20120601 - 1203 - 南京浦口项目设计任务书附件

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Assignment of the planning for the center of medical centre of Pukouxincheng




Background and location introduction

项目名称:南京市浦口新城医疗中心 Name: medical centre of Pukouxincheng, Nanjing


Position: south to the Puzhu Road east to the Shifou Road, Pukou, Nanjing Floor area: 17.53 hectares

项目背景:根据2011年11月南京市医疗资源规划布局工作专题研究会精神和市政府第75号会议纪要精神, “十二五”期间要进一步完善全市医疗资源布局规划,其中,南京市浦口新城医疗中心定位为“小综合、大专科、强急诊”的大型医疗中心,其支撑单位均为南京地区实力雄厚的公办三级甲等医院,将承担着南京浦口新城地区居民全方位的最高诊疗水平的医疗服务,并辐射苏北及安徽省等周边地区。项目建成以后,逐步实现长江以北地区的居民不过长江就能得到南京地区最好的医疗服务。

Background: it will serve a full range of medical services with the highest level of diagnosis and treatment. 二、


Design details.



1800 beds are needed in total, and 200 for the integrated functions, 500 for the neurology department, 450 for the gynae 50 for the department of Stomatology 300 for the Angiocarpy department and 300 for the children department.



The building area on the ground is 200,000 square meters, medical ancillary and teaching and research space of 30,000 square meters (not including underground area, life support facilities). Basement and living facilities area designed by the design unit, technical and economic indicators are measured separately. 三、


Design aims


Be modern; get a perfect balance between form and function



3.2“以人为本”和“以疾病诊治特色为纽带”的现代化医院格局 Pay enough attentions to the patients’ needs

该项目的建筑群体,既要与城市的建筑流线、基地的周边条件密切结合,也要考虑综合疾病、专科疾病的诊疗特点,还要充分考虑方便患者就医的需求、考虑方便医护人员诊疗过程的主旨,做到“功能适用、流程科学、安全卫生、适度超前”,充分体现建筑为人服务、建筑为医疗服务的特色,追求“人的整体健康医学观”。 该项目的医疗建筑应有分有合、有疏有密、有动有静,能够创造舒适宜人的声、光、色环境和便捷的就医、诊疗流线,实现人、自然、建筑的有机结合,让患者有战胜疾病的信心、使医护人员有良好的工作环境。



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3.3生态、环保、节能、智能化 Ecological


3.4构筑通畅的交通流线 Transportation lines


The medical center should have a separate and convenient traffic streamlines including people cars and goods’ lines.


Medical Center should implement horizontal connections between the various medical buildings. Materials transportation should use the space underground as much as possible.


It should be taken full advantage of different vertical spaces, convenient external traffic, to design a smooth traffic lines for the buildings. Design should conform to the Hospital of the medical processes and fully consider the plasticity of the hospital's future health care reorganization, providing sustainable development for further adjustment of medical process .


Since the medical center has different parts, all the parts should connect and support

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each other, and the synthesized building should be the center of others

3.5无障碍设计 Barrier-free design


The Barrier-free design should be considered and showed in the whole building 四、


Design requirement 4.1群体空间 The space


Some healthcare and protection system for special needs should be organized according the norms in china.


All the parts should have their own spaces while they also need share some spaces together in which way they can be connected conveniently.


The facade design should take full consider of both indoor and outdoor environment interior and external transport combination of outdoor transportation

4.2总平面布局 General layout


Modern concept of medical services should be used, to design the Pukou Metro Medical Center’s clinic environment.


Emergency Department, Medical technological Center, hospital and residential living room, administrative and logistic function partition requires reasonable layout, clear line,

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easy to contact


The doctors’ line and the patients’ line should be separated as much as possible




Streamline organization should be clear , and the sanitation line should not be crossed horizontally.


All parts of the buildings should be concentrated; it is easy for the patients to get to all the rooms without worrying about the raining.


Hospital surgery department, Housing Department, function, and teaching and research departments should be put in quiet places.


The sickrooms should have good sunshine or view, and every treatment unit should have 40-60 beds.

留有发展或改、扩建余地,并根据各自理解做出拟发展或扩建的规划图例和文字说明; Some spaces should be left for development, expansion or modification, according to the understanding of the planning ,the legend and introduction should be presented


text description for Complete landscaping plans, conception of architectural design of internal and external environment, indoor and outdoor logo orientation system and so on


Consider how to make full use of the energy


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Proper arrangement of medical waste, solid waste,, reducing environmental pollution. 4.3建筑设计 Building design 4.3.1功能分区 Division of the function


based on the climatic conditions of the Nanjing area , the surrounding environment characteristics of the medical center , the project's land - use and functional requirements and the development, the division of the functions should be include emergency , medical technicians , ward , laboratory , infectious disease clinics , logistical support , sewage pollution waste disposal , hospitalized patients outdoor activities space, life support department , the future development space , to minimize the medical staff working distance and the routes of the treatment population , and reduce the variety of flow lines cross , and establish a scientific and rational function zoning .


The volume of variety of buildings should be depending on the function, to get more reasonable control of lighting, ventilation of the space, and create a good condition.


Create elegant, quiet, human health and environment


Leave some places for further use 4.3.2防火设计和安全疏散

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Fire safety design and evacuation

防火设计和安全疏散的设计要符合国家规范和南京地区的相关管理规定。 According to the national and Nanjing’s norms 4.3.3交通组织 Traffic organization


Use internal flow of traffic to organize the various building functions, hospital health care organization and management modes.

医院出入口不应少于4处。 At least 4 entrances


Emergency entry should be set in the Trunk road, and left out the emergency \channel\room into account


This project requirements Neurology, and gynecological, and cardiovascular department, and oral department, and other integrated part of ward to be set accordingly; Pediatric ‘s emergency and sickrooms should be set separately, the emergency treatment of oral cavity department should be set separately, other outpatient, and emergency can be set accordingly; Obstetrics and Gynecology’s sickrooms , delivery room and operating room should be set separately. other operating room should be set in a concentrated way; gynecological obstetric of special check device and detection project can be set with its emergency treatment or the block of sickrooms, other General check detection, and Other

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specialist check inspection can be set together; medical units and support departments are not mentioned above, thus we should take care of other buildings which are supporting the main function building in order not to bring chaos.


Considering the diversion of staff and traffic, personnel and goods flow, each using height difference of all the roads or levels, forming crossover, stereo streaming


Considering the division of life part of the patients and doctors, try on the relative importance of the doctor-patient triage

物流通道独立设置,其中药品膳食、消毒物品、尸体和废弃物的通道宜相对独立。 Logistics channel independently sets, medicine meals, disinfecting substances, the body and waste should be relatively independent of t.


The external traffic of hospitals should consider to be connected with future express road traffic, rail traffic directly.

4.3.4就医环境 Environment



利用建筑艺术手段,在原本单调的医疗环境中,增加生活空间元素,在儿童诊疗区域设计卡通、漫画等舒缓表现,将现代生活氛围引入医疗生活区,促进病人康复。 Maintaining the privacy of individuals.

Do best to keep the privacy of the patients there should be only a doctor with a patient in a room, for the design of multi-bed wards, we should pay more attention to the individual space concept to better meet the demands of patient privacy.

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Creating public communication space, providing spaces for medical personnel and patients, patients as well as patients, patients and families, and different groups to Exchange of information, thoughts and feelings in order to alleviate suffering, relieve psychological pressure. The building also should set up an independent customer space, in the pediatric ward we should set some facilities for children.

Use all means to let the medical space from boring to colorful, trying to use cartoon in the pediatric wards

4.3.5适宜人的声、光、色环境 Suitable sound, light, color


4.3.6车辆停放和公共服务设施 Parking and Public service facilities


The basement is mainly for vehicle parking, mechanical and electrical equipment, defense, Treasury, logistics channel uses. The parking space may be more than the standard recommended in the norm of Nanjing, which should take full advantage of the underground parking space construction equipment. Establishing clear and reasonable vehicle pilot identifier and logistics pilot identifier.


In the emergency department dedicated parking spaces should be set, trying to use the ambulance and emergency room of seamless mode. In clinics, in-patient Department, temporary surface parking spaces should be set near the entrance, when choosing the place for the parking lots, public transport, transfer and connection should be considered. Places which should be arrived quickly as much as possible for the doctors should set up a private

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parking space.


According to the Code for design of construction in general hospitals, the buildings should also provide some facilities for the community.

4.3.5无障碍设施 Barrier-free facilities


According to the (JGJ50-2001) and建标函(2010)128号 五、


Construction scale and function

5.1浦口新城医疗中心综合部分 200张病床,设计门急诊量1000人次,地面医疗建筑面积2万平方米。包含三个部分:

Pukou Metro integrated part contains 200 beds, designing 1000 passengers to see doctors at once, ground medical building area is 20,000 square meters including three parts:


Clinic space 5,000 square meters, emergency 4,000 square meters; emergency is a more complete Center, which contains at least the emergency room, 2 Operating Rooms, observing wards, emergency ICU (EICU), emergency room 10 (inner, outer, women, infants, and facial features).


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Medical tech space of 4,000 square meters 5.1.3住院病房7000平方米。 patient Ward 7,000 square meters

5.2浦口新城医疗中心神经科部分 500张病床,设计门急诊量800人次,地面医疗建筑面积3万平方米。包含三个部分:

Pukou new City Medical Center Neurology department contains some 5drfffdfdd00 beds, designing 1000 passengers to see doctors at once, ground medical building area : 30,000 square meters. Contains three parts:


Clinic space 4,000 square meters, emergency 2,000 square meters; 5.2.2医技用房6000平方米。

Medical tech space of 6,000 square meters 5.2.3住院病房18000平方米。 Patience wards 18000 square meters

5.3浦口新城医疗中心妇科产科部分 450张病床,设计门急诊量2500人次,地面医疗建筑面积4万平方米。包含三个部分:

Pukou new City Medical Center Gynecology department contains some 450 beds, designing 2500 passengers to see doctors at once, ground medical building area : 40,000 square meters. Contains three parts:


Clinic space 12,000 square meters, emergency 3,000 square meters; 5.3.2医技用房5000平方米。

Medical tech space of 5,000 square meters 5.3.3住院病房20000平方米。 Patience wards 20000 square meters

5.4浦口新城医疗中心口腔科部分 50张病床,牙椅100张,设计门急诊量1000人次,地面医疗建筑面积1.5万平方米。包含三个部分:

Pukou new City Medical Center oral cavity department contains some 50 beds, 100 dental chairs, designing 1000 passengers to see doctors at once, ground medical building area : 15000 square meters. Contains three parts:

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Clinic space 8,000 square meters, emergency 2,000 square meters; 5.4.2医技用房3000平方米。

Medical tech space of 3,000 square meters 5.4.3住院病房2000平方米。 Patience wards 20000 square meters

5.5浦口新城医疗中心心血管科部分 300张病床,设计门急诊量1500人次,地面医疗建筑面积2万平方米。包含三个部分:

Pukou new City Medical Center Cardiovascular department contains some 300 beds, designing 1500 passengers to see doctors at once, ground medical building area : 20000 square meters. Contains three parts:


Clinic space7,000 square meters, emergency 3,000 square meters; 5.5.2医技用房3000平方米。

Medical tech space of 3,000 square meters 5.5.3住院病房10000平方米。 Patience wards 10000 square meters

5.6浦口新城医疗中心儿科部分 300张病床,设计门急诊量2000人次,地面医疗建筑面积2.5万平方米。包含三个部分:

Pukou new City Medical Center pediatrics department contains some 300 beds, designing 2000 passengers to see doctors at once, ground medical building area : 25000 square meters. Contains three parts:


Clinic space 8,000 square meters, emergency 4,000 square meters; 5.6.2医技用房3000平方米。

Medical tech space of 3,000 square meters 5.6.3住院病房10000平方米。 Patience wards 10000 square meters


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Pukou City Medical Center set operating rooms (30), ICU (60), radiology, laboratory, disinfection supply room, intravenous pharmacy compounding centers, Pharmacy together in 50,000 square meters


Canteen, administration and logistics Office space :10,000 square meters 5.9科研和教学用房(包括学生集体宿舍、教室、会议中心等)2万平方米。

Room for research and teaching (including student dormitories, classrooms, Conference Center, and so on) 20,000 square meters


Technical and economic indicators measured separately, a separate review of: basement and living facilities area. These two parts can be designed according to the understanding by design group. Its retail commercial can be including supermarket, and medical drug and instruments sales, and flower shops, and laundry, and accompanying accommodation; restaurants are mainly in small scale, and can provide outside sold service; it can also set rehabilitation center, and TCM massage acupuncture, and indoor fitness,; medical advisory can provide professional medical service information of intermediary service institutions; science publicity can be medical Bookstore, and medical knowledge universal activities, and Forum Lecture Center,; traffic transfer can be internal external of hybrid traffic.


Technical and economic indicators can be measured separately, a separate comment: only one level Gallery can be designed to make all the building connected, and the Pavilion for the patients. 六、


Pukou Metro medical center part

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6.1急诊区 Emergency zone



急诊区应包括分诊/接诊处,急诊诊疗区,急诊留观区,以及医务人员辅助用房。 The emergency zone should have separate entrance, Ambulance can reach the Emergency Department directly, taking into account the outpatient service and hospital, medical, and other convenient interaction between all relevant departments, share resources, and improve the efficiency of health care. Helicopter landing pad can be set here for the first aid. The emergency department should be include emergency department triage/reception office, emergency treatment, as well as the medical staff-assisted housing


The outpatient service area


1000 people daily outpatient visits. outpatient service area should be close to the hospital’s entrance and handle well the relationship between the various departments within the clinic, shortening patient treatment time, to avoid a round trip detour, to prevent cross-infection. Clinic includes out-patient clinic, nurses’ stations, waiting areas, treatment rooms and other function rooms. Secondary areas have rooms for health care, medical staff

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lounge room, bathroom, storeroom, and the dirty washing, and so constitutes. Secondary or special district for the configuration of the units can set according to the floor of the room,


Clinics including general practice, Gynecology, obstetrics, Pediatrics, surgery, internal medicine, dentistry, cosmetic surgery, Gynecologic tumors, Department of Anesthesiology, Department of traditional Chinese medicine, postpartum recovery, ear, nose and throat/ophthalmology, Medical Center


Patients needs telephone appointment in advance, after arriving at the hospital by the lobby desk unity reception, guidance medical

6.3医技区 Medical area


the Department layouts should meet the requirements of medical equipment, reflecting scientific and rational use process, and reserved for the development of a Department of the necessary development space.

6.3.1:放射诊疗科:包括接诊候诊区、工作区、医务人员值班休息室、储片室等 Department of radiological diagnosis and treatment: includes reception waiting areas, work areas, medical staff Duty Office and storage rooms


Function check : including room, EEG, and endoscopy of lung function, heart function, and so on.

6.3.3:检验科 Laboratory


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Laboratory uses specimens for analysis, interpretation and application. Includes sample, specimen handling, patient waiting area toilets, regular, amino acids, molecular biology, biochemical, immunological, balance room, equipment room, sterilization, warehouse, Office, the guards ' room, dressing room/toilets, sewage washing, blood bank, etc.

6.3.4:手术室 Operating room


Surgical Center has 4 operating rooms


Surgery central servers for outpatient and hospital patients, providing a high level of general surgery, orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgery, surgical and other medical services in reproductive health, As well as for both inside and outside the relevant teaching and research management unified deployment. Operation Department on its own area, and surgical care unit setting, while the rational medical route, if required, can be quickly and easily reaching intervention studies, ICU, pathology, central supply room, blood banks and other functional departments. Floor meets the performance of processes in the operating room and clean pollution zoning requirements.

6.4住院部 In-patient Department


A total of 200 beds, each nursing unit 38-45 beds, twin rooms, set in a toilet in each ward. Wards are fitted with independent bathroom, requiring barrier-free design, bathroom

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and toilets should be isolated. Basic matching furniture including closets (storage and hanging clothes), stand, look after a patient sofa, television, telephone, information networks, single wards increasing refrigerator equipped with. Oxygen can be used people. Medical round-the-clock hot water system, public toilets, sewage pollution clean bed lifts, elevators


Nursing stations should be easy to observe patient activity. Private channel and channel are separated from patients and family members of employees. In-patient department according to the actual situation can set separate split-type air conditioner in wards.


Administrative management zone


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Apart from medical areas, considering the collective Office, but should have appropriate independence. Control room, computer center, medical record security monitoring centers, canteens, education and training facilities.

6.6地下空间 Basement


Can be combined with ground and space layout, appropriate use of underground space, may arrange for Radiology, Pharmacy Department, supply centers, parking lots, etc.


Power supply requirements


Dual-circuit power supply and standby emergency power, according to specifications, set aside a certain amount of room for development. General equipment used with a load of secondary load, fire-fighting equipment, emergency lighting, important medical Department, medical equipment for the level load.



Weak electricity system

Including fire auto-alarm and control systems, security and surveillance systems, building equipment, cable television systems, parking management automation system automatically monitoring and billing system


考虑节能环保要求,手术室、ICU、NICU等系统要独立控制。 Air conditioning system

With consideration of energy saving and environmental protection requirements, such as operating theatres, ICU, NICU system independent control

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七、 设计深度和成果要求

Depth and design requirements

7.1设计深度 Depth


Programme design

7.2设计成果应当包含以下内容 Products should contain the following 7.2.1设计说明 Design description

7.2.2设计图纸(根据需要选择图纸尺寸),包括: Drawings


General plan: includes features content such as layout, traffic flow analysis, contains major economic and technical indicators.


Construction design drawing: pans elevations sections 效果图 Perspectives 模型(1:300) Model 1:300 7.2.3多媒体演示文件 Multimedia presentation file


Multimedia presentation of the documents submitted for the reporting scheme used when selection, no more than 20 minutes

7.3文件要求 Requirements

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Hard copy: the design should contain design descriptions, drawings and technical indicators for economic analysis, specifications for A3, ten copies of the text.


Electronic files: text and drawings for the design of electronic documents and multimedia package for CD presentation file (three copies). Text in DOC format file, drawings in DWG format files, effect to the JPG format file



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