested I take a stroll along the Left Bank of the well-being and a rise in male viloence, especially against women. The Seine, opposite Ile St. Louis and so of course I did.法国革命纪念日前夜most significant result is our society‘s steady fragmentation into atomized 当我穿越巴黎圣米歇尔大街时,遇见了一位在巴黎生活了25年的美individuals, isolated from one another and estranged from the aspirations 国老朋友。他告诉我,他迷上了探戈。当我问他为何如此时,他建议and realities of common membership in a family, a community, a nation 我沿着圣路易岛对面的塞纳河左岸走一遭。当然,我照办了。

bound by mutual commitment and shared memory.从个人的角度来说,2、It was one big party. A drop-dead-gorgeous crowd was tangoing away 这一失败的主要后果是自我优先的自我中心主义的蔓延,除了对个人in a makeshift, open-air amphitheater. Nearby a multiethnic group was 幸福的最天真的理解之外,对一切都怀有敌意。从社会的角度来说,doing the meringue. Hundreds of others were tucking into picnics by the 其后果是儿童生活质量的下降和男性暴力的攀升,尤其是针对女性的river as a full moon rose in a cloudless sky. Much later that night, after a 暴力。最为显著的后果是我们的社会不断地分裂为单个的个体。这些perfect fish soup in the Place des Vosges I walked into the narrow 个体彼此隔离,并同通过相互承担义务和共享的记忆联系在一起的家passages of the Marais District and stumbled upon an impromptu block 庭、社会和国家中的一般成员的抱负与现实疏远起来。 party. Someone had set up a sound systom on the sidewalk, and the street 15、Many voices today, including many expert voices, urge us to accept was packed with people-straight and gay, young and old, black and the decline of fatherhood with equanimity. Be realistic, they tell us. white-dancing to salsa.那里正在举行一个盛大的舞会,俊男靓女们正Divorce and out-of –wedlock childbearing are here to stay. Growing 在临时搭建的露天剧场跳着探戈。在附近,一群不同族裔的人正在跳numbers of children will not have fathers. Nothing can be done to reverse 拉丁默朗格舞。当一轮满月从晴朗的夜空升起时,河边数以百计的人the trend itself. The only solution is to remedy some of its consequeces: 正在尽情享受野炊的乐趣。当晚后半夜,在浮日广场喝完鲜美的鱼汤,More help for poor children. More sympathy for single mothers. Better 穿过马菜街区窄窄的街道,我无意之间又遇上一个即兴的街区舞会。divorce. More child-support payments. More prisons. More programs 有人已在人行道上安装好音响系统、街道上挤满了人——异性恋、同aimed at substituting for fathers.今天很多人,包括许多专家,敦促我们性恋、年轻人、老年人、黑人、白人——都随着担丁萨尔乐曲翩翩起平静地接受父道的沦丧这一事实。现实点吧,他们说。离婚和婚外产舞。

子仍将继续发生。越来越多的孩子们将没有父亲。没什么能扭转这一3、Europe is enjoying itself. O.K. in late July, it always does. The 趋势本身。唯一的办法是对某些后果采取补救:对贫困儿童提供更多weekend I was in Paris, an estimated 500,000 kids descended on Berlin 的援助,对单身母亲给予更多的同性。更好地处理离婚,支付更多的for the annual Love Parade, a carnaival of techno music,dope and sex. 儿童扶养费。设立更多的限制。实施更多旨在取代父亲的方案。 Meanwhile, tens of thousands of families started their treks from the 16、Yet what Abraham Lincoln called the better angels of our nature damp north of the Gontinent to their vacation homes in the warm south. always have guided us in the opposite direction. Passivity in the face of But even when the sun isn‘t shining, Europeans seem to eb throwing crisis is inconsistent with the American tradition. Managing decline never themselves into fun and festivity with unprecedented zeal. Each weekend, has been the hallmark of American expertise. In the inevitable and central London is one great bacchanal Cities that for reasons of politics or valuable tension between conditions and aspirations-between the social religion were once gloomily repressive-Madrid, say, or Dublin- now rock ―is‖ and the moral ―ought‖-our birthright as Americans always has been to the small hours. In Prague the foreign visitors who get talked about are our confidence that we can change for the better.‖然而,亚伯拉罕?林肯not the earnest young Americans who flocked there in the early 1990s, 称之为我们天性中美好的一面的东西总是指引着我们朝向相反的方but British partygoers who have flown in for the cheap beer and pretty

