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1. The manager asked his secretary if it was possible for her to ______ the investment plan within five days.

A) work out C) take out

2. She called me up______ she received my letter.

A) promptly C) quickly

B) immediately D) properly B) make out D) set out

3. Leaning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills, or a question of ______ new knowledge.

A) obtaining C) achieving

B) gaining D) acquiring

4. Scientists have found new uses for some ______ such as mercury and lead.

A) stuff C) substances

B) matters D) materials

5. This book is ______ as it is the only one ever signed by the author.

A) special C) rare

B) unique D) unusual

6. Ann‘s boss is always finding ______with her the way she does things.

A) error C) fault

B) mistake D) flaw

7. Mozart began to ______ poems and taught literature at the age of 20.

A) compose C) write

B) make D) create

8. The young doctor treated his ______ with great patience

A) clients C) consumers

B) clerks D) customers

9. If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of ______.

A) discouragement C) encouragement

B) persuasion D) confirmation

10. His superior is often caught ______ by his smart questions dealing with transactions

A) up C) on

B) out D) up with

11. The accused man was found not guilty and was ______.

A) excluded

C) driven

B) discharged D) dismissed

12. The lawyer really didn‘t know how to ______ the problem.

A) tackle C) deal

D) dispose B) cope

13. A witness in a murder trial is ______ to know the facts in the case.

A) assumed C) consumed

B) resumed D) assured

14. Gettysburge was the ______ of the most important battle in the American civil war.


A) view C) sight

B) scene D) landscape

15. She claimed she was ______ to a social position high above those of the commons due to her noble birth.

A) entitled C) granted

B) given D) assumed

16. It was ______ for Mary to wear a T shirt at the press conference.

A) out of question C) out of order

B) out of place D) out of practice 51

17. At the end of her trial, she was ______ to three years‘ imprisonment.

A) found C) sentenced

B) convinced D) condemned

18. If you have a ______ to make about the quality, we are willing to help you.

A) dislike C) discontent

B) discomfort D) complaint

19. Although I had told them not to keep me waiting, they made no ______ to speed up the deliveries.

A) trial C) action

B) attempt D) progress

20. John‘s black eye gave ______to rumours that he had been in a fight.

A) rise C) suspicion

B) reason D) impulse

21. It seemed as if all of a ______ the animal had smelt danger in the air.

A) sudden C) minute

B) moment D) once

22. The patient‘s condition is now ______; if he can‘t get proper treatment, he will die.

A) vital C) emergent

B) urgent D) critical

23. When the maid was questioned about the missing nacklace, she firmly ______ having seen it before.

A) rejected C) denied

B) refused D) ignored

24. The two countries have always been on good ______ with each other.

A) friendship C) connection

B) relations D) terms

25. Mr. Wang wants to get his decayed tooth ______ this afternoon.

A) repaired C) filled

B) mended D) cured

26. The engineer ______ a rare disease when he was working in Africa.

A) took C) caught

B) suffered D) infected

27. After the music had ______ there was a moment of absolute silence.

A) died out C) died away

B) died off D) died down

28. Fred‘s good nature makes him the most ______ boy in the school.


A) well-known C) preferable

B) favorable D) popular

29. What he described as a ____ detail, I thought, was the most important part of the plan.

A) common C) mere

B) plain D) flat

30. Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would ____ be able to walk.

A) in no time C) in no way

B) by all means D) on any account

31. There is pressure on the British Government to ____ the number of immigrants permitted to settle in the U.K.

A) confine C) restrain

B) decrease D) limit

32. The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he doesn‘t have ______ passport.

A) an operative C) an effective

B) a valid D) an efficient

33. According to the psychoanalyst Signumd Freud, wisdom comes from the ____ of maturity.

A) achievement C) fulfilment

B) accomplishment D) establishment

34. The board of the company has decided to ____ its trade to all parts of the world.

A) enlarge C) stretch

35.Accuracy and preciseness are vital in academic ____.

A) circus C) circles

B) cycles D) circuits B) expand D) extend

36.In many societies, a person who fails to conform to conventional behavior is likely to be ____ by others.

A) avoided C) retreated

B) neglected D) ignored

37. We are now living in an age where every mind feels the ____ of the new ideas.

A) impact C) impression

B) impulse D) shock

38. John‘s news report covering the conference was so ____ that nothing had been omitted.

A) concrete C) comprehensive

B) integrated D) abstract

39. I thought you might be interested to hear about a ____ phenomenon which I had observed. It was really peculiar.

A) revealed C) scarce

B) brilliant D) curious

40. I hope Mrs. Smith will take my recent illness into ____ when judging my examination.

A) account C) count

B) regard D) observation

41. The lawyer asked the witness to ______ the facts just as he remembered them.

A) setting down C) putting across

B) setting out D) putting away

42. ____ of money prevented us from finishing the research work this year.


A) Expense C) Limit

B) Lack D) Short

43. Tall-growing crops should be planted where they will not shade or ____ with the growth of smaller crops.

A) interrupt C) disturb

B) interfere D) distract

44. The farmers are more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they have more at ____.

A) danger C) loss

B) stake D) threat

45. The famers in the mountain area bring their ______ to town early each Saturday morning.

A) products C) manufactures

B) output D) produce

46. The lady was detained by the police at the airport because his passport was found to be ____.

A) an artificial one C) an untrue one

B) an unnatural one D) a false one

47. The ____ of the book, with the text on the left and the notes on the right, makes pleasant reading.

A) layout C) pattern

B) system D) style

48. In the long-distance race, Marvin took the lead , and ______ it till the end of the race..

A) obtained C) persisted in

B) maintained D) insisted on

49. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ______ healthy.

A) preserve B) stay C) maintain D) reserve 50. It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents ____.

A) at a time C) at times

B) between time D) at the time

51. Normally he is rather _____ but sometimes he talks freely about himself.

A) sociable C) serious

B) reserved D) peaceful

52. Please give my ______sincere regards to all the members of your family.

A) honest C) true

B) sincere D) hopeful

53. With night falling we employed a guide to ______ us on our way up the mountain.

A) take C) conduct

B) guide D) lead

54. Current hiring policies in China seek to ____ equal employment opportunities for women and minority groups.

A) continue C) provide

B) confirmed D) presented

55. The mechanic examined the car engine ______ but could find nothing wrong with it.

A) exactly C) thoroughly

B) completely D) throughout

56. After giving birth to children, many women now take active part in sports and ______ of different kinds.


A)matches C) races

B) games D) events

57. Your grandfather is rather tired so do not ______ your visit.

A) postpone C) delay

B) lengthen D) prolong

58. He has recently got an interesting ______ in a textile factory.

A) work C) profession

B) job D) employment

59. Only thoroughly unpleasant people leave the ______ of their picnics to spoil the appearance of the countryside.

A) remains C) container

B) rest D) content

60. Papers clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were ______ all over the floor.

A) delivered C) separated

B) scattered D) sprayed

61. The neighbors do not consider him quite ______ as most evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.

A) respective C) respectable

B) respected D) respectful

62. The autumn air felt ______ so she went to fetch a coat.

A) cool C) cold

B) chilly D) fresh

63. The melting of the snow has caused flooding by _____ rivers

A) increased C) overgrown

B) expanded D) swollen

64. Make sure you ______ your food properly before you swallow it.

A) have C) chew

B) eat D) bite

65. The leather goods failed to _____ the required standard and were sent back to the shop.

A) live up to C) come up to

B) face up to D) give way to

66. With an eighty-hour week and little change of enjoyment, life must have been very ______ for the nineteenth-century factory workers.

A) weary C) dark

B) anxious D) dreary

67. Peter wants to rent a flat, ______ , one reasonably near his company.

A) eventually C) if possible

B) in fact D) really

68. One of the tigers has got ______. Warn everyone of the danger.

A) lose C) loosened

B) loose D) lost

69. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ______ sickness.

A) usual C) ordinary

B) regular D) average

70. Now my parents live partly on their pension and partly on the ______ of their savings account.


A) income C) interest

B) wages D) salary

71. Every day thousands of ______ fly the Atlantic for negotiations with American firms.

A) merchants C) businessman

B) dealers D) tradesmen

72. He ______ spends his holidays in the mountains though occasionally he goes to the seaside instead.

A) usually C) rarely

B) invariably D) always

73. Before you ______ down other people, it is as well to consider your own faults.

A) turn C) run

B) bring D) send

74. Though it was only a ______fever, the doctor gave me an injection.

A) mild C) weak

B) small D) faint

75. This was one of many horrible crimes they ______ against Chinese people.

A) make C) commit

B) perform D) achieve

76. As a result of the radio ______ for help for those who lost their homes in the earthquake, over a million pounds has been raised.

A) appeal C) program

B) call D) demand

77. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ______.

A) urgency C) crisis

78. The brain needs a ______ supply of blood.

A) continual C) continuous

B) constant D) lasted B) danger D) emergency

79.The explorer ____ all the way to the source of the river by boat.

A) drove C) travelled

B) rode D) followed

80. Remember not to ______ your stomach by eating too much rich food.

A) hurt C) harm

B) destroy D) upset

81. The kindergarten is half empty as a serious epidemic of measles has broken ______.

A) up C) in

B) out D) down

82. To our amazement, both his health and his business ______ within a year.

A) fell C) dropped

A) relieved C) released

B) sank D) collapsed B) relaxed D) relayed

83. The old couple were ______ to hear that their son had been sentenced innocent.

84. Tom failed in the physics exam, it ______ him right because he had not studied for the semester.


A) served C) got

B) taught D) put

85. The country is well-known for its impressive mountainous ______ .

A) views C) scenery

B) scenes D) nature

86.The _______ in which a child grows up may have an effect on his development.

A) condition C) surroundings

B) atmosphere D) environments

87. These figures can not be ______ with the results obtained in previous experiments.

A) constant C) conventional

B) consistent D) convenient

88. It is frightening to think that the cruel murderer is still ______.

A) as follows C) at intervals

B) in place D) at large

89. As the cloud is drifted away, an even higher peak became ______ to the climbers.

A) in sight C) obvious

B) visible D) clear

90. They were required to ______ the house to the way it might have looked on the 1930s.

A) repaired C) recovered

B) built D) restored

91.The rise in the price of raw material will _____ the market.

A) affect C) confirm

B) effect D) depress

92. A historical novel is a form of ______, which may include many facts.

A) legend C) myth

B) tale D) fiction

93. All of us had been exhausted but felt considerably ______ after a meal and a rest.

A) relieved C) recreated

B) refreshed D) renewed

94. It is really impolite to ______ when someone is speaking to you on the phone.

A) hold up C) hang up

B) give up D) hang on

95. I was sorry to see that you were ______ me as if I had been a criminal.

A) regarding C) thinking

B) tre D) considering

96. Since many students like to fin an apartment near the University, there are very few _____ apartments in the area.

A) free C) bare

B) empty D) vacant

97. The invention of the train enabled many more people to travel ______.

A) independently C) readily

B) freely D) free

98. Our compass and maps proved ______ to us in the walking tours.


A) valuable C) profitable

B) worth D) valueless

99. As one of the four ______ of the company he often had to attend important policy meetings.

A) directors C) presidents

B) bosses D) governors

100. Under the Constitution, government can not interfere ______ the private lives of citizens.

A) in C) with

B) into D) of

101. There was a short______ after the second act of the play.

A) gap C) break

B) pause D) interval

102. The city government has planned to ______ the two islands with a bridge.

A) connect C) combine

B) contact D) unite

103. I can‘t advise you what to do; you must use your own ______.

A) opinion C) thought

B) justice D) judgement

104. By that time, Li siguang had already risen to ______ in the geographical circle in the world..

A) elevation C) phenomenon

B) prominence D) significance

105. The fundamental ______, which govern all physical processes, are also related to many everyday occurrences.

A) rules C) principals

B) regulations D) principles

106. Negotiations about fixing the ______ between the two countries are still going on.

A) border C) edge

107. It is difficult to express it in ______ of science.

A) words C) expressions

108. It is said that great men often have great ______.

A) errors C) faults

109. His wife earns a high ______ as an account.

A) salaries C) incomes

B) wages D) savings B) mistakes D) flaws B) terms D) vocabulary B) boundary D) frontier

110. Some famous experts and engineers have been called in to plan ______ for boating , tennis, refreshments and children‘s games in the

projected town park. A) equipment C) implement

B) instruments D) facilities

111. Canadians use their cars for nearly 90 per cent of all personal ______.

A) trips C) travels

B) voyage D) journey


112. Would you mind repeating what you said, I didn‘t quite ______.

A) catch at C) catch up

B) catch on D ) catch out

113. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name ______.

A) in print C) for publication

B) in press

D) out of the newspaper

114. To my great delight, I read in your February ______the letter to the Editor written by my uncle.

A) issue C) magazine

B) copy D) printing

115. It is said that old people do not like having their daily ______ upset.

A) custom C) routine

B) habit D) practice

116. Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to ______ situations.

A) similar C) alike

B) same D) likely

117. Though Mr. Ker is not a professional writer, he has became an ______ member of the Writers‘ Association.

A) honor C) honorary

B) honored D) honorable

118. It is absolutely ______ that our team will win the game.

A) exact C) right A) yield to C) stick to

B) sure D) certain B) appeal to D) draw to

119. The beauty of the mountain is more than I can describe. I‘m sure whoever sees it will ______ its charm.

120. The new secretary has written a remarkable ______ report in a few pages but with all the details.

A) concise C) exact

B) clear D) precise

121. The foreigner reads the Chinese article remarkably well, with a clear ______ agreeable voice.

A) delicious C) distinct

B) sincere D) distant

122. We made plans for a visit but ____ difficulties with the car prevented it.

A) frequent C) inefficient

B) subsequent D) insufficent

123. They have the ____ rights for the sale of Ford cars in this town.

A) flexible C) essential

B) virtual D) exclusive

124. It is a ____ error for people to fancy others in their own position.

A) general C) usual

B) common D) ordinary

125. The difference is only very ____; we can hardly see it.

A) slight C) light

B) delicate D) careful


126. It is the practice of the local club to give ____ performances during the summer.

A) desperate C) dramatic

B) dangerous D) domestic

127. He told me his digestive trouble is cured ____ and all.

A) for long C) for ever

B) for life D) for good

128. Today‘s newspaper ______ that there will be campaign for find raising.

A) writes C) tells

B) reports D) states

129. Your socks ______ your shoes, they look very well together.

A) fit C) match

B) suit D) correspond

130. The speaker talked about sports in general and about football in ______.

A) peculiar C) particular

B) special D) unusual

131. As it is possible now to import food from distant countries, people today have a more ____ diet than their ancestors.

A) various C) varied

B) variety. D) variable

132. Never use such ____ language in front of your children.

A) strong C) heavy

B) forceful D) rigid

133. Although the area is very poor now, its _____ wealth is great.

A) practical C) potential

B) possible D) powerfu

134. The ____ length of a meter is 40 inches; the exact length is 39.37 inches.

A) appropriate C) nearby

B) approximate D) strict

135. Someone shouted ―fire‖ but it was a ____ alarm and there was no danger.

A) untrue C) false

B) wrong D) fierce

136. You must obtain ______ from the landowner to fish in the river.

A) right C) permission

B) freedom D) allowance

137. That ____ instrument can record even very slight changes.

A) tender C) delicious

B) tense D) delicate

138. The boss failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to ______ the consequences.

A) answer for C) run into

B) apply for D) blame on

139. Government institutes of statistics are usually ____ the birth rate and the death rate, and the collection and interpretation of other official

statistics. A) familiar with

B) concerned with


C) consistent with D) communicating with

140. All units of measurement are ____, because space, time, weight, and other dimensions are not naturally divided into units.

A) virtual C) artistic

B) beneficial D) artificial

141. At that time, the people of this area were ______ to every kind of danger: flood, starvation, disease and war.

A) supposed C) opposed

B) proposed D) exposed

142. Success in diving requires not only skill and balance but also ____ alertness and concentration.

A) nervous C) mental

B) manual D) mortal

143. Economic progress is closely bound up ____ educational development.

A) with C) at

B) from D) to

144. Her grandfather‘s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will ______.

A) pull out C) pull up

B) pull back D) pull through

145. Mrs. Mawson is becoming increasingly ____. Last week she locked herself out of her house twice.

A) unconscious C) senseless

B) forgetful D) mindless

146. it is ______ to insure your jewellery and valuables separately from your house contents.

A) probable C) advisable

B) valuable D) considerable

147. My house is very ____ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.

A) reliable C) suitable

B) available D) convenient

148. _____ aids are ictures that help you to understand something.

A) visual C) video

149. One should not be ____ to traffic regulations.

A) forgetful C) inconsiderate

B) unconscious D) indifferent B) visible D) virtual

150. This copy is ______ with the ones you bought last week.

A) identical C) equivalent

B) parallel D) equal

151. Seen from the top of the mountains, it looks ____ glorious at sunrise.

A) fairly C) practically

B) justly D) perfectly

152. The liquid was heated until the temperature ____ 1000 ?C.

A) arrived C) achieved

153. He‘s ______ too pleased with himself.

A) fairly

B) rather


B) reached D) attained

C) very D) quite

154. Kerry and his two sisters each had three cookies, and when they went out, hardly ____ cookies were left.

A) any C) ever

B) some D) few

155. The basketball match will be televised ____ from the Worker‘s Stadium.

A) alive C) live

B) lively D) life

156. One car ran too fast and ____ missed hitting the other one.

A) slightly C) nearly

B) narrowly D) closely

157. Half the planet always faces the sun, while the other half is ____ dark.

A) clearly C) continually

B) consequently D) continuously

158. She tried to explained that she was going to pay him forty pounds without _____ next week.

A) miss C) failure

B) fail

D) disappointment

159. I know Zoe______ but I have never actually spoken to him.

A) by sight C) in sight

B) with sight D) on sight

160. Kent would like to rent a flat, modern, comfortable and ____ in a quiet environment.

A) before all C) after all

B) first of all D) above all

161. This is a photograph of Lucy taken a few years ____ by her father.

A) previously C) primarily

B) precisely D) primitively

162. Some ____ good luck brought us nothing but trouble.

A) seemingly C) uniformly

B) satisfactorily D) universally

163. With the civil war lasting for several years, the people of the country are longing for ______ peace.

A) previous C) permanent

B) practical D) periodical

164. She made a ______ mistake of giving him her telephone number.

A) mortal C) critical

B) fatal D) incurable

165. It is very convenient for a businessman to carry a _____ computer when they go on business trip.

A) mobile C) movable

B) flexible D) portable

166. Automobile production of the present time has been increased ____.

A) greatly C) infinitely

B) highly D) much

167. Our company‘s business has been ______ quickly in the recent years.

A) enlarged

B) extended


C) expanded D) broadened

168. It is agreed that a good teacher should _____ as well as teach.

A) amuse C) dedicate

B) instruct D) entertain

169. The article is so badly written that I can hardly ______ what the writer is trying to say.

A) find out C) think out

B) fill out D) figure out

170. Paula likes to walk through the woods ____. Her brother prefers to walk with a companion.

A) to herself C) by herself

B) by herself D) in itself

171. It is amazing that a small child of 3 or 4 years of age can sing a song without______ understanding its meaning.

A) fully C) entirely well

B) really well D) very much

172. The international situation has been growing ____ difficult for the past few years.

A) simply C) potentially

B) mainly D) increasingly

173. The essay is a model of style, whether considered ____ or in part.

A) as the whole C) in whole

B) on the whole D) on whole

174.You have done your best to _____ him in correcting his mistakes.

A) guide C) help

B) assist D) favor

175. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship ____ for making money.

A) other than C) better than

B) more than D) rather than

176. Jack is the only person in the office who has been drinking ____.

A) heavily C) deeply

B) strongly D) seriously

177. She knows little of mathematics, and ____ of chemistry.

A) none the less C) still less

B) even more D) still more

178. He made an excellent speech, and everything he said was ______.

A) at this point C) beside the point

179. At age 16, he _____ his mother could do anything.

A) considered C) claimed

B) supposed D) assumed B) to the point D) off the point

180. For five miles ______ the road is bordered with apple orchards.

A) on end C) to the end

B) without end D) to this end

181. No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country; ____ is this more true than in Europe.

A) little

B) hardly


C) seldom D) nowhere

182. Countless revolutionary martyrs have ____ down their lives in the interest of the people.

A) lain C) lied

B) laid D) lay

183. After a careful investigation, the committee has decided to ____ the run-down city hall.

A) replace C) remove

B) renovate D) revise

184. In a typhoon, winds ____ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.

A) retain C) attain

B) assemble D) accomplish

185. He always takes full ______ of the mistakes made by his rivals.

A) interest C) benefit

B) advantage D) profit

186. It ____ him more than what was reasonable to have his watch repaired.

A) cost C) wasted

B) consumed D) spent

187. The patient could no longer ____ between illusion and reality.

A) compare C) separate

B) contrast D) distinguish

188. Jean doesn‘t ______ her roommates and there are often disagreements between them.

A) get on with C) put up with

B) take to D) go on with

189. The _____ estimate of grains in gross national product suggested a fast recovery from economic recession.

A) primary C) preliminary

B) introductory D) previous

190. Airline seats should be ______ at least a fornight before you want to travel.

A) book C) occupy

B) buy D) preserve

191. You can see these apples ______ in size from small to medium.

A) alter C) change

B) differ D) vary

192. The bus driver ____ himself badly in the traffic accident.

A) injured C) hurt

B) damaged D) harmed

193. Every year a national plan outlines and ____ special problems for research.

A) assigns C) designs

B) assists D) delivers

194. Mr. Maxwell always takes a ______ with him to clean the windscreen of his car.

A) cloth C) clothing

B) clothes D) stuff

195. When you apply for your passport to be renewed, you have to send a ____ photograph.

A) up-to-date

B) fashionable


C) recent

196. Peter came in and ______ something in Daddy‘s ear.

A) shouted C) screamed

D) modern

B) uttered D) whispered

197. The meal was excellent; the pears were particularly ______.

A) flavored C) tasteful

B) delicious D) desirable

198. She was extremely lucky; when her great-uncle died, she ______ a fortune.

A) came by C) came into

B) came over D) came about

199. Advertising costs are no longer in reasonable ______ to the total cost of the product.

A) relationship C) measure

B) match D) proportion

200. The noise was so faint that only those with excellent ______ were aware of it.

A) ear C)hearing

B)listening D) ears

201. Some teenagers are said to harbor a generalized resentment against society, which ____ them the rights and privileges of adults, although

physically they are mature. A) rejects C) deprives

B) denies D) declines

202. It won‘t ______ to postpone the matter for a few days.

A) pain

C) harm

B) ache D) hurt

203. It was in the Far East that I ______ a liking for shellfish.

A) achieved C) acquired

B) realized D) required

204. The secretary went through the typescript carefully to ______ all errors from it.

A) abandon C) discharge

B) eliminate D) desert

205. The oral composition gave the student an opportunity to through speech first.

A) showed C) displayed

B) expressed D) revealed

206. Jean asked her elder sister to ______ the holes in the pocket of her trousers.

A) fill B) fix C) mend D) repair

207. The judges have decided who the prize winners will be, and will ______the names at the closing ceremony tomorrow.

A) declare C) claim

208. They gazed at the stars______ in the lake.

A) shaded C) shadowed

B) reflected D) refreshed B) name D) announce

209. The mayor refused to ______ on the rumor that he had voted against the new housing project..


A) explain C) talk

B) scold D) comment

210. I have been trying to read this book all day, but somehow I can‘t ______ to it properly.

A) settle for C)settle up

B) settle in D) settle down

211. Every morning the managing director carries out an inspection of his factory to ______ that everything is ready for the production of the


A) see B) find C) look

D) expect

212. That picture doesn‘t ______ here. It‘s too modern for the rest of the furniture.

A) suit B) fit in C) fill in

D) match in

213. The mother ______ yellow balls for green, to see if the baby would notice.

A) replaced B)shifted substituted

214. It was reported that an airliner ______west of Denver in the newspaper.

A) banged B) crashed C) struck D) smashed 215. He had his leg ______trying to save a mate from a fall of coal.

A) damaged B) spoiled C) injured

D) wounded

216. Children who are always given ______to by their parents soon become spoiled.

A) in B) up C) out

D) away

217. Difficulties and hardships have ______ the best qualities of the young geologist.

A) brought up B) brought out C) brought about

D) brought forth

218. Don‘t panic; just______ that rock and I‘ll come and fetch you down.

A) hold on B) hold back C) keep on

D) keep up

219. The little boy ______ his hiding place when he coughed.

A) gave up B) gave over C) gave off

D) gave away

220. Jean often makes good plans but she cannot ______ with any of them.

A) carry on B) carry off C) carry through

D) carry forward

221. The chairwoman doesn‘t often have much free time as her work ______ all her time.

A) takes over B) takes away C) takes in

D) takes up

222. The meeting was originally fixed for the 14th, but has been ______ to the 7th.

A) brought forth B) brought in C) brought about D) brought forward


C) transformed D)

223. When all the tickets were sold, about fifteen people had to be ______.

A) pushed away C) driven back

B) forced out D) turned away

224. Mr.Lamb tried to cope with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally he ______and had to take a complete rest.

A) broke up C) broke down

B) broke out D) broke away

225. All the information they have collected in relation to that case ______ very little.

A) makes up for C) adds up to

B) comes up with D) puts up with

226. With increased taxation and rising prices, Mrs Lamb are going to______ on quite a lot of their daily necessities.

A) cut off C) cut out

B) cut away D) cut down

227. His mother ______ at his rude words and slapped him across the face.

A) shouted C) flared up

B) cried D) took back

228. Mr. Manson really ought to _____; all these late nights are doing him no good.

A) bring down C) pull through

229. We can‘t ______why he has been behaving so oddly.

A) figure on C) figure out

B) figure in D) figure up B) slow down D) pass through

230. The graceful hill stands out clearly and distinctly ______ the blue sky.

A) beneath C) against

231. The dripping of that water is ______ this stone.

A) wearing on C) wearingout

B) wearing down D) wearing away B) against D) under

232. The smell of the new paint will ______ in about a week.

A) die off C) get off

B) go off D) wear off

233. It is said that a heavy______ is imposed on foreign radios.

A) tax C) duty

B) fine D) rate

234. Mrs. Pierce behaved in the most extraordinary way at the party. I can‘t _____her behaviour at all.

A) account for C) count in

B) count off D) take into account

235. Not long ago, Professor Lynd, whom you know very well, was ______ a car accident.

A) related to C) involved in A) hit C) shook

B) included in D) damaged by B) beat D) swept


236. The lack of job opportunities ______ the town hard that winter.

237. Would you mind repeating what you said, I didn‘t quite catch ______.

A) up C) on

B) at D) out

238. It is difficult to ______a conversation with someone who only says?Yes‘and ?No‘.

A) keep to C) keep on

B) keep up D) keep down

239. Michael stayed up late studying before the examination in physics, and it ______ . He made an A.

A) paid out C) paid up

B) paid off D)paid back

240. She couldn‘t ______ the lecture at all. It was too difficult for her,

A) take to C) take in

B) take down D) take on

241. No one wishes to deal with a person who is accustomed to _____ .

A) eat his words C) break his word

B) keep his word D) swallow his word

242. A university is an educational institution which awards degrees and _____ research.

A) carries out C) carries about

B) carries off D) carries through

243. Mr. Williams has been invited to _____ the next discussion on this subject.

A) address C) take over

B) supervise D) preside over

244. They did considerable work to acquaint Western readers _____ the present status of the People‘s Republic of China.

A) for C) from

B) in D) with

245. To be a good composer, one must _____ the people and create the music they need.

A) feel with C) feel out

B) feel like D) feel about

246. The nation‘s economy was_____ up and would certainly show a great improvement in the next five years.

A) rising C) looking

B) getting D) showing

247. Ready to give a good account of themselves the players _____ in high spirits at the tournament.

A) took the floor C) took the chair

B) took the field D)took the air

248. The microscopic viewpoint _____ the fundamental physical processes.

A) casts light in C) throws light on

B) sheds light in D)projects light on

249. We must _____ our ideas _____ with the laws of the objective external world.

A) bring…into correspondence C) bring…into contact

B) bring …into conflict D) bring…into relations

250. The foreign students were ______by the excellent spoken Chinese of their teacher.

A) carried out C) carried on

B) carried away D) carried over


251. The journey usually takes six weeks but you should _____ delays caused by bad weather.

A) account for C) apply for

B) allow for D) arrange for

252. He were very badly injured; only the very finest treatment could have brought him _____.

A) to C) off

B) through D) down

253. The vegetables are _____ nicely, thanks to the rain we‘ve been having.

A) coming on C) coming upon

B) coming off D) coming out

254. The doctor took X rays and ruled _____ the chance of broken bones.

A) against C) out

B) over D) off

255. They demanded a raise in their wages to make up _____ the increased cost of living.

A) in C) over

B) for D) with

256. He has a good centigrade thermometer which _____ changes in temperature very quickly.

A) reacts with C) reacts to

B) reacts against D) reacts on

257. Our company decided to _____ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.

A) resist C) cancel

B) assume D) destroy

258. The representatives of the company seemed very _____ to the living conditions of the workers.

A) liberal C) ignorant

B) responsible D)insensitive

259. For the term paper she _____ 35volumes of British history.

A) worked over C) made over

B) threw over D) handed over

260. The doorman _____ and telephoned the fire department immediately; otherwise the whole builing might have burned down.

A) shook his head C) held still

B) kept his head D) lost himself

261. The first row of the auditorium are _____ for distinguished scholars.

A) engaged C) stored

B) reserved D) arranged

262. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how our business was going in.

A) informed C) informing

B) on informing D) to be informed

263. People of all countries are expected to _____ the principles of the United Nations.

A) inspect C) uphold

B) upset D) integrate

264. Pipes _____ hot water from this boiler to every part of the company.

A) transfer C) convey

B) transform D) deliver


265. When Myron was seventeen he _____ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.

A) took to C) took up

B) took for D) took from

266. Not a slightest error in operation escapes Mr. Nasmyth‘s_____ eyes.

A) reared C) trained

B) educated D) practised

267. Students have access ______the library during the vacation.

A) to C) of

B) toward D) into

268. The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient‘s blindness was ______.

A) contemporary C) temperature

B) consistent D) temporary

269. In spite of her good salary, she measured _____ every dollar needed for household expenses.

A) by

C) out

B) off D) up to

270. The electric railway is scheduled to be opened to _____ on New Year‘s Day.

A) transportation C) vehicle

B) traffic D) movement

271. This is an key ______ an improvement of their living conditions.

A) to C) of

272. The room was bare of furniture ______ a few chairs.

A) but C) except

B) except for D) but that B) for D) in

273. You can easily get books _____ Shakespeare at any leading bookstores.

A) on C) in

B) to D) for

274. You should consider yourself _____ luck to get such an opportunity.

A) for C) in

B) out of D) of

275. The temperature here should not be allowed to fall _____ 60℉ahrenheit.

A) by C) behind

B) beneath D) below

276. It is said that even today thousands of Londoners set their watches _____ Big Ben.

A) of C) by

B) from D) below

277. The president______ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis at the meeting.

A) went for C) went into

B) went after D) went on

278. _____ his return, he learned that his wife had been at the shopping center and would not be back for several hours

A) On C) With

B) At D) During


279. The door opened and came in an old woman, blind _____ the right eye.

A) in C) of

B) to D) with

280. The living conditions of the country have been seriously worsened, _____ the post war rise in prices.

A) on account for C) owing to

B) despite D) because

281. I‘m sure Grace is the very girl whom you will be glad to get acquainted _____ .

A) to C) on

B)with D) in

282. Joan told her parents about her engagement previous _____ publishing it in the newspaper.

A) of C) to

B) about D) from

283. They are making slow progress _____ the construction of that new road.

A) through C) with

B) against D) toward

284. The work was done to the manager‘s own _____, but in my opinion it was badly done.

A) joy C) attraction

B) pleasure D)satisfaction

285. The food and drink which were ordered for the party failed to come, and the hostess was _____ her wit‘s end to know what to do.

A) at C) of

B) in D) on

286. You must accustom yourself to be more at your ______ when you are with people.

A) relax C) comfort

B) ease D) pleasure

287. The fact is that _____ polluting the environment the United States is one of the most overpopulated countries in the world.

A) in spite of C) in case of

B) in excess of D) in terms of

288. There is not much time left; so I‘ll tell you about it ______.

A) in brief C) in time

B) in short D) in particular

289. The President‘s speech was reported _____ in all the leading newspapers.

A) for short C) in full

B) to the full D) as a whole

290. The speaker‘s remarks on the subject are much _____.

A) at a point C) to the point

B) at this point D) to a point

291. If you don‘t have enough cash, why don‘t you make arrangements to buy the car _____?

A) to your credit C) on deposit

B) on credit D) without a deposit

292. Poverty depresses most people, _____ my father it was otherwise.

A) in case C) in the case of

B) in case of D) in any case


293. It is reported that he has won the world diving championship for three years _____ succession.

A) in C) on

B) at D) by

294. The automobile industry was then appearing on the _____.

A) stage C) view

B) horizon D) world

295. The chairman first gave us a summary of the situation and then discussed it _____.

A) at intervals C) at issue

B) at random D) at length

296. _____ improving his ability to speak French, he spends most of his holidays in France.

A)To the view C) With a view to

B) In the view of D) Out of view of

297.We must cherish experience acquired ______our own blood.

A) at a cost of C) at no cost

B) at the cost of D) at all costs

298. Jimmy doesn‘t know whether he is going by car or by train, but _____ he‘ll need money.

A) at all events C) in the event

B) in that event D) in either event

299. The salaries of American judges are rather low _____ with the compensation offered to judicial officers in Europe.

A) without comparison C) by comparison

B) beyond comparison

D) in comparison

300. The paint should be mixed _____ one part of paint to two parts of water.

A) in the proposition of C) out of proposition to

B) in proposition to D) in proposition

301. The contract shall remain _____ for a period of ten years.

A) by force C) in force

B) with force D) to force

302. I‘m more _____ agreement with Mr. Moore than with Mr. Winston.

A) by C) on

B) in D) under

303. Steel production has been _____ the decline in these countries.

A) in C) on

B) to D) of

304. For five miles _____ end the road was bordered with apple orchards.

A) in C) on

B) to D) without

305. The ballet called The Sleeping Beauty last night was fantastic _____ expression.

A) with C) in

B) beyond D) without

306. John promised to return the bike at a certain time _____ fail.

A) with C) from

B) without D) by


307. Allan said he was twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him _____.

A) in faith C) on faith

B) in good faith D) by his faith

308. Situated so close to the border, they lived in fear _____ constant fear of attack by the enemy.

A) of C) by

B) for D) without

309. His colleagues and former students compiled and published his essays _____ his thirty years‘ service with the University.

A) with honors

C) on their word of honour

B)on their honor D) in honor of

310. Trees are planted along both sides of the highway _____ about twenty metres.

A) in the intervals C) with an interval

B) at intervals D) without interval

311. The fair is _____ a symbol of the development of China‘s foreign trade.

A) by itself C) in itself

B) for itself D) of itself

312. Don‘t have him for a friend : he is nothing______ a criminal.

A) for C) but

B) to D) like

313. John and Mary couldn‘t sell all of the lemonade at five cents a cup so they have it _____ for three cents a cup.

A) by sale C) to sale

B) on sale D) from sale

314. I had planned to go at once, but _____ I decided to wait for a few days.

A) in thought C) on second thoughts

315. Theory is based on practice and ____ serves practice.

A) by turns C) on the turn

B) in turn D) out of turn B) beyond thought D) at first thought

316. I know Mr. Jones _____; I know who he is but I have never spoken to him.

A) on sight C) with sight

B) at sight D) by sight

317. When they were first marrie4d they lived with the husband‘s parents, but now they have a house _____ their own.

A) in C) all

B) of D) into

318. I t wasn‘t such a good dinner _____ she had promised us.

A) what C) as

B) which D) that

319 When you write an essay, please remember not to _____ off the point.

A) wander B) drop C) stroll D) walk

320. Mr. Smith‘s article has been published in the latest _____ of Science.

A) copy C) magazine

B) volume D) issue


321. The U.S .is known as a great ―melting pot‖ _____ its people are of different nationalities from all over the world.

A) as C) for

B) since D) because

322. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _____-.

A) come up with C) put up with

B) stand up to D) make up for

323. When environmental conditions change radically, some life forms _____.

A) die out C) die hard

B) die off D) die back

324. _____ nobody was very enthusiastic, they decided to cancel the trip.

A) Even though C) While

B) As soon as D) Seeing that

325. It is because she is too inexperienced _____ she dies not know how to deal with the situation.

A) so C) that

B) therefore D) so that

326. Stormy applause broke forth _____ Julius, a pop star, appeared on the stage.

A) one moment C) this moment

B) at any moment D) the moment

327. It is still in excellent condition ______it was built 600 years ago.

A) provided that C) in that

328. In _____, the house is like the letter S.

A) form C) shape

B) figure D) pattern B) supposing that D) considering that

329. Aged and weak, Mrs. Maugham paid _____ visits to her old friends lately.

A) scarce C) insufficient

B) rare D) inadequate

330. Learning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills, of a question of _____ new knowledge.

A) obtaining C) getting

B) attaining D) acquiring

331. After they had reached the top of the mountain, they returned to the _____ camp.

A) basis C) base

B) foundation D) essence

332. It was said that the Japanese once tried to purchase _____ in California.

A) earth C) hand

333. Timber is a useful _____ for building houses.

A) matter C) substance

B) object D) material B) ground D) soil

334. Mary‘s white shirt was badly _____ with ink as the ink bottle overturned and spilt over.

A) marked C) stained

B) signed D) colored


335. When I ask you a question, I expect a _____ answer.

A) punctual C) rapid

B) fast D) prompt

336. Some passengers were hurt when the two buses _____on the corner.

A) hit C) collided

B) knocked D) struck

337. Is there anyone who _____ the plans put forward by the committee?

A) differs C) refuses

B) disagrees D) opposes

338. Because of his noble birth, he claimed, he was _____ to a social position high above those of the commons.

A) given C) granted

B) credited D) entitled

339. Make sure you _____ your food properly before you swallow it.

A) bite C) eat

B) chew D) bark

340. Paper clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were _____ all over the floor in her office..

A) sprayed C) disposed

B) separated D) scattered

341. The _____ of the lake is covered with reeds and rushes.

A) beach C) ban

B) shore D) coast

342. The precious manuscripts were hopelessly _____ by long exposure in the cold, damp cellar.

A) damaged C) harmed

B) destroyed D) ruined

343. That country is again _____ its military force which was defeated by the U.S. and its West Allies in 1992.

A) building up C) setting up

B) building D) setting

344. God is believed, in terms of religion, to have _____ the universe out of darkness and chaos.

A) produced C) discovered

B) invented D) created

345. Mr.Masson used to be a Christian, but he is now _____ to Buddhism.

A) converted C) transformed

B) changed D) reformed

346. Now that he has retired, he lives partly on his pension and partly on the _____ of his savings account.

A) income C) tip

B) fare D) interest

347. Mr.& Mrs. Li _____ spend their holidays in the mountains though occasionally they go to the seaside instead.

A) usually C) constantly

B) invariably D) always

348. We have little _____ information about the development of the West.

A) present C) up-to-date

B) modern D) contemporary


C) minor D) indispensable

419. Color-blind people often find it difficult to ______ between blue and green.

A) compare C) contrast

B) separate D) distinguish

420. Cambridge has announced plans to establish a business school ______ the master‘s degree in business administration.

A) representing C) offering

B) presenting D) supplying

421. There are certain ______ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.

A) situations C)conditions

B) occasions D) environment

422. Pupil who pass the test will be ______ to the next grade.

A) progressed C) promoted

B) proceeded D) proposed

423. There was a ______ drop in support for the Union in the 1974 election.

A) delicate C) distant

B) distinct D) downward

424. Throughout his life, Henry Moore ______ an interest in encouraging art in the city of Leeds.

A)contained C) reserved

B) secured D) maintained

425. What he told us about the affair simply doesn‘t make any ______.

A) sense C) meaning

B) idea D) significance

426. Hitler set out to conquer all of Europe in the belief that the Germans were the master ______.

A) race C) blood

B) human D) brain

427. He is uninterested in education and seemingly unfit for other ______.

A) purposes C) pursuits

B) employment D) benefits

428. In the past twenty –five years, workers attained a new ______ of human dignity.

A) statue C) status

B) station D) state

429. Scholarships are too few to ______ the high-school graduates who deserve a college education.

A) meet C) adopt

B) feed D) accommodate

430. The life I lived ______ me into a new kind of human being.

A) shaped C) contributed

431. The price of the article is ______to its value.

A) place C) way

B) question D) proportion B) led D) guided

432. His wife left him after a number of ______ attempts to persuade him to give up taking drugs.

A) vain

B) inefficient


C) lost D) missing

433. At the interview for the job, he gave a good _____ of himself.

A) opinion C) account

B) idea D) appearance

434. All these children are well-disciplined and highly ______ to their teachers and parents.

A) respectful C) amusing

B) pleasing D) admirable

435. Mr. Keller went over the table again very carefully for fear of ______ any important data.

A) skimming C) ignoring

B) overlooking D) slipping

436. The government spokesman of the country has told the press that the peace talk between the president and the leader of the rebel force has

to be ______ for another two days. A) delayed C) stretched

437. There is too great a ______ of beer in Italy.

A) drink C) consumption

B) use D) sale B) postponed D) prolonged

438. In Chinese universities, English is a _____ course for all students.

A) comparative C) impulsive

B) selective D) compulsory

439. The problem will be discussed at length in _____ chapters.

A) late C) final

B) consequent D) subsequent

440. His father ______ at his rude words and slapped him across the face.

A) shouted C) flared up

B) cried D) flew up

441. The judge dismissed the case because there was not ______ evidence.

A) adequate C) efficient

B) plenty D) abundant

442. Fishing is a hobby which needs a good deal of _____.

A) stiffness C) patience

B) intelligence D) strength

443. Mr. Blake was among the few _____ men who refused to indulge in the foolish trade of the day.

A) senseless C) sensitive

B) sensible D) sensational

444. Chistopher Columber reached the new World in 1492 after he went through all the hardships _____ on the trans-Atlantic voyage.

A) imaginable C) imaginary

B) imaginative D) imagination

445. As civilization _____ in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials of life __ food, shelter and

clothes. A) processes C) proceeds

B) suspend D) exceeds


446. The carriage shot past(飞速驶过), leaving a _____ of dust behind it.

A) track C) trace

B) trail D) train

447. Only a very rich man could afford to buy these _____ paintings by Raphael.

A) valueless C) worthless

B) priceless D) useless

448. The village is well-known for its impressive mountainous _____.

A) views C) scenery

B) scenes D) sights

449. One of the tigers has got _____. Warn everyone of the danger.

A) lose C) loose

B) loosen D) lost

450. The road lay ahead of him, a ____ grey line stretching to the horizon.

A) continual C) prolonged

B) continuous D) lengthy

451. Some birds _____ twice a year between hot and cold countries.

A) immigrate C) slip

B) migrate D) glide

452. It is clear from the demonstration that the students no longer _____ the authority of the university staff.

A) recollect C) receive

B) recognize D) recover

453. it is very difficult for people in some remote towns to have a telephone______, and they have to wait a long time before they can get a

phone. A) installed C)fixed

B)equipped D) assembled

454. The patient‘s progress was very encouraging as he could _____get out of bed without help.

A) only C) merely

B) nearly D) barely

455. The headmaster has _____ to improve the lighting in the school corridors.

A) accepted C) agreed

456. All the food in that little cafe is _____.

A) home-grown C) home-made

B) self-made D) home-bred B) allowed D)confirmed

457. Because of the increasing interest in horse ridding, there is a growing need for _____.

A) goldsmiths C) silversmiths

B) locksmiths D) blacksmiths

458. The playing of the national anthem(国歌)______ all sports events.

A) proceeds C) processes

459. A person who can hold his anger back is _____.

A) self-assured

B) self-controlled


B) advances D) precedes

C) self-important D) self-conscious

460.The general manager told his secretary that he had suffered from heart disease, but he would not admit it ______.

A)in public C) in secret

B)in private D)in detail

461.People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in ______ populated areas.

A) intensely C) highly

B) densely D) abundantly

462. When he asked you a question, he expected a _____ answer.

A) prompt C) rapid

B) fast D) punctual

463. A university is an educational institution which awards degrees and _____ research.

A) carries about C) carries off

B) carries out D) carries through

464. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly _____ if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the

party date. A) admired C) expected

B) regarded D) worshipped

465. A man has to make _____ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.

A) supply C) provision

B) assurance D) adjustment

466. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are _____ free medical care.

A) entitled to C) associated

B) involved in D) assigned to

467. The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at _____.

A )danger C) loss

B) stake D) threat

468. I felt _____ to death because I could make nothing of the chairman‘s speech.

A) fatigued C) exhausted

B) tired D) bored

469. Your advice would be _____ valuable to her who is in trouble now.

A) exceedingly C) extensively

B) excessively D) exclusively

470. People _____ that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.

A) convinced C) resolved

B) anticipated D) assured

471. In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or _____ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive

systematic programme for the reading skills. A) adapted C) assembled

B) provided D) appointed

472.The mother said she would _____ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.

A) let down C) let off

B) let alone D) let out


473. We should always keep in mind that _____ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.

A) urgent C) instant

B) hasty D) prompt

474. John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages _____ in the dictionary.

A) missing C) dropping

B) losing D) leaking

475. In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women _____ this field is climbing.

A) engaging C) registering

B) devoting D) pursuing

476. When confronted with such questions, my mind goes _____, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

A) dim C) faint

B) blank D) vain

477. Evidently, there has been a ______towards simpler styles in women‘s dresses.

A) fashion C)tendency

B) intend D) trend

478. Some of the most important concepts in physics _____ their success to these mathematical systems.

A ) oblige C) contribute

B) owe D) attribute

479. As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something ______ researching into.

A) precious C) worthy

B) worth D) valuable

480. As we know, the satellite moves in the ______ space.

A) external C) outside

B) outward D) outer

481. One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U.S. is that they have taken great _____ to educate their children.

A) efforts C) attempts

B) pains D) diligence

482. If any man here does not agree with me, he should _____ his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.

A) put on C) put in

483. The meeting was ______ when the president fell ill.

A) put down C) fall down

B) cut short D) shut out B) put out D) put forward

484. Your improper words will give _____ to doubts concerning your true intentions.

A) rise C) suspicion

B) reason D) impulse

485. In the disastrous flood many towns and villages were _____ to ruins.

A) lessened C) decreased

B) diminished D)reduced

486. You should put a ______ on your luggage, with full name and address.

A) label C) signal

B) note D) sign


