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上面是一些视频 下面是一些文字内容 帮助理解的
鬼步舞教程2助理解的精华中的精华来了哦!这些是鬼步舞的一些视频 和资料 希望亲能学到自己想要的 有事请留言。。我会帮您解决的
Running man
Running man这个动作应该说是基本功了,想做好这个动作需要注意的东西还是很多的。
有人说这个动作有3步或4步,我觉得就只有2步,抬起放下,然后交换双腿重复。 一开始你可以先根据视频教程来模仿,一个动作一个动作的模仿,仔细观察一些细节,比如脚抬到什么位置,腿是否要打直,弯曲该弯曲多少为宜,只有先把这些弄清楚,心中有底了,对以后的练习会很有帮助。
练习的时候你可以找块不太粗糙的地,以后你也可以在不同的地面上练习来取得适应。鞋子可以用板鞋,不同的鞋有不同的训练强度,音乐不要故意去找些节奏跟不上的歌,用节拍器也行。裤子一开始不要用专门的荧光裤,这样就无法观察腿的具体情况,轻便的运动裤、短裤就可以了,牛仔裤太紧会对身体有些约束。 好,现在谈点主要的。
1. 先从脚开始,要注意的是当前脚落地后后脚就不能再移动了,可以稍微垫
起来。前脚滑向中线时,后脚要稍微比前脚快一些抬起来,前脚不动,后脚抬起抬到两条大腿相平就可以了。 两脚落地时,后面的腿在拖时要用力,前面的脚落地时是平行落下的(也有脚尖、脚根落下的,这里不讨论),落下后就立刻进行下一个动作,不要停留,这样会打乱节奏,看起来就不是匀速的了。
2. 其实在RM的每个动作腿都要弯曲的,靠腿的反弹来进行下个动作,你可
3. 上半身在跳舞的时候不要弯下腰去看脚的情况,这样你就会忽略手臂的动
4. 接下来就是手部的动作了,这在其他动作中也是很重要的,当你熟练后,
Shuffle and kick
Shuffle是整个舞中应该说是最简单也是很重要的一部分,同样也是基本功。 这个动作的容易在于只要看一遍教程就会做了,而难在这个动作有许多花样,而且想把这些花样很快的做出来是要下些功夫的。
初学这个动作的时候需要注意节拍和动作是否正确,慢慢加快速度。 要点:
1. 这个动作需注意的时腿抬起来的时候支撑身体的那条腿是直的,而伸出去
2. 脚掌,脚抬起来的时候,两只脚是在一直线上的。腿伸出去后,两只脚所
3. 脚伸出去的距离,可以是你的脚所碰得到的最大距离,这个时候你可以把
4. 手部动作,shuffle比较适合做小幅度的动作,这样容易保持平衡,比如只
Kick这个动作在shuffle的基础上把准备伸出去的脚踢出去,是悬空的。 这个动作的难点在于如何保持平衡,有的人不能连续做这个动作原因就在于此。 要点:
1. 这个动作脚抬起的时候是把腿基本放在身前,踢出去脚所在的位置大约
2. 踢出去后,要注意的是身体的正面所对的方向与伸出去的脚所在的方向
3. 这个动作踢出去腿是打直的,可以连踢后在接许多动作,滑动的距离大。 4. Kick不太适合做较多动作来影响平衡,但可以用手来调节平衡,比如一只
1. 类似“原地Shuffle”,就是通过旋转在原地做Shffle这个动作,每做一个
2. 还有一种就是通过把腿甩出去,靠惯性旋转,熟练后也可以转很多圈和
3. 原地旋转,也叫超级旋转,和迈克尔·杰克逊的旋转差不多,双腿交叉,
旋转的过程中注意支撑身体的那条腿尽量不要有太大的位移,转速较慢时可以用手来保持平衡求稳;转速快时尽量把手收回来抱住,或一只放在帽檐。 当你的基本动作熟练后,就可以去学更多的动作,把喜欢的动作拼接起来,创造你自己的风格! Let’s go!
Melbourne Shuffle﹏疯狂飘逸Ⅰ
☆Melbourne Shuffle﹏疯狂飘逸Ⅱ
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTE2ODg3NTY4/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、中文教学视频
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTg3ODc1ODQw/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、国外教学视频【1】 http://www.tudou.com/v/-psdsMvBOqY/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、国外教学视频【2】 http://www.tudou.com/v/Ntm8AJk-J78/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、国外教学视频【3】 http://www.tudou.com/v/g45KUzL1KII/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、国外教学视频【4】 http://www.tudou.com/v/cOloodIHfMw/v.swf
﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、国外另类教学视频【1】
﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、国外另类教学视频【2】
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTczMzcyMjg0/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、国外另类教学视频【3】
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTczMzcyMjY0/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、另类大步风格
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTgyMTc4Mjcy/v.swf 国外帅气男子C-walk+Shuffle、赞
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTQ1NDM3OTA0/v.swf 法国面具男、最清晰的一个Shuffle视频 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTk0ODc3OTky/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、花式教学【1】
﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、花式教学【2】
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTkwNjUyODM2/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、花式教学【3】
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTkwNTEwMjA4/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、花式教学【4】
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTkwNjQ5ODgw/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、花式教学【5】
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTkwNjUwNzE2/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、花式教学【大步】
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTkwNjUxNjcy/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、本人小练
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTgxMzgyMzYw/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、HDM/ReLikT
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTg2ODQxMzUy/v.swf ﹏`Melbourne Shuffle、T1m战队集合、
- However long you want! It's a matter of personal preference, and it's not a race. Take your time and get things down correctly. Just make sure you are devoting enough time, because once you have
the motions down in your muscle memory, everything will become a lot easier. 每天应该练习多长时间呢?
~~ I get tired so quickly. Is this normal?
- Yes. The Melbourne Shuffle is a physically demanding dance that involves your entire body, and it's a good cardio workout. That means that you're going to need a lot of stamina to go for long periods
of time. The easiest way to increase your stamina is to do cardiovascular workouts, such as jogging/running. 很快就搞累了,这正常吗?
是的。墨尔本曳步舞是一种包括全身运动且体能消耗很大的舞蹈,也是一种非常棒的有氧运动。这就意味着你需要大量的精力来维持长时间的练习。增加体能的最简单方法是做一些锻炼心脏的运动,例如 慢跑或是赛跑。
~~ What music should I practice to?
- At first, nothing. Don't get ahead of yourself! Practicing to music will only make you rush yourself, which in turn will make your basics look bad. Once you get the basic steps down CORRECTLY and can
do them well, then start practicing to slow music [120-140 BPM]. This can fall under, but is not limited to, the following genres: 我因该配合什么样的音乐练习呢?
140BPM)音乐练习了。下面列出了一些,但并不限与此: Hip-Hop/Rap RnB Dance Club House Electro Trance
Well, what about Hardstyle? Again, don't get ahead of yourself. Remember that you need to practice slowly. Hardstyle is generally around 150 BPM and is too fast to start off to.
Practicing/How To Practice! 练习/怎样练习!
~~ What surface should I shuffle on?
- Anything you want! Obviously, shuffling on hardwood floor with socks is the easiest, and next is carpet, and then outside with shoes. However, be cautious: In the long run, you'll need to able to
shuffle on any surface. So you can practice on hardwood or carpet, but make sure you can shuffle on concrete and with shoes, too. 应该在什么上跳曳步舞呢?
练习,同时也要确保可以穿着鞋在水泥地上跳。 ~~ How long should I practice everyday?
- However long you want! It's a matter of personal preference, and it's not a race. Take your time and get things down correctly. Just make sure you are devoting enough time, because once you have
the motions down in your muscle memory, everything will become a lot easier. 每天应该练习多长时间呢?
~~ I get tired so quickly. Is this normal?
- Yes. The Melbourne Shuffle is a physically demanding dance that involves your entire body, and it's a good cardio workout. That means that you're going to need a lot of stamina to go for long periods
of time. The easiest way to increase your stamina is to do cardiovascular workouts, such as jogging/running. 很快就搞累了,这正常吗?
是的。墨尔本曳步舞是一种包括全身运动且体能消耗很大的舞蹈,也是一种非常棒的有氧运动。这就意味着你需要大量的精力来维持长时间的练习。增加体能的最简单方法是做一些锻炼心脏的运动,例如 慢跑或是赛跑。
~~ What music should I practice to?
- At first, nothing. Don't get ahead of yourself! Practicing to music will only make you rush yourself, which in turn will make your basics look bad. Once you get the basic steps down CORRECTLY and can
do them well, then start practicing to slow music [120-140 BPM]. This can fall under, but is not limited to, the following genres: 我因该配合什么样的音乐练习呢?
140BPM)音乐练习了。下面列出了一些,但并不限与此: Hip-Hop/Rap RnB Dance Club House Electro Trance
Well, what about Hardstyle? Again, don't get ahead of yourself. Remember that you need to practice slowly. Hardstyle is generally around 150 BPM and is too fast to start off to.
Practicing/How To Practice! 练习/怎样练习!
~~ What surface should I shuffle on?
- Anything you want! Obviously, shuffling on hardwood floor with socks is the easiest, and next is carpet, and then outside with shoes. However, be cautious: In the long run, you'll need to able to
shuffle on any surface. So you can practice on hardwood or carpet, but make sure you can shuffle on concrete and with shoes, too. 应该在什么上跳曳步舞呢?
之后就是穿着鞋子在户外。尽管如此,要注意,长远来看,需要能够在任何表面上跳。所以你可以在硬地板上或是地毯上 练习,同时也要确保可以穿着鞋在水泥地上跳。 ~~ How long should I practice everyday?
- However long you want! It's a matter of personal preference, and it's not a race. Take your time and get things down correctly. Just make sure you are devoting enough time, because once you have
the motions down in your muscle memory, everything will become a lot easier. 每天应该练习多长时间呢?
~~ I get tired so quickly. Is this normal?
- Yes. The Melbourne Shuffle is a physically demanding dance that involves your entire body, and it's a good cardio workout. That means that you're going to need a lot of stamina to go for long periods
of time. The easiest way to increase your stamina is to do cardiovascular workouts, such as jogging/running. 很快就搞累了,这正常吗?
是的。墨尔本曳步舞是一种包括全身运动且体能消耗很大的舞蹈,也是一种非常棒的有氧运动。这就意味着你需要大量的精力来维持长时间的练习。增加体能的最简单方法是做一些锻炼心脏的运动,例如 慢跑或是赛跑。
~~ What are some good artists with slower BPMs that I can shuffle to? - There are THOUSANDS of artists you can find for EVERY genre; Google/web is your friend. Looking up \lists. Some good artists that can start you off are listed below:
Spencer and Hill Al Bizzare Calvin Harris Deadmau5 Daft Punk David Guetta Uniting Nations Chromeo Justice Fukkk Offf Shinichi Osawa
Many, many, many more! Just look on web. 有哪些比较适合shuffle的慢节奏的歌呢?谁的歌?
这里有成千上万的歌手唱这样的歌,网络你的最佳助手,刚开始的时候可以试试下面这几位歌手的 Spencer and Hill Al Bizzare Calvin Harris Deadmau5 Daft Punk David Guetta Uniting Nations Chromeo Justice Fukkk Offf Shinichi Osawa
~~ Does it really help to shuffle in front of a mirror?
- Yes! Yes x1000! Shuffling in front of a mirror let's you watch how your basic steps are coming along. You can watch for a bunch of things, such as heel-flicking, one-stepping, uneven steps, etc. Many of
the questions you will want to ask (is my running man correct?) can EASILY be answered simply by watching yourself in a mirror. If it doesn't look right, it probably isn't. Use a mirror whenever you can. 对着镜子跳真的有帮助吗?
是的!百分百是的!在镜子前跳可以让你清晰的了解到你的基本舞步的进展情况。你可以看到很多的事情,例如,脚后跟闪动,单步舞,不完整的舞步等。许多的问题你可能会问到的(我的running man对吗?)镜子都会给你答案。如果看上去不太舒服,那可能就是有问题了。只要能,就尽量对着镜子跳吧. ~~ Should I be watching a lot of shuffle videos?
- It doesn't hurt, but DO NOT try to imitate what they do in their videos. It is good to acquaint yourself with the shuffle by watching a lot of videos, but never try to copy what someone else is doing,
whether it's their style or the way they're shuffling. Often times, experienced shufflers look like they're gliding around a lot more than they actually are, or look like they're one-stepping (they're not); don't attempt this, you will just look stupid. 我应该看大量的曳步舞视频吗?
~~ I'm having trouble staying on beat. What can I do?
- Work on developing a sense of rhythm. Whenever you're listening to music, just tap your feet to the beat and get used to moving to it. Take walks/jogs and step to the beat. You'll feel yourself getting
more into the music when you can hit the beats as you're shuffling. Also, using a metronome will give you the easiest way to stay on beat. Click Here for an online metronome site that can be set to any BPM.
伴奏器来辅助你找到节奏。可以在网上买到各种节拍的伴奏器。 ~~ I feel like giving up, this is so hard. What do?
- Just have fun with the shuffle. If you're taking it too seriously, you won't enjoy dancing to the music. Obviously it's important to know what you're doing, but don't think you have to be a ~~pro shuffler~~ to have fun.
~~ The movements feel so weird and unnatural. Is this normal?
- Yes. It feels weird for everyone at first. However, the more you practice, the easier it gets, because your brain will develop muscle memory so you don't even have to think about the movements
anymore. If you don't think you're doing the steps correctly, watch yourself in a mirror or post a help video. Just remember, it feels weird for everyone at first, but you'll get used to it.
The Running Man/The Shuffle! Shuffling Attire 曳步舞装扮
~~ Is there anything I HAVE to wear to be a shuffler?
- No. For all anyone cares, you could shuffle naked and hey, you'd still be shuffling. There is no clothing requirement at all. 曳步舞者有什么特定的装扮吗?
~~ Do phat pants make your shuffling look better?
- It's personal opinion. Since part of shuffling is getting a very smooth, fluid look, some people believe that the large flowing pants cover up your feet and thus make your shuffling look smoother.
Other people that I know personally do not like shuffling in phat pants. However, the bottom line is, if you're bad at shuffling, phat pants won't help you. At all. Phat pants don't make you suddenly pro,
so don't expect to get very good once you get them. You still need to put in all the effort that everyone else does. 荧光裤可以让你的曳步舞看起来更棒吗?
很高兴你能看到这里,是对我劳动的最大肯定之所以要翻译这些分享给大家, 就是觉得国内好多东西尚是雏形(不是指舞技)不够完善如交流渠道、详尽的介绍等,毕竟人家玩的时间比较长交流的也广泛,经验还是很重要的。希望这样的形式能给大家带来些许的帮助,其实这里面有这大量的信息的,请用心阅读,比如列出了一些乐手的名字,自己到百度上一搜就出来了,我想看了这些起码能解开一些迷惑的,也算是我对曳步舞的一点贡献吧。 此外,之前还发了一篇国外running man详细教程(翻译)
i hope this happy you
【国外】running man详细文字教程【翻译】
希望对大家有帮助,翻译如有遗漏请见谅。enjoy it! How to do the running man: A 10 step guide 如何跳好running man :十项指导建议
All you need to do is read a few posts and watch a few videos and you'll see that almost all the
people asking for help have the same problems with their technique. 大家常常会通过阅读一些帖子和浏览视频来进行学习和交流,其中你将会发现几
There is no point trying to kick and spin and do other tricks when your running man still looks crap.
This is like worrying about pancake flipping technique when you cant even make the batter.
首先,在熟练掌握running man之前,看起来仍像是得瑟的时候就去尝试练习踢空、旋转或其他的技巧是没有意义的。 就像是还不会和面就担心怎样去烙饼一样。
What your aiming for is to have a running man that looks CO-ORDINATED and CONTROLLED. Arms are very
important in achieving this so once you have your running man down (and the basic shuffle) you should work on your arm movements before you progress further.
running man一定要做到“原地不动”和“受控制的”。要达到这样的效果手臂的动作是不可或缺的十分重要的,熟练的掌握了running man(还有shuffle的基本动作)之后,
应该着重手臂的动作的练习,继而再做下一步的进展练习。 Remember: CO-ORDINATED and CONTROLLED. 记住两大要点:原地不动和可控制的 Here are some main things to look for: 下面将给出十项指导建议
1. Do both steps of the running man look like mirror images of each other? This is the most important thing.
Both steps should travel the same distance coming forward and backward. The angle that you raise your back foot should be the same as the angle that you lower it to the front
In both steps, the knees should come up the same height. 1.做到两步(骤)的动作一摸一样,像照镜子一样了吗?
在两个步骤中,膝盖的应提到相同的高度。 2. Are your feet spaced properly?
You can mix this up as your progress but a good starting point is a little wider than shoulder width
and about the same distance forward and backwards. This is important for things such as dancing with
a partner and dancing in a packed crowd. 2。双脚之间的距离正确吗?
3. Are you lifting your knees the right height?
If you find yourself leaning forward and backwards like a chicken pecking at the ground your going too
high. You can mix this up once you get better but at the start try only lifting your foot 10-15cm off
the ground. This will make it easy for you to learn control because flying around the room with your
legs going a million miles an hour looks stupid. 3。膝盖是否抬到了正确的高度?
4. Are you flicking your heels?
Make sure your feet are flat the whole time. You can mix this up once you get the basics down but
start by keeping your soles PERFECTLY parallel to the ground. Make sure your not lifting your heels
as you raise your back foot. This will also help with your balance. 4。是否闪动了你的脚踝?
4. Are you flicking your heels?
Make sure your feet are flat the whole time. You can mix this up once you get the basics down but
start by keeping your soles PERFECTLY parallel to the ground. Make sure your not lifting your heels
as you raise your back foot. This will also help with your balance. 4。是否翘了脚后跟?
5. Is your balance centered?
This is pretty self explanatory but hardly anyone seems to get it. Keep your center of gravity over
the point where your legs are parallel between steps. You can change your center of gravity later
when doing kicks and other tricks but to make your running man look CONTROLLED this is important. 5。你的平衡集中稳定吗?
在动作过渡的时候可以改变重心以期完美的完成动作,但是要做到running man是可控制的这一点是 非常重要的。
6. Is your head up and your posture straight?
How are you gonna catch the eye of the girl across the room when you're staring at the ground? It makes
you look nervous and insecure if you stare at the ground during a conversation so why is shuffling
any different? Keep your posture confident (BUT NOT TENSE!) and cool with your head up and a smile on your face. This
will make you look like a better dancer faster than anything else. 6。你抬起头和保持姿势直立了吗?
跳shuffle的时候就不一样了呢?所以保持姿势的自信(别弄的紧张了)并酷酷的抬起头来面带微笑。这会比做其他的更快地让你 的看起来像是是个非常棒的舞者。
7. Are you trying to go too fast too soon?
If your fumbling these steps up as you practice you need to SLOW IT DOWN until its PERFECT and then speed it up GRADUALLY.
8. In between the steps are your legs parallel?
And also check that your foot is flat. Lots of people seem to pull their legs backwards which looks a
bit off. Your legs dont have to be touching, just parallel, between steps. 8。在两步动作中双腿是否是平行的?
9. Are your concentrating on your legs and letting your arms move themselves?
If so you must stop immediantly. This ties into point 6 about looking confident. Your arms should be
moving TO THE MUSIC and not too fast. Your awareness should be in your upper body and in particular
your arms. This will make you look CONTROLLED and CO-ORDINATED. Practice till your legs move by themselves.
10. Are you practicing on different surfaces?
Make sure your running man is versatile so you can rock it up in a club with a grippy floor if
necessary. This also applies to shoes; you should be able to shuffle in any shoes on any surface. 10。你在不同的表面上练习过吗?
为了确保你的running man是精通的了,你可以在俱乐部里粗糙的地面上跳下来检测如果有必要的话。
【国外】曳步舞进阶-手臂上身动作【翻译】 开始
Shuffling is 70% upper body. Literally. You can have the sickest shit going on with your legs, but without your upperbody looking cool, your shuffling is gonna look wack. Your upper body includes your torso, shoulders, head, upper arms, forearms and hands.
1.) Pointing/Hitting The Beat
All good arms movements hit, snap or move to the beat in some way. The more in tune with the music your arms are the better they will look.
好的手臂动作要能够跟着节奏舞动。与音乐配合的越好看上去会越好。 2.) Using the muscles of your abs to move your torso
It's counter-intuitive that the muscles of your abs are what move your torso. Moving your torso to the beat is intrumental in making your shuffle look smooth.
3.) Shoulders incorperated into the dancing
Alot of good shufflers also move the shoulder and elbow together because it looks better than just shrugging. You can roll your shoulders in a similar fashion to the way girls do hip rolls. Being able to
do good arm waves will teach you alot about using your shoulders. Avoid shrugging movements and repetitive circular movements. 3.)把肩膀的动作融入到曳步舞中
许多很棒的曳步舞手也会做一些很潇洒的肩膀和肘部的动作,比单一的耸肩看起来好多了。你可以做肩部动作像时尚女孩跳舞那样。优异的手臂动作也能很好的带动肩部的动作。避免耸肩和重复的圆周动 作。
4.) Arms following/Mimicing each others movement
Pretty self-explanatory. Try doing one thing with one arm and then mimicing it with the other arm, or mirroring the movements together. Try and incorperate symmetry in your movements. 4.)两手臂动作一致
5.) Looking confident
Good upper body movements seems to tie in with confident body language. Movements that look confident tend to look cool.
6.) Popping
Pretty self explanatory, you can incorporate from Popping moves into your shuffling. 6.)机械舞
7.) Miming motions
Most cool things you can do with your arms relate to miming in some way, and it took me a while to realise this. Just make sure you know what you're doing! 7.)动作模拟
If you want to improve your arm movements the best way is to video yourself and watch what your doing carefully.
2010-6-10 10:33 回复
Naked_Moon 3位粉丝 2楼
If you're still having problems, here are some tips! 如果你仍有很多疑惑的话,这里有小指导
1.) Open your eyes to what is possible with your arm movements! 1.)仔细观察手臂会出现的动作,并加以分析改正。 2.) Try miming different actions!
Move boxes around, start a lawnmower, rip your heart out of your chest and watch it throb to the beat. The possibilities are endless. Miming can really liven up a boring shuffle and you can get other people involved with it too! 2.)试做一些其他的模仿动作
Some examples of miming:
Passing around, bouncing and shooting a basketball with other ravers. The robot
Reving a motorbike
Brushing dirt off your shoulders 模拟动作举例:
3.) Dance in front of a mirror that obsures your feet so you can only see the upper part of your body.
4.) Video yourself and watch the recording carefully. Do any of the following things describe your upper body? If so, WORK ON IT! Uncoordinated Flip-Floppy Weak
Odd/Unnatural/Weird Tense Spastic
Overly Aggressive or Too passive for the music
4.)给自己录制一段视频,然后反复仔细的研究。如果出现下面这样的情况,那么就需要改进了 不协调 松散 软弱无力 不自然/别扭 紧张 痉挛的
If so you need to work more on your upper body. Be honest with yourself cause it's the only way your ever going to improve. Some things to avoid: Sloppy swinging movements Letting your arms 'hang'
Continually using the same finger positions Tense shoulders
Letting your arms lock up
5.) Practice, Practice, Practice! This is the key to all aspects of shuffling!
5.)练习,练习,练习!这是学习曳步舞的所有关键。 Good luck... 期待你的进步...
规范规程标准目录 修订07-18
杰瑞股份:董事、监事和高级管理人员持有和买卖本公司股票管理制度(2010年3月) 2010-03-0405-17
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