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unit 4

Was Einstein a Space Alien?

1 Albert Einstein was exhausted. For the third night in a row, his baby son Hans, crying, kept the household awake until dawn. When Albert finally dozed off ... it was time to get up and go to work. He couldn't skip a day. He needed the job to support his young family.

1. 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦精疲力竭。他幼小的儿子汉斯连续三个晚上哭闹不停,弄得全家人直到天亮都无法入睡。阿尔伯特总算可以打个瞌睡时,已是他起床上班的时候了。他不能一天不上班,他需要这份工作来养活组建不久的家庭。

2 Walking briskly to the Patent Office, where he was a \orried about his mother. She was getting older and frail, and she didn't approve of his marriage to Mileva. Relations were strained. Albert glanced at a passing shop window. His hair was a mess; he had forgotten to comb it again.

2. 阿尔伯特是专利局三等技术专家。在快步去专利局上班的路上,他为母亲忧心忡忡。母亲年纪越来越大,身体虚弱。她不同意儿子与迈尔娃的婚事,婆媳关系紧张。阿尔伯特瞥了一下路过的商店的橱窗,看见自己头发凌乱,他又忘了梳头了。

3 Work. Family. Making ends meet. Albert felt all the pressure and responsibility of any young husband and father. 3. 工作,家庭,维持生计——阿尔伯特感受到了一位年轻丈夫和年轻父亲所要承担的全部压力和责任。

To relax, he revolutionized physics.


4 In 1905, at the age of 26 and four years before he was able to get a job as a professor of physics, Einstein published five of the most important papers in the history of science--all written in his \spare time.%ut that. He argued that light came in little bits (later called \for quantum mechanics. He described his theory of special relativity: space and time were threads in a common fabric, he proposed, which could be bent, stretched and twisted.

4. 1905年,在他被聘为物理学教授的前四年,26岁的爱因斯坦发表了科学史上最重要论文中的五篇——这些论文都是他在“业余时间”完成的。他证明了原子和分子的存在。1905年之前,科学家们对此没有把握。爱因斯坦论证说光以微粒形态出现(后来被称为“光子”),这为量子力学奠定了基础。他把狭义相对论描写为:时空如同普通织物中的线,他提出,这些线可以弯曲、拉长和交织在一起。

5 Oh, and by the way, E=mc2. 5. 对了,顺便提一下,E = mc2。

6 Before Einstein, the last scientist who had such a creative outburst was Sir Isaac Newton. It happened in 1666 when Newton secluded himself at his mother's farm to avoid an outbreak of plague at Cambridge. With nothing better to do, he developed his Theory of Universal Gravitation. 6. 在爱因斯坦之前,最近一位迸发出如此创造性思想的科学家当数艾萨克牛顿


7 For centuries historians called 1666 Newton's “miracle year”. Now those words have a different meaning: Einstein and 1905. The United Nations has declared 2005 \\“miracle year.” 7. 几个世纪以来,历史学家称为1666牛顿的“奇迹年”。现在这些话有不同的意义:爱因斯坦和1905。联合国已经宣布2005年“世界物理年“庆祝爱因斯坦“奇迹年”的100周年。 8 Modern pop culture paints Einstein as a bushy-haired superthinker. His ideas, we're told, were improbably far ahead of other scientists. He must have come from some other planet--maybe the same one Newton grew up on.

8. 现代流行文化把爱因斯坦绘画成一位长着蓬乱头发的超级思想家。据说他的思想不可思议地远远超过其他科学家。他一定是从其他星球来的——也许是牛顿长大的同一个星球。 9 \Galison. \ with mixed success, by other scientists. \een written in some form, eventually, by others,\9. “爱因斯坦决不是外星人,”哈佛大学物理学家、科学史家彼得加里森笑着说。“他是他那个时代的人。”他所有发表于1905年的论文解决了当时其他科学家正多多少少在解决的问题,“如果没有爱因斯坦,其他科学家最终也会以某种形式撰写出这些论文来的”加里森相信。

10 What's remarkable about 1905 is that a single person authored all five papers, plus the original, irreverent way Einstein came to his conclusions.

10. 1905年不同寻常的是,爱因斯坦一个人撰写的五篇论文,而且他得出结论的方法既富原创性又显得不合常规。

11 For example: the photoelectric effect. This was a puzzle in the early 1900s. When light hits a metal, like zinc, electrons fly off. This can happen only if light comes in little packets concentrated enough to knock an electron loose. A spread-out wave wouldn't do the photoelectric trick.

11. 例如:光电效应。这在20世纪初期的一道难题。当光照射到金属(如锌)上时,电子飞速飞离电子表面,这种现象只有当光的粒子集聚的程度足以把电子击撞松动的时候才会发生。漫延波不会产生光电效应。

12 The solution seems simple--light is particulate. Indeed, this is the solution Einstein proposed in 1905 and won the Nobel Prize for in 1921. Other physicists like Max Planck (working on a related problem: blackbody radiation), more senior and experienced than Einstein, were closing in on the answer, but Einstein got there first. Why?

12. 答案似乎很简单——光是粒子。事实上,这是爱因斯坦1905年提出的解答,并因此于1921年获得诺贝尔奖。其他物理学家们,比如比爱因斯坦资历更深、经验更丰富的麦克斯普兰克(从事研究相关的问题:黑体辐射),其研究正接近

该问题的答案,但爱因斯坦捷足先登。为什么? It's a question of authority. 这是对权威的看法问题

13 \greeing with physicist James Clerk Maxwell. Nobody wanted to do that,\ equations were enormously successful, unifying the physics of electricity, magnetism and optics. Maxwell had proved beyond any doubt that light was an electromagnetic wave. Maxwell was an A

uthority Figure.

13. “在爱因斯坦的时代,如果你试图说光由粒子组成,你就会发现自己与物理学家杰姆斯.克拉克.马克斯威尔持不同观点。没有人想那么做,”加里森说道。马克斯威尔的方程式把物理学中的电学、磁学和光学统一起来,获得了巨大的成功。麦克斯威尔毫无疑问地证明了光是电磁波。他可是权威人物。

14 Einstein didn't give a fig for authority. He didn't resist being told what to do, not so much, but he hated being told what was true. Even as a child he was constantly doubting and questioning. \Your mere presence here undermines the class's respect for me,\eph Degenhart. (Degenhart also predicted that Einstein \haracter flaw was to be a key ingredient in Einstein's discoveries.

14. 爱因斯坦豪不在乎权威。他不太反对别人要求他做什么,但是他不喜欢别人告诉他什么是正确的。即使在小时候他也不停地质疑和问问题。“你呆在这里损害了全班学生对我尊敬,”他第七年级的老师约瑟夫狄根哈特博士愤怒地说。(狄根哈特还预言爱因斯坦“永远不会有出息”)这一性格缺陷成为日后爱因斯坦作出种种发现的主要因素。

15 \ advisor or any other authority figure.\15. “在1905年,”加里森着重指出,“爱因斯坦刚刚获得博士学位,他不感激于论文导师或任何其他权威人士。”因此,他的思想在自由漫游。

16 In retrospect, Maxwell was right. Light is a wave. But Einstein was right, too. Light is a particle. This bizarre duality baffles Physics 101 students today just as it baffled Einstein in 1905. How can light be both? Einstein had no idea.

16. 回想起来,麦克斯威尔是正确的。光是一种波。但爱因斯坦也是对的。光是粒子。这种异乎寻常的二象性使今天选修无力101课程的同学们感到困惑,就像在1905年使爱因斯坦感到困惑一样。光怎么可能既是波又是粒子呢?爱因斯坦无法理解。

17 That didn't slow him down. Disdaining caution, Einstein adopted the intuitive leap as a basic tool. \hile not knowing the reason.\

17. 困惑并没有使爱因斯坦放慢探究的脚步。爱因斯坦不屑谨小慎微,他采用直觉跳跃思维作为基本工具。“我相信直觉和灵感,”他在1931年写道。“有时尽管不知道原因,但是我肯定我是对的。

18 Although Einstein's five papers were published in a single year, he had been thinking about physics, deeply, since childhood. \

conversation in the Einstein household,\b ran a German company making such things as dynamos, arc lamps, light bulbs and telephones. This was high-tech at the turn of the century, \Galison. \

18. 虽说爱因斯坦在短短的一年内发表了五篇论文,其实他童年时代就一直深入地思考物理的问题。“科学是爱因斯坦在餐桌上聊天的话题。”加里森解释道。爱因斯坦的父亲赫尔曼和叔叔雅各布经营一家德国公司,制造发电机,电弧灯,灯泡、电话等诸如此类的产品。这是(20)世纪之初属于高科技,“像今天的硅谷公司,”加里森着重提到。“艾伯特对科学技术与生俱来怀有兴趣。”

19 Einstein's parents sometimes took Albert to parties. No babysitter was required: Albert sat on the couch, totally absorbed, quietly doing math problems while others danced around him. Pencil and paper were Albert's GameBoy!

19. 爱因斯坦的父母有时会带儿子参加聚会。她们不常请人看孩子:当其他人在他周围跳舞时,阿尔伯特坐在沙发上,全神贯注,静静地做数学题。笔和纸是阿尔伯特的玩具! 20 He had impressive powers of concentration. Einstein's sister, Maja, recalled \re was a lot of noise, he could lie down on the sofa, pick up a pen and paper, precariously balance an inkwell on the backrest and engross himself in a problem so much that the background noise stimulated rather than disturbed him.\他有极强的集中思想的能力。爱因斯坦的妹妹玛雅,回忆说:“??即使周围非常吵闹,他也能躺在沙发上,拿起纸和笔,悠悠地把墨水池放在一个靠背上,专心致志得解题,北京声音不但没有打扰他,反而激励他。”

21 Einstein was clearly intelligent, but not outlandishly more so than his peers. \l talents,%ular assessment of my powers ... and the reality is simply grotesque.\ries to imagination and pesky questioning more so than orthodox intelligence. 21. 爱因斯坦显然很聪明,但不比他的同龄人超出多少。“我没有什么特别的才能,”他说,“只是我的好奇心非常强烈。”还有:“大众对我能力的评估?和现实之间的差异简直大得荒唐。”爱因斯坦把他的发现更多地归功于想象力和不断提问而不是普通所谓的智慧。

22 Later in life, it should be remembered, he struggled mightily to produce a unified field theory, combining gravity with other forces of nature. He failed. Einstein's brainpower was not limitless. 22.应该记住的是,爱因斯坦在晚年竭尽全力想象提出统一场论,把万有引力和自然界中其他的力结合起来。但他失败了。爱因斯坦的智力不是无限的。

23 Neither was Einstein's brain. It was removed without permission by Dr. Thomas Harvey in 1955 when Einstein died. He probably expected to find something extraordinary:Einstein's mother Pauline had famously worried that baby Einstein's head was lopsided. (Einstein's grandmother had a different concern: \and, if anything, a trifle smaller than average.

23. 爱因斯坦的大脑也是如此。他1955年去世的时候,托马斯哈维医生在未经许可的情况下解剖了他的大脑。也许他期盼发现一些惊人的东西。但是爱因斯坦死的大脑看起来和其他人的大脑很相似,灰色,波状的。如果非要说什么不同,那就是他的大脑比正常人的小一点。




致力于这个国家的民主特质的人,”他后来奇迹。”没有人谦卑自己,在另一个人。”不是一个爱因斯坦爱因斯坦,然而,没有爱因斯坦的时候他还是一个孩子的成长。在慕尼黑,德国,第一个孩子的赫尔曼和保罗爱因斯坦,他在缓慢的学习说话。“我的父母非常担心,”他回忆道,“他们找医生。”当他开始使用的话2岁之后,他制定了一个怪癖,促使他的保姆给他迟钝的人。”他所说的每一句,无论多么常规,”回忆起他的妹妹,玛雅,”他轻声地反复,动动嘴唇。”他缓慢发展的结合是一个厚脸皮的叛逆的权威,从而导致一个德国校长把他包装。另一个说,爱因斯坦不会多。“当我问自己这是怎么发生的,我发现了相对论,它似乎躺在下面的情况,”爱因斯坦后来解释说。“普通成人不会困扰他的头问题的空间和时间。这些都是他认为作为一个孩子。但我发展很慢,我开始思考的空间和时间,当我已经长大了。我更深入探讨的问题不是一个普通的孩子都有一个快乐的科学。”鼓励他的和蔼的父亲,谁经营家族生意,和他热爱音乐的母亲,爱因斯坦花了几个小时的工作上的难题和建筑 塔的玩具。”的毅力和韧性是他性格中的一部分,”他的妹妹说。一次,爱因斯坦生病在床上作为一个孩子,他的父亲带他一个指南针。爱因斯坦后来想起这么激动,当他检查了它的神秘力量,他颤抖着越来越冷。磁针的表现好像受到一个隐藏的力场,而不是通过机械的方法接触或接触。”深深的藏得背后的东西,”他说。他对磁域,重力,惯性和光束。他保留的能力,将两个念头的同时,感到困惑时,冲突和喜悦时,他看到一个潜在的团结。”像你我这样的人是永远不会老的,”他写道,一个朋友多年以后我们从来没有停止过。”都是好奇的孩童面前的伟大神秘的,我们是天生的。”普遍的看法相反,爱因斯坦擅长数学。在13岁的时候,他已经有了一个偏爱解决复杂问题的应用数学,他的妹妹回忆说。一个叔叔,雅各布爱因斯坦,工程师,把他介绍给欢乐的代数,称它是“快乐的科学,”当爱因斯坦取得了胜利,他“很高兴不已。”他从阅读科普书籍,这表明他“圣经不可能是真的,”爱因斯坦制定了一个抵制一切形式的教条。他写了1901,“一个愚蠢的信仰权威是真理最大的敌人。”



他的第一个万圣节生活在美国,爱因斯坦解除了一些捣蛋的小夜曲惊讶他们在门口和小提琴。在圣诞节,当成员的本地教会来唱圣诞颂歌,他走到外面,借了一把小提琴,愉快地陪他们。爱因斯坦很快获得的图像,它长到附近的一个传说,是一个亲切的教授,分散在次但始终甜,谁很少梳头穿袜子。”我已经到了一岁时,如果有人告诉我穿袜子,我不去,”他告诉当地的一些孩子。他曾经帮助一个15岁的学生,亨利·罗索,以新闻类。我们的老师提供了一个高档的人得分采访的科学家,所以我们出现在爱因斯坦的家,却被拒绝在门外。送牛奶的人给了他一个提示:爱因斯坦走了一段路每早晨9: 30.rosso溜出学校,同他搭讪。但学生,突然所有的困惑,不知道问什么。所以爱因斯坦提出的问题,关于数学的。”我发现大自然是建造在一个美妙的方式,我们的任务就是找到我们的[它]的数学结构,”爱因斯坦解释了自己的教育。”它是一种信念,帮助我通过我的整个生活。”访谈获得亨利罗索A。

unit 5 Writing Three Thank-You Letters

Alex Haley served in the Coast Guard during World War ll. On an especially lonely day to be at sea -- Thanksgiving Day -- he began to give serious thought to a holiday that has become, for many Americans, a day of overeating and watching endless games of football. Haley decided to celebrate the true meaning of Thanksgiving by writing three very special letters.


Writing Three Thank-You Letters

Alex Haley

1 It was 1943, during World War II, and I was a young U. S. coastguardsman. My ship, the USS Murzim, had been under way for several days. Most of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods. The other holds were loaded with five-hundred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks. Our destination was a big base on the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific. 写三封感谢信 亚利克斯·黑利


2 I was one of the Murzim's several cooks and, quite the same as for folk ashore, this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. 我是军市一号上的一个厨师,跟岸上的人一样,那个感恩节的上午,我们忙着在准备一道以烤火鸡为主的传统菜肴。

3 Well, as any cook knows, it's a lot of hard work to cook and serve a big meal, and clean up and put everything away. But finally, around sundown, we finished at last.


4 I decided first to go out on the Murzim's afterdeck for a breath of open air. I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook's hat.


5 I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. 我开始思索起感恩节这个节日来,想着清教徒前辈移民、印第安人、野火鸡、南瓜、玉米棒等等。

6 Yet my mind seemed to be in quest of something else -- some way that I could personally apply to the close of Thanksgiving. It must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word \verbal direction, \

可我脑子里似乎还在搜索着别的事什么――某种我能够赋予这一节日以个人意义的方式。大概过了半个小时左右我才意识到,问题的关键也许在于把Thanksgiving这个字前后颠倒一下――那样一来至少文字好懂了:Giving thanks。

7 Giving thanks -- as in praying, thanking God, I thought. Yes, of course. Certainly.


8 Yet my mind continued turning the idea over. 可我脑子里仍一直盘桓着这事。

9 After a while, like a dawn's brightening, a further answer did come -- that there were people to thank, people who had done so much for me that I could never possibly repay them. The embarrassing truth was I'd always just accepted what they'd done, taken all of it for granted. Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple, sincere \ 过了片刻,如同晨曦初现,一个更清晰的念头终于涌现脑际――要感谢他人,那些赐我以诸多恩惠,我根本无以回报的人们。令我深感不安的实际情形是,我向来对他们所做的一切受之泰然,认为是理所应当。我一次也没想过要对他们中的任何一位真心诚意地说一句简单的谢谢。

10 At least seven people had been particularly and lastingly helpful to me. I realized,

swallowing hard, that about half of them had since died -- so they were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me. The more I thought about it, the more ashamed I became. Then I pictured the three who were still alive and, within minutes, I was down in my cabin.


11 Sitting at a table with writing paper and memories of things each had done, I tried composing genuine statements of heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to my dad, Simon A. Haley, a professor at the old Agricultural Mechanical Normal College in Pine Bluff, Arkansas; to my grandma, Cynthia Palmer, back in our little hometown of Henning, Tennessee; and to the Rev. Lonual Nelson, my grammar school principal, retired and living in Ripley, six miles north of Henning.


12 The texts of my letters began something like, \thoughts upon how much you have done for me, but I have never stopped and said to you how much I feel the need to thank you -- \And briefly I recalled for each of them specific acts performed on my behalf.


13 For instance, something uppermost about my father was how he had impressed upon me from boyhood to love books and reading. In fact, this graduated into a family habit of after-dinner quizzes at the table about books read most recently and new words learned. My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself. So many times I have felt a sadness when exposed to modern children so immersed in the electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered in books.


14 I reminded the Reverend Nelson how each morning he would open our little country town's grammar school with a prayer over his assembled students. I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers. 我跟纳尔逊牧师提及他如何每天清晨和集合在一起的学生做祷告,以此开始乡村小学的一天。我告诉他,我后来所做的任何有意义的事,都至少部分地是受了他那些学校晨祷的影响。

15 In the letter to my grandmother, I reminded her of a dozen ways she used to teach me how to tell the truth, to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others. I thanked her for the years of eating her good cooking, the equal of which I had not found since. Finally, I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust. 在给外祖母的信中,我谈到了她用了种种方式教我讲真话,教我与人分享,教我宽恕、体谅他人。我感谢她多年来让我吃到她烧的美味菜肴,离开她后我从来没吃过那么可口的菜肴。最后,我感谢她,因为她在我的生命中撒下美妙的遐想。

16 Before I slept, my three letters went into our ship's office mail sack. They got mailed when we reached Tulagi Island.


17 We unloaded cargo, reloaded with something else, then again we put to sea in the routine familiar to us, and as the days became weeks, my little personal experience receded. Sometimes, when we were at sea, a mail ship would rendezvous and bring us mail from home, which, of course, we accorded topmost priority.

我们卸了货,又装了其它物品,随后我们按熟悉的常规,再次出海。 一天又一天,一星期又一星期,我个人的经历渐渐淡忘。我们在海上航行时,有时会与邮船会合,邮船会带给我们家信,当然这是我们视为最紧要的事情。

18 Every time the ship's loudspeaker rasped, \Mail call!\two hundred-odd shipmates came pounding up on deck and clustered about the two seamen, standing by those precious bulging gray sacks. They were alternately pulling out fistfuls of letters and barking successive names of sailors who were, in turn, shouting back \ 每当船上的喇叭响起:“大伙听好!邮件点名!”200名左右的水兵就会冲上甲板,围聚在那两个站在宝贵的鼓鼓囊囊的灰色邮袋旁的水手周围。两人轮流取出一把信,大声念收信水手的名字,叫到的人从人群当中挤出,一边应道:“来了,来了!”

19 One \responses from Grandma, Dad, and the Reverend Nelson -- and my reading of their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before.


20 Rather than saying they would forgive that I hadn't previously thanked them, instead, for Pete's sake, they were thanking me -- for having remembered, for having considered they had done anything so exceptional.


21 Always the college professor, my dad had carefully avoided anything he considered too sentimental, so I knew how moved he was to write me that, after having helped educate many young people, he now felt that his best results included his own son.

身为大学教授的爸爸向来特别留意不使用任何过于感情化的文字,因此, 当他对我


22 The Reverend Nelson wrote that his decades as a \old-fashioned principal\had ended with schools undergoing such swift changes that he had retired in self-doubt. \of what I had done wrong than what I did right,\welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated. 纳尔逊牧师写道,他那平凡的传统校长的岁月随着学校里发生的如此迅猛的变化而结束,他怀着自我怀疑的心态退了休。“说我做得不对的远远多于说我做得对的,” 他写道,接着说我的信给他带来了振奋人心的信心:自己的校长生涯还是有其价值的。

23 A glance at Grandma's familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her \by character, Grandma would slowly accomplish one word, then the next, so that a finished page would consume hours. I wept over the page representing my Grandma's recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me -- whom she used to diaper! 一看到外祖母那熟悉的笔迹,我顿时回想起往日站在她的白色摇椅旁看她给亲戚写信的情景。外祖母一个字母一个字母地慢慢拼出一个词,接着是下一个词,因此写满一页要花上几个小时。捧着外祖母最近花费不少工夫对我表达了充满慈爱的谢意,我禁不住流泪――从前是她给我换尿布的呀。

24 Much later, retired from the Coast Guard and trying to make a living as a writer, I never forgot how those three \you\letters gave me an insight into how most human beings go about longing in secret for more of their fellows to express appreciation for their efforts.


25 Now, approaching another Thanksgiving, I have asked myself what will I wish for all who are reading this, for our nation, indeed for our whole world -- since, quoting a good and wise friend of mine, \wish for us, of course, the simple common sense to achieve world peace, that being paramount for the very survival of our kind.


26 And there is something else I wish -- so strongly that I have had this line printed across the bottom of all my stationery: \


Thanksgiving, like Spring Festival, brings families back together from across the country. Waiting for her children to arrive, Ellen Goodman reflects on the changing relationship between

parents and children as they grow up and leave home, often to settle far away.



unit 6 The Last Leaf

When Johnsy fell seriously ill, she seemed to lose the will to hang on to life. The doctor held out little hope for her. Her friends seemed helpless. Was there nothing to be done?


The Last Leaf

O. Henry

1 At the top of a three-story brick building, Sue and Johnsy had their studio. \familiar for Joanna. One was from Maine; the other from California. They had met at a cafe on Eighth Street and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tune that the joint studio resulted. 最后一片叶子 欧·亨利


2 That was in May. In November a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the district, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. Johnsy was among his victims. She lay, scarcely moving on her bed, looking through the small window at the blank side of the next brick house. 那是5月里的事。到了11月,一个医生称之为肺炎的阴森的隐形客闯入了这一地区,用它冰冷的手指东碰西触。约翰西也为其所害。她病倒了,躺在床上几乎一动不动,只能隔着小窗望着隔壁砖房那单调沉闷的侧墙。

3 One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a bushy, gray eyebrow.


4 \lady has made up her mind that she's not going to get well. Has she anything on her mind? “她只有一成希望,”他说。“那还得看她自己是不是想活下去。你这位女朋友已经下决心不想好了。她有什么心事吗?”

5 \ “她――她想有一天能去画那不勒斯湾,”苏说。

6 \-- bosh! Has she anything on her mind worth thinking about twice -- a man, for instance?\


7 \ “男人?”苏说。“难道一个男人就值得――可是,她没有啊,大夫,没有这码子事。”

8 \begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.\marched into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling a merry tune. “好吧,”大夫说。“我会尽一切努力,只要是科学能做到的。可是,但凡病人开始计算她出殡的行列里有几辆马车的时候,我就要把医药的疗效减去一半。”大夫走后,苏去工作室哭了一场。随后她携着画板大步走进约翰西的房间,口里吹着轻快的口哨。

9 Johnsy lay, scarcely making a movement under the bedclothes, with her face toward the window. She was looking out and counting -- counting backward.


10 \and \ “12,”她数道,过了一会儿“11”,接着数“10”和“9”;再数“8”和“7”,几乎一口同时数下来。

11 Sue looked out of the window. What was there to count? There was only a bare, dreary yard to be seen, and the blank side of the brick house twenty feet away. An old, old ivy vine climbed half way up the brick wall. The cold breath of autumn had blown away its leaves, leaving it almost bare.


12 \were almost a hundred. It made my head ache to count them. But now it's easy. There goes another one. There are only five left now.\ “6”,约翰西数着,声音几乎听不出来。“现在叶子掉落得快多了。三天前差不多还有100片。数得我头都疼。可现在容易了。又掉了一片。这下子只剩5片了。”

13 \


14 \days. Didn't the doctor tell you?\


15 \Don't be so silly. Why, the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were ten to one! Try to take some soup now, and let Sudie go and buy port wine for her sick child.\


16 \needn't get any more wine,\said Johnsy, keeping her eyes fixed out the window. \before it gets dark. Then I'll go, too. I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of thinking. I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves.\ “你不用再去买酒了,”约翰西说道,两眼一直盯着窗外。“又掉了一片。不,我不想喝汤。这一下只剩下4片了。我要在天黑前看到最后一片叶子掉落。那时我也就跟着走了。我都等腻了。也想腻了。我只想撇开一切, 飘然而去,就像那边一片可怜的疲倦的叶子。”

17 \be gone a minute.\ “快睡吧,”苏说。“我得叫贝尔曼上楼来给我当老矿工模特儿。我去去就来。”

18 Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them. He was past sixty and had a long white beard curling down over his chest. Despite looking the part, Behrman was a failure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists who could not pay the price of a professional. He drank gin to excess, and still talked of his coming masterpiece. For the rest he was a fierce little old man, who mocked terribly at softness in any one, and who regarded himself as guard dog to the two young artists in the studio above. 老贝尔曼是住在两人楼下底层的一个画家。他已年过六旬,银白色蜷曲的长髯披挂胸前。贝尔曼看上去挺像艺术家,但在艺术上却没有什么成就。40年来他一直想创作一幅传世之作,却始终没能动手。他给那些请不起职业模特的青年画家当模特挣点小钱。他没节制


19 Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of gin in his dimly lighted studio below. In one corner was a blank canvas on an easel that had been waiting there for twenty-five years to receive the first line of the masterpiece. She told him of Johnsy's fancy, and how she feared she would, indeed, light and fragile as a leaf herself, float away, when her slight hold upon the world grew weaker. Old Behrman, with his red eyes plainly streaming, shouted his contempt for such foolish imaginings.


20 \off from a vine? I have never heard of such a thing. Why do you allow such silly ideas to come into that head of hers? God! This is not a place in which one so good as Miss Johnsy should lie sick. Some day I will paint a masterpiece, and we shall all go away. Yes.\ “什么!”他嚷道。“世界上竟然有这么愚蠢的人,因为树叶从藤上掉落就要去死?我听都没听说过这等事。你怎么让这种傻念头钻到她那个怪脑袋里?天哪!这不是一个像约翰西小姐这样的好姑娘躺倒生病的地方。有朝一日我要画一幅巨作,那时候我们就离开这里。真的。”

21 Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sue pulled the shade down, and motioned Behrman into the other room. In there they peered out the window fearfully at the ivy vine. Then they looked at each other for a moment without speaking. A persistent, cold rain was falling, mingled with snow. Behrman, in his old blue shirt, took his seat as the miner on an upturned kettle for a rock.

两人上了楼,约翰西已经睡着了。苏放下窗帘,示意贝尔曼去另一个房间。在那儿两人惶惶不安地凝视着窗外的常青藤。接着两人面面相觑,哑然无语。外面冷雨夹雪,淅淅沥沥。贝尔曼穿着破旧的蓝色衬衣, 坐在充当矿石的倒置的水壶上,摆出矿工的架势。

22 When Sue awoke from an hour's sleep the next morning she found Johnsy with dull, wide-open eyes staring at the drawn green shade. 第二天早上,只睡了一个小时的苏醒来看到约翰西睁大着无神的双眼,凝望着拉下的绿色窗帘。

23 \ “把窗帘拉起来;我要看,”她低声命令道。

24 Wearily Sue obeyed.


25 But, Lo! after the beating rain and fierce wind that had endured through the night, there yet stood out against the brick wall one ivy leaf. It was the last on the vine. Still dark green near its stem, but with its edges colored yellow, it hung bravely from a branch some twenty feet above the ground.


26 \wind. It will fall today, and I shall die at the same time.\ “这是最后一片叶子,”约翰西说。“我以为夜里它肯定会掉落的。我晚上听到大风呼啸。今天它会掉落的,叶子掉的时候,也是我死的时候。”

27 The day wore away, and even through the twilight they could see the lone ivy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall. And then, with the coming of the night the north wind was again loosed.


28 When it was light enough Johnsy, the merciless, commanded that the shade be raised. 等天色亮起,冷酷无情的约翰西命令将窗帘拉起。

29 The ivy leaf was still there. 常青藤叶依然挺在。

30 Johnsy lay for a long time looking at it. And then she called to Sue, who was stirring her chicken soup over the gas stove.


31 \show me how wicked I was. It is a sin to want to die. You may bring me a little soup now, and some milk with a little port in it and -- no; bring me a hand-mirror first, and then pack some pillows about me, and I will sit up and watch you cook.\ “我一直像个不乖的孩子,苏迪,”约翰西说。“有一种力量让那最后一片叶子不掉,好让我看到自己有多坏。想死是一种罪过。你给我喝点汤吧,再来点牛奶,稍放一点波尔图葡萄酒――不,先给我拿面小镜子来,弄几个枕头垫在我身边,我要坐起来看你做菜。”

32 An hour later she said: 一个小时之后,她说:

33 \ “苏迪,我真想有一天去画那不勒斯海湾。”

34 The doctor came in the afternoon, and Sue had an excuse to go into the hallway as he left. 下午大夫来了,他走时苏找了个借口跟进了过道。

35 \ “现在是势均力敌,”大夫说着,握了握苏纤细颤抖的手。

36 \good nursing you'll win. And now I must see another case I have downstairs. Behrman, his name is -- some kind of an artist, I believe. Pneumonia, too. He is an old, weak man, and the attack is acute. There is no hope for him; but he goes to the hospital today to be made more comfortable.\


37 The next day the doctor said to Sue: \care now -- that's all.\


38 And that afternoon Sue came to the bed where Johnsy lay and put one arm around her. 当日下午,苏来到约翰西的床头,用一只手臂搂住她。

39 \today in the hospital. He was ill only two days. He was found on the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain. His shoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold. They couldn't imagine where he had been on such a terrible night. And then they found a lantern, still lighted, and a ladder that had been dragged from its place, and some scattered brushes, and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it, and -- look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn't you wonder why it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it's Behrman's masterpiece -- he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.\


He did not trust the woman to trust him. And he did not trust the woman not to trust him. And he did not want to be mistrusted now.


