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Section One
Pattern of writing Letters of Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系信函的写作步骤 建立业务关系信函的内容 Contents
◆建立业务关系的信函要写得诚恳、真挚、礼貌。 这种信函的结构一般包括四个步骤:
1.首先说明信息来源(告知对方你从何渠道得知对方的姓名地址的); [The source of information(how you learned of his company)]; Contents
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Your company has been kindly introduced to us by?(你们的公司由??介绍给我们。)
●We owe your name to the ?(我们感谢??把你们的名字介绍给我们。) Contents
●Through the courtesy of ?we have learned that?(承蒙?的介绍,我们得知??)
●We learn from? that?(我们得知??) ●On the recommendation of?(由??介绍) Contents
●We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a?(我们把自己作为??介绍给你们。)
[Brief introduction to your own company(the scope of your business,little “advertising”on your products or service)] Contents
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Our lines are mainly?(我们主要从事??)
●?fall within our business activities(??属于我们的经营范围) ●We have been in this line?(我们从事这个行业??) Contents
[The intention of writing the letter(what kind of business you want to do with them,e.g. to purchase their products, to sell your own products, to enter into a joint venture with them, etc.)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We are willing to enter into business relations with you.(我们愿意和你们建立业务关系。)
●We express our desire to?(我们表示希望?)
●We are now writing you for the?(我们现写信愿意?) ●We are desirous of?(我们愿意??) 4.表达与对方合作和早日收到回复的愿望。
[Expressing the expression of cooperation and early reply.] Contents
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions
● We look forward to receiving?(希望早日收到??) ●Hope to receive ?(希望收到??)
●Your early reply is appreciated.(盼早复) Contents
Section Two
Pattern of replying Letters of Establishing Business Relations 回复建立业务关系信函的写作步骤 Contents
不管是买方还是卖方,收到建立业务关系请求的信函后,都应该迅速完整、礼貌地做出答复,以便给读者留下良好的印象。 一般回复建立业务关系的信函包括如下步骤: 1.感谢对方对你公司的兴趣;
[Thanking the reader for their interest in your company] Contents
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Thank you for ?(感谢你方??)
●Thank you for your interest in?(感谢你们对??的兴趣) ●We have received ?.(我们收到你方??) Contents
●Your letter of August 8 has been received with thanks. (感谢你方8月8号的来信)
[show your interest in their wish of establishing business relations] Contents
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Your wish of establishing business relations coincides with ours. (你们建立业务关系的愿望和我们不谋而合)
●This is also our desire. (这也是我们的愿望)
●We shall be very glad to enter into business relations with you.(我们将非常高兴与你们建立业务关系)
3.表示进一步采取的行动。[Express further action] 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] Contents
●We are sending you our catalog and pricelist?(我们给你方寄去我们的目录和价格表)
●We shall be glad to have your specific enquiry.(我们将很高兴得到你方的具体询价)
Section One
The Steps of Writing Inquiry Letters 询盘信的写作步骤 Contents
●一般询价并不一定立即接触具体交易,一般属摸底性质。其内容包括: 1.请寄某种商品的样品、目录和价目表。
2.探寻某种商品的品质、数量、价格、交货期等等。 询盘写法--- 大概询盘 Contents
● 具体询价实际上就是请求对方报盘。也就是说,买方已准备购买某种商品,或已有现成买主,请卖主就这一商品报价。 询盘写法--- 具体询盘
询盘信的具体写作结构如下: 1.介绍信息来源或提一下上一封信等;(Introductory statement of resources of information or previous letter,etc.) Contents
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We know your company through the courtesy of?(通过??我们知道贵公司。)
●We are a company dealing in?(我方公司经营??)
●We write to inform you that we are interested in?(兹写信告知我们对??感兴趣。) Contents
●We have pleasure in informing you that we?(很高兴告知我们??)
2.具体的询价(比如要求对方提供 什么信息和服务等,这一部分要写得具 体、清楚);(Specific enquiry, e.g.what information or service do you need the reader to supply, etc. This part should be specific, clear)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●If you can quote us a firm offer for?we shall appreciate it?(如能报?最低价我们将不胜感激。)
●We will be pleased to have your offer?(我们很高兴你方的报价??)
●Your quotation for the following will be highly appreciated.(你方对下列商品的报价将不胜感激。)
3.表示合作愿望(Wish to cooperate) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] Contents
● We would like very much to cooperate with you.(很高兴与你方合作。)
●Should your price?we intend to place a large order with you.(如果你方价格??我们打算与你大量订货。)
●We appreciate your co-operation.(感谢你方合作。) Contents
Section Two
The Principles of Inquiry Letters 询盘信的写作原则 Contents
询盘信要写得清楚、直截了当、切入主题、具体、语言要礼貌得体。 询盘信的目的是询问事情,例如询问报价,索取目录,产品信息,根据询问的内容,写作也是千差万别的。但是不管你的目的是什么,如果根据下面的写作原则去写的话,你的询问肯定会得到好的回复。 Contents
?一.Writing principles of inquiry letters 询盘信的写作规则
1. To tell where you learned the company and its products 告知从何处得知公司信息
2. To describe your specific needs but with no promise of booking the proposed products
描述你的具体需要但不承诺要订购某个具体产品 Contents
3.To stress the importance of your needed information and try to flatter your receiver for getting more information
强调你所要信息的重要性并设法恭维你的读者以便得到更多的信息 Contents
4.If any questions, ask the reader to give you a definite reply. 如有疑问,请读者给予明确答复。 5.If an unfamiliar reader, try to
personalize your letter like the one between friends and use courtesy words
你如读者不熟悉,试着把书信设计成像朋友之间的书信往来。 Contents
? 二.Writing Principles of Responding Letters 回函的写作规则
1.If you can meet all the requirement of the buyer, let him know as quickly as possible.
2.If you can only meet part of the requirement, tell him first what you can do for him and then explain why you fail to do.
如果只能部分满足,首先告诉对方你能做什么然后解释你不能做的部分。 Contents 3. If you cannot meet any of the requirement, first, express your thanks for the inquiry and then your regret.
4. Try your best to please your potential buyers by offering the services as much as you can.
5.Let your reader feel the sincerity and heart-felt desire otherwise they will be depressed at your helpless. Contents
让读者感受到你真诚和全心全意的 愿望,否则他们会对你的无能感到失望
6. When sending the literature, in your replied letters, only mention the buyer’s interested part. If necessary, try to introduce more about your company and your products. Contents
当寄送产品资料时,只提让买主感兴趣的部分。如有必要,可以试者 多介绍以下你公司和你们的产品。 第四章 Contents
Section One
The Steps of Writing Offer Letters 报盘信的写作步骤 Contents
1.对询价表示感谢;(Thank the reader for their enquiry) Contents
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Thank you for your letter of(dated)?(感谢你方??的来信。) ●We have received your letter of (dated) ?(收到你方??的来信。)
●Your letter of?has been received with thanks(感谢收到你方??的来信。) Contents
●We are in receipt of your letter?(收到你方??来信。)
●We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated?(感谢收到你方??的来信。) 2.表明价格、折扣及付款条款的细节;(Detailed information regarding price, discount, and payment terms) Contents
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We will allow you 5% discount?(我们会给你方5%的折扣。) ●We can offer you ?(我们可以报??)
●We are enclosing our catalogue?(寄上我方报价单??) Contents
3.对交货期或装运期的承诺;(Promise of shipment or delivery) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We can assure you of our prompt shipment?(我们保证会立即装运。) ●Shipment is to be made?(装运在??) ●Delivery date ?(装运期??) Contents
4.报价的有效期;(Validity of the offer) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
● The offer is valid for?(此报价有效期??) ● The offer is subject to?(此报价以??为准。)
●The offer remains open for?(此报价有效期??) Contents
5.在结束时,应表示希望该报价能被接受。(Wishing that the offer can be accepted)
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We are awaiting your order.(希望收到你方订单。)
●We look forward to receiving your favorable reply.(希望收到你方肯定答复。)
●Your early reply is appreciated.(感谢你方早日回复。) 发盘信写法小结 Contents
Section Two
The Principles of Offer Letters
报盘信的写作原则 Contents
重要的是在回复前在客户的询价时要留下良好的印象。当然,最好的印象会通过你所提供给对方的材料或信息而留下。 报价时一定要完整、清楚、具体. reply in due course 及时回复 reply definitely 明确回复 reply accurately 精确回复 Contents
include all the trade terms in the offer 包括全部交易条件
if firm offer, write clearly the validity 如是实盘,写明有效期 stress the part of the commodity worth saying high
Counter-Offers Letters 还盘信
? 还盘可以有很多轮直至成交或取消交易。在还盘时,重要的是清楚地陈述自己的观点,认真选词避免误解,这里可以参考报盘的规则。 还盘信结构如下:
1.感谢对方的报盘;(Thanking the reader for their quotation) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
● We wish to thank you for your letter of?(感谢你方??的来信) ● Thank you for ?(感谢??) ● In reply to?(回复??)
● We thank you for?(感谢??) 2.对不能接受报盘表示歉意;(Showing your regret for not being able to accept the offer)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ● We regret to say?(很遗憾??)
● While we thank you for?(感谢??但是??) ● Regretfully?(很遗憾??)
3 .说明自己不能接受报盘的理由;(Stating the reasons for not being able
to accept the offer )
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
● As the market is declining? (由于市场下跌?? )
● Our customers find it too high to accept. (我方客户认为太高无法接受。)
● Some other makes can be easily obtained at much lower prices. (可以低价得到其他产品。)
? 4 .阐述自己的观点,包括可以接受的条款、价格等(做具体还盘);(Stating your own idea ,including terms and conditions acceptable ,etc. ) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
● If you reduce your price by? (如果能降价?? 的话)
● We suggest you reduce your price by ? (建议你方降价?? ) ● A reduction of 3% will help us promote the product. (降价3% 会帮助我方促销。)
5 .表示希望对方考虑自己的还盘,敦促对方尽早接受,并提示一起做生意的机会。(Wishing the reader to accept your counter-offer, urging the reader to accept early, and mentioning the opportunities of doing business. ) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
● We wish you will consider?favorably. (希望同意?? )
● We are anticipating your favorable? (盼你方早日肯定答复?? ) ● We are still interested in doing business? (我们还希望与你方做生意?? )
第二节 Declining Counter-Offer Letters 回复还盘信
? 卖方接到还盘信之后,要迅速地做出回复。如果是同意对方的还盘,应说清楚原因并建立良好关系。如果拒绝对方的还盘,则需要小心解释原因。因为谢绝还盘信是一种传递否定信息的函电。但写信人拒绝的是一笔交易,而不是表示永远绝交。写信目的是通知对方坏消息,同时也传递愿意继续保持业务关系的信息。因此在写这种信函时,要注意礼貌周到,虽然客气地拒绝了对方还盘,但从感情上给对方安慰,从而使交易有可能进行下去。 回复还盘信结构如下:
1 .告诉对方你已明了其意图并表示遗憾;(Telling the reader that you have known their intent and show your regret ) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions ) ●We note from? (我们从?? 得知)
●We regret to learn that? (我方得知?? )
●Your letter of?has been noted? (你方?? 来信已收到) ? 2 .说明可以接受或表示遗憾不能接受还盘;(Expressing your acceptance or regret that counter-offer is not acceptable ) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions ) ●We regret to say? (很遗憾?? )
●While we?we regret? (虽然?? 但很遗憾?? ) ●We very much regret that? (非常遗憾?? )
? 3 .解释接受或者不能接受对方还盘的原因;(Explaining the reasons
for accepting or declining the counter-offer ) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions ) ●For your information, (由于?? ) ●At present, we? (目前我方?? ) ●As you know? (你知道?? )
4 .表示希望建立长期的业务关系。(Wishing to establish long business relations )
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions ) ●If later on? (如果以后?? ) ●We assure you ? (我们保证?? )
●We wish to receive? (希望收到?? )
●We expect to serve you? (希望为你方服务?? )
Contents 一、The Steps of writing Letters of Conclusion of Business 订货信的写作
订货信是商业交往中最常用的一种方式,通常可以写给厂商、批发商、或零售商。根据订货数量的大小,公司通常用印好的订单订货而不是写信.印好的表 格比信更有效,花费也少。
Contents 订货的人要注意订单要包括尽可能详细的信息。 订单一般包括如下内容:
●产品目录号 ●数量
●商品性质(型号、号码、颜色) ●单价、全价 ●买方身份
●发货地址 ●运输方式 ●付款方式 ●交货日期
●其它信息:订单号、订货日期、推 销员名等。
Contents 订货信的写作步骤如下:
1.告知对方已受到来信; 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We thank you for your letter of ?(很高兴收到你方??) 2.具体确认(如品名、条款等); 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ●We agree?(我方同意??)
Contents ●We should like to confirm that?(我们很高兴确认??) ●We are very much pleased to confirm?(我方很高兴确认??)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ●We look forward to?(盼??) ●Since our customers are in urgent need of the goods, we will appreciate?
Contents (由于客户急需货物,我方将不胜感激?)
如果客户对订货满意,会继续重复订货。因为彼此间都有所了解,因此在写信时可以更简洁,只说明按照上次订货的某某条款就可以了。 续订信的结构如下:
1.对对方上一次订货表示满意;(Showing your satisfaction for the goods shipped to you by
Contents the reader)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ●We have received?(我方收到??)
●The goods ex S.S. XX have been?(某轮运来的货物已经??) ●Thank you for the goods sent?(感谢??运来的货物)
Contents ●We are glad to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory.(很高兴告知你方我方对货物满意)
2.写明按上述条款再订若干该类产品;(Stating repeat order for the products on the above terms and conditions) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
Contents ●We wish to place an order for?(我方希望订??)
●We shall be pleased if you can send?(如你方能运??我方将不胜感激)
●We are very glad to place a repeat order for?of the same?(我方很高兴以同样的??续订购??)
Contents 3.希望对方早日接受;(Hoping the reader to accept early)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ●As our customers are in urgent need of the goods, please ship the goods?(由于我方客户急需这批货,请??运货物)
●Please arrange early shipment of the goods.(请尽早装运这批货,)
Contents ●We shall appreciate it if you can ship the goods as early as possible.(如能早日运货我方将不胜感激)
Contents 二、The Principles of writing letters of Conclusion of Business订货信的写作原则
Contents 出订货信的内容,比如数量,价格,订单号,以及总金额,等等。还应该解释清楚你想以什么方式付款。提供的信息越全面,越不容易出错。
如果你寄的是订货表,要简洁说明附寄了订货表,并写明你的要求,如请尽早发货等即可,详细信息可以不写。 Section Two
Replying letters of Conclusion of Business 回复订货信
Contents 一、The Steps of Writing letters of Conclusion of Business 回复订货信的写作步骤
Contents 于某些原因,如缺货、客户信誉不好、订货违反国家法律规定、订货数量太小、订货条款不合适等,需要对订单进行拒绝。拒绝订货信要写得委婉,解释清楚原因,并要表示对将来生意的关心。
1.表示感谢对方订货;(Express pleasure at receiving the order;)
Contents 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Thank you for your order for?(感谢你们对??的订货。) ●We are glad to receive your order of? (很高兴收到你们??的订单。)
●Your order of today has been received with thanks. (感谢收到你方今天的订单。)
Contents 2.对所定的货物进行好的评价;(Add a favorable comment on the goods ordered;) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Our goods are of the best quality ?(我们的货物质量优良??) ●We appreciate your interest in our products which are of good quality and best price.
Contents (感谢你们对我方货物的兴趣,货物品质优良、价格合理。) ●You will be happy you bought our goods. (你买我方产品会感到物有所值。) 3.表示要迅速认真执行订货;(Include an assurance of prompt and careful attention;
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
Contents ●We are now arranging shipment of your goods?(我方正安排装运你方所订货物??)
●Your order has been given our careful attention. (你方订货引起我方高度重视。)
●We will ship your ordered goods as soon as possible. (我们会尽快装运你方货物。) Contents 4.对读者可能感兴趣的其它产品进行宣传/推销;(Draw attention to other products likely to be of interest;) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●For your information, we have produced several new products. (兹告知,我方又生产了一些新产品。)
Contents ●We enclose our latest catalog.If you are interested in some other items, please tell us(附寄上我方最新的产品目录,如果对上边的产品感兴趣,请告知我方。)
5.要求对方进行具体订货安排; 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●The letter of credit in our favour should be opened?(相关
Contents 信用证应当开出??)
●The letter of credit will be established in our favour ?(相关信用证应当开出??)
6.希望对方再次订货。(Hope for further orders.) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
Contents ●Hope this initial order will lead to many others. (希望第一订货会给我们带来更多的合作。)
●We hope to cooperate with you again in the future. (希望以后继续合作。)
●We are sure this is just a beginning of our business. (我们相信这只是我们间生意的开始。)
Contents 谢绝订货信要特别小心地写,因为需要给读者留下好的印象以及将来继续做生
1.首先表示感谢对方订货;(Thanking the reader for ordering your goods)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ●Thank you for your order?(感谢你方??订货)
Contents ●We acknowledge receipt of our order?(感谢收到订货??)
●We have received the goods shipped ex ?(我方已经收到由??运来的货物)
2.说明谢绝订货的原因;(Explaining for having to decline) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
Contents ●Owing to?we cannot accept new orders.(由于??我方不能接受新订单) ●Much to our regret, we cannot at present entertain?owing to heavy commitments.(很遗憾, 由于大量订货, 我方目前不能接受??)
●We regret to say we have to decline?(很遗憾不得不拒绝??)
Contents 3.提供其他类似产品供选择;(Offering alternatives) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We are enclosing a list for your perusal.(附寄上目录供你选择) ●If you need other types, we shall be pleased to serve you. (如需要其他类型, 我方将很高兴为你提供)
Contents ●We recommend you a new model?(我方给你推荐一个新型号) 4.表示希望与对方做生意。(Expressing your desire to do business with them) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●As soon as we are in a position to?we will contact you.(一旦我方可以??我将与你联系??)
Contents ●However, we wish to do business with you in the future.(但是我方还希望将来与你方做生意)
Contents 二、The Principles of Writing letters of Conclusion of Business 回复订货信的写作原则
Contents 下,可选用三种方法:1.送上代用品;2.还盘;3.拒绝接受。
Contents 仔细地写,而且要为友谊和今后交易留有余地。最好采用还盘的方法或劝 说买主接受。
Contents Section One
Payments Letters 付款信
Contents 一、The Steps of writing Payment Letters付款信的写作步骤 买方提出付款方式的信函写法如下:
1.提示合同、货物等;(Mentioning the contract,goods,etc.)
Contents 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ●We refer you to Contract No. ×× covering?(关于第??号合同)
●Referring to?(关于??) ●With regard to(with reference to)our Contract?(关于我们??合同)
Contents 2.提出具体付款方式及理由;(Suggesting the term of payment and the reason)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●As...we shall be glad if you?(因为??如果你??我将不胜感激) ●As you know,?we suggest?(你知道??我们建议??)
Contents ●Owing to?we would appreciate it if you?(由于??如果??我们将不胜感激)
3.希望对方同意。(Wishing the reader to accept) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We wish you can accommodate us in this respect.(希望你方再次给予照顾)
Contents ●We hope to receive your favorable reply.(希望早日收到你方答复)
Contents Section Two
Replying to Payment Letters 回复付款信
Contents 一、The Steps of Replying to Payment Letters 回复付款信的写作步骤
Contents 卖方回复买方付款要求信函写法: 1.说明收到信函;(Stating that you have received their letter) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We have received your letter of ? (收到你方??的来信) ●Thank you for your letter ? (感谢方??来信)
Contents 2.说明自己的意见(同意或不同意)及其理由;(Giving your reply of agreeing or refusing and your reasons) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We agree to?(我们同意??) ●We want to make it clear that?(我方想澄清一点??)
Contents ●With regard to...we regret being unable to accept?(关于??很遗憾不能接受??)
3.说明自己为此做出的努力以及做生意的意愿。(Stating your good will and your wish to do business with the reader) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
Contents ●It is in view of our friendly relationship that we extend you this accommodation. (鉴于我们的友好关系我们才给予你方此照顾) ●We sincerely hope that we can?(诚挚地希望我们能??)
Section One
Urging Shipment Letters催促装运信
Contents 一、The Steps of Urging Shipment Letters 催促装运信的写作步骤
Contents 敦促立即交货信函步骤:
1.说明相关信用证已经开立;(Stating that the relative L/C has been opened)
情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions) ●We wish to inform you that the L/C...has been opened.(兹通知你方,??信用证已开立)
Contents ●We are glad to inform you that?(很高兴通知你方??)
●The covering L/C?has been established.(??相关的信用证已经开立) 2.说明立即装运的必要性和理由;(Stating the necessity and reasons of immediate shipment)
Contents 情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions) ●As the selling season is coming, our clients are in urgent need of the goods.(由于销售季节的来临, 我方客户急需这批货)
●We wish you can ship the goods as soon as possible to enable us to catch the brisk
Contents demand...(我们希望你方早日装运, 以便使我方能够赶上??的销售旺季) 3.提示迟装对生意有害,希望对方早日装运。(Stating the harm to business if shipping is delayed and wishing the seller to ship the goods early)
情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions)
Contents ●Any delay in shipment will be detrimental to?(任何装运的延误都会对??有害)
●It is beneficial to both parties to?(??对双方都有利) ●We thank you for your co-operation in this respect.(希望你方在这方面合作)
Contents ●We await your good news.(盼望你方的好消息) Contents Section Two Shipment Letters 装运信
Contents 一、 The Steps of Shipment Letters装运信的写作步骤
卖方装运信的写作步骤: 1.通知对方合同项下的货物已于某日由某轮装运;(Informing the buyer that the goods under XX contract have been
shipped via S.S. XX on XX date) Contents 情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions)
●We are glad to inform you that we have completed shipment?(很高兴告知你方我们已经完成装运??)
●The goods under contract No.XX have been shipped via?(某某号合同项下的货物已由??发走)
Contents ●We take pleasure in informing you that?(很高兴通知你方??) 2.告知买方何种单据已寄出;(Advising the buyer what shipping documents have been sent)
情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions)
Contents ●We are sending you one set of?(我们给你方寄去一套??) ●Enclosed please find?(随信附寄??) ●Shipping documents?have been sent to you?(装运单据已经寄给你方?)
Contents 3.希望货物平安到达;(Wishing the goods to arrive in good condition) 情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions)
●We trust the goods will reach you in sound condition?(希望货物安全抵达你处)
Contents ●We hope you can take delivery of the goods?(希望你方提货??) ●We are sure you will find our goods satisfaction.(相信你们会对货物满意) 4.感谢买方订货并希望再次收到对方的订单。(Thanking the buyer for their order and wishing to receive their repeat orders)
Contents 情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions)
●We expect to receive your further order before long.(希望不久会收到你方更多订货)
●We appreciate the business you have been able to secure for us?(感谢你方给我们带来的生意??)
Contents ●We assure you that?will receive our careful attention.(我们保证??我们会慎重办理) Section Three Packing Letters 包装信
Contents 一、 The Steps of Packing Letters 包装信的写作步骤
Contents Section One
The Steps of Writing Insurance Letters 保险信的写作步骤
Contents 保险信函的写作步骤如下
1.提示合同、货物等;(Mentioning the contract,goods,etc.) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We refer you to Contract No.(关于第??号合同) ●Referring to?(关于??)
●With regard to(with reference to)?our Contract?(关于我们??合同)
Contents 2.提出具体保险要求及理由;(Suggesting the term of payment and the reason) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●As?we shall be glad if you?(因为??如果你??我将不胜感激) ●As you know, ?we suggest?(你知道??我们建议??)
●Owing to?we would appreciate it if you?(由于??如果??我们将不胜感激)
Contents 3.希望对方同意并希望对方尽早发货。(Wishing the reader to accept and ship the goods early)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We wish you can accommodate us in this respect.(希望你方再此方面给予照顾)
●We hope to receive your favorable reply.(希望收到你方早日答复)
Contents 卖方保险信函写法:
1.说明收到信函;(Stating that you have received their letter) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●Thank you for your letter of(dated)?(感谢你方??的来信。) ●We have received your letter of (dated) ?(收到你方??的来信。)
●Your letter of?has been received with thanks(感谢收到你方??的来信。
Contents 2.说明自己的意见(同意或不同意)及其理由;(Giving your reply of agreeing or refusing and your reasons)
情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions] ●We agree to?(我们同意??)
●With regard to?we regret being unable to accept?(关于??很遗憾不能接受??)
Contents 3.说明会立即投保等。(Stating the goods will be sent soon, etc.) 情景搭配用语:[Useful expressions]
●We sincerely hope that we can?(诚挚地希望我们能?? ●We have insured the goods?(我们已经为货物投保??)
Contents Section One
The Steps of Writing Claim Letters 索赔信的写作步骤
一、The Steps of Writing Claim Letters索赔信的写作步骤
通常写作索赔信可以遵循下列格式: 1.详尽陈述事实,说明出了什么问题。在这部分里应给出具体的日期、货物的品名、和数量、合同号及任何其他详尽的信息,以便对方进行查询;(Detailed information to explain the problem. This explanation should give dates, name and quantity of goods, contract
Contents number or any other specific information that will make a recheck easier for the reader
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We have just received ??(我们刚收到??)
Contents ●We regret having to inform you that ?arrived in?(很遗憾通知你方??到达??)
●20% of the packages had been broken?(??20%的包装破损??) ●It was found that upon examination??(检查后发现??)
Contents 2.说明此差错带来的不便或损失,以使你的投诉或索赔更有力;(A statement of the inconvenience or loss that has resulted from this error. This
strengthens your argument) 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions) ●The materials are quite unsuited to?(货物很不适合??) Contents ●As you know, ?we suggest?(你知道??我们建议??)
●Owing to?we would appreciate it if you?(由于??如果??我们将不胜感激)
●This has caused us much inconvenience?(这给我们带来了很大不便)
Contents 3.说明希望对方如何解决问题。如何不知道哪种解决方式为宜,可敦促对方采取必要的行动。(A statement of how you wish the reader to act. The writer who doesn’t know what adjustment is proper should try to stimulate prompt investigation and action)
Contents 情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We wish to get your early reply.(希望收到你方早日答复)
●We look forward to your settlement at an early date.(盼早日收到你方解决办法)
Contents 二、The Principles of Claim Letters索赔信的写作原则 当写索赔信时,应照顾到读者的荣誉和权利,清楚地解释发生了什么事情,而不要讲一些不相关的事情。清楚地说明你的不便或者所造成的损失,还应说明你需要什么样的赔偿。
Contents 一般来说,索赔的目的是为了获得更好的服务。信写的越具体就越容易使对方处理索赔。所以写索赔信时措辞要谨慎,语气要委婉,同时注意陈述事实,做到有理有据,这样才能够被对方所接受。
三、Text Explanation and VocabularyⅠ课文分析和词汇
Contents Section two
Adjustment Letters 理赔信
Contents 一、The Steps of Writing Adjustment Letters 理赔信的写作步骤
在回复索赔信时,卖方可以根据自己的调查结果同意赔偿或拒绝赔偿。 同意索赔信函的结构如下: Contents 同意索赔信函的结构如下:
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident?
Contents ●We are extremely sorry for the late delivery of?(我们为迟交??感到非常遗憾)
●We regret the inconvenience you have experienced?(我们对你方经历的不便表示遗憾??)
Contents 2.解释问题出现的原因并表示同意索赔;(Explaining the reasons of the problem and expressing the wish to grant the claim) 情景搭配用语(Useful Expressions) ●It happened that?(事情是??)
●The wrong pieces may be returned?(发错的货可以退回??)
Contents ●We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation.(我们准备给你方合理的赔偿)
3.表示希望继续与对方的合作关系。(Wishing to cooperate with the reader again)
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship.(我们希望这不会影响我们的友好关系)
●We wish to be able to serve you in future businesses.(我们希望能够在将来的生意上为你方提供服务)
Contents 有时卖方不得不拒绝客户的索赔。比如不能接受指控或只同意部分接受,这回信应谨慎。不要让对方觉得你在说他的要求无理,而是使对方相信你们确实认真考虑了他们的投诉,并用具体事实说服对方接受你的立场。
Contents 拒绝索赔的信函结构如下:
1.对给对方带来不便表示歉意;(Regret for the inconvenience caused to the reader)
●We very much regret that?(很遗憾??)
Contents ●We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident?(对这个不幸事件我们希望表达我们深深的遗憾??)
●We regret the inconvenience you have experienced?(我们对你方经历的不便表示遗憾??)
Contents 2.解释问题出现的原因并表明自己的立场;(Explaining the reasons for the problem and making clear your position)
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●After a check-up we found that?(检查后我们发现??)
Contents ●The shipment you complained?(你方抱怨的货物??) ●We are of the opinion that?(我们的意见是??)
Contents ●We regret being unable to accept your suggestion to?(很遗 憾不能接受你方??的建议)
●As this is a matter concerning insurance, we hope you will refer it to?(由于这事关于保险,我们希望你与??联系)
Contents 4.希望表示继续与对方的合作关系。(Wishing to cooperate with the reader again)
情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)
●We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship.(我们希望这不会影响我们的友好关系)
Contents ●We wish to be able to serve you in future businesses.(我们希望能够在将来的生意上为你方提供服务)
二、The Principles of Adjustment Letters理赔信的写作原则
Contents 如果你的公司确实有误,而且愿意承担责任,应该在信中表明这一点并向对方表示歉意,同时说明你将采取的行动。在处理索赔时要记住消费者总是对的。 在处理索赔时,应该记住下列重要的原则:
●如果你不能立即处理索赔,也要立即回信表示对对方的索赔正在处理中。 ●如果索赔没有理由,客气委婉地指出来。
Contents ●如果确实是你的错,应承认并表示遗憾还要承诺你会纠正自己的错误。 ●不要批评你的员工,因为你应对他们的行为负责。 ●不管你理赔还是拒绝,都应感谢客户告诉你事实。
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