BEC口语Part 2 题集(整理自BEC口语书)

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1.1 Teamwork

What’s important when…? Evaluating the success teamwork ·Mutual trust ·Full co-operation ·

1.2 International Communications

What’s important when…?

of Communicating management mess-

ages to the staff ·Overall purpose

·Feedback on performance

1.3 Reducing Production Cost

What’s important when…?

Aiming to control production cost ·Quality suppliers

·Efficiency of production line ·

1.4 Reducing Overheads

What’s important when…?

Aiming to slash business overheads ·Budget and management ·Long-term effects ·

1.7 Logistics

What’s important when…? Developing logistics strategies ·Customer service levels ·Information management ·

1.5 How to Deal with a Heavy


What’s important when…? Coping with a heavy workload ·Benefits system ·Time management

1.6 Work Environment

What’s important when…?

Designing the layout of an office ·Appropriate use of space ·Amount of light

1.8 Business Ethics

What’s important when…?

Measuring corporate performance ·Business ethics

·Environmental protection

2.1 Recruiting & Selecting

What’s important when…? Selecting an employment interviewer ·Personal quality ·Interviewing skills

2.4 Promotion

What’s important when…?

Thinking about going for a promotion

·Work-related qualities ·Personal qualities ·

2.2 Employee Training 2.3 Career Development What’s important when…? What’s important when…? Choosing a training program to Choosing a new career chance attend ·Location ·Content/subjects covered ·Starting salary ·Trainer · ·

2.5 Staff Motivation

What’s important when…? Motivating senior executives ·Stock options

·Perquisites/ special benefits ·

2.7 Appraising and Improving Performance

What’s important when…?

Managing ineffective performance ·Training ·Transfer ·

2.8 Pay and Benefits 2.9 Labor Relations 2.10 Work Place Safety and Health What’s important when…? What’s important when…? What’s important when…? Deciding base salary Dealing with problem Planning health and safety training

for employees ·Salary level of comparable employee/employee misconduct

companies ·Role of immediate supervisor ·Selecting training contents ·Availability of local workforce ·Discipline ·Staff involvement · · ·

2.11 Time Management

What’s important when…? Managing a busy schedule ·Time management skills ·Others’ cooperation ·

3.2 Setting Prices

What’s important when…? Setting prices for new products ·Costs ·Demand

2.12 Managing Stress

What’s important when…? Managing job stress ·Hobbies ·Job target ·

3.3 Product Promotion

What’s important when…? Promoting a product ·Advertising

·Sales promotion ·

3.1 Product Development

What’s important when…? Developing new products ·Market research ·Screening ·

3.4 Advertising

What’s important when…?

Aiming to increase sales of a product


·Bonus for sales staff ·

2.6 Staff Turnover

What’s important when…? Aiming to retain good staff ·Pleasing work environment ·Career opportunity ·

3.5 Packaging

What’s important when…?

Deciding packaging for a products ·Image

·Packaging design ·

3.6 Branding

What’s important when…? Choosing household appliances ·Brand names ·Technology ·

3.7 Customer Satisfaction

What’s important when…?

Dealing with customer complaints ·Remaining calm

·Suggesting a solution to the problem


3.8 Keeping Customers 3.9 Marketing Channels 4.1 Travel and Transport What’s important when…? What’s important when…? What’s important when…? 1.Choosing transport for a business Maintaining customer loyalty Selecting the type of marketing trip ·Comfort ·Cost

channel 2.Choosing an airline for a business ·Discounts

·Quality products ·Geographic concentration of the trip

market · ·In-flight catering ·Services provided by middlemen ·Destinations offered ·

4.2 Travel and Accommodation 4.3 Domestic Travel 4.4 Travelling Abroad What’s important when…? What’s important when…? What’s important when…? 1.Choosing a hotel for people 1. Planning business trips 1.Having a business travel abroad travelling on ·Purpose ·Travel ·Advance preparations business arrangement ·Arrival time

2. Selecting an agency to arrange 2.Selecting staff for fact-finding ·Location

business tours abroad ·Facilities provided

2.Choosing a hotel to stay on travel · Reputation ·Speed ·Position in the company business travels of service ·Previous experience of other

countries ·Size ·Workout 3. Preparing for a business trip

facilities ·Delegating essential tasks

·Staying accessible

5.1 Corporate Culture

What’s important when…? Designing a company brochure ·Company culture ·Costs ·

5.2 Company Image

What’s important when…? Designing a company magazine ·Target readership ·Contents included ·

5.3 Corporate Gifting

What’s important when…?

Sending corporate gifts to foreign business clients

·Cultural differences ·Company logo

5.4 Corporate Sponsorship 5.5 Dress Code What’s important when…? What’s important when…? Considering to sponsor a sports Dressing for a job interview event ·Professional image ·Target audience ·Being clean and neat

·Media coverage


6.1 Site Location and Relocation

What’s important when…? Selecting a company location

·Demand for products or services ·Transportation ·

6.4 Meeting Competition

What’s important when…? Dealing with competition ·Pricing policies

·Advertising strategies ·

7.3 Internet Marketing

What’s important when…?

Choosing and Internet company to buy from

·delivery time ·special offers ·

6.2 Going Global

What’s important when…?

Exporting goods or services for the first time

·Cultural differences ·Professional advice

7.1 Office Automation

What’s important when…? Conducting computer training ·External experts ·Participants

7.4 Flexible Patterns of Work

What’s important when…? Introducing job sharing scheme ·suitable types of job ·benefits for the company What’s important when…? ·compatible work partner ·role defining

5.6 Entertaining Business Clients

What’s important when…?

Entertaining your business clients ·Appropriate venue for entertainment

·Clear objectives for the meeting

6.3 Franchise

What’s important when…?

Entering a franchising agreement ·Brand name ·Training ·

7.2 Setting up Company Website

What’s important when…? Setting up a company website ·Possible benefits ·Promotion

8.1 Staging a Meeting/Conference

What is important when…? Planning a meeting ·agenda ·size

What’s important when…? Preparing for a product launch ·People involved ·Cost ·

8.2 Attending a Meeting/ conference

What’s important when…?

Deciding whether to attend a conference ·Venue ·Speakers ·

What’s important when…? 8.3 Giving a Presentation What’s important when…? Attending a business meeting What’s important when…? Planning a presentation

Preparing for a presentation to new ·practicing beforehand ·Listening carefully

staff? ·Taking notes ·researching the topic

· ·Information included · ·Facilities needed


What’s important when…? 8.4 Trade Fairs and exhibitions What’s important when…? Organizing a product What’s important when…? Planning the layout of a stand at demonstration Exhibiting at trade fair? trade fair ·presenter ·audience ·

What’s important when…?

Interviewing candidates for a job ·Personal quality ·qualifications ·

What’s important when…? Planning a career ·qualifications ·future trends ·

·Quality of display ·Staff selected ·

What’s important when…? Conducting market research ·Competition

·Characteristics of sample ·

What’s important when…? Delegating tasks ·priorities

·previous experience ·

·Attractiveness ·Security of exhibits ·

What’s important when…? Organizing a training program ·availability ·costs ·

What’s important when…? Controlling costs

·arrangements with suppliers ·finance systems ·

What’s important when…? Chairing a meeting ·Preparation

·Keeping to the agenada ·

