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The Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Circle one answer for each of the following 70 questions, either a or b, that fits you more than the other answer. When you read a question where both answers equally suitable for you, it s usually better to choose the one that initially seemed more specially accurate to you. There are no right or wrong answers since about half the population agrees with whatever answer choosen.

1. When the phone rings do you

a. hurry to answer it first b. hope someone else will answer it

2. Are you more

a. observant (alert, watchful) b. introspective (deep in thought)

3. It is worse to

a. have your head in the clouds (dreaming)

b. be in a situation that s hard to change

4. With people are you usually more

a. firm than gentle b. gentle than firm

5. Are you more comfortable in making

a. analytical judgments b. value judgments

6. Is clutter in your dormitory or classroom something you

a. take time to straighten up (organize) b. tolerate pretty well

7. Is it your tendency to

a. decide quickly b. taker longer to decide

8. waiting in line, do you often

a. chat with others b. focus on your purpose for being there

9. Are you more

a. sensible (rational, practical) b. imaginative (creative, artistic)

10. Are you more interested in

a. what is actual (real, current) b. what is possible (potential, future)

11. In making decision are you more likely to go by

a. data (facts) b. desires (wishes)

12. In analyzing others do you tend to be

a. objective (neutral)and cool b. friendly and personal

13. Do you prefer contracts to be

a. signed and official b. agreed upon only by a handshake

14. Are you more satisfied having

a. a finished product b. work in process

15. At a party, do you

a. intact with many, even strangers b. interact only with a few friend

16. Do you tend to be more

a. factual than speculative (take chances)

b. speculative (take chances)than factual

17. Do you like writers who

a. say directly what they mean b. use metaphors and indirect communication

18. Which appeals to you more

a. consistency in thought b. harmonious (happy)relationships

19. If you must disappointed someone are you usually

a. frank (direct)and straightforward b. warm and considerate

20. In your daily life in school or at work, do you want your activities

a. scheduled b. unscheduled

21. Do you more often prefer

a. final, unchangeable statements b. tentative, preliminary statements

22. Does interacting with strangers

a. energize you b. make you tired

23. Facts

a. speak for themselves b. are examples of principles

24. Do you find visionaries and theorists

a. somewhat annoying b. rather fascinating

25. In a debate or argument, do you

a. hold to your position b. look for common ground

26. Is it better to be

a. fair and justice b. merciful (loving and forgiving)

27. At school or work, is it more natural for you to

a. point out mistakes to others b. try to please others

28. Are you more comfortable

a. after a decision b. before a decision

29. Do you tend to

a. say directly what s on your mind b. keep your ears open

30. Common sense is

a. usually reliable b. frequently questionable

31. Children often do not

a. make themselves useful enough b. use their imagination enough

32. When in charge of others do you tend to be

a. firm and unbending b. forgiving and lenient

33. Are you more often

a. cool-headed (logical, less emotional)

b. warm-hearted (compassionate, sympathetic)

34. Are you more likely to

a. nail things down (define precisely) b. explore the possibilities

35. In most situations are you more

a. deliberate (purposeful) b. spontaneous (unplanned)

36. Do you think of yourself more as

a. an outgoing person (love people) b. a private person (love being alone)

37. Are you more frequently

a. a practical (realistic)sort of person

b. b. a fanciful (curious, creative)sort of person

38. Do you speak more in

a. details (particular facts) b. generalities (big pictures, overview)

39. Which is more of a compliment

a. “ there s a logical person” b. “there s a sentimental person”

40. Which rules you more

a. your thoughts b. your feelings

41. When finishing a project, do you like to

a. complete all the final small details b. move on to something else

42.Do you prefer to work

a. following a time schedule with goals b. just whenever you feel like it

43. Are you the type of person who

a. is rather talkative b. likes to observe situations and/or people

44. Are you likely to take what is said

a. more literally (factually) b. more figuratively (metaphorically)

45. Do you more often see

a. what s right in front of you b. what can only be imagined

46. Is it worse to be

a. a softy (overly flexible with opinion)

b. hard-nosed (overly firm with opinion)

47. In frustrating situations are you sometimes

a. too unsympathetic (too cool or uncaring)

b. too sympathetic (too sensitive or kind)

48. Do you tend to choose

a. rather carefully b. somewhat impulsively (spontaneously)

49. Are you likely to be more

a. hurried (quick, time-conscious) b. leisurely (slow, relaxed)

50. At school do you tend to

a. be sociable with you fellow students

b. keep more to yourself (be more private)

51. Are you more likely to trust

a. your experience b. your perception (theories, ideas)

52. Are you more likely to feel

a. down to earth (practical, realistic)

b. b. somewhat removed (distant, less involved)

53. Do you think yourself as

a. tough-minded (uncomprominsing)

b. tender-hearted (sensitive, gentle)

54. Do you value in yourself more that you are

a. reasonable (logical, rational) b. devoted (loyal, committed)

55. Do you usually want things

a. established and decided b. tentative (open to change)

56. Would you say you are more

a. serious and determined (firm) b. easy going (calm, relaxed)

57. Do you consider yourself

a. better at conversation than listening

b. better at listening than conversation

58. Do you prize in yourself

a. that you see true reality b. that you have a vivid imagination

59. Are you pulled more toward

a. fundamentals (basics, essentials)

b. b. overtones (hints of additional things)

60. Which seems worse

a. to be too compassionate (too kind)

b. to be too dispassionate (too uncaring)

61. Are you persuaded more by

a. believable evidence b. an inspiring appeal (moving words)

62. Do you feel better about

a. coming to the end (conclusion) b. keeping your options open

63. Is it preferable mostly to

a. make sure things are arranged b. just let things happen naturally

64. Are you likely to be

a. easy for others to approach and talk to

b. somewhat reserved (shy or cool)

65. In stories do you prefer

a. action and adventure b. imagination (creativity)and heroism

66. Is it easier for you to

a. give others some tasks to do b. identify (relate)with others

67. Which do you wish more for yourself

a. strength of mind (determination) b. strength of emotion (passion, feelings)

68. Do you see yourself as more

a. emotionally tough, less sensitive b. expressive, easy to excite or upset

69. Do you tend to notice

a. disorder (messiness, chaos) b. opportunities for change

70. Are you more

a. predictable (conventional, usual) b. random (changeable, unusual)

