更新时间:2024-05-26 01:43:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
( ) 1. wants to draw _______ , but they look like eggs .
A. houses B. circles
( ) 2. wants to draw ______, but they look like .
A. trees B. rubbers
( ) 3. ______ wants to draw houses , but they look like .
A. B.
( ) 4. gives _______ a new pencil to help her. A.Nancy B. Julia ( ) 5. gives Julia_______ to help her.
A. a piece of green paper B. a piece of white paper ( ) 6. What do you think of ? A. a sad dog B. a silly dog
( ) 7. How many dogs can you see in the story
A. Two. B. One. ( ) 8. What does get in the end?
A. Nothing. B. Two bones.
( ) 9.“Be happy with what you are.”是什么意思? A.笑口常开。 B. 知足常乐。
( ) 10. “Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger.”是什么意思?
A. 绝对不要相信将你至于危险中的朋友。 B. 永远不要信任朋友。
( ) 11. “ All things are difficult before they are easy.”是什么意思? A. 凡事必先难后易。 B. 凡事必先易后难。 ( ) 12.“ While there is life ,there is hope.”是什么意思?
A. 患难见真情。 B. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 ( ) 13. “ No cross ,no crown.”是什么意思?
A.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。B.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。 ( ) 14. “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.”是什么意思?
A. 患难见真情。 B. 绝对不要相信将你至于危险中的朋友。
( ) 15. The conjuror puts , and ________into the bag. A. B.
( ) 16. The conjuror puts the into the_________. A.box B.bag
( ) 17. goes to the ___________ with his sister.
A. room B. pool
( ) 18. can’t________ or push others at the pool. A. jump B. run
( ) 19. sees a frog on ________ . A. Saturday B. Sunday
( ) 20. finds her show-and-tell frog in the__________. A. classroom B. bus stop 判断题
( ) 1. gets one bone in the end.
( ) 2. wants to draw rubbers ,but they look like eggs. ( ) 3. wants to draw trees ,but they look like . ( ) 4. is a silly dog .
( ) 5. The singer needs a great suit.
( ) 6. “Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger.”的意思是“患难见真情”。
( ) 7. “Be happy with what you are.”的意思是“知足常乐”。 ( ) 8.“All things are different before they are easy.”意思是“凡事必先难后易”。
( ) 9. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”意思是“不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹”。
( ) 10. “All things are different before they are easy.”意思是“知足常乐”。
( ) 11. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”意思是“患难见真情”。 ( ) 12.The conjuror puts the into the stage.
( ) 13. goes to the pool with his sister. ( ) 14. can run or push others at the pool. ( ) 15. goes to school with his sister. ( ) 16. can’t run or push others at the pool. ( ) 17. The dog like the spaghetti. ( ) 18. sees a frog on Sunday.
( ) 19. finds her show-and-tell frog in the classroom.
( ) 20. puts the frog in the bag ,but she can’t find it the next morning.
1. wants to draw _______ , but they look like eggs . 2. sees a frog on _______. 3. Be with what you are. 4. goes to the pool with his ___________.
5. gives Julia a_______ sharpener to help her. 6. can’t ________ in the shallow end. 7. The singer needs a great . 8. can’t________popcorn by the pool.
9. The conjuror puts the into the _______ . 10. finds her show-and-tell __________in the classroom.
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