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Unit 4 Having Fun

Topic 1 What can I do for you?

Section A


1. What can I do for you, madam?

2. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. 3. How much is it? → It’s seventy yuan. 4. Can I try it on? → Sure. 5. It looks very nice on you. 6. That’s fine. We’ll take it. 7. The clothes are there ,madam . 二、语法知识:

1. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. 我想为我女儿买些衣服。

buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物 E.g. She wants to buy some flowers for me. She wants to buy me some flowers. 2. Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?

try on 试穿 (如宾语是代词,放中间;如是名词放on后面) E.g. The shoes are nice. Please try them on.

Maria tries on the clothes .

3. How much is it? 多少钱? how much is/are …? ……多少钱? E.g. How much are the shoes? → They’re 165 yuan.

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4. Sth . look nice on sb 某衣物穿在某人身上很好看。

E.g. This dress looks nice on you 这件衣服穿在你身上不错。

It looks very nice on you. 它穿在你身上不错。

5. 表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下: A.从1——10

one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. B.从 11——19

eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen. 这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen 都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。 C.从 21——99

整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。

表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 → twenty-one 76 → seventy-six D.百位数

个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and. 101 → a/one hundred and one 320 → three hundred and twenty 648 → six hundred and forty-eight


three hundreds (×) three hundred (√) forty-eights (×) forty-eight (√)

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Section B


(1)—Can I help you? —I’m just looking, thanks. (2)—How do you like the pants? —They’re too long.

(3)—What do you think of this green skirt? —Oh, I don’t like it at all. (4)Well, I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same. (5) Are you kidding? 二、语法知识: 1 ○

here 这里 there 那里

E.g Here you are. 给你。 Here it is. 在这。 Here we are. 我们到了。

The clothes are there, madam. 夫人,服装在那边。 They are there 他们在那。

2 think 想,认为 think about 考虑 think of 想法,认为 ○

E.g Kangkang thinks it’s Li Ming’s.

I’ll think about it. 我要考虑一下。

3 What do you think of …?=How do you like …? ○


What do you think of this yellow skirt? 你认为这件黄色的短裙怎么样? How do you like this yellow skirt? 你认为这件黄色的短裙怎么样?

4 Thank you all the same.=Thanks all the same. ○


5 kid作名词是“小孩”的意思,作动词是“开玩笑”的意思 ○

E.g Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧?

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Section C


Could you help me do some shopping ,Ben ?

What do we need? → We need two kilos of apples and some rice. How much rice do we need? → One bag of rice . We don’t have any milk .

How many bottles? → Six bottles.

Is that all? → Yes, I think so. 就那些吗?—是的,我想就这些。 二、语法知识:

1 几种量词表示方法: ○

kilo two kilos of apples .

bag a bag of rice. a bag of salt three bags of rice loaf a loaf of bread . two loafs of bread . bar a bar of chocolate . two bars of chocolate . bottle a bottle of milk two bottles of milk tin a tin of Coke . two tins of Coke .

pair a pair of shoes/pants/glove;一双鞋/一条裤子/一双手套 glass a glass of water . three glasses of water cup four cups of tea.

2 need “需要” need sth. 需要某物 ○

need to do sth. 需要(做)某事

E.g I need water . she needs some apples .

We need to help them with their English. 我们需要帮助他们学英语。 What do we need? --- We need two kilos of apples and some rice.

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3 ○

much 和 many

1. 询问数量

how much +不可数名词 + …? how many+可数名词(复数) +…?

We need two kilos of apples. → How many apples do you need? We need five bags of rice. → How many bags of rice do you need? We need five bags of rice. → How much rice do you need? 2. 询问价格(price)

How much is / are ……? --- It’s / They’re ……. How much is the bread? --- It’s three yuan a loaf. How much are the shoes? --- They are 280 yuan. 3. 询问重量(quantity)

How heavy is it? --- It’s one kilo a bag.一千克一袋。 4 some与any 的用法 ○

some 用于肯定句及语气委婉的疑问句,any用于否定句和疑问句中。 E.g She wants some oranges. → Does she want any oranges? We have some milk . → We don’t have any milk .

What about / Why not have/ Would you like some chicken?

5 I’ll take it. 我就买它了。“take”在句中为“买下”,口语中,表示“买下”某物○

常用take。也可用have , get 等。

E.g How much is the pen ? → 5 yuan . → OK , I’ll get/have/take it. 6 save 节省,攒钱,挽救 ○

E.g Ben can save ¥ 5. 本能节省5元。

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7 注意下面句子“be”动词的用法: ○

The pair of shoes is nice. The pairs of shoes are nice . The shoes are nice.

? Complete the conversation with some or any. 用some和any填空: Mother: Would you like to buy _________ food for us? Helen: Sure. What do we need?

Mother: Mm, _______ apples, ________ chicken and ________bread. Oh, we don’t

have _________ milk.

Helen: OK. I’ll buy ________. Do we need ______ juice?

Mother: Er, how about __________ juice? → Helen: Yes. Good idea! ? 用how many/how much完成下列句子。

1. __________ rice do you want? 2. __________ hamburgers would you like? 3. __________ water is there in the glass? 4. __________ apples do they need?

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Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us?

Section A


1. Hello, Jane! Thisis Kangkang.

2. Are you free this Sunday? —Yes. What’s up? →(什么事?) 3. Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? —Oh, I’d love to. 4. Please tell Maria about it. — Sure. I’ll call her. 5. See you then. — See you.(回头见) 二、语法知识:

1打电话时,表达“我是……”,要用“This is …”而不能用“I am …”。 ○

E.g Hello, Lucy! This is Linda.

2buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 为某人买…… ○

E.g Linda wants to buy a toy car for her cousin. =

Linda wants to buy her cousin a toy car.

3be free = have time 有时间,有空 ○

E.g Are you free this Sunday? = Do you have (any) time this Sunday?

I’m sorry I have no time. = I’m sorry I don’t have any time.

4no = not any/a/an ○

E.g He has no books.=He doesn’t have any books. He has no book.=He doesn’t have a book.

5 A kind of “一种”“一类” ○

E.g a kind of animal一种动物,

a kind of car一种小车。

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6It’s one kilo a bag.一千克一袋。 ○

E.g two yuan a bottle .

six yuan a kilo . four yuan a bag .

7call sb. ○


E.g please call me

Sure. I’ll call her.

8“in”意为“穿”时用法为in+颜色(颜色+衣服)。 “on”意为“穿”时用○

法为on+某人、意为“穿在某人身上” E.g you look very nice in the blue shirt

The blue shirt looks very nice on you.

? 把下面句子填入空中,并写出电话信息。 1. No, he doesn’t.

3. All right. I’ll tell him about it.

4. Could you ask him to call me back this afternoon? 5. May I speak to Li Ming, please?

A: Hello! B: Hello! ___________

A: Sorry. ___________ Who’s this, please? B: This is Wang Junfeng. _______ A: Sure. Does he have your telephone number? B: __________ My telephone number is 8556-3677.

A: 8556-3677. ___________ B: Thank you. Goodbye. A: Bye. From: _____________ To: _____________ Message:

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2. He isn’t here now.

Section B


①—Would you like to sing some songs with me? —I’m sorry I can’t. I have to cook.

②—Would you like to cook with us? —Yes, I’d love to. ③—Michael, how about flying a kite with me? —I’d like that, but I’m sorry I have no time.

4—Hello! May I speak to Maria? —Oh, sorry, She isn’t in now. ○

5—Who’s this? —This is Sally. ○

6—Could you ask her to call me back this evening? —Sure. ○


1have / has to do sth. 不得不/必须做…… ○

E.g Kangkang has to cook.康康必须要做饭。

Kangkang doesn’t have to cook. (变否定句)

2ask sb. to do sth. 请/要某人做某事 ; call sb. back 给某人回个电话 ○

E.g Could you ask her to call me back this evening?


3May I speak to Maria? 我可以和玛利亚通话吗? ○

? 该句为打电话时的常用语,还可译为“请玛利亚接电话好吗?” 4Who’s this ,please? 请问,你是谁? ○

? 该句为打电话时的常用语,相当于Who’s speaking? 其答语是This is…. 5She isn’t in now ○

? in在此作用是副词。表示在家,相当于at home。

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6Would you like to sing songs with me? ○

Yes, I’d like to. /

三种肯定回答: Yes, I’d love to. /

Yes, I’d like that.


? sing songs 唱歌 ? fly a kite 放风筝 ? get some water 打水,取水 ? go for a picnic 去野餐

? On Sunday 在星期天。 在星期几用介词 “on”

want have to for food fly get On Sunday, Kangkang goes out _____ a picnic with his friends. They take some ______ with them. Jane ______ Kangkang to sing some songs with her, but he has no time. He ______ cook. Wang Junfeng and Maria would like to help Kangkang. Michael _______ some water for them. And Steve ______ a kite with the dog. They are all very happy!

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Section C


1Would you like to go fishing? ○

—I’d like that, but I have to do my homework. 2Would you like to go shopping this Sunday afternoon? ○

—Yes, I’d love to.

3How about going for a picnic? — All right. ○

4How about having some apple juice? — Good idea! ○

5I'm not happy. We are very happy! ○二、语法知识:

1have a picnic=go for a picnic ○

E.g How about going for a picnic?

Would you like to have a picnic with Mr. Cooper?—Thanks. That would be very nice. 2do one's homework做某人的作业 ○

E.g do my homework. do your homework. do his homework. 3go shopping=do some shopping购物 ○

E.g Would you like to go shopping this Sunday afternoon?

Would you like to do some shopping this Sunday afternoon?

4go fishing 去钓鱼 ○

(1) I would like ___ the zoo with my parents today. A. go B. to go to C. going

(2) —Mom, what about ___ to the zoo today? —Good idea! A. go B. to go C. going

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Section D

? 委婉地请求、提建议的五种表达

Would you like sth. / to do …? 你愿意/想……? What / How about sth. / doing …? ……怎么样? Why not do …? 为什么不……? Let’s do …! 让我们干……吧! Why don’t you do …? 为什么不……?

? 肯定回答:Yes, I’d like/love to. /Good idea. /OK. / All right./ I’d love that./

Thanks, that would be very nice.

? 否定回答: No, thanks. / I’m sorry I can’t, I have to do…/

I’d like that, but I’m sorry I have no time.

? 短语:

get some wate 取水 fly a kite / kites 放风筝

get up 起床 meet friends at home 在家和朋友见面 go home 回家 have a picnic=go (out) for a picnic 去野餐 go fishing 去钓鱼 go shopping=do some shopping 购物 go to the zoo去动物园 go to the West Hill 去西山 visit a friend 拜访朋友 take one’s order点菜 do one’s homework 做作业 call … back 回电话

take some bread 带一些面包 see the Monkey Show看猴子表演 sing some songs 唱歌 cook food 做饭 be happy 感到快乐 drink water 喝水 have some juice 喝饮料 take … with 带…和…一起 get water取水

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? 句子: 1. 邀请

(1)—Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? —Oh, I’d love to.

(2)—Steve, how about flying a kite with me? —I’d like that, but I’m sorry I have no time. (3)—What about having a picnic with Mr. Cooper? —I’d like that, thanks. 2. 打电话

(1)—Hello! —Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang.

(2)—May I speak to Maria? —Oh, sorry. She isn’t in now. (3)—Could you ask her to call me back this evening? —Sure. 3. 约定

—Are you free this Sunday? —Yes. What’s up? 4.提醒

Please tell Maria about it. 练习:

① —Would you like _____ with me? —Yes, I’d love to. A. go shopping B. to go shopping C. to go shop D. going shopping

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② —What about ____? —I’d like that, thanks. A. have a picnic with old Tom

B. to have a picnic with old Tom C. has a picnic with old Tom

D. having a picnic with old Tom

③ Would you like to go shopping with us? _____. A. Yes, I would. B. No, I wouldn’t. C. Yes, I’d like to.

D. No, no.

④ Could you ask her ____ the guitar tomorrow? A. to take B. takes C. taking D. take ⑤ The teacher ____ on Sunday.

A. free B. are free C. is free D. am free Fill in the blanks.(填空) A: Hello?

B: Hello. May I _______ to Wang Hai? A: Sorry. He ______ here now. Who’s this? B: _____ _____ Tom.

Could you ask him to _____ me back this evening? A: _____. Does he have your telephone number? B: No, he ________. My telephone number is 8337-5766. A: 8337-5766. All right. I’ll tell him _______ it.

B: Thank you. Goodbye. A: Bye.

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Topic 3 What time is it now?



1. Do you have time tomorrow? –Yes. What’s up? 2. Can we see pandas there ?

3. we can see pandas, monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants. 4. let’s meet at 9 o’clock at my home . 5. What time is it now? 二、语法知识:

1What time is it? =What’s the time? ○

2why don't you=why not后面都加动词原形,译为“为什么不······” ○

E.g why not do something?等价于why don't you do something? 3see the Monkey Show看猴子表演 “ show”是表演,展示的意思: ○

E.g We can see the zoo shows. 4at, in和on表示地点时的区别 ○

1. at表示地点:用于指较小的地方。或用于门牌号码前。 E.g at home at zoo He lives at 115 Zhongshan Road. 2. in表示地点: (1)用于指较大的地方。E.g: He lives in Shanghai. (2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人生活、学习在那里,也可用in。商店、学校、机关等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用in。 E.g: I met him at the post-office. / I’m now working in the post-office. 3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在……上;在……旁”。

E.g:The picture was hanging on the wall. / New York is on the Hudson River.

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5at, in, on在表示时间上的区别 ○

? at指时间表示: (1)时间的一点、时刻等。 E.g at noon, at night, at ten o’clock

(2)较短暂的一段时间。可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日子。 E.g at Christmas ,at New Year, at the Spring Festival,

? in指时间表示: (1)在某个较长的时间(如世纪、朝代、年、月、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或傍晚等)内。

E.g in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning / afternoon / evening ? on指时间表示:

(1)具体的时日(所指时间是天),如某日、某节日、星期几等。 E.g On Christmas Day(圣诞节这天)、On May 4th(五月四日), on Sunday (2)在某个特定的早晨、下午或晚上。

E.g on the morning of the 5th.在第五天上午/ on Sunday moring在星期天早上 (3)准时,按时。on time 按时,in time 准时 【时间介词记法口诀】:

at用在时刻前,亦与正午、午夜连,黎明、终止和开端,at与之紧相伴。 周月季年长时间,in须放在其前面,泛指一晌和傍晚,也要放在in后边。 on指特定某一天,日期、星期和节日前,某天上下和夜晚,依然要在on后站。 今明昨天前后天,上下这那每之前,at、in、on都不用,此乃习惯记心间。 ? 用in /on/ at填空:_______May ____May,1999 ______May15th,1999 ______1999 _______9:45 _______the evening _______Monday evening ______June ____the afternoon

_____noon ____Children’s Day

____Teachers’Day ____8 o’clock ____Summer _ ____night

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6时间(几点几分)的表达方法: ○1. 直接表达法

A. 用基数词 + o'clock来表示整点,注意o'clock须用单数,可以省略。 E.g eight o'clock 八点钟,ten (o'clock) 十点钟

B. 用基数词按钟点 + 分钟的顺序直接写出时间,表示非整点, 后不可加o'clock。E.g eleven-o-five 十一点过五分, six forty六点四十 2. 间接表达法

A. 如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用分钟 + past + 钟点表示,其中past是介词,意思是“过”。

E.g twenty past four 四点二十 eight past one 一点八分 注:A. 当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。

E.g 7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven, 12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelve

B. 如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用(60分钟-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+ 1)表示,其中to是介词,意思是“差”。

E.g 8:35 可表示为twenty-five to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五 B. 当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词half (一半)表示。如: E.g 9:30 可表示为 half past nine,3:30可表示为 half past three。 C. 若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上a.m.。若是下午,可在时间后加上p.m.。 E.g thirteen past six a.m. (上午六点十三分)/four o'clock p.m. (下午四点) D. 若表示的时间不够准确,可在时间前加上介词about。 E.g about eight (大约八点)等。 E. 在时间前面应用介词at 来表示在的意思。

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E.g at nine 在九点钟,at about five thirty-five p.m. 大约在下午五点三十五分

Section B/C/D


(1) Look at those chickens. They are so cute. I like them very much. (2) What are your favorite animals, Jane? (3) It’s time to go home. (4) I can’t find my way home. (5) It’s very kind of you.

(6) Thank you for your help, Kangkang.

(7) Kangkang meets Baby Monkey on his way home in the afternoon. (8) Here we are. 二、语法知识:

1It’s time to do sth / for sth. 该做某事了,是做某事的时候了 ○

time后面是动词用 “to”后面是名词用“for” E.g It’s time to have breakfast. = It’s time for breakfast. 2I can’t find my way home. my way home意为“我回家的路” ○

此处home为副词。若way后面接的是名词,则名词前要用to E.g on one’s way home在…回家的路上

Buy some eggs and rice on your way home. E.g on one’s way to school 在…上学的路上

The Baby Monkey can’t find his way home.

3Thank sb . for( doing) sth .意为“因(做)某事感谢某人” ○

E.g Thank you for your help. = Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你的帮忙。

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4打电话的简单交际用语: ○

1) Who is this, please? --- This is Sally.

2) May I speak to Maria? --- Sorry, she isn’t in/at home now. 3) Are you free this Sunday? --- Yes. What’s up? 4) Would you like to go to the West Hill with us? Would you like to go with us?

5) Could you ask / tell him to call me back this evening? --- Sure. 词组:get up have breakfast go home see the animals

meet friends at home exercise

写出下列时间(两种方法) 9:30 2:11 8:33 3:26 6:18 选择填空:

( ) 1. —Let’s meet _________ 10 o’clock at my home. —OK. A. at B.in C. on

D. of

6:15 9:14 8:09 7:54 10:01

3:15 5:30 8:30 16:45 19:45

( ) 2. It’s five o’clock. It’s time _________.

A. go home B. goes home C. to go home D. going home ( ) 3. —What’s wrong _________ you? —I can’t find my way home.

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A. about B. with C. of D. on ( ) 4. 5:15 in English is _______.

A. a quarter to five B. a quarter past five C. fifteen to five D. five to fifteen

( ) 5. —_________ are your favorite animals? —Tigers. A. What B. Which C. Who ( ) 6. —_________ is it? —It’s Six o’clock. A. What’s time B. What’s the time C. What time D. What the time 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。 A: Excuse me, Wang Shan.

B: Sorry, I don’t know. Please go and ask Ted. A: Excuse me. What time is it, please? C: It’s about 3:30 p.m. A: Thank you, Ted.

C: Look, under the desk. B: Is it black?

C: ____________ B: Let me have a look. Oh, it’s mine. C: ____________ B: Thank you very much.

A. Whose watch is that? B. What’s the time, please? C. Here you are. D. I can’t find my watch.

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D. Whose

