
更新时间:2023-04-10 20:16:01 阅读量:3 实用文档 文档下载



Wanted:Blue-Collar Workers


1To many, America’s industrial heartland is a place that has too little work to offer its residents. But things look very different to Karen Wright, the CEO of Ariel Corporation in Ohio. Wright’s biggest problem isn’t a lack of work; it’s a lack of skilled workers. “We have a very skilled workforce, but they are getting older,” says Wright. “I don’t know where we are going to find replacements.”


2. That may sound surprising, given that the state has suffered from lack of jobs for a generation. Yet across the heartland, one can almost find the same problem: a shortage of skilled workers. That shortage is surely a problem for manufacturers like Wright.


3The skilled-labor shortage shows a remarkable recovery in American manufacturing. Since 2009, the number of job opportunities in manufacturing has been rising, with average annual earnings of $73,000, well above the average earnings in education, medical care, and many other fields.


4. The industrial recovery comes with a price: a quickly rising demand for skilled workers. The shortage of industrial skills points to a wide gap between the American education system and the demands of the world economy. For many years, Americans have been told that the future lies in high-end services, such as law, and “creative” professions, such as software-writing and systems design. This has led many bright students to think that the only real way to improve opportunities for the country’s middle class is to increase its chances to get higher education.



5Some manufacturers think the shortage of skilled workers results from the decline of vocational education. Today’s young people often do not regard craft work — plumbing, masonry, and carpentry, for instance — as popular, because they’ve been instructed to enter into college. “People go to college not because they want to but because their parents tell them that’s the thing to do,” says Jeff Kirk, manager of human relations at a company in Ohio. “Kids need to better know that much of what they learn in school is not really needed in the workplace. They don’t realize a pipefitter makes three times as much as a social worker.”


6Fortunately, more and more schools are coming to understand that message and passing it along to their students. One of these schools, Central Ohio Technical College, has recently expanded by 70 welding students and 50 machinists per year. Many of the college’s certificate programs are planned and partly supported by companies, which think that they’re making a wise investment. “You have a lot of people sitting in the city doing nothing. They did not succeed in college. But this way, they can find a way up,” says Kelly Wallace, head of the college’s Career and Technology Education Center.


Unit 2

A Special Taxi


1 My friend, Jack, was a taxi driver. We became friends quite by accident. Five years ago, I made a trip to Chicago. After I got out of O’Hare International Airport, I took a taxi to the Sears Tower.


2The moment I stepped into the cab, I realized it was different. The floor was covered with a rug. There were small reproductions of painting s by van Gogh and Gauguin inside the cab. And the windows were spotles s. I told the driver I had never ridden in a more attractive taxi.


3“I like to hear my passengers say that,” he replied. “How long have you been decorating your cab?” I asked.


4 “It’s not mine,” he said. “It’s a company cab. I got the idea years ago when I had a job as a clean-up man for the taxi company. Each car that came in at the end of the day was like a garbage pit. Cigarette butts and matches covered the floor. Sticky stuff like peanut butter was on the seats or door handles. I thought that if the company and the drivers would give people a car worth keeping clean, they might be more considerate.”


5 “As soon as I got my taxi license, I tried out my ideas. I put a lot of extra decorations into the cab they gave me to drive. I got a nice light rug and some flowers. When each passenger got out, I checked to make sure that everything was in order for the next fare.After about a month of my bringing in a spotless cab, the boss reserved the same car for me each day. That was when I put up the reproductions of great paintings.


6“How many years have you been a taxi driver?” I asked.


7 “I started driving ten years ago, and I’ve never been disappointed by people in all that time. I’ve never had to pick up a single cigarette butt. No peanut butter or ends of icecream cones. No garbage. Like I say, people appreciate beautiful things. If we planted more flowers and trees in the city and make the buildings more attractive, more people would be inclined to keep the city clean.”


8 Later, we became good friends. I was impressed by the taxi-driver, who had hit on a great truth, I thought. A sense of beauty comes with the gift of life. Most people don’t have to be instructed about the rarity of beauty. They respond when they find it. And, if they are made to feel a part of it, they will try to add to it.


Unit 3

My First Day at McDonald’s


1I arrived early on my first day. My uniform hat and apron were handed to me and a helpful McDonald’s assistant explained out the operation of the cash register.


2To those unused to all the different colors and names, the cash register looked a little bit like the control panel of an aircraft. Each button was for a different type of food — Big Mac, fruit pie, , and so on. Then there were the “combo” (combination) meals and other specials.Then, if someone asked for the combo but wanted a special, you pressed this other button …


3The confusion never went away for a newcomer.You were told to ask whether someone who had ordered a meal would like some dessert or something else to drink. You were not to be a pushy salesman, but you suggested the idea. It was forbidden to push a sale to children and old ladies.


4I was told it was very important to place the carton of fries with the McDonald’s name facing the customer so that they could receive the advertising message loud and clear. And it was important to put the drinks on the right hand side of the tray for the customer. Most people are right-handed and so are stronger with their right hand when it comes to lifting heavier weights.


5The first customer stood in front of me. “I would like a cheeseburger, fries and a thick shake,” she said. “Would you like any dessert with that?” I said in my best McDonald’s selling manner.


6 “No, thank you,” was the reply and I missed my first McDonald’s sale.


7If I couldn’t find the correct button on the register, a McDonald’s staff member, who was always kind to “temporary employees”, would come and help me out.


8This was most important, especially when the combo buttons seemed to disappear, or when you pushed the button for the money total and found the sale and the change had disappeared completely from the small computer screen on the cash register.


9Then I had to get used to feeding the fries into the cartons and to pushing the right button for the drinks. I had to call out when I picked up a Big Mac or any other burger so the kitchen staff would know they would need to cook more; I had to check the times on the cartons so I would know if I had to throw away the food because it was past its time …


10Such was my first day at McDonald’s, the most unforgettable day in my working experience.



